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TECK 06-06-2006 09:23 AM

No, there is another BB there (Bulletin Board)... I wanted to look good. :)

Boofo 06-06-2006 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by TECK
Bobby and others, the problem we are dealing with is the following:

$output = str_replace('{microstats}', $microstats_output, $output);
There is no $output processed by PhotoPost, in order to find {microstats} and replace it with the $microstats_output.
Since I don't have PhotoPost, the best way is to ask other PhotoPost coders how the output is processed.
All you have to do is add there the replacement line listed above, adapted to their code...

Wouldn't replacing {microstats} with $microstats_output in the footer solve the problem?

Oblivion Knight 06-06-2006 08:05 PM

Hmm.. 1.0.5 is showing my memory usage as 0KB on every page, 1.0.4 didn't.

Boofo 06-06-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by TECK
Bobby and others, the problem we are dealing with is the following:

$output = str_replace('{microstats}', $microstats_output, $output);
There is no $output processed by PhotoPost, in order to find {microstats} and replace it with the $microstats_output.
Since I don't have PhotoPost, the best way is to ask other PhotoPost coders how the output is processed.
All you have to do is add there the replacement line listed above, adapted to their code...

Floren, if you would like Admin CP access to help figure this out, please PM me and I will set it up for you, sir. ;)

CP, 06-06-2006 10:41 PM


Originally Posted by Tulsa
vbulletin options > bbmicrostats > Enable the vBMicroStats plugin > yes

Now I do believe we have a typo in the vbulletin options title. ;)

Yes its enabled i did all that, but i dont see anything...., no footer page stats or anything, not even topic stats on the category bar as show... ?

Snake 06-07-2006 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
Hmm.. 1.0.5 is showing my memory usage as 0KB on every page, 1.0.4 didn't.

Same here!

TECK 06-07-2006 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
Hmm.. 1.0.5 is showing my memory usage as 0KB on every page, 1.0.4 didn't.

You are right, I was cheating using a tricky way to calculate the memory, without get_memory_usage() compiled in PHP.
It was showing the right values, except it was divided to much.... the right results are 2,985KB not 0.20KB.

Since I did not wanted to get into extra calculations, I simply removed the process to ease the server and stop piping through grep the hole activity log.
Trust me, it's better this way now.

If you guys really want it, I could post the mod here, but I will not insert it into the original code. Performance wise is not recommended.

Originally Posted by Boofo
Floren, if you would like Admin CP access to help figure this out, please PM me and I will set it up for you, sir.

In a bit, Bobby. I will look into it next week, I promise.
Send me by email: webmaster AT adolympics DOT com
the php files that give you trouble.

Oblivion Knight 06-07-2006 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by TECK
You are right, I was cheating using a tricky way to calculate the memory, without get_memory_usage() compiled in PHP.
It was showing the right values, except it was divided to much.... the right results are 2,985KB not 0.20KB.

Since I did not wanted to get into extra calculations, I simply removed the process to ease the server and stop piping through grep the hole activity log.
Trust me, it's better this way now.

If you guys really want it, I could post the mod here, but I will not insert it into the original code. Performance wise is not recommended.

I guess I'd have had my answer sooner if I actually looked at the Admin CP setting description for the memory usage display, huh? ;)

Display the server memory usage, per page.
If you display results like 0KB Used, you need to compile PHP with enable-memory-limit option.

apn3a 06-07-2006 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by apn3a
hi, i've installed vBMircostats, excellent work TECK.

I'm getting a high number regarding queries. i see everyone is getting 5-15 but i'm getting 30+ most of the times, especially when i browse my forum's threads.

Page generated in 1,14650702 seconds (46,75% PHP - 53,25% MySQL) with 32 queries

does anyone know how to fix this?

thank you in advance


Originally Posted by Boofo
The only way to fix that is un-install some of the hacks you have installed.

well, i only have 7 hacks installed.. is that really the case that i'm getting so many queries or it could be something else too?

thank you :)

Boofo 06-07-2006 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by apn3a
well, i only have 7 hacks installed.. is that really the case that i'm getting so many queries or it could be something else too?

thank you :)

Depends on the hacks you have installed.

Snake 06-07-2006 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by TECK
You are right, I was cheating using a tricky way to calculate the memory, without get_memory_usage() compiled in PHP.
It was showing the right values, except it was divided to much.... the right results are 2,985KB not 0.20KB.

Since I did not wanted to get into extra calculations, I simply removed the process to ease the server and stop piping through grep the hole activity log.
Trust me, it's better this way now.

If you guys really want it, I could post the mod here, but I will not insert it into the original code. Performance wise is not recommended.

In a bit, Bobby. I will look into it next week, I promise.
Send me by email: webmaster AT adolympics DOT com
the php files that give you trouble.

So how do I fix it eh?

Boofo 06-07-2006 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by Lil Ripsta
So how do I fix it eh?

Have your host do this:


get_memory_usage() compiled in PHP

Snake 06-07-2006 06:57 PM

Alrighty thanks...

apn3a 06-07-2006 08:13 PM


Originally Posted by Boofo
Depends on the hacks you have installed.

i uninstalled all my hacks and from the 40 queries i was getting, now i'm getting like 30-34 which looks still high.. :confused:

Boofo 06-07-2006 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by apn3a
i uninstalled all my hacks and from the 40 queries i was getting, now i'm getting like 30-34 which looks still high.. :confused:

Where are you getting 30-34 queries at? And what are you getting on the forumhome now?

TECK 06-08-2006 11:27 PM

Probably from a frontpage like vbAdvanced, not vBulletin ...

TECK 06-08-2006 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by CP,
Id be greatfull if somebody can help me with my query..., the hack installed without any errors or anything..., but i dont see anything...., no footer page stats or anything, not even topic stats on the category bar as show... :confused:

CP, go to Admin CP and disable completly vBMicroStats.
Do you see {microstats} displayed at the bottom of your page?
If you do, ask any fellow vb.org members that they know you to PM you the modified files.

You tried this on an unmodified forum?

Tulsa 06-09-2006 12:48 AM


Originally Posted by TECK
Probably from a frontpage like vbAdvanced, not vBulletin ...

I'm using vbadvanced and my home page is only running 15 queries. Of course all I have is the header and the login, but it is down to 15 queries. :cool:

CP, 06-09-2006 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by TECK
CP, go to Admin CP and disable completly vBMicroStats.
Do you see {microstats} displayed at the bottom of your page?
If you do, ask any fellow vb.org members that they know you to PM you the modified files.

You tried this on an unmodified forum?

i disabled it and dont see it, i then enabled it and i see it only in my default skin it is showing at the bottom left corner, but not on my current live skin? i also applied the template changes to all the skins and still no work? only dosent show on current live customised skin.

TECK 06-09-2006 08:57 PM

Ok, so we know at least that the variable {microstats} is there, in some of the skins.
Now we know for sure it's related to code editing the files. I would strongly recommend to install in your PC an unmodified board, then apply the code changes in the order mentioned into the help file.

Bobby, aka Boofo, had this instal;led into his forums with several skins, no problems. I remember he was mentioning a similar problem, stats not displaying... it was simply not adding the {microstats} into the right template.

Boofo 06-09-2006 09:16 PM

Yep, a Boofo mistake. ;)

I have the fix for Microstats and Photopost for you, Floren. Want me to PM it to you?

TECK 06-11-2006 06:07 PM

Special thanks to Revan and Boofo for being the guinea pig. :)
To have vBMicroStats working with PhotoPost, follow those simple steps.

Open pp-inc.php file and find:
PHP Code:

if ( !empty($vbfooter) && $headers != "no" )  

Replace it with:
PHP Code:

if ( !empty($vbfooter) && $headers != "no" )  
DIR '/includes/class_hook.php'); 
$hook vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('global_complete')) ? eval($hook) : false

Then install the attached plugin.

Boofo 06-11-2006 06:31 PM

Are you going to add the plug-in to your hack? You could add that in the next version and just make an option to enable it in the settings. ;)

TECK 06-11-2006 09:03 PM

I will not add it Bobby, it's not a vbulletin hack.
I will leave it as optional. It's listed in the first post. :)

Boofo 06-11-2006 10:10 PM

Well, I added it to mine, but I can see your point.

TECK 06-12-2006 01:36 AM

Ya, not everyone have PhotoPost.
So for those who have it, they can download the plugin and run it.

James T Brock 06-12-2006 07:19 PM

Here are my stats from the first page of the forum.

'Page generated in 0.39097905 seconds (19.32% PHP - 80.68% MySQL) with 11 queries'

I wonder why it's using so much MySQL even though it's just 11 queries???

nevermind... I figured it out. It's because of two of my hacks on the forum index page. One of which is the who has visited today feature.

TECK 06-13-2006 10:24 PM

You mean the init.php file?

TECK 06-14-2006 07:12 PM

The first replacement set is for MySQL, the second one is for MySQLi... you only use one type of connection so that's why it's working.
Notice that the 2 segments are not identical, there is a few bytes difference between them.
In first type of connection you find ($this->sql, $link), then in second you find ($link, $this->sql) in the function.
It's the only difference between the 2 functions.

You probably copied and pasted the same code in both places, thinking they are the same. That results into a parse error. ;)

TECK 06-15-2006 03:56 PM

If you want to display all stats for administrators only, follow the same readme steps.
Install the plugin attached below, instead.

Delphiprogrammi 06-15-2006 04:19 PM

hi people,

the fix for Photopost doesn't work


Warning: ksort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /photopost/pp-inc.php(630) : eval()'d code on line 351

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /photopost/pp-inc.php(630) : eval()'d code on line 353


Mike-D 06-15-2006 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Delphiprogrammi
hi people,
the fix for Photopost doesn't work


Warning: ksort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /photopost/pp-inc.php(630) : eval()'d code on line 351

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /photopost/pp-inc.php(630) : eval()'d code on line 353


Really strange. I have PhotoPost too and Tecks fix works excellent! -Mike

Mosh 06-15-2006 05:21 PM


I am testing v 1.0.5 of your mod and I have this problem (see attachment)

Any way of fixing it so the colomns go straight across the screen?

Mike-D 06-15-2006 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by jdsinclair
I am testing v 1.0.5 of your mod and I have this problem (see attachment)
Any way of fixing it so the colomns go straight across the screen?

I have had the same problem. There exists a fix from Teck regarding DementedMindz's post. See Post No 34. That should help. If not then I can help you too because I modified my footer template so that I get the same result like in Teck's Attachment ;) -Mike

Delphiprogrammi 06-15-2006 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Mike-D
Really strange. I have PhotoPost too and Tecks fix works excellent! -Mike

if it works you then it must be something on my end (obvious) i'll try to dig it out

TECK 06-15-2006 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by jdsinclair

I am testing v 1.0.5 of your mod and I have this problem (see attachment)

Any way of fixing it so the colomns go straight across the screen?

It should not do it, that's why I built a column counter inside.
I just reinstalled again a brand new test board (3.6) with vBMicroStats and it's spanning properly the columns.

BTW, the hack changes in vBulletin 3.6 version. :)
I will release a new version when 3.6 is final.

Mosh 06-16-2006 01:33 AM

OK, I have narrowed it down.

When viewing as a guest it spans fine.

However when logged in, it does what it does in the what shows in the attachment I posted previously, with or without admin stats (ie spans across the length of the style selector and that is it).

EDIT: When logged out there is no style selector available.

lillylissy 06-16-2006 08:36 AM


I use PhotoPost too.
PHP and MySQL are not displayed in PhotoPost. (Page generated in 0,19557405 seconds (0% PHP - 0% MySQL) with 18 queries)
It operates only sporadically?!

-> PhotoPost

In vBulletin the hack works perfectly. (Page generated in 0.18732309 seconds (91,50% PHP - 8,50% MySQL) with 16 queries)

-> vBulletin

Any way of fixing this Problem?

Thank you!

Mike-D 06-16-2006 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by lillylissy
I use PhotoPost too. PHP and MySQL are not displayed in PhotoPost. (Page generated in 0,19557405 seconds (0% PHP - 0% MySQL) with 18 queries) It operates only sporadically?!

-> PhotoPost

In vBulletin the hack works perfectly. (Page generated in 0.18732309 seconds (91,50% PHP - 8,50% MySQL) with 16 queries)

-> vBulletin

Any way of fixing this Problem?Thank you!

Did you tried Teck's PhotoPost Fix? Does it works for you? -Mike

BTW: Hi German fellow ;) Nice homepage. Which hack did you installed to get a better overview about your sub forums? I like it really ;) -Micha, K?ln

lillylissy 06-16-2006 11:12 AM

Hallo Michael!


Did you tried Teck's PhotoPost Fix?
Yes of course! :(


Which hack did you installed to get a better overview about your sub forums?
-> CSS - Sub-Forum-List in Columns

Kind Regards - viele Gr??e :)

// Edit: Okay, now I tried Teck's "Division by Zero" Fix in the ?vbmicrostats-plugin_photopost.xml? too.
Now it runs! :banana:

Thank you!

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