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XtremeOffroad 01-30-2006 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by redspider
Hello, could someone please tell me why i am getting this error?


Warning: array_multisort(): Argument #1 is expected to be an array or a sort flag in /spiders.php on line 223
Also, i have no Spiders showing and there are several on my site as we speak...Thank you for any help in advance -

I'm still having the same error.
Any ideas on a fix?

yellowchaser 01-30-2006 10:47 PM

Hey, how did you do the bar at the top that comes up and says "Hi it appears you have not registered to our community, to register please click here" ??

mikelbeck 01-31-2006 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by XtremeOffroad
I'm still having the same error.
Any ideas on a fix?

Can you PM me the info for your site? I'd like to have a look.

mikelbeck 01-31-2006 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by yellowchaser
Hey, how did you do the bar at the top that comes up and says "Hi it appears you have not registered to our community, to register please click here" ??


XtremeOffroad 01-31-2006 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by mikelbeck
Can you PM me the info for your site? I'd like to have a look.

mikelbeck you are absolutely amazing, I located the culpret that caused the problem and the hack is working beautifully now.
I cannot thank you enough for your involvement and help.
Some of the best support I've ever received.
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

mikelbeck 01-31-2006 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by XtremeOffroad
mikelbeck you are absolutely amazing, I located the culpret that caused the problem and the hack is working beautifully now.
I cannot thank you enough for your involvement and help.
Some of the best support I've ever received.

No problem. Now send me all of your money!


Glad to hear it's working for you... I'm sure some of the other hacks you had installed weren't working properly, either, since it was failing where it was.

XtremeOffroad 01-31-2006 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by mikelbeck
No problem. Now send me all of your money!


Glad to hear it's working for you... I'm sure some of the other hacks you had installed weren't working properly, either, since it was failing where it was.

Strangely though they were working, All but one anyway.
Now I need to find out what one was failing er rather the correct name of the hach so I can find a fix.
Thanks again.

Brandon Sheley 01-31-2006 04:17 AM


Sorry to ask this again, since it seems I'm the only one requested this but...

is there a way I can reset these stats ?

as I stated in my last post, I'm trying/testing out several SEO techniques and I'd like to be able to reset these one week,, see how many spiders and where they are going,,
then make some SEO changes and reset again, and compare the results :)

if it's as easy and clearing out a MySQL table, please inform me what one, as I'm not a pro with SQL and wouldn't want to ruin something else my clearing out the wrong table..

and if you can add a reset option in vboption that would be prefect for me at least :)

thank you

prettyboi 01-31-2006 05:43 AM

What do they mean by "install it to the root of my forum"? What root forum? Where can I find this directory?

nitro 01-31-2006 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by prettyboi
What do they mean by "install it to the root of my forum"? What root forum? Where can I find this directory?

the same place as where your forums main index.php resides.

root of ?? == the top most directory level of that item. :)

mikelbeck 01-31-2006 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by Loco.M

Sorry to ask this again, since it seems I'm the only one requested this but...

is there a way I can reset these stats ?

as I stated in my last post, I'm trying/testing out several SEO techniques and I'd like to be able to reset these one week,, see how many spiders and where they are going,,
then make some SEO changes and reset again, and compare the results :)

if it's as easy and clearing out a MySQL table, please inform me what one, as I'm not a pro with SQL and wouldn't want to ruin something else my clearing out the wrong table..

and if you can add a reset option in vboption that would be prefect for me at least :)

thank you

You can just truncate the table. If you have phpMyAdmin, go to the bots table, there should be on option (usually on the right hand side) that says "empty". That'll get rid of all the data in the table but keep the structure.

Brandon Sheley 01-31-2006 05:01 PM

thank you,, that's what i figured, but wanted to make sure b4 I emptied something that I shouldn't

Zia 02-01-2006 09:22 AM

helo michelbeck..
in ur current listed page there are two block
Search & unknown

as i would like to req. u to add One More portion Forum Spider
www.boardtracker.com [this bot is very harmfull..that can even access every are..]

we needed to know that our site is being listed there or not....

can u have a thought on it?

mikelbeck 02-01-2006 02:24 PM

I'll see if that's something I can do. I can't promise it, though...

mikelbeck 02-01-2006 02:35 PM

Version 1.0.0 Beta 5 is now available.

1.0.0 Beta 5 - 02/01/2006
- Reduced the number of SQL queries required to display statistics

When you upgrade from version 1.0.0 Beta 4 to 1.0.0 Beta 5 your existing spider data will be lost!

shaynehammy 02-02-2006 06:48 AM

If my spiders page doesnt show any spiders does that mean my forum sucks ass and google cant be bothered with it?

nitro 02-02-2006 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by shaynehammy
If my spiders page doesnt show any spiders does that mean my forum sucks ass and google cant be bothered with it?

Perhaps its juts google is too busy sucking ass elsewhere :D

@mikelbeck I have just noticed having looked at the old vb 3 mod talkerbot to see if theres any easy way to get it to work in 3.5 that your spider watcher table 'bots' clashes with one of the main alice engine tables for it. Maybe it would be wise to change yours while in an early stage of develoment to a more relevant name ie: 'spiders' or 'spider_watcher' ?

I suspect it would be far easier for yours to change than the other way as the alice engine itself is a 3rd party engine to the mod itself.

mikelbeck 02-03-2006 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by nitro
@mikelbeck I have just noticed having looked at the old vb 3 mod talkerbot to see if theres any easy way to get it to work in 3.5 that your spider watcher table 'bots' clashes with one of the main alice engine tables for it. Maybe it would be wise to change yours while in an early stage of develoment to a more relevant name ie: 'spiders' or 'spider_watcher' ?

I suspect it would be far easier for yours to change than the other way as the alice engine itself is a 3rd party engine to the mod itself.

Thanks for that info, I'll take care of that in the next release.

nitro 02-03-2006 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by mikelbeck
Thanks for that info, I'll take care of that in the next release.

Awsome cuz I have about sorted the old talkerbot to work I just havent figured how to add the extra option for random chance of a response to the forumoptions page in admincp and its not parsing its own smilies. :)

And Iv no doubt once ExtremeTim gets the full new version out as its supposed to be a multi bot the bots table will get used a lot more.

BoardTracker 02-04-2006 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Zia
www.boardtracker.com [this bot is very harmfull..that can even access every are..]
we needed to know that our site is being listed there or not....

BoardTracker is not 'harmful', it is a search engine for forums. Please take a closer look before making such assumptions. To know if your site is indexed (it isn't) simply search for it using 'site:domain.com'. BoardTracker is robots.txt compliant anyway so you can fully control access.

Brandon Sheley 02-07-2006 01:25 AM

there have been many discussions about boardtracker at TAZ, I suggest those who have question go check it out..

C Braithwaite 02-07-2006 09:13 PM

my list doesnt appear to be seperating it's self.. it just has the one "unknown Spider" item, and keeps changing the name of the spider depending on the most recent spider.


I've checked the database, and spiders from google, yahoo and msn visit, but dont pop up in my list. ?

mikelbeck 02-07-2006 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite
my list doesnt appear to be seperating it's self.. it just has the one "unknown Spider" item, and keeps changing the name of the spider depending on the most recent spider.


I've checked the database, and spiders from google, yahoo and msn visit, but dont pop up in my list. ?

What it's showing now is msnbot/1.0, which should be identified as a "known" spider.

Did you update the spiders list? (downloaded the new xml file and install it)

C Braithwaite 02-07-2006 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by mikelbeck
What it's showing now is msnbot/1.0, which should be identified as a "known" spider.

Did you update the spiders list? (downloaded the new xml file and install it)

yeah, i downloaded it, and double checked it just a while ago..

C Braithwaite 02-08-2006 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite
yeah, i downloaded it, and double checked it just a while ago..

as you may see, the last spider (depeneding on when you look) is now "Unknown Spider
Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Yahoo! Slurp; http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/ysearch/slurp) 02-08-2006
02:25 AM "

mikelbeck 02-08-2006 12:27 PM

That's very strange...

Did you do a fresh install of 1.0.0 Beta 5 or did you upgrade from a previous version?

hotwheels 02-08-2006 12:29 PM

great job mikelbeck.........

mikelbeck 02-08-2006 05:56 PM

Beta 7 will be ready tomorrow or Friday morning. This version will fix the problem that C Braithwaite uncovered, plus will add the type of spider being identified (search engine spider, link checker, etc)

Zia 02-09-2006 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by mikelbeck
Beta 7 will be ready tomorrow or Friday morning. This version will fix the problem that C Braithwaite uncovered, plus will add the type of spider being identified (search engine spider, link checker, etc)

Dear Mike
it would be real smart..

if u dont mind once u can see my spiders page...

Hope we will have all the classification.......& if it show the IP range instead of showing all the IP like Yahoo/Msn thay just made there home there :S lot lot of ip..make the page miles long....

Warm Wishes To Yu......

StarBuG 02-09-2006 09:03 AM


One request.
The Yahoo Slurp spider uses hundrets of different IPs that are listed in the spider list.
It is way to much to be usefull.
Would it be possible to have the ips grouped or limit the display to lets say 20-50 ips and the rest is only visible via a popup if needed?

Would be nice

C Braithwaite 02-09-2006 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by mikelbeck
Beta 7 will be ready tomorrow or Friday morning. This version will fix the problem that C Braithwaite uncovered, plus will add the type of spider being identified (search engine spider, link checker, etc)

It was just a fresh install, not an upgrade - glad you figured it out tho - what was the problem?

mikelbeck 02-09-2006 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite
It was just a fresh install, not an upgrade - glad you figured it out tho - what was the problem?

It was only saving the last "unknown" spider that it came across, and dumping all the ones before it. ;-)

Mudvayne 02-10-2006 08:02 AM

mikelbeck seems u forget to send us update notification mail :(.. today is 10th feb.. U updated ur hack on 1st feb :(

C Braithwaite 02-10-2006 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by Shuvo
mikelbeck seems u forget to send us update notification mail :(.. today is 10th feb.. U updated ur hack on 1st feb :(

you can sign up for notification mail? how?

Mudvayne 02-10-2006 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by C Braithwaite
you can sign up for notification mail? how?

u don need to signup for notification :S.. If u clickes install then after an update if coder clk the update button or something like this.. a mail has been sent to u automatically.. u just hav to click the install button :)

C Braithwaite 02-10-2006 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Shuvo
u don need to signup for notification :S.. If u clickes install then after an update if coder clk the update button or something like this.. a mail has been sent to u automatically.. u just hav to click the install button :)

ahh rite cool ^^ already done ^^

mikelbeck 02-10-2006 12:34 PM


Originally Posted by Shuvo
mikelbeck seems u forget to send us update notification mail :(.. today is 10th feb.. U updated ur hack on 1st feb :(

Shuvo -

I did send an update when I updated the release information. Maybe you forgot to receive it? ;-)

I dunno, maybe there was an issue with it being sent from here. Whenever I post an update I also post a reply on this thread, so hopefully you would get a notification from this topic.

Mudvayne 02-10-2006 12:43 PM

ahh its ok.. thnx.. may b vb.org's mail server prob or accidently i delete it before chk..

Zia 02-11-2006 07:40 AM

:O friday :O

where is the new update release beta7 ???

mikelbeck 02-11-2006 02:58 PM

New version available...

This is an "interim" release, it just fixes the two items listed below. Other functionality will be in Beta 8, coming in the next couple of days.

1.0.0 Beta 7 - 02/11/2006
- Corrected issue with "unknown" spiders not being displayed properly.
- Added tracking of the type of spider (searchspider, link checker, etc)

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