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jerx 04-10-2006 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by noonespecial
How do you define what forum this posts into? I can't figure that out for the life of me..

You set the mapping between calendar and forum in vbulletin options. Select the event forums setting group. There you specify the calendarid first and then comes the forum id, eg 1:10 (calendar id 1:forum id 10).

chipsndip 04-21-2006 06:08 PM

This is a great hack, and looks a lot better than the last version. I only wish I could customize the title like was mentioned earlier. I may dig into the code where it builds the title and modify it myself soon... Time to pull out that PHP reference and learn some more.

Evercraft 04-22-2006 01:35 AM

First of all my deepest apologies. I thought I had posted an update of what was happening, but it seems I didn't and i've left you all in the Dark for a long time. I'm really really sorry! Things have been really busy, and I basically just stopped whatever I was doing on this for a while. :confused: However...


I think you will all be interested to hear that vB Event Forums is now at Version 2.5. Version 2 was finished mid week, and i've got to Version 2.5 from doing various tweaks and bug fixes after running with it live for a few days. I'm sure there is still some bugs there, but hopefully i'll get time to fix as many as possible.

Here are the changelogs for the versions. I realise they are a bit big, but I urge you to read through them properly, there is some really big changes! Some of the most notable is how the Event is displayed on the Thread Page & Moderation support. I really feel like this plugin is super close to going Gold now. :)
Version: 2.5
  • Single day events: Time has been removed from thread title, so it now only displays the date.
  • Date and Time (if applicable) are added to Posts and Navbits when viewing a thread.
  • Custom Fields are added dynamically along with times and dates. This solves a few bugs, and is in preperation for the AdminCP option for a custom order and look etc.
  • Currently merging is disabled for any Event Threads because it is a bit of a tricky job to handle merging Event Threads, and it could take some time.
  • Admin option to format Event Thread titles. Note this does not yet include ordering custom fields.
  • Inline mod tools should now all work.
  • Added [Finish] and [Start] as phrases into the Calendar phrases for use in the Events Summary.
  • Ranged Events that cover multiple days, are now displayed better in the Summary, Title, Post and Navbits.
Version: 2.0
  • Moderation is now supported! Permissions are taken from the Calendar. Events will show up as Events only (threads are hidden and handled seperatly by the plugin) in the moderation queue.
  • Better error handling when creating an event. This should now correctly handle flooding, min chars and any other errors creating a thread could give. An event is NOT created if there was an error creating the thread. Instead it displays the correct error message.
  • Event View is now displayed above the threads, similar to how VB.org does with the addons.
  • Links added to the event day view, to View Replies and Post a Reply.
  • Added a UserCP option to choose which event it should default to when pressing the "New Thread" button.
  • Summary is now totally seperate from the Home Page up "and coming events". The summary will now function even if the homepage version is disabled.
  • Ranged Events now show the end date if the Event doesn't finish on the same day.
  • Problems with DST and Timezones have been solved. There is an update due in VB v3.6 which corrects confusion with DST. See here for more info. This is more specific to Calendar rather than this plugin though, but its relevant.
  • Moving an event to a Calendar not run by the Plugin will remove the link to the assosiated thread.
  • Moving an event to a Calendar run by the Plugin will attempt to also move the thread linked to it, to the correct forum.
  • Moving a thread to a different event forum, will attempt to move the event to the correct calendar.
  • Moving a thread outside an event forum, removes the link to the assosiated event.
  • Delete thread or first post now forwards to the Delete Event. Allowing soft-delete of events is something to consider, but for now it only supports Perma Deleting. This would be made much easier if soft deleting events was something supported in the native VB code.
  • Fixed Deleting an Event and it now properly updates the forum counters, so the last thread should be correct.
  • Event Summary template addition is no longer necessary. A seperate template is added and handled by the plugin.
  • Event Summary in the forum now only shows the events for that forum/calendar link.

I've updated the Plugin Info page to show better installation instructions, which should hopefully help out those having trouble installing and setting this up. I've also added a few screenshots to those who were asking for them. Bit late I know, but better late than never! ;)

If your upgrading, please follow the instructions here for upgrading to Version 2.5.

Evercraft 04-22-2006 01:35 AM

Upgrading from Version 1.x to Version 2.5
Step 1
Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> <style name> -> Edit Template

Double Click Calendar Templates
Double Click calendar_showeventsbit

Find and remove the green:

<td class="tcat"><if condition="$eventinfo[nwt_threadid]"><a href="showthread.php?t=$eventinfo[nwt_threadid]"></if>$eventinfo[title]<if condition="$eventinfo[nwt_threadid]"></a></if></td>
Step 2
Admin CP -> Styles & Templates -> Style Manager -> <style name> -> Edit Template

Double Click Forum Display Templates


And below it remove all of:

<if condition="$show['upcomingevents']">
                <td class="thead" colspan="<if condition="$show['threadicons'] AND $show['inlinemod']">7<else /><if condition="!$show['threadicons'] AND !$show['inlinemod']">5<else />6</if></if>">
                        <a style="float:$stylevar[right]" href="#top" onclick="return toggle_collapse('forumhome_events')"><img id="collapseimg_forumhome_events" src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/collapse_thead$vbcollapse[collapseimg_forumhome_events].gif" alt="" border="0" /></a>
                        <if condition="$show['todaysevents']">$vbphrase[todays_events]<else /><phrase 1="$lv_vb_eventforums_showDays">$vbphrase[upcoming_events_for_the_next_x_days]</phrase></if>
        <tr id="collapseobj_forumhome_events" style="$vbcollapse[collapseobj_forumhome_events]">
                <td class="alt2"><a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_misc]/calendar.gif" alt="$vbphrase[calendar]" border="0" /></a></td>
                <td class="alt1" width="100%" colspan="<if condition="$show['threadicons'] AND $show['inlinemod']">6<else /><if condition="!$show['threadicons'] AND !$show['inlinemod']">4<else />5</if></if>"><div class="smallfont">$upcomingevents</div></td>

Step 3
Download the latest product XML file.

Goto your Admin CP at your forums, then goto Plugin System -> Manage Products.

Click [Add/Import Product] at the bottom of the page. Browse to the location where you downloaded the xml file and click the OVERWRITE check box. Then click the Import button.

PennylessZ28 04-22-2006 01:42 AM

Excellent work, very much appericated. Thank you for your hard work and effort.

Hell? 04-22-2006 02:29 AM

This was a very nice surprise in my inbox, thank you very much for the excellent update and all the hard work.

SMO 04-22-2006 02:49 AM

have a little issue. I put the event on the 2nd and in the titleit says the day prior. So, i had to schedule it on the day ahead of time to make it show in the title to say when the event actually happen..did that make sense?

xfaethorx 04-22-2006 07:39 AM

it looks excellent but I need the event attendance hack to be bound in with it.

Evercraft 04-22-2006 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by SMO
have a little issue. I put the event on the 2nd and in the titleit says the day prior. So, i had to schedule it on the day ahead of time to make it show in the title to say when the event actually happen..did that make sense?

errm not sure I fully understand. Could you perhaps post a screenshot, or maybe a more detailed example? Also, what type of event is it (i.e Single Day (no times), Ranged (with times), Recuring).

klaush 04-22-2006 08:23 AM

Thanks! But still not working. Permissions are set correctly; even when adding an event and tried to save he wants to have an username and to click the back button.

Any idea?

Evercraft 04-22-2006 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by klaush
Thanks! But still not working. Permissions are set correctly; even when adding an event and tried to save he wants to have an username and to click the back button.

Any idea?

You mean when you try to save the event, it asks you for a username?

Any chance you could post a screenshot of the error?

Also, do you have any other Plugin's installed relating to Events/Forums?

Crazy Serb 04-22-2006 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by xfaethorx
it looks excellent but I need the event attendance hack to be bound in with it.

yeah, we're still waiting for that one...

and is there any way to add this as one of the options:

- when clicking on NEW THREAD or EDIT EVENT is there a way to enable adding/editing of attachments as well? as I have it right now when editing a thread/event I can only edit the message...

I have attachments as little thumbnails displayed on my front page (vbAdvanced) for each of those post, so it's a bit of a pain in the ass to go back into the vb settings, change the forum/calendar associations, then go back into the threads i need to edit, add attachments, then switch back the forum/calendar associations in vb settings...

Crazy Serb 04-22-2006 09:52 AM

also, how and where would I change the %datetime variable for thread titles...

I want it to be in the format of "[m.d] M. d - thread title..."

klaush 04-22-2006 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Evercraft
You mean when you try to save the event, it asks you for a username?

Any chance you could post a screenshot of the error?

Also, do you have any other Plugin's installed relating to Events/Forums?

Correct, Evercraft. I disabled all related plugs with the same error.

Here is a screen:

Sorry, it?s in German because it is an German board! :-)

Crazy Serb 04-22-2006 10:12 AM

also, how do I make this work with vbAdvanced... as it is right now the events are being displayed ABOVE all the menus/side modules in vbAdvanced instead of the way old plugin used to display them - as a first post in the thread.

p.s. - why is Hook Location : postbit_display_complete (Add Time and Date to post title) disabled by default?

SMO 04-22-2006 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Evercraft
errm not sure I fully understand. Could you perhaps post a screenshot, or maybe a more detailed example? Also, what type of event is it (i.e Single Day (no times), Ranged (with times), Recuring).

ok, i didnt think it was quite clear as well.

the calendar says the 3rd and the event is on the 2nd.

Crazy Serb 04-22-2006 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Evercraft
You can't currently format the order of the individual date and times. I'll put this down as something to consider.

how did it work in the previous version? or you changed the way that works completely?

the event time is not important, but the date displayed is a bit confusing (mm-dd-yyyy) for my visitors as they are used to something more "readable" and easily understandable...

so please consider that as well.

Evercraft 04-22-2006 03:27 PM

EDIT: Just put all my posts into 1.


Originally Posted by Crazy Serb
also, how and where would I change the %datetime variable for thread titles...

I want it to be in the format of "[m.d] M. d - thread title..."

You can't currently format the order of the individual date and times. I'll put this down as something to consider.


Originally Posted by Crazy Serb
p.s. - why is Hook Location : postbit_display_complete (Add Time and Date to post title) disabled by default?

Its disabled because its not used. I'll remove this in the next version, as it could cause confusion, and will cause problems if you re-enable it. :)


Originally Posted by Crazy Serb
also, how do I make this work with vbAdvanced... as it is right now the events are being displayed ABOVE all the menus/side modules in vbAdvanced instead of the way old plugin used to display them - as a first post in the thread.

This should be fixed in the next version.

Currently it appends the eventblock to the $navbar variable in the template. So if you've customised your style alot, it may or may not show at all.

I will add a AdminCP option so you can either use the current way with it appending (useful if you run default style), or use a custom variable in the template, to put anywhere you wish.

I will add an option todo the same with the Summary too.


Originally Posted by SMO
ok, i didnt think it was quite clear as well.

the calendar says the 3rd and the event is on the 2nd.

If you click the little '3' in the corner to go to the event day view, it will show all the events in a list on 1 page. What date does it give it in the same place then?

EDIT: Just put all my posts into 1.

Evercraft 04-22-2006 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by Crazy Serb
how did it work in the previous version? or you changed the way that works completely?

Yep pretty much. The event info used to be part of the post, now the post is "hidden" and instead it shows the Event details using the Showevents template.


Originally Posted by Crazy Serb
the event time is not important, but the date displayed is a bit confusing (mm-dd-yyyy) for my visitors as they are used to something more "readable" and easily understandable...

so please consider that as well.

If you mean changing it from say (mm-dd-yyyy) to (dd-mm-yyyy), this is done in your AdminCP under locale options (i think). There is an option to enter the format for Date and Time. The plugin uses whatever the settings are set for your forum. So it should be in the same format as your last posts, the time at the bottom and everything else on your forum.

Crazy Serb 04-22-2006 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by Evercraft
If you mean changing it from say (mm-dd-yyyy) to (dd-mm-yyyy), this is done in your AdminCP under locale options (i think). There is an option to enter the format for Date and Time. The plugin uses whatever the settings are set for your forum. So it should be in the same format as your last posts, the time at the bottom and everything else on your forum.

that's the thing, I have a customized way of displaying the dates of calendar events that is different from the default vbulletin setting for the board... could you just add another setting in the "event forums" that would let us define our own %datetime variable?

so instead of pulling it from vbulletin->options['dateformat'] (from Date and Time settings), you could pull it from another variable defined in this plugin's settings...

i am aware that for calendar display (calendar.php file) it requires a certain format, but just for the thread titles displayed it would be great if we could customize that setting... in my case, I need it to be something along the lines of "[m.d] M. d" date format...

how's that?

htscpl 04-22-2006 07:19 PM

Just installed the product and went to do settings and my board blew up!

Now I can't get back in to the admincp to turn it off or uninstall. I went to phpmyadmin and edited to make the event product inactive but still can't get into my site.

Here is the code I get when I try to access:


Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /home/httpd/.../.../html/vbulletin/global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 46

Any help to get back into my admincp would be great :surprised:

GSX-Racing 04-22-2006 08:30 PM

I like the way this works now... however, it's still not compatible with 'Event Attendance'.

Anyway of making both work together?

albertsch9 04-23-2006 07:39 AM

Thanks for the Update works great!!

kurtbarker 04-23-2006 09:23 AM

Hey guyz, can I just cliarfiy the functionality of this, it wasn't all that clear to me in the initial post...

I have 5 event forums, can I link all these to this system so that when a thread is created in any of those it creates a calander event?

If I was going to create a calander event and wanted it to create a thread in a forum, I need a way of specifiying which one of my 5 event forums I want it posted in. Is that possible?

When the thread is updated, is the calander event automatically updated.

It does create a calander event when a thread is made in the events forum doesn't it? or does it only create a thread when a calander event is made?

Evercraft 04-23-2006 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by htscpl
Just installed the product and went to do settings and my board blew up!

Now I can't get back in to the admincp to turn it off or uninstall. I went to phpmyadmin and edited to make the event product inactive but still can't get into my site.

Here is the code I get when I try to access:


Fatal error: Unsupported operand types in /home/httpd/.../.../html/vbulletin/global.php(341) : eval()'d code on line 46

Any help to get back into my admincp would be great :surprised:

The VB documentation might be useful. It says how to disable it here.

I can't see how my plugin could do that, its not doing anything special there at all.

Do you have any other plugin's installed?

Evercraft 04-23-2006 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by GSX-Racing
I like the way this works now... however, it's still not compatible with 'Event Attendance'.

Anyway of making both work together?

Its been said many times, this is a requested feature and something i'm thinking about doing.

Evercraft 04-23-2006 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by kurtbarker
If I was going to create a calander event and wanted it to create a thread in a forum, I need a way of specifiying which one of my 5 event forums I want it posted in. Is that possible?

Yes thats how it currently works. You link 1 forum to 1 calendar.


Originally Posted by kurtbarker
When the thread is updated, is the calander event automatically updated.

Yes it does.


Originally Posted by kurtbarker
I have 5 event forums, can I link all these to this system so that when a thread is created in any of those it creates a calander event?


Originally Posted by kurtbarker
It does create a calander event when a thread is made in the events forum doesn't it? or does it only create a thread when a calander event is made?

I'll clarify, when you click "New Thread" it takes you to the Add Event Form for that linked Calendar. So your adding an event to the calendar. The plugin then automatically makes a thread linked to the event, and does all the other stuff it needs todo. Once the plugin is installed and you link up a Calendar to a Forum, you can't make normal threads in that forum anymore.

lionslair 04-23-2006 10:06 AM

Since updating this I know get the future events display twice in the threads list.

Please See the link below.


JaeTea 04-23-2006 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by SMO
ok, i didnt think it was quite clear as well.

the calendar says the 3rd and the event is on the 2nd.

Seems to be a bug with "Single Day" events only.

rabidkevin 04-24-2006 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by SMO
ok, i didnt think it was quite clear as well.

the calendar says the 3rd and the event is on the 2nd.

I have this same problem. Let me see if I can word this better..

I post an event for Thursday, May 4th, 2006. When viewing the calendar, it is on the 4th. When I click the '4' it shows the event. In the forum that is integrated to this calendar, the topic title says [Wed May 3, 2006]. So the topic title is displaying the day prior.

How do we fix this?

Evercraft 04-24-2006 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by rabidkevin
I have this same problem. Let me see if I can word this better..

I post an event for Thursday, May 4th, 2006. When viewing the calendar, it is on the 4th. When I click the '4' it shows the event. In the forum that is integrated to this calendar, the topic title says [Wed May 3, 2006]. So the topic title is displaying the day prior.

How do we fix this?

Ok I think I know the problem. I'll try and get a fix in asap. Thanks for the extra info all, was really useful :)

Evercraft 04-24-2006 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by lionslair
Since updating this I know get the future events display twice in the threads list.

Please See the link below.


You haven't removed your template additions.

Please see Upgrading from 1.x to 2.5 instructions. That should sort you out.

rabidkevin 04-24-2006 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by Evercraft
Ok I think I know the problem. I'll try and get a fix in asap. Thanks for the extra info all, was really useful :)

Well I finally upgraded from the original event forums plugin which was working for me just fine (modified to have no errors) and now I upgraded to your version on a LIVE board and everyone is getting confused. I really hope there is a fix to this asap... sigh

Evercraft 04-24-2006 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by rabidkevin
Well I finally upgraded from the original event forums plugin which was working for me just fine (modified to have no errors) and now I upgraded to your version on a LIVE board and everyone is getting confused. I really hope there is a fix to this asap... sigh

As stated at the top of this plugin, this is in BETA. Your installing it on a LIVE board at YOUR OWN RISK. I've already said, I will fix it as soon as I can. If you don't like that, don't use the plugin.

rabidkevin 04-24-2006 05:27 PM

I understand and apologise if I come off demanding... Do what you need to resolve the issues. Just sayin, most people use this on a live board and they do not wait 6-12months before this is no longer beta. I'll be checking this thread heavily hope you figure this one out soon, good luck.

htscpl 04-25-2006 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Evercraft
The VB documentation might be useful. It says how to disable it here.

I can't see how my plugin could do that, its not doing anything special there at all.

Do you have any other plugin's installed?

Yeah, I have several plugin's installed and I was able to disable them to uninstall this one and my board is working again. I would really like to use this plugin I just need to find the problem and which other plugin is causing my board to blow up with yours installed.

Thanks for the response, if I find a cause I'll post it for others.

Henry :D

YLP1 04-25-2006 01:39 PM

A bit off topic but how did you get the upcoming events to show at the top of the forum page as it shows in the 4th image attachment for this plugin?

BTW: Excellent mod!!

Evercraft 04-25-2006 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by rabidkevin
I understand and apologise if I come off demanding... Do what you need to resolve the issues. Just sayin, most people use this on a live board and they do not wait 6-12months before this is no longer beta. I'll be checking this thread heavily hope you figure this one out soon, good luck.

Sorry didn't mean to stress out at you, was a long day yesterday. I hope to have this fix live tomorrow evening (uk time).

Evercraft 04-25-2006 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by htscpl
Yeah, I have several plugin's installed and I was able to disable them to uninstall this one and my board is working again. I would really like to use this plugin I just need to find the problem and which other plugin is causing my board to blow up with yours installed.

Thanks for the response, if I find a cause I'll post it for others.

Henry :D

If your able to send me a PM with all the plugin code you have installed that uses the cache_templates hook, I might be able to help you. :)

Evercraft 04-25-2006 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by YLP1
A bit off topic but how did you get the upcoming events to show at the top of the forum page as it shows in the 4th image attachment for this plugin?

BTW: Excellent mod!!

In your Admin Control Panel, goto VB Options, and find Event Forums in the list.

You should see 2 options relating to a Summary.

One options is to turn it on or off, the other defines how many days you want it to show ahead of today.

Hope that helps. BTW not off-topic, thats what this forum is for! :p

EDIT: ah i think I misunderstood.

Code wise, it appends the summary to the end of the Annoucements variable. Building the summary I basically just took the code from the whos online events and tweaked it as necessary, as well as the template code for it.

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