Ron1n |
01-27-2005 08:22 PM |
I dont need support from someone that copys my hack.
and dont be coming in my post talking about your hack and its stupid little querys.
Ok. Thats it. I tried to be nice.. and im done with that. You came over onto my thread talking about how I coppied you when i didnt... and I tried to extend an olive branch.... but nevermind about that.
Earth to you: Your hack is crap. Second of all: my hack was finished before yours (just not released) and the code is nothing the same. I'll be the first to admit mine has some faults, but its not a copy of yours and isnt even close. Dont get your pants in a bunch just because I released something better than you.
Originally Posted by yoyoyoyo
the hacks are nothing alike - have you actually done a comparison? lets... ok now opening araxis merge.. opening his "downloads" php" and your "downloads.php" file... hmm.. not at all the same.. the only thing that is the same is the setting of the PHP environment and the navbits, which I doubt either of you "wrote." Now let's compare his "downloads.php" file with your "download.php" file: again the PHP environment, but nothing else. So far batting 0 for 2.. now let's open up a web page that has your download area on it, and one if his: hmm.. not at all the same... well.. they both have file downloads, but that is where the similarities end.
This guy probably doesnt even know enough PHP to know the differences/similarities.
It is easy to shout "YOU STOLE MY HACK," but until you can PROVE he did nobody here is going to believe you, and you make yourself look foolish. The fact is that a "download area" is not a groundbreaking idea - it has been done before on many many websites for many years, so to even claim he stole your "concept" is silly.
I just looked at his... and to be honest, is structure is nothing similar. If you open your mouth again about "i coppied your hack" ill be forced to compare code and then people will see who is right and who is wrong.