filburt1 |
03-18-2003 01:54 PM |
The installer works absolutely perfectly for me. I tested both of these on PHP 4.3.0 (this most recently on a Mac) with vB 2.3.0 RC2 or RC3. Personally I bet the problem is on your side because every computer I've tried the install script on works.
"Turtle Dollars" Installation Script
Script based on filburt1's standard install script. Back up your database and files before installing this hack/mod.
This script runs queries to help install "Turtle Dollars." This script can only create templates and run queries. It does not touch files or existing templates.
Creating Settings...
Getting current highest + 1 displayorder for settings...
query_first: SELECT MAX(settinggroupid) + 1 AS newdisplayorder FROM setting
Creating settings group...
query: INSERT INTO settinggroup (title, displayorder) VALUES ("Turtle Dollars", 33)
Getting newly created settinggroupid...
Writing script to create individual settings...
Caching highest settingid + 1...
query_first: SELECT MAX(settingid) + 1 AS sidplusone FROM setting
Creating setting "Default dollar allocation to new members"...
query: INSERT INTO setting (settinggroupid, title, varname, value, description, optioncode, displayorder)
"Default dollar allocation to new members",
"Enter a number of dollars that you want new members to get by default. Don\'t use decimal or negative numbers. This only affects new registrations.",
Creating setting "Allow users to revoke dollar offers after no replies?"...
query: INSERT INTO setting (settinggroupid, title, varname, value, description, optioncode, displayorder)
"Allow users to revoke dollar offers after no replies?",
"If a user posts a thread with an offer attached to it but nobody replies, allow them to retract their offer? Moderators,
supermoderators, and administrators can always retract offers, including other users\' offers.",
Creating setting "Minimum dollar offer"...
query: INSERT INTO setting (settinggroupid, title, varname, value, description, optioncode, displayorder)
"Minimum dollar offer",
"Minimum dollar amount required to make an offer",
Creating setting "Maximum dollar offer"...
query: INSERT INTO setting (settinggroupid, title, varname, value, description, optioncode, displayorder)
"Maximum dollar offer",
"Maximum dollar amount required to make an offer (granted the user has that many dollars to begin with)",
Running extra queries...
Running extra query 1 of 3...
Running extra query 2 of 3...
query: ALTER TABLE thread ADD dollaroffer INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AFTER open
Running extra query 3 of 3...
query: ALTER TABLE forum ADD allowdollaroffers TINYINT(4) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL AFTER allowposting
Creating custom templates...
Caching directory contents...
Caching custom template "error_baddollaroffer" (1 of 10)...
Caching custom template "error_badfunds" (2 of 10)...
Caching custom template "error_cantawardself" (3 of 10)...
Caching custom template "error_nodollarsoffered" (4 of 10)...
Caching custom template "newthread_makedollaroffer" (5 of 10)...
Caching custom template "postbit_awardbutton" (6 of 10)...
Caching custom template "redirect_dollaroffercancelled" (7 of 10)...
Caching custom template "redirect_transfercomplete" (8 of 10)...
Caching custom template "showthread_dollaroffer" (9 of 10)...
Caching custom template "showthread_dollaroffer_cancel" (10 of 10)...
Getting templatesetid for styleid 6...
query_first: SELECT templatesetid FROM style WHERE styleid = 6
Adding custom template "error_baddollaroffer" (1 of 10; 602 chars)...
query: INSERT INTO template (templatesetid, title, template) VALUES (6, "error_baddollaroffer", "Your dollar offer of $$dollaroffer cannot be accepted for one or more of the following reasons:
Low funds: you have $$bbuserinfo[dollars] in your account and you offered $$dollaroffer
Too low of an offer: the minimum allowed offer is $$tdmin
Too high of an offer: the maximum allowed offer is $$tdmax
Forum not accepting dollar offers: this forum may not accept dollar offers
Please use your browser\'s "Back" button to remedy the problem. If you do not want to offer any dollars, leave the Dollar Offer field blank.")
Adding custom template "error_badfunds" (2 of 10; 268 chars)...
query: INSERT INTO template (templatesetid, title, template) VALUES (6, "error_badfunds", "You do not have enough dollars to offer the required award.
You have: $$bbuserinfo[dollars] in your profile
Thread requires: $$thread[dollaroffer] award
Try to get more awards so you can "afford" the award yourself.")
Adding custom template "error_cantawardself" (3 of 10; 38 chars)...
query: INSERT INTO template (templatesetid, title, template) VALUES (6, "error_cantawardself", "You cannot offer an award to yourself.")
Adding custom template "error_nodollarsoffered" (4 of 10; 75 chars)...
query: INSERT INTO template (templatesetid, title, template) VALUES (6, "error_nodollarsoffered", "The specified thread does not exist or its starter did not offer any award.")
Adding custom template "newthread_makedollaroffer" (5 of 10; 420 chars)...
query: INSERT INTO template (templatesetid, title, template) VALUES (6, "newthread_makedollaroffer", "
This forum allows you to make dollar offers!
You have $$bbuserinfo[dollars] in your "account." The administrator has required that if you choose to make a dollar offer, it must be from $$tdmin to $$tdmax (inclusive).
Your dollar offer (leave blank for no offer): ")
Adding custom template "postbit_awardbutton" (6 of 10; 132 chars)...
query: INSERT INTO template (templatesetid, title, template) VALUES (6, "postbit_awardbutton", "")
Adding custom template "redirect_dollaroffercancelled" (7 of 10; 93 chars)...
query: INSERT INTO template (templatesetid, title, template) VALUES (6, "redirect_dollaroffercancelled", "The dollar offer for the thread has been cancelled. You will now be taken back to the thread.")
Adding custom template "redirect_transfercomplete" (8 of 10; 175 chars)...
query: INSERT INTO template (templatesetid, title, template) VALUES (6, "redirect_transfercomplete", "You have successfully transferred $$thread[dollaroffer] from your previous "account" of $$bbuserinfo[dollars] to the requested user. Taking you back to the thread...")
Adding custom template "showthread_dollaroffer" (9 of 10; 786 chars)...
query: INSERT INTO template (templatesetid, title, template) VALUES (6, "showthread_dollaroffer", "
$thread[postusername] has offered $$thread[dollaroffer] in this thread!
Typically, the "money" will be rewarded to the person who provides the best answer to the question in the post below. However it is up to the thread starter to how it is distributed.
Adding custom template "showthread_dollaroffer_cancel" (10 of 10; 291 chars)...
query: INSERT INTO template (templatesetid, title, template) VALUES (6, "showthread_dollaroffer_cancel", "
If you would like to retract the offer of $$thread[dollaroffer], click the link below. You cannot offer dollars once you cancel the offer!
Cancel Dollar Offer")
All done! Errors are highlighted above, if any occured. Now:
Delete this install script (/~filburt1/testvb/admin/install_turtledollars.php)
Delete the directory "templates_turtledollars" if you chose to install custom templates
Continue with the included installation instructions