Ninth Dimension |
07-18-2003 09:43 PM |
I want to install this hack on my vB2.30 board, but it won't let me, telling me it's for 2.2.9 - can someone update this for me please? :)
UPDATE: Using my utter skill and cunning i went into the install file and changed the verson number so I've now installed this hack :)
Great hack, just what I was looking for and (so far as I cna tell) working great in 2.3.0, my only comment would be that this could have been a lot easier to install (maybe nothing more than a template edit) if you didn't have the whole on/off switch.
The switch provides great flexability, but at the end of the day, i can't imagine any need to go switching between the two modes that often - regardless, great hack, thank you very much :)