When I go to forward the private message, this is what shows up in the forwarding box. Notice all of the <hr> tags.
You have been warned by
FBJunkie for the following post:
You have been given
2 warning points, which makes your warning level to be
Be advised that warning threshold is
Warning duration has been set to
30 days, with reputation effect of
To avoid receiving future warnings, please make sure you get familiar with and obey the community rules.
FBJunkie has given the following reason for the warning:
<hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><h r><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr>
Please do not talk about something different other than the posted topic. Thank you.
<hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><h r><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr><hr>
This is an automatically generated message and no reply is required.
However, if you think that you do not deserve this warning, feel free to initiate a dispute by replying.
Alternatively, if you have
100 or more reputation points, you may buy revokation of the warning for these points.
To do so, visit your warning history by clicking on the link in your profile, and then click "Revoke Warning".