I just think we need to do away with all of the speration that exsists here at this time, yes you guys are coders (to me there is no difference between someone who codes advanced languages like c# php asp.net and xhtml and css), you guys all work hard. Your thanks should be from the users who thank you and the satasification that you made someones life easier. Titles are nice, but they are doing more harm than good now. The community needs to be unified, not seperated more.
The only people complaining about this are those that haven't contributed to this site! Who cares if you can code or style. If you haven't coded a release or style for this site, don't expect a title. Period! Its not a difficult concept.
I will use myself as a good example. I am a better designer than I am a coder. In fact, when I have some time, I can guarantee that I will get the "Master Designer" title. Now I know I can style with the best of them, but no one here knows that. So wheres my Master Designer title? Its not under my name because I didn't do anything on this site to deserve it! I can sell styles and modify the hell out of other peoples sites, but until I donate some work to this site, I don't get the title! I know this, I understand this, and I AGREE with this!
When someone donates on a users site to help with costs, they normally get a user markup and title added to them. If a user came to me and said he doesn't think it is fair that they have a different color and usertitle would YOU change your policy on that? They could tell you all day that they have money in their wallet, but they never donated. So would you place them on the same plain as a user that has? Would you drop the title from those users? If you did, you would lose potential donations.
This is VERY similar to that. We have people that can code that don't donate wanting things to be "equal". I say "The hell with that!" There is nothing equal about a user that USES mods and a user that RELEASES them. They ARE on different plains.