Originally Posted by hambil
If asked for support on an existing hack by a user, I will give the canned reply:
Wow, hambil, i guess since you are inferring that you wont give support, or release anymore work because you are trying to make a point, then when/if you do decide to 'start supporting/releasing' your hacks again, myself as well as others may remember the canned reply and not even bother to download your work. You are telling me that you are going to behave the very same way you are accusing the staff of behaving. Does two wrongs make a right?
I personally feel that LiveWire is an awesome coder, and i certainly hate to see him leave. I absolutely adore TheGeek and feel that PaulM is somewhat blunt but always makes sense to me, and i dont always like the atmosphere here from the Mods, BUT, i have seen more coders treating members bad than i have staff. You seem to forget that w/o users, there would be no need for coders. The same as you say w/o coders, there would be no site.
I am very much dissapointed in your comments as this is not what i expected as a user to see from you since you are requesting respect.
Originally Posted by hambil
My reaction was specifically to being called replaceable, and having had numerous suggestions go unanswered. But mostly to being called replaceable.
Have you looked lately to see how many requests for support goes unanswered? Numerous requests from what i can see, from various coders! (Not pointing at anyone in particular) As far as your reaction to being called replaceable, guess what, YOU ARE replaceable! We all are. If a user bulks and leaves, do you think we wouldnt be replaced by 100 more in no time? Of course we would! If a company loses an employee, does he shut the doors and close up shop and go home? Of course not, he finds someone else to 'replace' that employee.
What i am trying to say is this. You cant develope the attitude that someone stole your lollipop so you are going hold your breath until you turn blue until they give it back. You have to be better than that, you have to say, ok, im more mature than that and i am not going to retaliate by taking your lollipop tomorrow, in fact, tomorrow i will have another one and bring you one too.
If it seems a bit rediculous to give such a childish analogy then please be aware that is how your starting post seems to me, childish. If you dont like how others play the game, then dont play in their yard. It is that simple IMO...Take care all -
Lady Divus