Beermonster |
02-09-2006 12:12 PM |
A couple of things, first is there an option where cheats don't need to be authorised? and also I would prefer the categorys to auto sort, if you add and remove them now you might have category id's as 1,4,5,8,11,12 etc just looks a bit messy.
And finally in the code for cmps_new_cheats you have left your url in, it should just be
<td class="$class" align="center" colspan="2"><a href="'vbcheats.php?do=viewcheatidpopup&cheatid={$newcheat['cheatid']}','newWin','width=650,height=600,left=0,top=0,
NewWindow.focus(); void(0);">$newcheat[cheatname]</a><br>$newcheat[platforum]</td></tr><tr>
Apart from that great hack :)