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Digital Jedi 02-13-2013 05:37 PM

Minor, somewhat embarrassing exclusion from the last update. Pinterest (Boards) uses a 1px x 1px transparent GIF, named trans.gif, that needs to be in your images/misc folder to work properly. I forgot to include it in the last post. If you already have a trans.gif in your images directory (not unusual to already have one) then nothing to worry about. If you don't, well here it is:


Its' really tiny and, well, transparent. But it's there, between the arrows, if you need it.

eJM 02-13-2013 06:06 PM

Or just copy & paste vBulletin's own clear.gif to your style's /misc/ folder and then rename it to trans.gif. ;) Otherwise, good luck trying to right-click and save that 1x1px image above. :eek:

Digital Jedi 02-13-2013 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by eJM (Post 2404060)
Or just copy & paste vBulletin's own clear.gif to your style's /misc/ folder and then rename it to trans.gif. ;) Otherwise, good luck trying to right-click and save that 1x1px image above. :eek:

Thanks to vB.org's auto-linking, you can also click between the arrows and it'll open in the window by itself.

eJM 02-13-2013 07:16 PM

Yeah, but you still have to get your cursor right on that 1x1 image to save it. Not everyone has such precises control - just wait 'til you get as old and decrepit as me, you'll see. ;)

Digital Jedi 02-13-2013 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by eJM (Post 2404069)
Yeah, but you still have to get your cursor right on that 1x1 image to save it. Not everyone has such precises control - just wait 'til you get as old and decrepit as me, you'll see. ;)

Hrm, try this one.
(Same image, 100 times. vB.org limit on images per post.)

It may seem like I have way too much time on my hands. In reality, I'm just stupid.

K4GAP 02-13-2013 10:09 PM

I'm lazy today and don't want to read through 129 pages of posts .....

Anyone have success using this on vb 4.2 ?

eJM 02-13-2013 10:12 PM

You can click close to an image in a post to get it to show up in the redirect, but the redirect still only shows one image 1x1px in size that you have to have great aim to click. Most people won't have any trouble right-clicking the image to save it, but some (like me, with a disability) have difficulty and others (with even greater disability) may have even more difficulty or might not be able to do it at all.

It might also seem like I have way too much time on my hands - because I do. :( You? You ain't stupid. You are one of a very small handful of good coders that also support their work and often support the work of others.


Digital Jedi 02-14-2013 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by GaryT (Post 2404104)
I'm lazy today and don't want to read through 129 pages of posts .....

Anyone have success using this on vb 4.2 ?

Nope, only works on 3.x. AME 3 was coded for 4.x, which I'm hoping to getting around to creating a definitions set for this month. <whisper>It was mentioned in the first post.</whisper> But it has it's limitations, since it uses vB's built in parsing feature. So the definitions set will be a lot smaller.


Originally Posted by eJM (Post 2404105)
You can click close to an image in a post to get it to show up in the redirect, but the redirect still only shows one image 1x1px in size that you have to have great aim to click. Most people won't have any trouble right-clicking the image to save it, but some (like me, with a disability) have difficulty and others (with even greater disability) may have even more difficulty or might not be able to do it at all.

It might also seem like I have way too much time on my hands - because I do. :( You? You ain't stupid. You are one of a very small handful of good coders that also support their work and often support the work of others.


Then you might find this useful, whenever you have an image open directly in your browser, you don't have to right click it to save it. You can just use the Save option in your browser, or just hit Ctrl +S on your keyboard. And if you can left click more easily than right click on an image, you can drag that image into your address bar (in most browsers I've tried) and it will open the image up directly, which you can then Ctrl + S to save.

SBlueman 02-14-2013 05:40 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2404011)
Only one that really jumps out at me is Alternate Last Post. Try disabling that and editing/reposting a Dailymostion URL and see if there's any change.


Still no dice. Anything on your front, ecurbh?

Wonksta 02-15-2013 01:24 AM

Any update to Youtube? It's starting to use HTTPS which breaks embed and some other strange v=xxxx variations...


Digital Jedi 02-15-2013 03:55 AM


Originally Posted by Wonksta (Post 2404370)
Any update to Youtube? It's starting to use HTTPS which breaks embed and some other strange v=xxxx variations...


Yes, it was included in the last updated. There's still at least one variation coming from embedded videos that I haven't addressed yet, but that will be in the next update.

Wonksta 02-15-2013 10:24 AM

You're the man Jedi! Thanks ;)

pcam 02-17-2013 08:42 PM

Hi. I am trying to import the master xml.

I only had an amazon and youtube definition prior, so I deleted both of them for a blank slate.

I read to try and break it into pieces so I have tried many combinations with even a single at a time.

After Gamespot (part 2) I cannot import any further. If it was a memory issue, trying to import Game Videos through Justin.TV per say, should work as A-G and G-J, A-G was a lot more than I'm trying now. It seems there is some limitation.

What could be wrong? Is there any way to package the extension with the full list?

Digital Jedi 02-18-2013 12:31 AM


Originally Posted by pcam (Post 2404839)
Hi. I am trying to import the master xml.

I only had an amazon and youtube definition prior, so I deleted both of them for a blank slate.

I read to try and break it into pieces so I have tried many combinations with even a single at a time.

After Gamespot (part 2) I cannot import any further. If it was a memory issue, trying to import Game Videos through Justin.TV per say, should work as A-G and G-J, A-G was a lot more than I'm trying now. It seems there is some limitation.

What could be wrong? Is there any way to package the extension with the full list?

It's tough to say. Sometimes different servers have different limitations and issues that come up with the rather large import list here. You might have ran into a limitations per day issue, or some kind of time out. Seems there's some issues with AME and newer versions of mod_security, which is a security feature some web hosts use. Are you able, for example, to import the seconds half of the definitions starting with a blank slate? Or is it specifically the specific section that isn't importing? Did you trying skipping GameSpot (Part 2)? If you can try a few variations, you might be able to find a workaround.

SBlueman 02-18-2013 03:50 AM

No word from ecurbh....damn, I need my DailyMotion!

Digital Jedi 02-18-2013 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by SBlueman (Post 2404908)
No word from ecurbh....damn, I need my DailyMotion!

He said he might have to test and toggle on/off some his mods later on. But he might not have seen me mention you having the same problem just yet. I'm curious to see what the common denominator might be. I need to add the trans.gif to the main post at some point. Once I figure out how to do that, i'll send an update and request if anyone is having a similar problem.

SBlueman 02-19-2013 03:42 AM

If there is anything else I can do or provide please let me know.

Digital Jedi 02-19-2013 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by SBlueman (Post 2405129)
If there is anything else I can do or provide please let me know.

Have you tried toggling all you other modifications to off, then editing the post to see if it works? If it's a mod conflict, then it would reveal itself that way. Also re-uploading the files and running the install script as if you were doing an upgrade (overwrite to yes) will tell us if it's a fle issue. Also creating a new skin with no parent, and then testing a post will tell us if there's something in the style conflicting. All, really, process of elimination at this point.

eJM 03-08-2013 07:47 PM

I have a member who always seems to share a You Tube video that he watches in full-browser mode. The last link he shared was this: http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=1pYqquG27pg All that appears on the page is a link, not the video. Visiting the link results in a video that fills the browser window and all I can see that you can do is swich from that view to full-screen mode. You can't go to the actual video page that contains comments, etc. (sorry about my terminology).

I have the latest definitions loaded, so I don't know if there's something I need to do to make these videos he shares show up as a video in the thread, or if I'm missing a definition.


Digital Jedi 03-10-2013 07:10 PM

Yeah, I'm not sure why people do that, as it requires several extra steps. I'm not sure if they think the extraction source URL is somehow better or if they thinks that's what you pull to get the video to embed. But I think I can rewrite the RegEx to account for it. Let me see what I can do.

Digital Jedi 03-10-2013 08:02 PM

On a side note, is anyone outside of the US still getting YouTube videos with the # and #! symbols instead of the usual ? symbol in URLs? I had someone request this a while back, and this URL structure doesn't seem to be something they use anymore.

eJM 03-10-2013 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2409211)
Yeah, I'm not sure why people do that, as it requires several extra steps. I'm not sure if they think the extraction source URL is somehow better or if they thinks that's what you pull to get the video to embed. But I think I can rewrite the RegEx to account for it. Let me see what I can do.

Thanks, that'd be nice if you can circumvent his habit. It's a mystery to me why or even how he does it. He happens to be one of the most computer and net-illiterate people I know. It took months just to get him to learn how to use the upload system and he still can't grasp the foolishness of sending/forwarding emails with everyone's email address exposed. https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/external/2013/03/2.gif

Digital Jedi 03-10-2013 09:45 PM

1 Attachment(s)
[[Friday Night Updates]]
<psst> Just play along.

Got a couple of updates for you and yours.


YouTube - Tweaked this definition to handle some of the additional URL configurations that YouTube keeps coming up with in their continued attempt to drive me insane. Note that URLs that we saw for a little while with # and !# in place of ? no longer work with this definition. If needed, I'll come up with something for that.


jsFiddle - Embed a fiddle in your posts. Note that while jsFiddle is great for testing CSS and JavaScript, their embeds display the JavaScript code first and then running it displays the results. It skips over any CSS or HTML fields, so not really great for displaying your CSS code, only for showing the results of your CSS code. It will also display the JavaScript field first, even it's blank.

eJM 03-10-2013 11:25 PM

You're a JEEN-yus I tell ya! I tested that weird URL and it works just as it should. Only one slight problem (doesn't affect functionality): your file name is wrong. This is MARCH 10, not May 10. 2013-05-10-Updates.xml should be 2013-03-10-Updates.xml me thinks. ;)

Thank you for the update.


Digital Jedi 03-10-2013 11:38 PM

See, I've had this cold, and also I can't count...>_>

Then again we are talking about a guy who uploads Friday Night Updates on Sunday, so....:rolleyes:

SBlueman 03-11-2013 05:39 AM

Thanks DJ!

Digital Jedi 03-14-2013 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by SBlueman (Post 2409283)
Thanks DJ!

No problem. Did you and ecurbh ever get to compare notes over the Dailymotion definition at all? Was curious to know if anyone else was having this problem and what the common denominator was.

SBlueman 03-15-2013 01:18 AM

I haven't heard from ecurbh yet but plan on testing the mods one by one once the free agency madness ends.

oddmud 03-17-2013 03:45 PM

I can't find it in the search, but installed and it broke my CSS.. All I have is blank text forum now. ahhhhhhhhhhhh!

Digital Jedi 03-18-2013 02:59 PM

You installed this? These are just definitions for AME 2.5. If you mean AME itself, AME has no impact or anything to do with your site's CSS.

SamirDarji 03-21-2013 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Unmutual (Post 2111772)
Can anybody advise on any definitions for Smugmug vids?

I don't have any, but if you're working on one, I'll definitely help. I've used SM since 2005, so I know their systems inside and out.

Digital Jedi 03-21-2013 07:34 PM


Originally Posted by SamirDarji (Post 2411447)
I don't have any, but if you're working on one, I'll definitely help. I've used SM since 2005, so I know their systems inside and out.

That request was from 2010. They've since made it easier to embed SmugMug videos since then. At the time, I had no way of getting to the video embed information, I'm not even sure their videos were browsable. I can pretty much add it to the next update, now that I see it's easier to look through their videos and embeds.

TheKdd 03-23-2013 08:33 AM

I want to apologize also if this has been asked or resolved before... I tried sifting for a good while.

Anyway, anyone else having trouble with College Humor? It only shows the link when I post it. I tried using different URLs (one with only the video #, one with everything included in the browser bar and the one that you copy on the video page itself to no avail. Have they changed something maybe? I have no problems with any other service.

Thanks in advance!

Pahonix 03-23-2013 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by TheKdd (Post 2411707)
Anyway, anyone else having trouble with College Humor? It only shows the link when I post it.

I just tried it with the first video I found on the site:


And while it only showed the link in the Preview, when I submitted the post, the video embedded just fine.

Digital Jedi 03-23-2013 07:39 PM


Originally Posted by TheKdd (Post 2411707)
I want to apologize also if this has been asked or resolved before... I tried sifting for a good while.

Anyway, anyone else having trouble with College Humor? It only shows the link when I post it. I tried using different URLs (one with only the video #, one with everything included in the browser bar and the one that you copy on the video page itself to no avail. Have they changed something maybe? I have no problems with any other service.

Thanks in advance!

Show me some examples links and I'll test them on my install.

TheKdd 03-24-2013 01:11 AM

Well the video Pahonix used up there was one of them I was trying. I guess it's just me. Hmmm... Maybe I should just try re-installing that one definition. I don't know what else it could be. Thanks Pahonix and DJ!

Wonksta 04-01-2013 01:39 AM

https doesn't seem to be working



Digital Jedi 04-01-2013 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Wonksta (Post 2413503)
https doesn't seem to be working



Are you using the most current release? I adjusted YouTube for https a while back.

Wonksta 04-01-2013 05:19 AM

I uploaded the YouTube Def from this post: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....postcount=1943

Also another variation that doesn't embed is:


Pahonix 04-01-2013 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Wonksta (Post 2413503)
https doesn't seem to be working




Originally Posted by Wonksta (Post 2413525)
Also another variation that doesn't embed is:


I had no trouble embedding either of these videos. Check your configuration, possibly re-install the definitions. Or alternatively, make sure you don't have anything installed that's conflicting with AME.

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