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Simon Lloyd 05-28-2009 08:18 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1818518)
There's no difficulty in principle in doing this, but it requires someone to write the interface between vbulletin, wordpress and LDM. It's not something I'm prepared to take on at this stage, because in the not-too-distant future, I think there's going to be a lot of effort needed to get things working with vbulletin 4.0.

why not use something like http://www.websnapr.com/ just a little bit of code/javascript (around 4 lines) and after a short while thumbnails will be generated for your links, take a look here http://www.thecodecage.com at the bottom of the page i have affiliates, hover a link and a thumbnail of their site will pop up!

AndrewD 05-28-2009 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd (Post 1818628)
why not use something like http://www.websnapr.com/ just a little bit of code/javascript (around 4 lines) and after a short while thumbnails will be generated for your links, take a look here http://www.thecodecage.com at the bottom of the page i have affiliates, hover a link and a thumbnail of their site will pop up!

Sounds like a good idea - in fact LDM includes extras to do this task the other way round (i.e. popup thumbnails of its own entries).

vbboarder 05-30-2009 06:06 PM

Thanks for the new features and bug fixes Andrew :)

itsblack 05-30-2009 11:19 PM

Andrew, thank you for the update.
Here is the updated chinese translation.

Rouzbeh1 05-31-2009 04:55 PM

everything works perfect now
thank you very much andrew

Leo Brazil 06-02-2009 02:40 PM

I've following this mod since 3.6 always found a great idea but never saw much application for my board. My mistake, people got nuts trying to search for a file or links that were given as a tip a long time ago and got lost in tons of threads and pages.
So I was here glad to surrender to this great idea finally.

But I'm on 3.8.2 running your RC5 and faced a few issues. I didn't open it to my users because I want to make sure everything is OK, so I can test whatever I want before.

Here goes the issues.

- My test users has non usual characters symbols like "&", "%" or "$", in fact my admin account has one of those too and if I try to make an entry using them it says "User not recognised on db" but if I just edit username to any other without those symbols it goes OK.

- I have created a few categories to test (had to edit username too but goes OK) and after that I populated them with some entries. Some pictures, some files and some links, so far so good but at Main Category page if I click on category name, whichever the category I choose, it redirects me all the time to my forums page. Permissions were set as well as I tested some allowances but always goes this way.

- I've seen many addons for this mod, just to save time, is there one that gives me a snap-shot as a thumbnail of URL page I used as an entry ? I mean, this way a thumbnail would be used instead of nothing.

Could you give me some lights ?

Honestly, I felt so dumb when testing your mod, I tought: "Gee, why did I never test this thing before ??? It's so great !!!
Nice job you done.

AndrewD 06-02-2009 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1822066)
- My test users has non usual characters symbols like "&", "%" or "$", in fact my admin account has one of those too and if I try to make an entry using them it says "User not recognised on db" but if I just edit username to any other without those symbols it goes OK.

Thanks for reporting this. I think the problem is restricted to the "&" character (and this is easy to fix), but I will need to do some more checks to be certain that the fix doesn't cause other problems.


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1822066)
- I have created a few categories to test (had to edit username too but goes OK) and after that I populated them with some entries. Some pictures, some files and some links, so far so good but at Main Category page if I click on category name, whichever the category I choose, it redirects me all the time to my forums page. Permissions were set as well as I tested some allowances but always goes this way.

This has me stuck. When you hover the mouse over the urls on the Main Category page, what is displayed at the bottom of the browser?


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1822066)
- I've seen many addons for this mod, just to save time, is there one that gives me a snap-shot as a thumbnail of URL page I used as an entry ? I mean, this way a thumbnail would be used instead of nothing.

Have you checked the "screenshots" directory in the extra. There are addons to interface with both the snap (www.snap.com) and webthumbs (http://bluga.net/webthumb/) snapshots tools.

Leo Brazil 06-02-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1822143)
Thanks for reporting this. I think the problem is restricted to the "&" character (and this is easy to fix), but I will need to do some more checks to be certain that the fix doesn't cause other problems.

Man, I have to say, fastest support I ever had on here !! You should charge for your mod, I woudn't mind to pay.

Yes, double checking it, you're right, it seems only happens with "&".


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1822143)
This has me stuck. When you hover the mouse over the urls on the Main Category page, what is displayed at the bottom of the browser?

I think this is working fine cause your system was suppose to hide the original link from the outside one. Every Category link mouse over shows me something like http://www.mysite.com/forums/local_links/links/1 or http://www.mysite.com/forums/local_links/links/2 ,etc. Every category has a different number at the end, but all of them leads to forumhome when clicked.


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1822143)
Have you checked the "screenshots" directory in the extra. There are addons to interface with both the snap (www.snap.com) and webthumbs (http://bluga.net/webthumb/) snapshots tools.

I saw them, just to wanna know each one is the simplest one and does the job.


obmob 06-03-2009 03:01 AM

Well... went online with 2.3.0, everything was fine till i bumped into extra attributes added to certain entries.

I used it to add extra wallpaper size for some i had done. So, the attribute "widescreen" was used and it used to appear as a link, and hits to it were also added to the total count.

I had edited links_viewone_entity for that to happen.

Well, i tried the same this time, but no success, now, even if the attribute is a text i see the whole image in the attribute field.

Also a download link and a magnifier lenz.

If i change the attribute to be an image instead of a URL, te result is a thumbnail, but with no download link, just the magnifier.

In the end if i use this method, the hits are not counted.

Question: :p

Is there a way to show the thumbnail, but also be able to count hits... or, to hide the big image from my linkbit while the attribute is just a URL, would prefer to show the thumb and click on it to download. :D

Hope I was clear :confused:

AndrewD 06-03-2009 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1822208)
I think this is working fine cause your system was suppose to hide the original link from the outside one. Every Category link mouse over shows me something like http://www.mysite.com/forums/local_links/links/1 or http://www.mysite.com/forums/local_links/links/2 ,etc. Every category has a different number at the end, but all of them leads to forumhome when clicked.

I think you've enabled LDM's SEO option without configuring your server to handle this. See http://www.eirma.org/wikis/index.php...e_Optimisation.


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1822208)
I saw them, just to wanna know each one is the simplest one and does the job.

Both Snap and EasyWebThumbs are straightforward to use. I think Snap is probably easier.

Good luck!

nachtfalkesatul 06-03-2009 05:29 AM

i have a Question:

Wenn i create a new Category comes this error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ldm_create_category() in /var/www/satulcvb/htdocs/local_links_actions.php on line 2450

Question to LDM.

I want the uploadtime behind the Uploader or upload Date!
Is that possible?

Best Regards

AndrewD 06-03-2009 05:45 AM


Originally Posted by obmob (Post 1822505)
Well... went online with 2.3.0, everything was fine till i bumped into extra attributes added to certain entries.

I used it to add extra wallpaper size for some i had done. So, the attribute "widescreen" was used and it used to appear as a link, and hits to it were also added to the total count.

I had edited links_viewone_entity for that to happen.

Well, i tried the same this time, but no success, now, even if the attribute is a text i see the whole image in the attribute field.

Also a download link and a magnifier lenz.

If i change the attribute to be an image instead of a URL, te result is a thumbnail, but with no download link, just the magnifier.

In the end if i use this method, the hits are not counted.

Question: :p

Is there a way to show the thumbnail, but also be able to count hits... or, to hide the big image from my linkbit while the attribute is just a URL, would prefer to show the thumb and click on it to download. :D

Hope I was clear :confused:


I think I understand. I've removed the possibility to download images for extra attributes. The fix is straightforward. (Line numbers assume that you have installed version 2.3.0-RC5 - they might be slightly different with earlier versions.)

Edit includes/local_links_entities.php, around line 1159 find:
PHP Code:

        if (
$links_defaults['link_imagesize']) {
$entityimgurl $RESIZE_SCRIPT.'.php?'.$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'].'linkid='.$linkid.'&entityid='.$entityid

and add line after:
PHP Code:

        $entitysave ldm_seo_url("jump"$linkcatid$linkid$entityid$pagenumber); 

Edit includes/local_links_main_fetch.php, around line 547 fine:
PHP Code:

    entity.entityvalue AS linkurlentity.entityvalue AS linkfile

and change to:
PHP Code:

    entity.entityvalue AS linkurl'' AS linkfile

(that is two single quotes, not one double quote)

AndrewD 06-03-2009 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by nachtfalkesatul (Post 1822564)
i have a Question:

Wenn i create a new Category comes this error

Fatal error: Call to undefined function ldm_create_category() in /var/www/satulcvb/htdocs/local_links_actions.php on line 2450

Check that you have uploaded all the files correctly and into the correct directories. The function ldm_create_category() was moved from one file to another in the latest releases, so I suspect that you've got some old and some new code installed


Originally Posted by nachtfalkesatul (Post 1822564)
Question to LDM.

I want the uploadtime behind the Uploader or upload Date!
Is that possible?

Best Regards

I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean that you want entries to indicate the time they were created/edited as well as the date? Or do you mean that you want to tell people how long it took to upload the file?

AndrewD 06-03-2009 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1822208)
Man, I have to say, fastest support I ever had on here !! You should charge for your mod, I woudn't mind to pay.

Yes, double checking it, you're right, it seems only happens with "&".

This will be corrected in the next upload. If you want a fix now, here's what to do:

Edit includes/local_links_include.php, line 2369, change:
PHP Code:

    while ($rec=$vbulletin->db->fetch_array($asb)) {
        foreach (
$usernames as $k=>$v) {
            if (
$v==$rec['username']) { 

PHP Code:

    while ($rec=$vbulletin->db->fetch_array($asb)) {
        foreach (
$usernames as $k=>$v) {
$hv htmlspecialchars_uni($v);
            if (
$hv==$rec['username']) { 

nachtfalkesatul 06-03-2009 10:15 AM

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for you Answer,


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1822609)
I'm not sure I understand. Do you mean that you want entries to indicate the time they were created/edited as well as the date? Or do you mean that you want to tell people how long it took to upload the file?

I mean the Upload Time and Date to see for Users!
In my Version ist only upload Date to see.
For Users are better to see Uplad Date and Upload Time!


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1822609)
Check that you have uploaded all the files correctly and into the correct directories. The function ldm_create_category() was moved from one file to another in the latest releases, so I suspect that you've got some old and some new code installed

i have only the Version 2.3.0-beta1 installed

AndrewD 06-03-2009 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by nachtfalkesatul (Post 1822651)
I mean the Upload Time and Date to see for Users!
In my Version ist only upload Date to see.
For Users are better to see Uplad Date and Upload Time!

The easiest way to do this is to create a small plugin. (I will consider making it an admin option in the next release.)

Go to vb/admincp/products and plugins and select Add New Plugin

Create a new plugin as follows:
- Product : Links and Downloads Manager
- Name : Whatever you like
- Plugin PHP Code:
PHP Code:

$linkdate ldm_date('d-M-y h:m'$linkdatebin); 

- Active : Yes

Save, and you should have the change you want. You can change the format ('d-M-y h:m' in the example above) as you wish.


Originally Posted by nachtfalkesatul (Post 1822651)
i have only the Version 2.3.0-beta1 installed

I'm pretty sure that you've got an incomplete includes/local_links_include.php file. It should be 153 K in size, and the function ldm_create_category should begin at line 5134.

Leo Brazil 06-03-2009 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1822511)
I think you've enabled LDM's SEO option without configuring your server to handle this. See http://www.eirma.org/wikis/index.php...e_Optimisation.

Yes, you got it. That was the thing. Solved.

Please, let me know when you have an idea with the "&" thing OK ? Even if you want me to test any version for you, no problem.


AndrewD 06-03-2009 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1822743)
Yes, you got it. That was the thing. Solved.

Please, let me know when you have an idea with the "&" thing OK ? Even if you want me to test any version for you, no problem.


Good :)

see this post for the other fix.

Leo Brazil 06-03-2009 03:20 PM

Ops, my bad, I missed this post.

Thanks again

obmob 06-04-2009 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1822569)

I think I understand. I've removed the possibility to download images for extra attributes. The fix is straightforward. (Line numbers assume that you have installed version 2.3.0-RC5 - they might be slightly different with earlier versions.)

Edit includes/local_links_entities.php, around line 1159 find:
PHP Code:

        if (
$links_defaults['link_imagesize']) {
$entityimgurl $RESIZE_SCRIPT.'.php?'.$vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'].'linkid='.$linkid.'&entityid='.$entityid

and add line after:
PHP Code:

        $entitysave ldm_seo_url("jump"$linkcatid$linkid$entityid$pagenumber); 

Edit includes/local_links_main_fetch.php, around line 547 fine:
PHP Code:

    entity.entityvalue AS linkurlentity.entityvalue AS linkfile

and change to:
PHP Code:

    entity.entityvalue AS linkurl'' AS linkfile

(that is two single quotes, not one double quote)

Thanks for the little update Andrew, worked really nice, after that I just needed to edit "links_entitymarkupbit" to make it look different.

Now, it is odd, i put align="center" and it is not in the middle o_O

Either way, it works and that's the most important thing.

Thank you very much!! :D

Take a look:

dieKetzer 06-04-2009 02:49 PM

this looks very promising.
i will install it and report back :)

Leo Brazil 06-04-2009 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1822610)
This will be corrected in the next upload. If you want a fix now, here's what to do:

Edit includes/local_links_include.php, line 2369, change:
PHP Code:

    while ($rec=$vbulletin->db->fetch_array($asb)) {
        foreach (
$usernames as $k=>$v) {
            if (
$v==$rec['username']) { 

PHP Code:

    while ($rec=$vbulletin->db->fetch_array($asb)) {
        foreach (
$usernames as $k=>$v) {
$hv htmlspecialchars_uni($v);
            if (
$hv==$rec['username']) { 

Hi AndrewD,

I did exactly like this but the problem remains the same, when I try to create a new category.

AndrewD 06-05-2009 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Leo Brazil (Post 1823561)
Hi AndrewD,

I did exactly like this but the problem remains the same, when I try to create a new category.

I'm sorry to learn that this fix did not solve your problem. To investigate, I really need to access your site as an admin which has a problematic username and has permission to get at the products and plugin section of the admincp. If you are happy for me to do this, send me a PM with details of site url, username and password.

dieKetzer 06-05-2009 02:19 PM

thus far i am both very impressed and overwhelmed by the many configuration option available.
this one is the best i have used yet. i should have tried it years ago!

Alfa1 06-08-2009 09:09 AM

After upgrading to 2.3.0 RC5 and installing the flash-sites-plugin.xml:
PHP Code:

Warning:  Unexpected character in input:  ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /public_html/forum/includes/local_links_players.php(108) : eval()'d code on line 30 

Note that my site has custom table prefixes.

Turning the plugin off, makes the errors go away. How can I solve this?

AndrewD 06-08-2009 10:13 AM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1825527)
After upgrading to 2.3.0 RC5 and installing the flash-sites-plugin.xml:
PHP Code:

Warning:  Unexpected character in input:  ''' (ASCII=39) state=1 in /public_html/forum/includes/local_links_players.php(108) : eval()'d code on line 30 

Note that my site has custom table prefixes.

Turning the plugin off, makes the errors go away. How can I solve this?

An extra quote character has got itself into the flash site plugin. You can fix this by going to vb/acp/products and plugins/plugin manager, and editing the "Enable media player for Flash-based websites" plugin that is attached to the ldm_playme_initplayers hook.

Find the line that reads

        "canremove"' => 1,  // can be deleted
and get rid of the single quote, i.e. make it read

        "canremove" => 1,  // can be deleted

Alfa1 06-08-2009 10:40 AM

Thank you for the swift reply. That solves it.

How can I edit the text that is displayed on forum home stats? I want to add a link to the file archive.

I have 3 different main categories in my LDM: documents, video and audio. Is it possible to display the forum home stats for each of these main categories?

Is it possible to use patch-forumhome-newlinks or another function to display latest new files on /search.php?do=getnew ?

sparklywater 06-08-2009 11:30 AM

I have a category with lots of links to Jukebox audio files. The category page has been indexed by Google, but not a single Jukebox player link has been indexed even after several months. These links do have some text content so Google should be able to index them. I'm wondering if anything in the LDM setup is preventing these pages from being indexed?

Alfa1 06-08-2009 11:48 AM

Same here. Even jukebox player links dated many years ago are not in Googles cache, while Google did indexed most of my site.

Alfa1 06-08-2009 11:58 AM

How does the LDM Similarthreads plug-in calculate similar files on showthread? I really like this feature, but it shows completely irrelevant files.

sparklywater 06-08-2009 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1825601)
Same here. Even jukebox player links dated many years ago are not in Googles cache, while Google did indexed most of my site.

Thanks Alfa1 for confirming that it's a reproducable problem.

skol 06-08-2009 12:02 PM

Well i've tried for months Andrew,to get the uploading part of the mod to work..and i thought it might be a path problem to where i created the upload folder..

No matter what i do as soon as i hit the submit upload i get a blank page with this http://forum/local_links_actions.php

Alfa1 06-08-2009 12:10 PM

When installing the plugin spider-url that addresses ldm_linkbit_create I get this error:
PHP Code:

Parse error:  syntax errorunexpected '[' in /public_html/forum/includes/local_links_include.php(3725) : eval()'d code on line 3 

Why does the forum home stats show that my entries are 6.17 GB, while my statistics in LDM's settings show 1.87 GB?

AndrewD 06-08-2009 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1825615)
When installing the plugin spider-url that addresses ldm_linkbit_create I get this error:
PHP Code:

Parse error:  syntax errorunexpected '[' in /public_html/forum/includes/local_links_include.php(3725) : eval()'d code on line 3 

again, a character has gone astray.

Edit the Links and Downloads Manager - Spider external urls plugin attached to the ldm_linkbit_create hook. It starts off with a line


if (links_defaults['spider_urls_active'] and substr($linkurl,0,4)=="http") {
There should be a dollar sign $ immediately before links_defaults, i.e.


if ($links_defaults['spider_urls_active'] and substr($linkurl,0,4)=="http") {

Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1825615)
Why does the forum home stats show that my entries are 6.17 GB, while my statistics in LDM's settings show 1.87 GB?

These pages are not calculating the same thing. The LDM settings page shows the size of uploads. The forum home figure is the total size of all files which are considered to be downloads.

AndrewD 06-08-2009 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1825607)
How does the LDM Similarthreads plug-in calculate similar files on showthread? I really like this feature, but it shows completely irrelevant files.

It's doing a match of the thread title against the entry title and description, not on the content of the file.

AndrewD 06-08-2009 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by sparklywater (Post 1825590)
I have a category with lots of links to Jukebox audio files. The category page has been indexed by Google, but not a single Jukebox player link has been indexed even after several months. These links do have some text content so Google should be able to index them. I'm wondering if anything in the LDM setup is preventing these pages from being indexed?

Several thoughts:

1) When Google visits your site, it does so as an unregistered user. Unless you have enabled the Jukebox for unregistered users, the links will not be there for Google to see.

2) Each LDM page includes a meta tag of the form:

<meta name="robots" content="index, nofollow" />
This tells Google to index the content of the page but not to follow any urls on the page. This was done for a reason (although I can't quite recall what the reason was - I think we wanted to stop Google accessing the actual files). You can change this on the LDM settings page with the robots_meta_tag setting, try "index, follow".

3) Does Google actually index urls with long "?action=xxx..." params? Do you need a search engine optimiser? (I don't know)

AndrewD 06-08-2009 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by skol (Post 1825610)
Well i've tried for months Andrew,to get the uploading part of the mod to work..and i thought it might be a path problem to where i created the upload folder..

No matter what i do as soon as i hit the submit upload i get a blank page with this http://forum/local_links_actions.php

Sorry to hear this. Do you want me to take a look - I can't easily suggest a solution otherwise. Send me a PM with site details + a full admin account.

AndrewD 06-08-2009 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1825562)
How can I edit the text that is displayed on forum home stats? I want to add a link to the file archive.

You should edit the Links and Downloads Manager - Patch forumhome stats plugin that is attached to the forumhome_complete hook. Find the lines:


$template_hook['forumhome_wgo_stats'] .= "
                $vbphrase[ldm_links_database] $vbphrase[ldm_categories]: $totalcats, $vbphrase[ldm_entries]: $totallinks$totalspace, $vbphrase[ldm_comments]: $totalcomments

and change it to (e.g.)


$template_hook['forumhome_wgo_stats'] .= "
                <a href='".LINKS_SCRIPT."'>$vbphrase[ldm_links_database]</a> $vbphrase[ldm_categories]: $totalcats, $vbphrase[ldm_entries]: $totallinks$totalspace, $vbphrase[ldm_comments]: $totalcomments


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1825562)
I have 3 different main categories in my LDM: documents, video and audio. Is it possible to display the forum home stats for each of these main categories?

I deliberately avoided giving this plugin many features, because it requires loading all the LDM code base and can involve carrying out quite heavy database queries, which will increase the cost of viewing the forum home. So the answer to your question is "yes in principle" but I would be reluctant to make this an easy/reliable feature of the plugin.


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1825562)
Is it possible to use patch-forumhome-newlinks or another function to display latest new files on /search.php?do=getnew ?

Not currently. Again, I have tried to keep integration with other parts of vb limited, so as to keep down the cost of running (and maintaining :)) LDM.

Alfa1 06-08-2009 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1825659)
again, a character has gone astray.

Edit the Links and Downloads Manager - Spider external urls plugin attached to the ldm_linkbit_create hook. It starts off with a line


if (links_defaults['spider_urls_active'] and substr($linkurl,0,4)=="http") {
There should be a dollar sign $ immediately before links_defaults, i.e.


if ($links_defaults['spider_urls_active'] and substr($linkurl,0,4)=="http") {

Thanks. That fixed it.


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1825663)
It's doing a match of the thread title against the entry title and description, not on the content of the file.

Even though most of my thread titles are descriptive, they will always contain words that do not relate to the topic. For example: 'What is xxx?' 'How can you do xxx?' 'a question about xxx'
Would it be possible to have the addon take tags into account?


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1825671)
When Google visits your site, it does so as an unregistered user. Unless you have enabled the Jukebox for unregistered users, the links will not be there for Google to see.

Where do I check this setting?


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1825671)
Does Google actually index urls with long "?action=xxx..." params? Do you need a search engine optimiser? (I don't know)

I think this is indeed needed.


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1825681)
You should edit the Links and Downloads Manager - Patch forumhome stats plugin that is attached to the forumhome_complete hook. Find the lines:


$template_hook['forumhome_wgo_stats'] .= "
        $vbphrase[ldm_links_database] $vbphrase[ldm_categories]: $totalcats, $vbphrase[ldm_entries]: $totallinks$totalspace, $vbphrase[ldm_comments]: $totalcomments

and change it to (e.g.)


$template_hook['forumhome_wgo_stats'] .= "
        <a href='".LINKS_SCRIPT."'>$vbphrase[ldm_links_database]</a> $vbphrase[ldm_categories]: $totalcats, $vbphrase[ldm_entries]: $totallinks$totalspace, $vbphrase[ldm_comments]: $totalcomments

<a href='".LINKS_SCRIPT."'> does not work for me as that points to /local_links instead of /local_links.php So I used the full url instead. I tweaked the code to use this:

$template_hook['forumhome_wgo_stats'] .= "
        <a href='http://www.mysite.com/forum/local_links.php'>Files</a>: $totallinks$totalspace, $vbphrase[ldm_comments]: $totalcomments, $vbphrase[ldm_categories]: $totalcats


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1825681)
I deliberately avoided giving this plugin many features, because it requires loading all the LDM code base and can involve carrying out quite heavy database queries, which will increase the cost of viewing the forum home. So the answer to your question is "yes in principle" but I would be reluctant to make this an easy/reliable feature of the plugin.

Thats understandable. I guess my LDM has grown so big, that I have come to a point where I need multiple instances of LDM, to handle each section.

My members keep getting confused whether they are in the video, the documents or the audio section and are uploading to the wrong parts. For this reason I would 3 different category selectors on the upload page. So that it will not be possible to choose a category in the video section, if one is in the document section. Do you see a possibility for me to accomplish this or something similar?


Originally Posted by AndrewD (Post 1825681)
Not currently. Again, I have tried to keep integration with other parts of vb limited, so as to keep down the cost of running (and maintaining :)) LDM.

Showing the latest files is possible within a vba module and on forum home. I am not that technical, but can you please explain why the same already coded functionality would not work on search.php? Is there anything that I can do toget it working?

AndrewD 06-08-2009 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1825730)
Where do I check this setting?



Originally Posted by Alfa1 (Post 1825730)
My members keep getting confused whether they are in the video, the documents or the audio section and are uploading to the wrong parts. For this reason I would 3 different category selectors on the upload page. So that it will not be possible to choose a category in the video section, if one is in the document section. Do you see a possibility for me to accomplish this or something similar?

Showing the latest files is possible within a vba module and on forum home. I am not that technical, but can you please explain why the same already coded functionality would not work on search.php? Is there anything that I can do toget it working?

I'll give these points some thought

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