Gutspiller |
01-14-2004 04:16 AM |
Originally Posted by grandeur_69
in last10.php ... change line 189 from
$fd = date($fdt,$threads[lastpost]);
$fd = vbdate($fdt,$threads[lastpost]);
to make use of vbulletin's time
Thanks grandeur_69. I have one more question, I have that hack that if it was posted today, it says "Today" and if yesterday, it says "Yesterday". The problem is, is that I have those as black text on my forums, well the black text doesn't work on where I'm putting this last10 thing. I tried changing:
PHP Code:
echo("<td HEIGHT=\"25\" bgcolor=\"$bc\" style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs; color:90959E;\" align=\"center\">$fd</td>\n");
into this:
PHP Code:
echo("<td HEIGHT=\"25\" bgcolor=\"$bc\" style=\"font-family:$f; font-size:$fs;\" align=\"center\"><font color=90959E>$fd</font></td>\n");
but the text continues to stay black. Any ideas on how to change the color when using it in last10, yet still have it the original color it is now on my forums?
Thanks for any help, anybody can provide.