Immortal |
02-23-2006 06:13 PM |
Originally Posted by trilljester
Whoa dude, take a chill pill, I was just making a joke. Didn't realize you took your "charity" work so personal.
Yes. When you get less then 4 hours of sleep a day, work over 3 jobs just to support yourself, and do this on the side, you don't have much "free" time. I take what I do seriously, as I do with everything.
Originally Posted by Unexplained
Your comments were un-called for, Immortal and very un-professional. It was easy to see that the other member was merely Joking, take a chill pill.
No it was not easy. He did not use any signs of showing a joke, such as a smilie. Or even an attempt at one. All it was, was text. It was very hard, if it was, to tell it was a joke. For the people who know me, I'm not the joking type person.
If you're mean to me, I'll be mean back. If you be sarcastic, I'll be one right back at ya. I don't have time for people who waste my time. I do not represent any company here, so I honestly do not care what you think of me. You are entitled to your own opinion, I just don't care what your opinion is.
Originally Posted by MortysTW
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help Immortal with this issue. I'm not very good with code but alright with the templates. Let me know if you need anything on my test server. I believe I gave you plenty of admin options.
I thank you for the kind offer. :)
I am currently working on the issue. As far as "Mark Read" is concerned, that is only for IE it seems. Fx is just doing it fine for me, however, I'll try and work on a fix for it.