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That typically means that the links to the games are incorrect. Check the Admin CP and the "Location of Games" field and try removing the leading slash. That usually fixes it for most people.
The arcade is working perfectly now ^_^ thanks!
Is there a way this thread can be split off to only show how to add more games or has it been done and I've missed it?
Thanks. |
you have a folder within your forums directory that stores the game files ('games'), to add a game it has to be compatible with the proarcade, theres a seperate thread for games development on this forum just do a search for 'proarcade' , if you download a game from that games development thread.. unzip it. Then upload the game file lets say it be tetris you upload the tetris.swf file into the games folder on your server. You then go to you admin area and the proarcade options.. 'add game' you now have to fill in required fields to add a new game, inside the zip file u downloaded might be an instructions file.. read that and it probably will provide the required info to enter into the fields. remember when putting the File Name it has to be with its file type extension wrong file name: tetris RIGHT file name: tetris.swf Make sure the game is active and that should be it.. in a nutshell, hope that helps. |
sweet work man thanks
In vbproarcade-beta2.sql most of it looks messed up. For example....
INSERT INTO arcadeconfig VALUES (1, 1, '100B', '/games/', '2 5 6 7', 1, 'icon-scoreboard.gif', 'GIF89a\0\0?\0ˇ˝?ˇ˚?ˇ˚?ˇ˝?ˇ˛?ˇ??ˇ˝?ˇ??ˇ˙Ωˇ˘?ˇ??ˇ??ˇ?◊ˇ??ˇ˝?ˇ˛?ˇ˙?ˇ??ˇ˛?ˇ˚?ˇ˛ˇ??ˇ˝?ˇ??ˇ˚?ˇ˘≥ˇ˛ıˇ??ˇ˛?ˇ??\0\0\0\0\0\0!˘\0\0\0,\0\0\0\0\0\0\0V?\'?d)zh?z??i\Z?\0∞\'8√2%?ӄ?XVaK?? ֧?∏??C?\0?πH?≠√∆??*RT˙ѡ\n?d?G%???˙??∆?+(&?%!\0;', 'icon-scoreboard2.gif', 'GIF89a\0\0?\0\0ˇ? ˇ?\0ˇ?\0ˇ?ˇ?,ˇg\0ˇ?ˇ≤\0ˇ?\0ˇv\0ˇ≤ˇ≤\0ˇ≤\0ˇg\0ˇ?ˇ?ˇ?\0ˇ≤\0ˇ?ˇ?\0ˇ?!ˇ≤\0ˇ?ˇg\0ˇ?\0ˇv\0ˇ?Fˇg\0ˇ?3ˇ[\0\0\0\0\0\0\0!˘\0\0\0,\0\0\0\0\0\0\0V?\'?d)zh?z??i\Z?\0∞\'8√2%?ӄ?XVaK?? ֧?∏??C?\0?πH?≠√∆??*RT˙ѡ\n?d?G%???˙??∆?+(&?%!\0;', 1, 'icon-crown.gif', 'GIF89a\r\0\0?\0\0???∆?g??}????∆??????"ϗ*??4??=??Pլ??≈\0?????√\Zی??"¬ ?∆!??"ڜ+Ԍ3?∆7??J??Ofi≈Q??a??rı≈\0ı∆\0ԡ\0? ̓?? ?∆??!?∆ ? %??$??1? 1?=??@????∆^ڿ\0?∑ˇ?˝∆ ˇ ˇ?ˇ?˘∆??Ӄ ?Ω ??2??<?∫j?Ωn⁄∆}??\0??ˇ∆˙≈?\Z??%??_≤?k??}∫?S?????Tˇˇˇ\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0!˘\0\0K\0,\0\0\0\0\r\0\0\0c?K????H?F?J \Z?\n?)?(?#03BC8,K*\r1A?25?;$! /4@6&-?E:$%"\'7D9+.֗?IG<>=\0?fl???\0;', 1, 'icon-spyglass.gif', 'GIF89a\0\0?\0≤π?π?ˇ??K????[??ۮ?????◊?ˇ∏?ˇ?˚ˇ˝ˇˇ?ˇˇ?ڸ?ˇˇ??ı?∫?˛ ??ˇˇ?wf???∫????Ω????∂?ߔؿ?≈?fi◊????ˇˇ?t\0\0\0!˘\0\0\0,\0\0\0\0\0\0\0:?\'????≤??≈ IG0∑HJ?h∞???`???Q\0"????DYU???˝L∞]A??\n\0;', 'icon-spyglass2.gif', 'GIF89a\0\0?\0\0B?ˇO\0\0*K?\0B?.?\0.I?ˇ?ˇ1?ˇ?ˇˇvˇˇ?̱ˇˇ&?≈\0\rF?\'\0?ˇˇ\0\0s??@\r\0\0\0\0O?\0\0 \0=U*_IǢ,?ˇˇ!\0\0\0\0!˘\0\0\0,\0\0\0\0\0\0\08?\'????≤??≈ IG?∑HJڇ??C(?>?G??9~ L≈)≤?"?;πbl*\0;'); |
That is how it is supposed to look; that is binary data that is being inserted into the database (icons and such).
Any updates on the vB3 version of ProArcade..?
Yes, it is progressing quite nicely. I'd say it is about 80% complete, as far as release-worthiness. There are alphas going out to a select few people who are helping to test it in a live environment before I release it here.
When the other arcade came out, it seemed like 99% of those who were waiting for mine decided to bail, so with the pressure off I decided to go back and change the base table structure and re-do all of the code from scratch. The finished product is really quite good. I really do think it's superior to the other arcade in many, many ways; not a dig, just taking pride in my own work, I think. In a few areas I recoded things two or three times before I was satisfied with how it worked. The feature list and other info, and updates, are going out to a mailing list. If you'd like to be on it, PM me your email address. If you're interested in alpha testing, I could still use a few more. I'm in Florida this week for the Snowbird Nationals but will be sending the alphas out when I get back. I have net access here so I'll still be checking things and working in the meantime. To those waiting for vB2 updates, I can't apologize enough, I just have been caught up in the other version. |
The way the v3 Arcade is made is *completely* by design. There are no mini-leaderboards, not game icon uploaders, etc. Everything is focused on what the user would want to see, and do. (I've tried to cut down on including pointless features!) There are no hideous query loops. The code is fairly clean. The next release (which is already in testing) is fully phrased and the coding is absolutely flawless. (As well as some new original features, naturally.) It's simply a matter of preference. I prefer mine, you prefer yours - there's nothing wrong with that. ;) When you say you think yours is superior, are you referring to the coding? I hope not... not meaning to have a dig, but I've been told that your latest vb2 proArcade release was very poorly coded. If you've found something at fault, I'd be interested to hear it. |
Wow, congratulations on the lack of class there, John. Not once have I come into your thread and said anything bad about your hack. And I'd love to hear about all the "useless" features of vbProArcade.
NO ONE has seen my latest incarnation of the vB2 arcade, and there was nothing wrong with the coding of the old ones, either. There was a single query loop that I had not worked around because at the time there were all of five games. Instead of saying "I've heard this..." why don't you point out the parts that are poorly coded, hmm? Your coding is far from flawless (in fact, nobody's is flawless, and anybody who says their code is flawless is simply showing their ignorance). Look no further than the way you are having people modify Flash games. The last thing I want is to start a war with you; I see no reason why you should have come in here and posted that. |
C'mon guys, u're supposed to launch hacks to help us, the users, build better communities, not just to showcase your programming skills in a deathmatch...
Why not putting a common system to make flash games (the mother of the arcades anyway) compatible on both systems/hacks? ;) |
Future Let me know if you need me to test :)
great hack.. I installed it on a german forum and everything works fine but the games wont load, it stays as a white screen where the game should show up
any ideas on how to fix it? thanks! |
PixelFx: Sorry I haven't been on IM, I'm in Florida doing race coverage. I'll be back home late Monday. AshAbed: In the Admin CP, try removing the preceeding slash in the location of the arcade games. That usually fixes it. |
I had to play around with quite a few of the table background colours because everything was showing up as the same colour as my text. I changed a lot of instances of this: bgcolor="{tableheadbgcolor}" To the alternate colours used on forumhome and pretty much everywhere else. There were a few other things I changed, but that was done to personal preference. I'm not having a dig at anyone, I'm just stating a problem I had.. |
futureal, calm down - didn't mean to cause offense.
I've never seen the code to any of your versions of the Arcade, I was simply saying what people have said to me. The reason I did was because I didn't know what you were talking about when you mentioned superiority - i.e. if you were referring to a code problem... in which case I'd have wanted to know. I have no opinion on the quality of your code. If you weren't talking about the quality of the code, what else? (I presumed you were, which is why I took it as a personal dig.) You know that my Arcade and your Arcade don't even compare in functionality... they're completely different things. You've said it yourself.... so why even bring it up? Also, my current release is far from flawless in terms of coding. Never said it was... :confused: |
meh this is pointless, shouldn't a mod split of john's pointless posts?
:shrugs: i hope in this vb3 version of the pro-arcade theirs like 5 games on one line on the proarcade index instead fo displaying em row by row. |
You should be able to put more than one on a line, it would just be a template edit.
And the templates were admittedly horrible with the existing vB2 hacks, this has been addressed for both the new vB2 and vB3 versions. I re-did them with the default style(s) and then handed them to PixelFx for further tweaking and graphics. |
not really a fan of pixels work tbh (no offence pixelfx) i'll just have to wait and see.
I like the arcade from John but it is nearly impossible to modify swf files without the proper software which cost $79 and with that the change of succes is under the 50%. Without that software the change of finding the right scorevariable is 90% + in Futureal's arcade and that my friends is the most important reason why i will choose for vbProarcade when it is available. This has nothing to do with bad or good code because both are good but pure looking at the wish of your members. They want to play games and they want enough games to be entertained for a while. For admins it is important for several reasons that they can have some of control in which swf games are available. Admins love to have something special to offer that is nowhere else to find and vbProarcade gives all the tools to do just that. The proper code, the constant development of new games and the opportunity for admins to offer self decompiled/modified games. Untill now nobody has delivered a game for John's hack and although John has recieved tons of swf and fla files...the ratio of new games is far below the expectations.
Not trying to be a jackass on purpose here, but I gotta say that I disagree with that. I've gone through futureal's proarcade.php a few times and I've seen some majorly inefficient sections in there. Calling the code "clean" would only apply to the lack of bugs, perhaps, but as far as I know it still doesn't work in Mozilla, even though it's clearly possible (and from what I hear from people it shouldn't be that hard either - we could ask John about that. John, tell us!) and I'm also highly curious about the point of some of his functions. Admittedly, it's a very old hack, but he's had 1,5 years to update it a little y'know ;) And Nuclion, I find that a bit silly to point out. ProArcade has been out for 18 months, v3 Arcade for not even one month! Comparing the amount of games and the ratio of new games to these two hacks is really improper. I totally positive that if the v3 Arcade would have a sole reign for 18 months in a row, there'd be hundreds of games out that you could choose from. Personally, I find the Mozilla factor, and the fact that v3 Arcade is for vB3 already, the most important things right now. New games ARE coming at a pretty steady pace, and it's not like I would really *want* to have 100 games available to my community anyway. |
The Mozilla factor is hopefully solved in the next release of Vbproarcade. As mentioned...both are good and i hope critics will resolve in an even better arcade. Good for the members, good for the coders. :)
1. Ok, Mozilla. Who CARES? In my server stats over 99% of all my users are straight IE. It is absolute absurdity to design for 1% of your user base. Maybe yours is somewhat higher but enough to hold off developing some I doubt. 2. Please go over the the OTHER thread if you would like to sing the praises of another hack. For those of us waiting for this one WE DONT CARE! If I wanted it I would go 2 clicks to the left and get it. Can we stick to constructive criticism of THIS hack? -Jason |
My next site will have 100% features and functionality for users with a real browser. IE users will only get about 50-60% features & functionality, simply because that browser cannot possibly do more than that. Most of what I've made so far has generally been impossible to get working in IE were it not for the fact that there are many workarounds one could use, but in the final version of my next site, I'll drop most of the workarounds and just give IE users a less-rich site. Just an example of how opinions can differ from person to person. Quote:
Stop the arguing and debating some people actually come here for help not to read differences of opinion. You can use either hack so everybodys happy!
I hope when the new proarcade is released and futureal makes a new thread, please just list any common problems in the first post or 5 as people seem to be having the same problems over and over and it is tedious searching threw what is now 128 pages for answers. For now im sticking with proarcade on vb2 because I wont upgrade until vb3 hits gold.. any news on the new vb2 version? |
HEY , to all those that came into this thread simply to run their mouth on their opinions of the OTHER arcade - THANKS JACKASSES! I call it like I see it and that's exactly what you've made yourselves out to be - hey if you want to run off and marry the other arcade or have it's children - then go for it , but as far as coming to this thread and flap your mouth over your personal opinions - get out of here with that garbage!
Here I was hoping this was an update notice for THIS arcade , and all I see is flame wars. WAY TO GO ..... if you want that kind of debate and discussions , take it to your own forums. |
You know, if you're going to complain about other people's behaviour, you should really make sure your own isn't filled with pointless insults towards others who are behaving perfectly civil.
behaving perfectly in bad taste is more like it there buddy. If someone took offense to what I said and took it as an insult , then they got exactly the point I intended to get across , so I think my message will be more than adequate in expressing my desire to read about updates and not flame wars over which arcade is the best. I'll now go back to waiting for the replies that actually have something to do with the true intent of this thread and leave the flame wars to you.
what's the latest news on the next upgrade to this ?
I'll be happy to test the arcade again if you need. My live forums are currently running vB3 RC 4 so if you need me I'm down.
I installed it, but after a game ends I get sent to a 404 Page error. Can someone tell me what the possible solutions can be?
=:) Futureal let me know when you get home again, also I've done clean install on my personal site, so can help test templates etc on there, with vb3 RC4 :)
as 4 sabret00the, no offence taken, however curious which work you saw you didn't like :P so I can improve :chinese: |
Installed with no problems. :) Will post here if a new game is added.
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