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Jeromedia603 01-27-2013 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by fookaa (Post 2399894)
Yeah DOH !! lol


Ok i got a small problem again...

I have a singles ladder and when players create a challenge if they do not specifically put the time in a certain way the challenge does not show up correctly, they get no error ect..

But i can see it in all challenges and delete it ect ....

Is that a bug ?

Explain put in the time in a certain way?

Explain teh challenges does not show up correctly?

bananalive 01-27-2013 08:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by fookaa (Post 2399827)
H i,

i used this mod a while back and am using it again...

Before i did something so that when creating a challenge for a ladder i could choose a map that the game would be played on....

I cant see or remember how i did that any one know lol :D

Edit Ladder -> Challenge Extra Fields -> Map Name

See screenshot attached

bananalive 01-27-2013 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 2399805)
I have a similar issue, but if all the images are the same size.. my only issue is that the 1st image in rotation stays centered, while the rest all go left align.?

That should be fixed in latest version?

bananalive 01-27-2013 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by Jeromedia603 (Post 2399711)
What I am thinking in my head: "If I could left align the image to match up with the Uncategorised Tournaments, then I could determine the appropriate pixel width to reach the uncat ladder edge and make it look like a perfect fit. Does that help?

I am not trying to resize the image, rather work in the boundaries that allow my image to be the appropriate width. Or at least that is what I am thinking.

It looks like you need to reduce padding/margin on left then it will align with uncategorised tournaments.

Gamelobby 01-27-2013 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2399926)
That should be fixed in latest version?

Oh, i didn't even realize there was an update since i downloaded it. lol

Thanks :up:

PS. going from 6.1.4 to 6.1.5 do we need to upload any files or just the XML.?

Jeromedia603 01-27-2013 11:28 PM

Banana Live, is there a way to edit and allow me to have an option as I would like below. Currently the layout just looks off.



Feel free to PM me if needed.

Jeromedia603 01-27-2013 11:44 PM

I think I found a solution for future changes. If you would allow for a Height entry and Width entry instead of just a category pixel of height and width which now have to be the same size. If I make it 300px then it spaces the categories out too much.

betts02 01-28-2013 10:46 AM

For me everything tournament and ladder wise is fine
Its the league system that is just to much trouble setting up,etc

It needs to be made a whole lot more easier and efficient

I would love to see:

Create New League:

(In Options)
How many divisions and name divisions as currently it has the option to name but it does not work for me

Set the league to run for a set amount of weeks

Automatically set the fixtures so each player in each division players each other once per week
Allow both player to comment on a date and once agreed BOTH players have to check a box to set the date

Once the game has finished BOTH players have to check a box to submit the correct scores

If a score does not match a notification should be sent to admins

Goatpod 01-28-2013 11:19 PM

Just done a clean install of the premium version and I'm now getting the navbar template repeating a few centimeters down from the original navbar when the Competitions Tab is enabled but only on the search page. Before I start fiddling has anyone else experienced this and can give any clues as to what may be causing it?

Gamelobby 01-30-2013 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by betts02 (Post 2400050)
For me everything tournament and ladder wise is fine
Its the league system that is just to much trouble setting up,etc

It needs to be made a whole lot more easier and efficient

I would love to see:

Create New League:

(In Options)
How many divisions and name divisions as currently it has the option to name but it does not work for me

Set the league to run for a set amount of weeks

Automatically set the fixtures so each player in each division players each other once per week
Allow both player to comment on a date and once agreed BOTH players have to check a box to set the date

Once the game has finished BOTH players have to check a box to submit the correct scores

If a score does not match a notification should be sent to admins

Agreed, the League stuff shouldn't be tied to tournaments or ladders except maybe to get some ladder xp for winning, like tournaments.

A league should be a completely separate thing..
  • Leagues are an ongoing competition, with seasons (that can be tied together or not), but much less complicated. (think sports.. NFL, MLB, Futbol, etc.. Shooter clans will work just as well, just easier to picture how it would be set up using real life scenario)
  • Tournaments are a one time entity. (Could be similar to a league, in that it may have rounds, but not seasons)
  • Ladders are for whatever amount of time you like.. kind of like a Hall of Fame for whatever time period you set. :)

I can't even imagine how much work this stuff is to create & edit to make changes etc, so don't take this as anything but idea/suggestion. :up:

Bluefin221 01-30-2013 08:25 PM

Really have to have a way for users to submit there own scores for teams, also from league into knockout stages doesn't work poperly, it randomly just puts teams together instead of winner of group 1 plays runner up of group 4 or whatever so there is no reward for winning a group.

sergiomc 01-31-2013 02:27 PM

Hi, when will make this application for VB5?

bananalive 02-02-2013 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by sergiomc (Post 2400787)
Hi, when will make this application for VB5?

Not sure yet

bananalive 02-02-2013 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Goatpod (Post 2400200)
Just done a clean install of the premium version and I'm now getting the navbar template repeating a few centimeters down from the original navbar when the Competitions Tab is enabled but only on the search page. Before I start fiddling has anyone else experienced this and can give any clues as to what may be causing it?

I've not heard of this happening before. Can you email me a link or screenshot?

bananalive 02-02-2013 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 2399953)
Oh, i didn't even realize there was an update since i downloaded it. lol

Thanks :up:

PS. going from 6.1.4 to 6.1.5 do we need to upload any files or just the XML.?

Subscribe to update notifications at https://www.facebook.com/BananaLive.Modifications

Upload both.

Gamelobby 02-05-2013 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2401281)
Subscribe to update notifications at https://www.facebook.com/BananaLive.Modifications

Did that weeks ago. :)

teqsun 02-08-2013 07:48 PM

Hi guys, I have installed this app and have run three successful tourneys! Gotta say I love it so far! only problem is I can't create a ladder. Whenever I click the add button, it just takes me to the league for the current category. When I click add there, it just refreshes the current page. any thoughts?

edit: disregard... I never "started" the league...

madddenaddicto 02-09-2013 05:03 PM

I get this error code
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/i...RfuVl6FJdWRZBE CristhianIturralde

On this page
http://www.iplayfifa.com/teams.php?10-Atletico-Riazor click on team members.
How can I fix it?

Thank you in advance.


bananalive 02-09-2013 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by madddenaddicto (Post 2403116)
I get this error code
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/i...RfuVl6FJdWRZBE CristhianIturralde

On this page
http://www.iplayfifa.com/teams.php?10-Atletico-Riazor click on team members.
How can I fix it?

Thank you in advance.


Edit team and check your 'tag' option

madddenaddicto 02-10-2013 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2403120)
Edit team and check your 'tag' option

So I have to log in as the captain of that team and then check my tag?
What do you mean by TAG?

bananalive 02-10-2013 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by madddenaddicto (Post 2403293)
So I have to log in as the captain of that team and then check my tag?
What do you mean by TAG?

It's an option when you edit the team:

'Team Tags'

sergiomc 02-12-2013 03:54 AM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2401277)
Not sure yet

Why do not you do it? I'm willing to pay, I need to enjoy this important application in VB5.

Please! and thanks.

wampforum 02-14-2013 05:14 PM

I guess I know the answer to this but it seems someone has accidentally deleted my long running ladder. Is there any way to restore it?

bananalive 02-15-2013 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by wampforum (Post 2404276)
I guess I know the answer to this but it seems someone has accidentally deleted my long running ladder. Is there any way to restore it?

Not unless you've taken a mysql backup?

pandamonium0228 02-17-2013 04:38 PM

i noticed there isn't a way for the team leader to remove player from the team other than to delete the team. this could cause some problems on sign up's. leader and co-leader should be able to remove players also.

also i notice if a team gets deleted in a tournament bracket the name stay in the slot of the bracket even though the team doesn't exist. if you click on the team it says it is a invalid team. even if a other team signs up to a reserve sign up due to a team dropping out. i didn't see a way to add that reserve team to the slot of the team dropping out nor did i see a function for a team to drop out.

this was setting up a double elimination tournament.

bananalive 02-17-2013 09:47 PM


Originally Posted by pandamonium0228 (Post 2404790)
i noticed there isn't a way for the team leader to remove player from the team other than to delete the team. this could cause some problems on sign up's. leader and co-leader should be able to remove players also.

also i notice if a team gets deleted in a tournament bracket the name stay in the slot of the bracket even though the team doesn't exist. if you click on the team it says it is a invalid team. even if a other team signs up to a reserve sign up due to a team dropping out. i didn't see a way to add that reserve team to the slot of the team dropping out nor did i see a function for a team to drop out.

this was setting up a double elimination tournament.

1. Team leaders can delete team members. There should be a cross to the right hand side of the team members to delete them.

2. You need to 'swap team'

betts02 02-17-2013 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Bluefin221 (Post 2400631)
Really have to have a way for users to submit there own scores for teams

Would love to see this feature added

Both teams/players must submit score
If any score is not the same a notification should pop up

pandamonium0228 02-17-2013 11:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2404847)
1. Team leaders can delete team members. There should be a cross to the right hand side of the team members to delete them.

2. You need to 'swap team'

ok i found the remove player X. it is seems the X doesn't show up on my template so i switch to the default one and can now see it.

however i still don't see this swap team function. once the tournament slot are filled up it seems like you can't change the bracket or swap a team for another one unless you delete the tourney unless i am miss something here.

screen shot is below.

betts02 02-18-2013 04:13 PM

Have a missed something here ?

Why is there no "my Team/s" tab ?

bananalive 02-18-2013 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by pandamonium0228 (Post 2404869)
ok i found the remove player X. it is seems the X doesn't show up on my template so i switch to the default one and can now see it.

however i still don't see this swap team function. once the tournament slot are filled up it seems like you can't change the bracket or swap a team for another one unless you delete the tourney unless i am miss something here.

screen shot is below.

Add &showcomps=1 to end of tournament when you are viewing it, then click pencil image

bananalive 02-18-2013 06:57 PM


Originally Posted by betts02 (Post 2405007)
Have a missed something here ?

Why is there no "my Team/s" tab ?

Under Teams navbar navigation there is a link to "My teams"

pandamonium0228 02-18-2013 08:31 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2405042)
Add &showcomps=1 to end of tournament when you are viewing it, then click pencil image

ok yes it is there as long as all the slot of the tournament haven't been filled but once there filled you can't swap teams. there is no option to swap team after slots have been filled but the tournament start date has been reached.

screen shot are provided below.

betts02 02-19-2013 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2405043)
Under Teams navbar navigation there is a link to "My teams"

I do not have the navbar options set as i think it looks messy and this way at the side is better


No option mate

bananalive 02-19-2013 06:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by pandamonium0228 (Post 2405067)
ok yes it is there as long as all the slot of the tournament haven't been filled but once there filled you can't swap teams. there is no option to swap team after slots have been filled but the tournament start date has been reached.

screen shot are provided below.

You need permission to edit tournament.


bananalive 02-19-2013 06:21 PM


Originally Posted by betts02 (Post 2405240)
I do not have the navbar options set as i think it looks messy and this way at the side is better


No option mate

Added link to next version

pandamonium0228 02-19-2013 09:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by bananalive (Post 2405261)
You need permission to edit tournament.


i have all the permission set to yes under usergroups and on top of hat even using the founder account it still isn't there.

sergiomc 02-22-2013 06:25 AM

Hello, I have a problem, I have created a nav tab for hall of fame, but this is not selected, as I have to do?

Target URL: tournaments.php?do=hof
Tab Script(s): tournaments <--- here error

On the other hand I wonder if is possible put rank images per tournament points, thanks.

bananalive 02-23-2013 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by pandamonium0228 (Post 2405304)
i have all the permission set to yes under usergroups and on top of hat even using the founder account it still isn't there.

Have you edited of the tournament templates?

bananalive 02-23-2013 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by sergiomc (Post 2405732)
Hello, I have a problem, I have created a nav tab for hall of fame, but this is not selected, as I have to do?

Target URL: tournaments.php?do=hof
Tab Script(s): tournaments <--- here error

On the other hand I wonder if is possible put rank images per tournament points, thanks.

Find in plugin 'set_navigation_tab'

if (in_array(THIS_SCRIPT, array('tournaments','teams','tll_tickets','tll_cre dits','kings') ))

Replace with

if (in_array(THIS_SCRIPT, array('teams','tll_tickets','tll_credits','kings') ))

betts02 02-23-2013 11:01 AM

Ive not used the double elimination but i seem to remember somewhere it stating it only worked for so many teams

Has this been fixed and if so how many teams can we use for double elimination ?

Also the link you have posted for double elimination, Is this exactly how the tournament works ?

Just i see some brackets for 16 man look different

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