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Mr. Brian 08-22-2004 01:48 AM


Originally Posted by SVTBlackLight01
Did you update the counters?

No doubt! :)

Takamine334 08-22-2004 04:40 PM

I've seen some sites that have a navigation box that will get information from other forums/threads and put them where the News Section is when clicked. They are using index.php?page=x. How can I do this on my site? What is the code I need?

This site does it:

emilios 08-22-2004 10:28 PM

We recently installed the portal on board version 3.0.3. It installed ok, but the styl;es don't seem to work properly for us. The forums show our own style, but the portal uses the original style with some of our own style images. see www.webdesigningforum.com/forums/vbindex.php for a sample of our problem

All the best

ZGeek 08-22-2004 11:29 PM

I need some help with my site www.zgeek.com as in the center thread box. I need to increase the characters shown for the thread name. Does anyone know where to edit this value?

Code Monkey 08-23-2004 12:05 AM

Whatever happened to the next version of this?

Sam FT 08-23-2004 12:11 AM


Originally Posted by JumpD
Whatever happened to the next version of this?

I was wondering the samething...I think vBindex isn't being coded or worked on anymore.

SVTBlackLight01 08-23-2004 01:03 AM

An extra pages function would be nice. ;)

emilios 08-23-2004 01:19 AM

can no1 help me ?

MetalMilitia 08-23-2004 12:12 PM

Now here is MY problem - Somone PLEASE help becuase I really am liking vbindex.

I've heard it talked about before. The login boxes do not allow me to login to ANYWHERE from them... all they do is take me to the forums homepage. I have my forums on a subdomain http://forums.armageddononline.org and I have the vbindex page (renamed to index) in my main directory. http://www.armageddononline.org/index.php

I have read you need to change the navbar somewhere and change the prefixes or the URL's or something. I tried messing with it, but was unsuccessful. The ONLY thing I need to get to work, is the login boxes on the main page... if SOMEONE... ANYONE, can please tell me what to do to correct them I would be very thankful. I don't understand what I did wrong...

AOL IM : metalmilitia7555
Yahoo : blackened711
ICQ : 43606642

In fact, thank you in advance!


Wordplay 08-23-2004 03:00 PM

this sounds incredible. but i do have a couple of questions:

1) is this hack hard to install? because i'm a practical noobie
2) would i still need to install the articles 1 hack, or does this pretty much cover the need for anything like that. since it comes with you being able to post announcements?
3) from the users here who have tried both hacks, what is better vbindex or the vBadvanced CMPS?

NTLDR 08-25-2004 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Brian
Well, now that I got it working but here come another problem with my "center thread", it don't seem to be working though.

Any clue?

Make sure they are enabled, and that you have updated the VBINDEX template as there are changes from previous versions for this to work.

NTLDR 08-25-2004 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by Sam FT
I was wondering the samething...I think vBindex isn't being coded or worked on anymore.

My paid job and other studies have had to come before a free script. I'm not going to release newer versions which I haven't been able to test properly.

NTLDR 08-25-2004 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by SVTBlackLight01
An extra pages function would be nice. ;)

Extra pages have been a feature in vBindex since 2.1.

NTLDR 08-25-2004 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by MetalMilitia
Now here is MY problem - Somone PLEASE help becuase I really am liking vbindex.

I've heard it talked about before. The login boxes do not allow me to login to ANYWHERE from them... all they do is take me to the forums homepage. I have my forums on a subdomain http://forums.armageddononline.org and I have the vbindex page (renamed to index) in my main directory. http://www.armageddononline.org/index.php

You have one of two problems here (or maybe both):

1) Make sure your board URL is set correctly in the vBulletin Options;
2) Make sure your cookie domain is set to .armageddononline.org (yes, 2 dots ;)) and the cookie path is set to /

NTLDR 08-25-2004 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by Wordplay
this sounds incredible. but i do have a couple of questions:

1) is this hack hard to install? because i'm a practical noobie

Provided you can follow the step by step instructions provided, then no ;)


2) would i still need to install the articles 1 hack, or does this pretty much cover the need for anything like that. since it comes with you being able to post announcements?
That really depends on the functionality your looking for.

MetalMilitia 08-25-2004 07:14 PM


and what about the poll? It loads and shows results... but when people try to vote on it, I get the "No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the webmaster" page.

Check it out here : http://www.armageddononline.org/index.php

How well does google crawl the vbindex_extra templates? Are meta-tags useful at all?

Thanks again!

sfowler39 08-25-2004 08:33 PM

I get a error page - can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?

I get a page that says

The page cannot be found
The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.


Please try the following:

If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.

Open the hrc home page, and then look for links to the information you want.
Click the Back button to try another link.
HTTP 404 - File not found
Internet Information Services


Technical Information (for support personnel)

More information:
Microsoft Support

The address is http://hrc/vb/vbindex.php

I am on an intranet, sorry you can see it but thats the address.

KingAdora 08-26-2004 08:23 PM

Does anyone elses shoutbox produce an annoying width scrollbar?


I tried all the options, and I can't get rid of it, even changing the text wrap length to different values.
I also like having the older messages at the top. Is there anyway of getting the scollbar to 'jump' to the bottom? So you can see the last message.
i'd rather not disable 'Use Ascending Order For Shouts'..

Any ideas on how to go about this?


pcalloway 08-27-2004 01:17 PM

I'm not getting the "More..." link to appear on news articles when the character count exceeds the limit I've set in vbindex. Rerunning the installer doesn't fix it.


xTerMn8R 08-27-2004 08:36 PM

If you could would you take a look at the code in Post 1838 (Pg.123) and see what I'm missing here to get this to work... :ermm: Love the hack and am happy to hear your taking the necessary time before releasing the New version, I'll be waitng patiently for more of ur great work.

Thank you,


NTLDR 08-28-2004 06:02 PM

The code from the FORUMHOME template won't work on vBindex. You'll need to enable the relevent options and the copy the code segments from the various templates within vBindex to generate the desired look.

NTLDR 08-28-2004 06:06 PM


How well does google crawl the vbindex_extra templates? Are meta-tags useful at all?
As well as it would crawl any other page. If you have the extra pages linked too then Google should crawl them.

RCSwap 08-28-2004 11:37 PM

When I go to Enable the NEWS section. I get a Database error. Also if you look at mine here: http://www.rcswap.com/forums/vbindex.php You'll notice the top banner is offset a couple pixel. Why is this? Its not like that on my forum http://www.rcswap.com/forums/index.php

RCSwap 08-28-2004 11:47 PM

Also can I move vbindex.php out of the forums folder and to the main "area' and rename it to index.php ?????

KingAdora 08-29-2004 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by KingAdora
Does anyone elses shoutbox produce an annoying width scrollbar?


I tried all the options, and I can't get rid of it, even changing the text wrap length to different values.
I also like having the older messages at the top. Is there anyway of getting the scollbar to 'jump' to the bottom? So you can see the last message.
i'd rather not disable 'Use Ascending Order For Shouts'..

Any ideas on how to go about this?


I managed to get rid of the horizontal scrollbar by changing the table width to 89%.

But I still don't know how to make the vertical scrollbar automatically be at the bottom instead of at it's usual place at the top.
Do you know any javascript I could use to do such a thing?

Pseudomizer 08-29-2004 01:59 PM

Hi KingAdora,

rather then using software like javascript to go to the bottom, i would reverse the order. On my page the shouts are from top to bottom and from latest to oldest shout.


KingAdora 08-29-2004 02:30 PM

Yeah I suppose I could do that. But it seems wrong to me. With threads the latest post is at the bottom, not the top :(

notorious 09-01-2004 06:34 PM

just a question is it possible to get the latest threads to scroll and if so how

pcalloway 09-02-2004 01:33 AM

Wondering if you might have missed this question since you've answered several since.


Originally Posted by pcalloway
I'm not getting the "More..." link to appear on news articles when the character count exceeds the limit I've set in vbindex. Rerunning the installer doesn't fix it.


Doug22 09-02-2004 03:55 AM

I'm trying to install this on a new 3.03 forum but when I run http://www.mydomain.com/forums/admin/vbiupgrade.php all I get is a blank page on the right side of my admin panel. Any ideas what is wrong? :(

zenmasteril 09-02-2004 10:36 PM

How can i add a custom block with TOP Statistics (top poster, top threader, number of posts etc'...) ?

(i don't know php.. please help me with the code needed)

Thanks :)

Pseudomizer 09-02-2004 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by zenmasteril
How can i add a custom block with TOP Statistics (top poster, top threader, number of posts etc'...) ?

(i don't know php.. please help me with the code needed)

Thanks :)

Install this hack and then use the variable from the template in your customer block template. Then you have a 10 minute caching as well which will reduce your SQL queries.



Blam Forumz 09-03-2004 07:54 PM

How would I make it so it shows a different logo on vBindex according to the users chosen style, because my forum has different logos for different styles...


I just realised that with any style it shows the default mainlogo :|


Zenan 09-04-2004 05:57 AM

I try to install Vbindex. when i type the install script in my browser i became a
blank white page in my ACP whats wrong ???

And what must i insert here in this Line ??

// enter the path to your forums here that you were given during the
// first step of the install process

// enter the extension you use with your vBulletin files
// this is most likly the default .php entered
define('SCRIPT_EXTENSION', '.php');

Thanx for Help

nelto 09-04-2004 05:12 PM

to creat a template? I search everything and I cant find a way to ctreat the template called forumhome_latestthreadbit as it is on your instructions.

Pseudomizer 09-05-2004 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by zenmasteril
Why does a banned user can shout in the shoutbox ??? :ermm:
How can i fix it ?


after having seen no answer to this problem, i created a quick and dirty fix for this. I had the same problem and due to this, i had to react.

Here is the solution to prevent banned users to shout:

Find in vbindex.php the following text:
PHP Code:

if ($bbuserinfo['userid'] || ($vbindex['options'] & VBI_DISABLEDSHOUT)) {
                if (!
$bbuserinfo['userid']) {

$shoutbox['postdisabled'] = true;

                } else {
$shoutbox['postdisabled'] = false;
$shoutbox['postshout'] = true;
        } else {
$shoutbox['postshout'] = false;

After this block add this code:
PHP Code:

if ($bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == "8")
$shoutbox['postdisabled'] = true;
// do nothing

Assuming the usergroupid of your banned usergroup is also 8. If this number is different in your forum, then please change this number to whatever you need.

Enjoy it.


Sia Bani 09-07-2004 04:58 AM

Can anyone tell me why the frontpage is running so slowly on my site? www.tripleplate.com

Also, how do I edit the index file to change the standard vb logo at the top left? For now, I've edited the logo image to my own logo.


kctalker 09-10-2004 12:18 PM

posted this on core - but thought I would try here also:

I am looking to replace where a users avatar is for news, with a thumbnail for a picture (if uploaded) that is included with the news article. VBPortal has this feature, and I would like to do it with VBIndex as it is alot more friendly to the server and many other things.

Anyone know how to modify the code to allow me to be able to do this? Thank you in advance!

Sia Bani 09-10-2004 04:24 PM

I made the mistake of logging out of the vbindex from the frontpage and now I can't log back in to post in the shoutbox, etc. What do I do? I log in and then it has me still logged out.

MetalMilitia 09-11-2004 09:29 AM

I don't think google spiders these apges at all - and if they do - they would all be spidered with out custom titles and metas.


All the pages are index.php?page=example and I think all the search engines simply pick it up as the index page - if at all.

Is there any way to customize the titles and metas for each page? Simply putting the tags in the vbindex_extra_page slots does does nothing, and Im facing the possibility of having to make an entirely different page/pages for listing in search engines.

Any thoughts?

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