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Lancelance 04-23-2010 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Budget101 (Post 2025383)
because they're in the wrong folder. Right click on the red x (if you dont have an x in the placholder spot- you'll need to click on your internet options & fix that first), copy & paste the image path into your browser address bar. Or click properties to view the full path. Then, upload the images to the correct folder.

I meant, they literally don't show.. no placeholder spot... there are words instead of the placholders

RollaJedi 04-23-2010 12:40 PM

dropping today!?

decipher442 04-23-2010 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2019814)
The v4 is currently in heavy development. A beta will be probably released next week.

Hows the vb4 beta coming along?

Think it will be released this week?

Dutch_Boy 04-23-2010 03:00 PM

I think its time to stop asking the same question over and over... HE WILL RELEASE IT WHEN ITS READY!!!!

decipher442 04-23-2010 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by Dutch_Boy (Post 2026010)
I think its time to stop asking the same question over and over... HE WILL RELEASE IT WHEN ITS READY!!!!

If I wanted your 2 cents I would ask... :rolleyes:

RollaJedi 04-23-2010 08:08 PM

yeah, dutchie. we want the mod, not lip. :D ;)

beck-x 04-24-2010 01:52 AM

T_T vb4 ....

Lancelance 04-25-2010 09:26 AM

ummm.... where do I find..

The product postrank_by_fullytested must be installed before this product may be installed. (Compatible starting with 2.5)
because I tried importing the post ranking system as an addon to vbexperience... glad for any kind of help

thunder28 04-26-2010 11:30 AM


i deinstall this mod, but i become this sql error after login:


Datenbankfehler in vBulletin 3.8.4:
Invalid SQL:
UPDATE vb3_user SET xperience_done=0 WHERE userid='1';

MySQL-Fehler  : Unknown column 'xperience_done' in 'field list'
Fehler-Nr.    : 1054
Fehler-Zeit  : Monday, 26.04.2010 @ 14:17:24
Datum        : Monday, 26.04.2010 @ 14:17:24
Skript        : http://www.xxxxxx.de/login.php?do=login
Referrer      : http://www.xxxxx.de/
IP-Adresse    : 84.xxxxxx
Benutzername  : Oliver
Klassenname  : vB_Database
MySQL-Version : 5.0.32-Debian_7etch11-log

what must I do then now?
Im a sql noob:-(

RollaJedi 04-29-2010 12:53 PM

think we might see this for VB 4 this week? if not, how about a real ETA

mgcom 05-01-2010 12:49 PM

Since installing this i can't log into the admin cp

Bouncer222 05-01-2010 12:56 PM

Hmm so the author said it will be released next week....It's been 2 weeks already, still no release, what's going on??

mgcom 05-01-2010 02:06 PM

this is an absolute disaster, no way of getting back into the admin cp, can't even uninstall it

Budget101 05-01-2010 03:37 PM


Originally Posted by mgcom (Post 2030076)
this is an absolute disaster, no way of getting back into the admin cp, can't even uninstall it

FTP into your forums folder:

Disable plugins by adding this to the top of your config.php, under the <?php:

define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
then you will be able to go into your adminCP and remove the plugin.

Be sure to edit your config.php and remove that line when your done.

mgcom 05-01-2010 07:15 PM

cheers budget but the mod has demoted me and the other admin to registered users

Bouncer222 05-01-2010 07:38 PM

contact vbulletin support, there is a way to get ur admin back, i had this happen before, but forgot how to do it.

mgcom 05-01-2010 08:02 PM

ok will do, cheers

mgcom 05-02-2010 06:36 AM

got it sorted using the tools.php

Anyway it demoted the 3 admin on the site maybe it should come with some warning about the promotion system

Aqualis 05-03-2010 12:19 AM

My experience bars seem to be completely messed up. It is almost as if my board is ignoring the "cellpadding" variable. As the background of the bar has a higher height than it should and their is padding between all the images.

I have checked the coding and nothing appears to be off, I even checked both of the _gfx and _gfxfull or whatever it was. The experience bars will just not line up correctly and they look horrid.

Bouncer222 05-03-2010 12:32 AM

Phalynx was online april 30th...so why isnt he even responding???

Aqualis 05-03-2010 12:56 AM


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 2030854)
Phalynx was online april 30th...so why isnt he even responding???

Well he does say this version is not supported anymore. Still would like some help from someone.

Bouncer222 05-03-2010 02:16 AM

he said he is releasing a 4.0 version....like 2 weeks ago it was due.

RollaJedi 05-03-2010 02:05 PM

yeah, at least freaking give us a heads up dude. eta!?

Aqualis 05-03-2010 02:32 PM

Little too much demand for a mod that he does for free last I checked. And for a mod that is for 4.0 which s not even gold yet.

I just want my experience bars working. Lol.

Dutch_Boy 05-03-2010 03:10 PM

If im not right just say it but uhh vb 4.0 is gold?

redrumrunner 05-03-2010 04:47 PM

Is there any chance that this mod will be updated to work on VB 4.X ? I, would be willing to pay for this if possible. I have an entire forum thats pretty much hooked on the points system and if they lose the points, I'd probably lose my head, lol. Anyway, just curious.

Guess I should have read the other threads more closely before posting. lol. Anyway, I would be willing to pay for the upgrade. Just let me know where to go to make a payment or I can even do it in the form of a donation from the link provided. Just let me know.


Cla75 05-04-2010 08:06 AM

Hello guys, I have a problem vBExperience with.
For several days the percentage of activity increased by 100% in 1000% (as if it were changed, ",") and the bars have become very long activity.
What happened? who help me please?

Gamelobby 05-05-2010 06:16 AM

Ok ive installed this and it seems to be working fine... but i think i am missing something or just dont understand how it works.
I've searched, & read thru most of this thread, but cant figure out what the levels are.?
I see where i can set what the max level should be, but not when each level changes.

At what amount of points do you get to another level.!? (I see how many to my next level but not the one after that or the one after that, etc.. only the NEXT one)
Is that anywhere to be seen / edited.?

Level 1 - 1-50pts
Level 2 - 51-100pts
Level 3 - 101-200pts
How do we know what the pts are set to, & can they be edited.?

I want to use this as a tool for keeping track of promotions to a different rank (not usergroup) so i need to know what the levels are set to, or if i can change them to match my point levels.

It would it is already in here, but i cant find it for the life of me.


PS. is there any way to incorporate an image that goes with each level.? (like an avatar sized image or smaller, in postbit)

Hikikomori 05-05-2010 02:16 PM

In the vbexperience folder there is about 8 different files for variations of levels in the extras/levels/ folders which has the xml files for all the levels. If none of those suit you, you could create your own file edit the values there.

Gamelobby 05-05-2010 06:44 PM

No wrong levels.. I think.!?
or maybe not..

Maybe i just dont get what this does or how this works..
I just want it to use it to gauge forum activity, so that i can tell where a member should be ranked.

I thought that those "level" files, were meant for different levels of size of boards.?
As in.. Small one for a board that has 1000 members, or a bigger one if the board has 5,000, or a bigger one if the board has 10,000, 100,000, 1M, etc, etc & so on. (Is this correct or no.?)

Even if that is correct, isn't there some place to see what these level are set to change to the next level.?
Or that we can adjust them.?

Or is it completely automated so that it changes based on the amount of users.? (that just seems too complicated to bother. lol)

I just want to be able to set the amount of points it takes to next level, or at least know what to set each rank at. (ultimately i just want to use the user ranks, but with more complex points system rather than just post count)

Thanks for any insight.

RollaJedi 05-06-2010 12:31 PM

oh man, i'm hankering for a VB4 release....

please, c'mon dude, my members need SOMETHING at this point. my vb 4 board has been dry ever since the release. I know i shouldnt have jumped in so prematurely, but they kinda had me by the balls at the time. :P

Hikikomori 05-06-2010 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 2032245)
No wrong levels.. I think.!?
or maybe not..

Maybe i just dont get what this does or how this works..
I just want it to use it to gauge forum activity, so that i can tell where a member should be ranked.

I thought that those "level" files, were meant for different levels of size of boards.?
As in.. Small one for a board that has 1000 members, or a bigger one if the board has 5,000, or a bigger one if the board has 10,000, 100,000, 1M, etc, etc & so on. (Is this correct or no.?)

Even if that is correct, isn't there some place to see what these level are set to change to the next level.?
Or that we can adjust them.?

Or is it completely automated so that it changes based on the amount of users.? (that just seems too complicated to bother. lol)

I just want to be able to set the amount of points it takes to next level, or at least know what to set each rank at. (ultimately i just want to use the user ranks, but with more complex points system rather than just post count)

Thanks for any insight.

Did you try opening any of the xml files mentioned? You can see what points you need to jump to the next level in that file. You can also edit the points to your own liking and reupload the new file. I wouldn't say you have to have a certain amount of users to use the different variations, it just makes it harder/easier to level.

Gamelobby 05-06-2010 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Hikikomori (Post 2032623)
Did you try opening any of the xml files mentioned? You can see what points you need to jump to the next level in that file. You can also edit the points to your own liking and reupload the new file. I wouldn't say you have to have a certain amount of users to use the different variations, it just makes it harder/easier to level.

Yea thanks, I used the small one & adjusted my ranking according to vB level 1. :)

But i noticed an error im getting when i click on a user's name. (which should take you to their profile)

Fatal error: Call to undefined function GetActivityAll() in /home/content/m/i/l/milo327/html/CDS/forums/member.php(463) : eval()'d code on line 321
Any idea whats causing this.?

Also is there any way to get a rough estimate (even just a good guess based on normal activity) of what someone would be able to achieve in a years time.?
I dont want it to take 2 years to rank up. lol

Gamelobby 05-07-2010 07:10 AM

It doesn't seem to be working correctly.?

Here is what is in the level 1 "small" board XML

VALUES (12050,76,2)
But i am currently at 12,104 points & only level 72.?

If this is what i uploaded why or HOW can this be.?
It just doesn't make sense to me. i can see that i uploaded the correct XML level, & these are the numbers on it, so how can it not be right.?

Any ideas..?


(also please if anyone can help me out with the previous post about the Fatal error i got too. :))

jl255 05-07-2010 07:34 AM

anyone using this on board with more than 100k members? any issues with loading? tks.

Gamelobby 05-07-2010 08:13 AM

Also is there any way to have it change an image in postbit automatically based on the level of rank.? (not Avatar)

Hikikomori 05-07-2010 02:30 PM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 2032987)
It doesn't seem to be working correctly.?

Here is what is in the level 1 "small" board XML

VALUES (12050,76,2)
But i am currently at 12,104 points & only level 72.?

If this is what i uploaded why or HOW can this be.?
It just doesn't make sense to me. i can see that i uploaded the correct XML level, & these are the numbers on it, so how can it not be right.?

Any ideas..?


(also please if anyone can help me out with the previous post about the Fatal error i got too. :))

I don't know why, but my small file also doesn't update, but my other ones do... maybe someone else can explain. You also need to make sure you run the recount to update the points after importing a new level set.

Gamelobby 05-07-2010 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Hikikomori (Post 2033156)
I don't know why, but my small file also doesn't update, but my other ones do... maybe someone else can explain. You also need to make sure you run the recount to update the points after importing a new level set.

Hmm.. So there is some sort of bug in the small one then eh.
I'm gonna try to edit the level 2 "average" one, we'll see what happens. lol

But i still cant click on anyones name to view their profile. :(

Gamelobby 05-07-2010 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by Aqualis (Post 2030867)
Well he does say this version is not supported anymore. Still would like some help from someone.

Yea "Not Supported" is a bummer, but i guess for free we cant complain.

Actually i wish someone could take this mod & simplify it.
I only want a ranking system (no shop, no achievements, no awards, etc)
Just keep track of activity & place an image on postbit that represents their level. (with the option to still add misc points) Simple. :)

Gamelobby 05-07-2010 11:43 PM

But i still cant click on anyones name to view their profile. :(

Fatal error: Call to undefined function GetActivityAll() in /home/content/m/i/l/milo327/html/CDS/forums/member.php(463) : eval()'d code on line 322

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