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Morrus 08-31-2014 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2513280)
So how do you know there's no line breaks? There shouldn't be any review at all...

Whether or not there shouldn't be a review, there is one. I don't know what else to tell you! .)

You're welcome to try it out yourself. Post a review and you'll see what it does.


Ted S 08-31-2014 09:27 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2513283)
Whether or not there shouldn't be a review, there is one. I don't know what else to tell you! .)

You're welcome to try it out yourself. Post a review and you'll see what it does.


Ok, I think I'm starting to understand more of the issue though still not sure why. I'll keep apologizing for this but there's no other way to chase it down until we can figure out what setting you have (I'm sure it's a legitimate one) is breaking things.

Can you run this version of forum/productforums.php and see if the review saves to the database?

Nothing will change in your styling.

Morrus 09-01-2014 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2513285)
Ok, I think I'm starting to understand more of the issue though still not sure why. I'll keep apologizing for this but there's no other way to chase it down until we can figure out what setting you have (I'm sure it's a legitimate one) is breaking things.

Can you run this version of forum/productforums.php and see if the review saves to the database?

Nothing will change in your styling.

So good news: yes - that does now appear in the database.

The database entry contains the full text of the review, with all formatting stripped. I've double checked by copying and pasting it from PHPMYADMIN to Notepad, and there are no tags or breaks of any kind there.

(Also, somewhat unfortunately, the new file undoes some changes I made which allowed me to do the latest reviews page and show publisher names next to product names; that's not too serious for the moment though).

Ted S 09-01-2014 04:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2513324)
So good news: yes - that does now appear in the database.

The database entry contains the full text of the review, with all formatting stripped. I've double checked by copying and pasting it from PHPMYADMIN to Notepad, and there are no tags or breaks of any kind there.

(Also, somewhat unfortunately, the new file undoes some changes I made which allowed me to do the latest reviews page and show publisher names next to product names; that's not too serious for the moment though).

We're you able to update the new plugin version?

If not, try opening up the template prodforums_review_create and use this version:

These changes... were they hacks to the code and if so, at what points (so I can make them into hooks).

Morrus 09-01-2014 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2513396)
We're you able to update the new plugin version?

If not, try opening up the template prodforums_review_create and use this version:

I just uploaded the productforums.php file you posted above. Was there another thing?


These changes... were they hacks to the code and if so, at what points (so I can make them into hooks).
A load of template changes and some alterations of productforums.php. Nothing big, mind you - I don't understand what I'm doing, so I just copy bits from elsewhere in the file and see if they work. The recent reviews thing was a copy/paste of the whole "list reviews by reviewer" with the reviewer matching criteria removed and a do=recent thingy (whatever that is called) added, and there are some changes to the way product ratings are calculated so that they get an overall % ranking based on the individual 1-5 ranks.

I can upload it if you're curious (or, hell, if anyone else wants to use it).

Ted S 09-01-2014 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2513399)
I just uploaded the productforums.php file you posted above. Was there another thing?

A load of template changes and some alterations of productforums.php. Nothing big, mind you - I don't understand what I'm doing, so I just copy bits from elsewhere in the file and see if they work. The recent reviews thing was a copy/paste of the whole "list reviews by reviewer" with the reviewer matching criteria removed and a do=recent thingy (whatever that is called) added, and there are some changes to the way product ratings are calculated so that they get an overall % ranking based on the individual 1-5 ranks.

I can upload it if you're curious (or, hell, if anyone else wants to use it).

The other thing was the complete XML plugin but while the template manager should keep your changes, let's not risk it... Just manually replace that one template in my previous post and let's see if that fixes the editor.

Morrus 09-01-2014 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2513400)
The other thing was the complete XML plugin but while the template manager should keep your changes, let's not risk it... Just manually replace that one template in my previous post and let's see if that fixes the editor.

Tried it, but it didn't help, sadly. Still no WYSIWYG editor toolbar and no linebreaks etc. saved.

Ted S 09-01-2014 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2513402)
Tried it, but it didn't help, sadly. Still no WYSIWYG editor toolbar and no linebreaks etc. saved.

What browser / os are you using?

Also, I've got a test account on your site... any sub-forums with reviews enabled that I can get too (it's "Ted S").

Morrus 09-01-2014 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2513404)
What browser / os are you using?

Also, I've got a test account on your site... any sub-forums with reviews enabled that I can get too (it's "Ted S").

The latest Firefox on Windows 7.

Also the same when I try iOS.

I turned off the automatic thread creation in forums (and that template change for the forum didn't seem to be working anyway). The reviews are at the default location, though.

Ted S 09-02-2014 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2513405)
The latest Firefox on Windows 7.

Also the same when I try iOS.

I turned off the automatic thread creation in forums (and that template change for the forum didn't seem to be working anyway). The reviews are at the default location, though.

One more request, this one very quick. Try turning off all your (other) plugins and load the write a review page. 99% sure it won't change anything but hey, it happens. Obviously best to do this at an off time and quickly.

Morrus 09-03-2014 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2513569)
One more request, this one very quick. Try turning off all your (other) plugins and load the write a review page. 99% sure it won't change anything but hey, it happens. Obviously best to do this at an off time and quickly.

Holy crap, that took a long time. Guess what I discovered? vBulletin doesn't have a "turn all off" option.

Nope, no difference.

Now to go and turn them all back on again one at a time....

Morrus 09-03-2014 12:44 PM

Incidentally, what was the productforums.php change you made? I'd like to re-upload my custom version and restore various bits of functionality, but with the posting-to-database issue fixed. Is it a small change I can apply myself?

Ted S 09-03-2014 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2513618)
Incidentally, what was the productforums.php change you made? I'd like to re-upload my custom version and restore various bits of functionality, but with the posting-to-database issue fixed. Is it a small change I can apply myself?

There's likely a few tweaks around the file as digging this way turns up more than just the issue. Using a file compare (UltraCompare) is the best way to track it...

Speaking of code hacks, let's open up productforums.php and find:


// make the post as HTML using the right version of wysiwyg
if ($vbulletin->GPC['message'])
    // handle this properly based on vBulletin version
    if (version_compare(@$vbulletin->versionnumber, '4.1.4', '>=')){
        require_once(DIR . '/includes/class_wysiwygparser.php');
        $html_parser = new vB_WysiwygHtmlParser($vbulletin);
        $comments =& $html_parser->parse_wysiwyg_html_to_bbcode($message, 1);
    // older forum versions
    } else {
        require_once(DIR . '/includes/functions_wysiwyg.php');
        $comments =& convert_wysiwyg_html_to_bbcode($message, 1);
if(!$comments AND $vbulletin->GPC['message']){ $comments = $vbulletin->GPC['message'] . "\n\r" . $optmsg; }
else if($vbulletin->GPC['comments']){ $comments = $vbulletin->GPC['comments'] . "\n\r" . $optmsg; }

Replace this with:


if ($vbulletin->GPC['message'])
    echo "found on message<br>";
    $comments = nl2br();
} else if($vbulletin->GPC['comments']) {
    echo "found on comments<br>";
    $comments = nl2br();
} else {
    echo "found nothing"; die;

Post up a review and look to see if anything gets displayed quickly on the screen at the top of the page.

This is not safe content filtering so be sure to revert to your current version when you're done, less someone decide to add a bunch of unfiltered links to a product.

Morrus 09-03-2014 09:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2513687)

Post up a review and look to see if anything gets displayed quickly on the screen at the top of the page.

This is not safe content filtering so be sure to revert to your current version when you're done, less someone decide to add a bunch of unfiltered links to a product.

It did two things.

1) It rejected my review saying it had 0 characters.

2) Plus it had this at the top of the screen:


found on message

Warning: nl2br() expects at least 1 parameter, 0 given in ..../productforums.php on line 413

Ted S 09-03-2014 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2513691)
It did two things.

1) It rejected my review saying it had 0 characters.

2) Plus it had this at the top of the screen:

Well this is just embarrassing... Forgot to actually finish the code.


if ($vbulletin->GPC['message']) {    echo "found on message<br>";  $comments = nl2br($vbulletin->GPC['message'); }
else if($vbulletin->GPC['comments']) {    echo "found on comments<br>";    $comments = nl2br($vbulletin->GPC['comments'); }
else {    echo "found nothing"; die; }

On the plus side, we got the debug info I needed to keep playing.

Morrus 09-03-2014 10:13 PM

So do I need to do anything now, or do you have what you need?

Ted S 09-04-2014 12:39 AM


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2513694)
So do I need to do anything now, or do you have what you need?

Try the code change with the updated version, let's see if it's a reasonable stop-gap while I try and figure out why your editor isn't loading up (still have no idea on the cause, everything seems normal).

On a related note, I'm traveling tomorrow - monday without web access. Sorry. :erm:

Morrus 09-04-2014 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2513712)
Try the code change with the updated version, let's see if it's a reasonable stop-gap while I try and figure out why your editor isn't loading up (still have no idea on the cause, everything seems normal).

Ah... I'm unclear. Code change with the updated version? You mean that file you said to only use briefly?


On a related note, I'm traveling tomorrow - monday without web access. Sorry. :erm:
Ugh. I guess I'll hang on until next week then. Darnit; I'm running out of time! :)

Ted S 09-08-2014 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Morrus (Post 2513761)
Ah... I'm unclear. Code change with the updated version? You mean that file you said to only use briefly?

Yes. Have to figure out what's causing the editor not to work as that does seem to be where the issue lies.

tpearl5 09-08-2014 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2492046)
Certainly possible.

What Amazon functionality were you looking for?

Forgot to reply to this :) Mainly importing of products with images (if available) from specific categories and then providing a link to 'buy' with a current price. It would probably also need the ability to filter by keyword. For example, all products from Cameras with keyword 'Nikon' import into category 'Nikon Cameras'.

Morrus 09-09-2014 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2514245)
Yes. Have to figure out what's causing the editor not to work as that does seem to be where the issue lies.

Ah. Well, with that file the page won't load at all - blank white page.

markoroots 09-24-2014 08:56 PM

Hi Ted,
I'm trying the plugin on a 4.2.2 but each time I try to add an item from the acp
The first field of the page is "Forum" if I click on it is empty and let me go back to add the empty fields :(

Ted S 09-25-2014 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by markoroots (Post 2516401)
Hi Ted,
I'm trying the plugin on a 4.2.2 but each time I try to add an item from the acp
The first field of the page is "Forum" if I click on it is empty and let me go back to add the empty fields :(

So there's no forums listed in the dropdown?

Haywire0311 10-17-2014 05:42 PM

Ted, I've been trying to play around with the code for a few days now to figure out a way to either create a wishlist per user (user click on 'Want' and it adds it to a Want Profile tab) or allows them to favorite a product (similar to wishlist idea). Anything like that coming down the pipe because my coding skills are very basic at the moment.

Ted S 10-20-2014 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Haywire0311 (Post 2519177)
Ted, I've been trying to play around with the code for a few days now to figure out a way to either create a wishlist per user (user click on 'Want' and it adds it to a Want Profile tab) or allows them to favorite a product (similar to wishlist idea). Anything like that coming down the pipe because my coding skills are very basic at the moment.

Not planned, certainly nothing crazy to build yourself. You can use the productid field already in the mod to link everything together and just work on an adding / deleting routine and a viewing / purchasing one.

Haywire0311 10-22-2014 01:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Ted - got another question for you.

I'm trying to import a large amount of products into the review system. When I tested the file that was provided as a sample, it worked like a charm. I then decided to create a new one with about 50 different products in it. I pulled the data from a site, exported into a csv and then converted into XML. When I go to import those 50 new products, I get two issues -

1. If any of the text fields have an apostrophe in them, it breaks the import an generates a SQL error.

2. After loading about 2-3 products, it starts to import the next one but then just stops.

I've attached the XML for you to look at. At this point though, I'm stumped as to what is going wrong.

Ted S 10-22-2014 04:06 PM

Are you importing images along with the product data?

Haywire0311 10-22-2014 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2519716)
Are you importing images along with the product data?

Nope, not at all.

Ted S 10-22-2014 07:41 PM

What's the error on #1 and do you get any feedback at all on #2 (how far does it get if not)?

Haywire0311 10-23-2014 12:13 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2519747)
What's the error on #1 and do you get any feedback at all on #2 (how far does it get if not)?

When I import the XML file I create, it usually creates the first and somestime the second product but by the time it gets to the third, I get the message before it just stops:

post on line 1840 in /home/swtfyw/public_html/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_core.php
#0 /home/swtfyw/public_html/dbtech/vbactivity/includes/class_core.php(1911): VBACTIVITY::check_feature('achievement', '5', Array)
#1 /home/swtfyw/public_html/dbtech/vbactivity/hooks/threadfpdata_postsave.php(52): VBACTIVITY::check_feature_by_typenames('achievemen t', Array, Array)
#2 /home/swtfyw/public_html/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php(1955) : eval()'d code(1): require('/home/swtfyw/pu...')
#3 /home/swtfyw/public_html/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php(1955): eval()
#4 /home/swtfyw/public_html/includes/class_dm_threadpost.php(1785): vB_DataManager_Thread_FirstPost->post_save_each(true)
#5 /home/swtfyw/public_html/includes/functions_newpost.php(697): vB_DataManager_Thread_FirstPost->save()
#6 /home/swtfyw/public_html/admincp/productforums.php(1701): build_new_post('thread', Array, Array, Array, Array, Array)
#7 {main}

Edit: Ok, just tried disabling vBActivity and then importing and it now works.

However, a new issue I noticed is that for every word in the product title that has a letter 'd' in it, it automatically adds a j after the d. For instance, armageddon becomes armagedjdjon. I double checked the XML file to make sure the words were not spelled in correctly and the issue definitely does not lie there.

Edit #2: After looking at the j issue some more, it really gets bizarre. The thread is created without the letter j in it but the product title has the j in it. See attached.

Ted S 10-23-2014 04:56 AM

Yuck. I'll dig in shortly... sorry!

Haywire0311 10-23-2014 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2519816)
Yuck. I'll dig in shortly... sorry!

I figured out the 'j' after 'd' issue. It's due to the normalize special character function starting on line 1861.

PHP Code:

function normalize_str($str)
$invalid = array('?'=>'S''?'=>'s''?'=>'Dj''d'=>'dj''?'=>'Z''?'=>'z',
'?'=>'a''?'=>'c''?'=>'e''?'=>'e''?'=>'e',  '?'=>'e''?'=>'i''?'=>'i',
'?'=>'o''?'=>'o''˘'=>'u''˙'=>'u''˚'=>'u''˝'=>'y',  '˝'=>'y''˛'=>'b',
'ˇ'=>'y''R'=>'R''r'=>'r'"`" => "'""?" => "'""?" => ",""`" => "'",
"?" => "'""?" => "\"""?" => "\"""?" => "'""&acirc;??" => "'""{" => "",
"~" => """?" => "-""?" => "'");
$str str_replace(array_keys($invalid), array_values($invalid), $str);

You can see that the first line within the array calls for replacing d with dj. I fixed it by just getting rid of it.

Still doesn't work well with vBActivity but no a big deal. I'll just shut off vBActivity when I do the mass upload.

Thanks for trying to help me through it. Now, only if you could do that hard part for me and build out that Wants/Gots function ;)

Ted S 10-24-2014 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by Haywire0311 (Post 2519855)
I figured out the 'j' after 'd' issue. It's due to the normalize special character function starting on line 1861.

PHP Code:

function normalize_str($str)
$invalid = array('?'=>'S''?'=>'s''–'=>'Dj''d'=>'dj''?'=>'Z''?'=>'z',
'?'=>'a''?'=>'c''?'=>'e''?'=>'e''?'=>'e',  '?'=>'e''?'=>'i''?'=>'i',
'ˆ'=>'o''?'=>'o''˘'=>'u''˙'=>'u''˚'=>'u''˝'=>'y',  '˝'=>'y''˛'=>'b',
'ˇ'=>'y''R'=>'R''r'=>'r'"`" => "'""?" => "'""?" => ",""`" => "'",
"?" => "'""?" => "\"""?" => "\"""?" => "'""&acirc;??" => "'""{" => "",
"~" => """?" => "-""?" => "'");
$str str_replace(array_keys($invalid), array_values($invalid), $str);

You can see that the first line within the array calls for replacing d with dj. I fixed it by just getting rid of it.

Still doesn't work well with vBActivity but no a big deal. I'll just shut off vBActivity when I do the mass upload.

Thanks for trying to help me through it. Now, only if you could do that hard part for me and build out that Wants/Gots function ;)

Nice work!! Guess we know how often this gets used... lol.

Looking into vBa (any bug is a bad bug) and that other thing this weekend.

Ted S 10-24-2014 02:16 AM

Do you have any mods / addons that impact the activity system?

The line with the error is calling up the hook "threadfpdata_postsave" and I'd like to fix that less is impact the frontend features (which use the same build_post routine).

Haywire0311 10-24-2014 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2519898)
Do you have any mods / addons that impact the activity system?

The line with the error is calling up the hook "threadfpdata_postsave" and I'd like to fix that less is impact the frontend features (which use the same build_post routine).

The only one I can think of that has any effect on the activity system is the DragonByte vBActivty mod.

Also, I think I found another small bug that probably needs some kind of SQL script run to fix it. When importing about 1700 products, I realized I imported them all into the wrong category. So, I fixed the issue in the XML and then re-uploaded to overwrite the data with the correct categoryid. It overwrote the data and corrected the categoryid and category name. However, the category count in the style dropdown in both admincp and frontend show the incorrect count number. Not sure the correct SQL syntax to use to fix the category count number.

Edit: If you want access to admin on my site, let me know and I can send you a PM with the details.

Edit #2: Just fixed the incorrect count number. Went into one of the revised items in the category just to ensure everything was correct after re-upload. All data was fine. I re-saved the item record and the count fixed itself. So the XML import overwrite won't actually fix the count until you edit a record and save again.

Ted S 10-27-2014 02:13 AM

Suspect that addon is doing it (not a negative to the addon, it's just likely colliding between things). I'll take a look.

As for counts, that's an easy fix I'll add in along with the character mapping. Just has to recalc at the end of the import process.

Anything else strike you as off while I'm working on these tweaks?

Haywire0311 10-27-2014 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ted S (Post 2520178)
Suspect that addon is doing it (not a negative to the addon, it's just likely colliding between things). I'll take a look.

As for counts, that's an easy fix I'll add in along with the character mapping. Just has to recalc at the end of the import process.

Anything else strike you as off while I'm working on these tweaks?

Just that there is no ability to add products to a wants/gots list :) Just kidding!

I really haven't found many other issues, just those bugs listed above at this point. The special character bug doesn't speak to the function not being used much. My site focuses around beer and there's tons of beers from all over the world that have funky names and characters. I think that's the only reason why I caught it and no one else did.

Sorry for pestering you with all these small tweaks. I'd do it myself but I'm really only good at reading and small tweaks to code. I'm not capable of building my own yet. Btw, great job on this mod! Love it compared to the other review mods out there. Quite a few functions that others are missing.

Morrus 11-12-2014 04:47 PM

So I revisited this to see if I could get it working the way I wanted it to. The post formatting issues I was having above I've decided to accept, and simply tell my users it's for a short unformatted comment rather than a full review.

The last thing I need to do is to add an extra field for external reviews, so users cna use it in a Metacritic kinda way. So here's what I did:

- I changed the "Your location" text to "Original Review Location", and added some verbiage to tell the user to enter the URL of the full review in that box, and a short summary in the main message area.

- All good so far. But I can't figure out which template I change to so that I can turn that into a link rather than plain text when the actual review is displayed. Ideally, what I plan to do is post a little icon, and link that to the entered URL. I figure that's an easy template edit if I can figure out which template I need to edit.

Morrus 11-12-2014 10:05 PM

Also, any idea why this code isn't working? I thought it was the same code I was using before, but reviews stick at the rating of the first review, and don't alter when new reviews are added.


// if we're approved, update the product count & average review, and user's review count
$ratings = $db->query_first_slave("SELECT rating FROM "
. "pf_review WHERE productid = "
. $db->escape_string($vbulletin->GPC['productid']) );

$new_rating = (array_sum($ratings)/((count($ratings)*5))*100);

$db->query_write("UPDATE "
. "pf_product SET rating = "
. $new_rating
.", reviews = reviews + 1 WHERE productid = '"
. $db->escape_string($vbulletin->GPC['productid']) ."'");


Morrus 11-14-2014 12:23 PM

I got that code working (redid it - took the original averaging code and just applied a multiplier).

I haven't managed to figure out the location thing, though.

I have added a column to display the added date (which I've renamed release date). Only issue there is you have to use PHPMYADMIN to edit the dates after they are added, but it's doable. The main reason I wanted to do that was so I could add upcoming products, but have them not show a review link until the release date. I can't for the life of me figure out how I compare today's date to that date in a bulletin template conditional, though. I suspect it's not possible.

Here's where I am so far. It looks quite good, I think, though the code and templates are probably now a hideous mess:


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