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GoTTi 05-08-2006 09:58 PM

figured it out.

when "Allow vBCode/Smilies" is set to yes, and we type " inside the shout, we get the "

when disabled it comes up "

FLMom 05-09-2006 02:12 AM

ah cool! Thanks for letting me know! :D

FLMom 05-09-2006 02:20 AM

You are right, I just tested it out! I wish there were a way to use this with the smilies, I really like smilies LOL

Davidspl 05-09-2006 02:25 PM

Admins, supermods and all mods can edit the shouts, is there anyway to make it admins only edit?

Zweeper 05-09-2006 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by D.Ilyin
Edit your template with vBShout

<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">

with yours left column widht.

thx, but don't work. :(

o0Hubba0o 05-09-2006 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by DjTaz
Yes thats possible .. find the VbShout Plugin in your plugin manager - and go to Edit ....

find the code

$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'] = str_replace($Position, $Position . ' $Shoutbox', $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME']);

at the bottom and replace it with

$Position = '<--shoutbox-->';
$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'] = str_replace($Position , ' $Shoutbox' , $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME']);

This will make the shoutbox seem to dissappear from all of the styles , but you'll discover that on the styles that you want it to appear on , go to FORUMHOME and put in
where you want it to display (usually under the navbar)

That should do what you want.

Man you're a life saver, vbshout wouldn't work in one of my skins I bought and this did the trick, thank you so much.

And I'm glad I never updated, the " thing really seems to be a problem still.

DjTaz 05-09-2006 10:28 PM


Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o
Man you're a life saver, vbshout wouldn't work in one of my skins I bought and this did the trick, thank you so much.

And I'm glad I never updated, the " thing really seems to be a problem still.

Glad i could be of assistance. Thats what we are here for - im sure some day you'll sort me out when im stuck with a problem.

arcadian_girl 05-10-2006 01:03 PM

k, i love this mod, i really do, but it's increasing server load a lot...and i run two forums, so that's doubled, cos i've installed it on both forums. i've only had it installed a few days, so no complaints yet from my host, but i'd like to avoid any complaints.

could we possibly have a list of all the things you can do to reduce server load? i've been reading through this thread-don't claim to have read it all, but i've read about 1/3 of it, and this is what i've come up with:

-dont allow smilies in the shouts, or if so, allow only 1 smiley per shout
-prune shouts (how much effect does this have? how often should i be pruning them?)

is there anything else i can do with the shoutbox to reduce server load? is there somewhere i can change how often AJAX refreshes-it's once every 10 seconds, no? is there somewhere i can change that, and if so, what would i change it to?

thanks in advance for any help-i really like this mod and want to keep it, but i've got to find a way to get the server load down.

jerx 05-10-2006 01:11 PM

You have to increase the refresh time.


Originally Posted by tqvn2004
It is server intensive because it is refreshing too often (in every 10 second!). This rate can be changed to a lower value, let's say in every 2 or 5 minutes.

To change the rate, find in forumhome_vbshout template:


setTimeout('requestShouts()', 10000)
and replace with


setTimeout('requestShouts()', 120000)

1/ 120000 milisecond = 2 minutes :D

2/ For those who put the shout box in front page with Advanced CMS hack, find and replace the adv_portal_vbshout template (or whichever the name you use).

arcadian_girl 05-10-2006 01:21 PM

thank you!!! i will try that. (probably stupid) question: if it's set to two minutes, and someone posts a shout, and i refresh after 30 seconds, will i see the new shout? or will i not see it until it refreshes by itself, after two minutes? (hopes that makes sense)

jerx 05-10-2006 01:32 PM

I don' t know if I understand correctly. Do you mean a browser refresh after 30 seconds? Then you should see the post immediately.

arcadian_girl 05-10-2006 02:10 PM

yep thats what i mean. thanks :)

i changed it to a one minute refresh, not two minutes..i'll see how it works, and if it's not enough, i'll change it to two minutes.

louis_chypher 05-10-2006 02:57 PM

I am looking for a way to have a 'flashy' when a new shout comes in and the user is not on the main forums page. No, I do not want to have the shout show up on every page.

By 'flashy' I mean some indicator that a new shout message has come in like the word "Shout" appearing in the Welcome box.

DjTaz 05-10-2006 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by arcadian_girl
k, i love this mod, i really do, but it's increasing server load a lot...and i run two forums, so that's doubled, cos i've installed it on both forums. i've only had it installed a few days, so no complaints yet from my host, but i'd like to avoid any complaints.

could we possibly have a list of all the things you can do to reduce server load? i've been reading through this thread-don't claim to have read it all, but i've read about 1/3 of it, and this is what i've come up with:

-dont allow smilies in the shouts, or if so, allow only 1 smiley per shout
-prune shouts (how much effect does this have? how often should i be pruning them?)

is there anything else i can do with the shoutbox to reduce server load? is there somewhere i can change how often AJAX refreshes-it's once every 10 seconds, no? is there somewhere i can change that, and if so, what would i change it to?

thanks in advance for any help-i really like this mod and want to keep it, but i've got to find a way to get the server load down.

you can also auto prune the posts - i have that set into my cron - someone put a link for that on the boards - but youll have to search this thread for cron or something similar.

jerx 05-10-2006 05:14 PM

Here is the auto prune instruction (cron job):


ohgenki 05-10-2006 05:44 PM

has anyone been able to set it to the left side column or right side column?

Suzie 05-10-2006 11:14 PM


Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o

And I'm glad I never updated, the " thing really seems to be a problem still.

I did update and I still have the problem. Is there a fix yet? this thread has became so huge finding the answer seems impossible if it's already posted.

vbreal 05-11-2006 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by DjTaz
Yes thats possible .. find the VbShout Plugin in your plugin manager - and go to Edit ....

find the code

$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'] = str_replace($Position, $Position . ' $Shoutbox', $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME']);

at the bottom and replace it with

$Position = '<--shoutbox-->';
$vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME'] = str_replace($Position , ' $Shoutbox' , $vbulletin->templatecache['FORUMHOME']);

This will make the shoutbox seem to dissappear from all of the styles , but you'll discover that on the styles that you want it to appear on , go to FORUMHOME and put in
where you want it to display (usually under the navbar)

That should do what you want.

thanks alot. i will give it a try

ohgenki 05-11-2006 05:06 AM

DjTaz, is it possible to put this on all the pages say the navbar? i tried the addon, but it doesn't work and caused an error instead.

blacklancer 05-11-2006 09:52 PM

Is there anyway to get the archive to show more posts, and in normal reading order?? maybe have it sent to a specific forum, or a pm??

DjTaz 05-11-2006 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by ohgenki
DjTaz, is it possible to put this on all the pages say the navbar? i tried the addon, but it doesn't work and caused an error instead.

Yup - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...bar#post765399


Originally Posted by blacklancer
Is there anyway to get the archive to show more posts, and in normal reading order?? maybe have it sent to a specific forum, or a pm??

Try clicking on the bit at the top that says SHOUTBOX or go to www.yoursite.com/forum/vbshout.php?do=archive and check that out

Zweeper 05-11-2006 11:10 PM

need wordcut :( wrap

da420 05-12-2006 03:01 AM

This seems not to be working for me at the time. I was making a post bit edit and when I went to check my forums it was missing. What could have caused this?

EDIT: It shows up in the arcade, but not anywhere else.

DjTaz 05-12-2006 12:29 PM

Da420 - is it a standard install you have done , or have you edited it to add things in ?

If you added in the arcades using one of the changes i suggested , then i think first thing is to re-read what i posted because its very easy to replace something when you were meant to add under it , or things like that... It will seem to disappear from threads if u dont do things exactly because it uses a REPLACE system .... its really hard to tell whats wrong without more info.

TheBlackPoet 05-12-2006 03:26 PM

it works great for me... thanks.. but then... i hit clear.... and the messages wont clear..... Im sure, its something im NOT doing...

DjTaz 05-12-2006 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by TheBlackPoet
it works great for me... thanks.. but then... i hit clear.... and the messages wont clear..... Im sure, its something im NOT doing...

Lol yeah it is - that Clear button is to clear what you typed into the textbox Before you submit it .... its a mistake most people seem to make , but all your members see that button , so you wouldnt want them clearing all the messages.

Try typing /prune and that should do what you want.

Rican 05-12-2006 06:46 PM

kewl mod, works like a charm

utw-Mephisto 05-12-2006 11:25 PM

I searched all pages, I asked several times and I saw on a forum that it is indeed possible.

How can I put the shoutbox in one forum only ?

da420 05-13-2006 01:57 AM

Thanks, it works now, but;

Whenever a user or anyone types in a quotation mark ( " ) and hit shout, they get this; "&quot;"

What could be the issue??

Thanks in advance.

DjTaz 05-13-2006 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by da420
Thanks, it works now, but;

Whenever a user or anyone types in a quotation mark ( " ) and hit shout, they get this; "&quot;"

What could be the issue??

Thanks in advance.

Check this out of you still have the quote mark issues : https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....postcount=1624

utw-Mephisto - yeah that is possible, but i dont have time to code it right now - if someone else doesnt show you soon ill take a look at it for you.

Zweeper 05-13-2006 11:53 AM

still need a wordwrap function :(

DjTaz 05-13-2006 12:16 PM

why do u need a wordwrap function ? doesnt it already wordwrap when it reaches the end of the table ?

Zweeper 05-13-2006 12:36 PM

no, look @ attachment

Sir_Yaro 05-13-2006 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by S@NL - BlackBik
I made a autoprune function for vBshout.
Just download the attached file and put in the /includes/cron directory.
Then make a new scheduled task (see attached jpg).
I run it every night at 3 o clock but offcourse your free to run it more often than that.

What is does: It will delete all shouts that are older than 24 hours.
This way you will allways have an archive that's holds no shouts that are older than two days.
You can alter the deletion time in the php by altering the "(TIMENOW - (60 * 60 * 24)" statement.

Enjoy :)

[edit]Replaced the php with the right one [/edit]

thank you!!

Sir_Yaro 05-13-2006 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by Zweeper
still need a wordwrap function :(

YES! I need it too!!

Zweeper 05-13-2006 01:02 PM

one more, look @ post # 1755

DjTaz 05-13-2006 01:11 PM

lol ok - fair point - try this :

In Vbshout.php around line 260 (ish) find :


                if ($Shout['data']['italic'])
                        $Shout['style'] .= 'font-style:'.$Shout['data']['italic'].';';

and under it add in the following :

//// BY DJTAZ ///////////////


                if ($Shout['s_shout'])
                        $Shout['s_shout'] = wordwrap($Shout['s_shout'], $wrapafter , "<br />" ,1);


Change the 25 to have the max amount of characters that you want

Zweeper 05-13-2006 01:14 PM

DjTaz, i love you :D

it works!!


DjTaz 05-13-2006 01:26 PM

No probs , glad to help.

Sir_Yaro 05-13-2006 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by DjTaz
lol ok - fair point - try this :

In Vbshout.php around line 260 (ish) find :


                if ($Shout['data']['italic'])
                        $Shout['style'] .= 'font-style:'.$Shout['data']['italic'].';';

and under it add in the following :

//// BY DJTAZ ///////////////


                if ($Shout['s_shout'])
                        $Shout['s_shout'] = wordwrap($Shout['s_shout'], $wrapafter , "<br />" ,1);


Change the 25 to have the max amount of characters that you want

thank you.
its working almost good. unfortunatelly it's not parsing links corectly. They comes as pure tekst not as link. Same with smilies - they appear as text (link to the smile is shown not smile) in a shoutbox.

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