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y2ksw 01-11-2012 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by boodog (Post 2286728)
Thanks Videx. I have an automated script running on my server that makes daily database backups for me. My hosting company help me set it up. So far I've not had a failure so I've never needed to do a restore. So I assume those tables are in my backup. I thought maybe it'd be easier to back up just the banner tables in case something goes wrong with my upgrade. Sadly, I have little knowledge of database related things. :(

You are fine with this daily backup. In worst case you would ask your hosting provider to restore those one or two tables. There is however no event I could recall that critical. With upgrading (no reinstall) the product there is no logical way to loose any data and backup is just a precaution you already have on a daily basis. :)

boodog 01-12-2012 03:27 AM

Thanks, Giovanni! I got it upgraded ok, but cannot find the public banner statistics link which is supposed to be below the navbuttons. It's not there. Have I done something wrong? I'd like my customers to be able to see their banner stats.

y2ksw 01-12-2012 07:37 AM


Originally Posted by boodog (Post 2286806)
Thanks, Giovanni! I got it upgraded ok, but cannot find the public banner statistics link which is supposed to be below the navbuttons. It's not there. Have I done something wrong? I'd like my customers to be able to see their banner stats.

You need also to replace all files of the product. If the files are not replaced, the new features are not visible.

A few FTP servers don't allow to replace files on the fly, thus you need an FTP client which finds out that flaw and makes a delete-copy instead. You will have to flag the destination files to "overwrite".

boodog 01-12-2012 10:51 AM

Thanks Giovanni! I have made a contribution to you via PayPal. I hope others will too. Your hard work with this product is very much appreciated.

Gripi 01-12-2012 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2286612)
Click tracking does not work with scripts unless they are specifically crafted. The help file and the option itself says:

Click Tracking: If this option is enabled, a script counts the number of clicks on standard images. This option has no effect on scripts.

oh okey.. sorry i miss that part in the help file.

and is it possible to make 1 banner to have more than 1 position?

without having to create the duplicate, will be nice if yes :)

thanks once again

y2ksw 01-12-2012 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by Gripi (Post 2286877)
oh okey.. sorry i miss that part in the help file.

and is it possible to make 1 banner to have more than 1 position?

without having to create the duplicate, will be nice if yes :)

thanks once again

Nope, sorry.

If you craft a script specifically, you may duplicate the banners, but refer to one click tracker only. However, this will work only with scripts :)

y2ksw 01-12-2012 11:34 AM


Originally Posted by boodog (Post 2286876)
Thanks Giovanni! I have made a contribution to you via PayPal. I hope others will too. Your hard work with this product is very much appreciated.

Thank you very much! :)

boodog 01-12-2012 01:13 PM

You're welcome! The stats page for customers is a really nice upgrade.

Toorak Times 01-12-2012 01:36 PM

Hi Guys,

Just uploaded, thanks. Will get it happening over the next couple of days. I'll send you Oz love to your paypal

attroll 01-15-2012 06:55 AM

I have been running flash banners without a problem for over a year with this add on. Recently I had one customer send me a flash banner that will not display with this add on. It does display if I view the flash banner in the browser by itself. But when I insert the flash banner in the add on, it will not display. It does not display but where it is suppose to display I can click and it will take me to the url that I specified for the banner in the setup. I have other flash banners that display without any problems.

Has anyone else run into this problem?

I would really appreciate any help, please.

I tried to attached the flash banner here but it says invalid file.

ahobilam 01-15-2012 10:26 AM

I installed and tried much, but I could not find any banners rotating any where.
So, uninstalled.

acast 01-16-2012 11:40 AM

Hi. One question.

With this plugin exists the posibility of only doing the rotation of the banners in one specific style? or to dont do it in a specific style. I have to styles, and i want to rotate banners only in one of them.

Or rotating differents banners in different styles, cause the banners are differents in my styles.

salvador21 01-16-2012 12:03 PM


If you put the banner placement code into the templates for specific styles, they will be applied only in those templates of those styles.

acast 01-16-2012 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by salvador21 (Post 2288512)

If you put the banner placement code into the templates for specific styles, they will be applied only in those templates of those styles.

Can you explain a little more, please? which code exactly do you mean, and where do i have to put it?

Thanks for your answer.

Reinier324 01-16-2012 06:11 PM

The banners aren't rotating, help?

Videx 01-16-2012 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Reinier324 (Post 2288651)
The banners aren't rotating, help?

Upvote as the worst problem report we've seen this year. :)

It's short, gotta give it that.

Kijken 01-22-2012 10:20 PM

pls help me
Please upload the files that came with the product before installing or upgrading!

Missing files:

FannBlade 01-22-2012 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 2288660)
Upvote as the worst problem report we've seen this year. :)

It's short, gotta give it that.

Maybe not :)

Videx 01-22-2012 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kijken (Post 2291146)
pls help me
Please upload the files that came with the product before installing or upgrading!

Missing files:

Well at least we have an error message! :)

Presumably you uploaded the files to the wrong place. If you're going to run a forum you've got to be a lot more careful about that. Try it again.

Hint: Just rename the "upload" folder to "forum" (or whatever your forum folder is named), then drop it on your public_html folder. Saves you having to try to place each file separately.

y2ksw 01-23-2012 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Kijken (Post 2291146)
pls help me
Please upload the files that came with the product before installing or upgrading!

Missing files:


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 2291182)
Well at least we have an error message! :)

Presumably you uploaded the files to the wrong place. If you're going to run a forum you've got to be a lot more careful about that. Try it again.

Hint: Just rename the "upload" folder to "forum" (or whatever your forum folder is named), then drop it on your public_html folder. Saves you having to try to place each file separately.

Or, you have the files uploaded to the right place, but your web server has no rights to access.

This may happen on Linux, when your FTP account differs from Apache. You may fix this from the shell with root rights and requires a pretty good knowledge how to configure the FTP server.

Pessimist 01-24-2012 01:17 PM


2 small fixes

HTML not valid (& -> &):
XML, line 351:
PHP Code:

            $url $bburl '/rbs_banner.php?id=' $rs['id'] . '&userid=' $rbs_userid

replace with&
PHP Code:

            $url $bburl '/rbs_banner.php?id=' $rs['id'] . '&userid=' $rbs_userid

Charset missed:
rbs_stats.php, add after line 90:
PHP Code:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 

Or better use as variable instead UTF-8 (value should be as language charset). Also, if language Russian and Charset set to windows-1251:
PHP Code:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251" /> 

I hope you understand what I mean :)

y2ksw 01-24-2012 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by Pessimist (Post 2291729)

2 small fixes

HTML not valid (& -> &amp;):
XML, line 351:
PHP Code:

            $url $bburl '/rbs_banner.php?id=' $rs['id'] . '&userid=' $rbs_userid

replace with&
PHP Code:

            $url $bburl '/rbs_banner.php?id=' $rs['id'] . '&amp;userid=' $rbs_userid

Charset missed:
rbs_stats.php, add after line 90:
PHP Code:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> 

Or better use as variable instead UTF-8 (value should be as language charset). Also, if language Russian and Charset set to windows-1251:
PHP Code:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251" /> 

I hope you understand what I mean :)

I've given up on all those fixes.

In some countries or browser settings the page validation fails. Also, the & and &amp; problem is much more complex than it looks. & works on all server configurations, while &amp; doesn't. I prefer to have it working all times.

Unless all standards are respected by all software developers, software bugs will persist. Hoping in such an event is utopic, but I still believe that it will happen one day ;)

mmalik4 01-25-2012 01:31 AM

newbie here...
I am trying to work the rotating banner system. Installation is a success but having a hard time to make it work.
I have made 2 test flash banner namely
http://www.traderc.com/advertise.swf &

My question here, what is the next step how should i make the banner work.. looking for next steps. Again, newbee..step by step would be great.Thanks

y2ksw 01-25-2012 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by mmalik4 (Post 2292019)
newbie here...
I am trying to work the rotating banner system. Installation is a success but having a hard time to make it work.
I have made 2 test flash banner namely
http://www.traderc.com/advertise.swf &

My question here, what is the next step how should i make the banner work.. looking for next steps. Again, newbee..step by step would be great.Thanks

Enable the flash wrapper, specify in Image/Flash your swf (as above), in URL the landing page and don't forget the sizes and at least one option: embed or object or both :)

Toorak Times 01-29-2012 02:00 PM

I haven't set it up yet, but thank you very much. so many options...

dsantana 01-30-2012 04:19 AM

I just installed VB about a week ago and installed your mod right away... Couldn't get it to go at first because of my lack of VB knowledge but after looking at it for a few hours today and reading the supplied pdf I finally figured it out!!! Whew...

Thanks a ton for this excellent mod!!!

Andyrew 01-31-2012 05:43 PM

Why can I not use half of the ad templates in vb, I have added a banner in two templates but nothing shows up if I use any other remaining ad location templates.

y2ksw 02-01-2012 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Andyrew (Post 2294679)
Why can I not use half of the ad templates in vb, I have added a banner in two templates but nothing shows up if I use any other remaining ad location templates.

Try to add more banners or just duplicate the one you have. On a single page, each banner is shown at most for a single instance.

mmalik4 02-04-2012 10:04 AM

I cant still work it out any step by step instructions


Originally Posted by mmalik4 (Post 2292019)
newbie here...
I am trying to work the rotating banner system. Installation is a success but having a hard time to make it work.
I have made 2 test flash banner namely
http://www.traderc.com/advertise.swf &

My question here, what is the next step how should i make the banner work.. looking for next steps. Again, newbee..step by step would be great.Thanks

Videx 02-04-2012 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by mmalik4 (Post 2296047)
I cant still work it out any step by step instructions

Consider just using static banners or animated gifs until you can figure out the flash stuff. Once you get those working then you should be halfway there.

Yonatan 02-13-2012 05:08 PM


Where I can set:
HTML Code:

<param name="wmode" value="transparent">
For Flash ads?


pitzerwm 02-13-2012 06:04 PM

This what you would see, at least this is how I use it.


<a  target="_blank" >
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0" width="600" height="80">
  <param name="movie" value="http://www.mydomain.com/NP_600x80_Flash.swf" />
  <param name="quality" value="high" />
  <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
  <embed src="http://www.mydomain.com/NP_600x80_Flash.swf" quality="high" wmode="transparent" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="80" ></embed>

valdet 02-15-2012 11:41 AM

Hi Giovanni,

Is it possible to make a small addon, so little thumbnails of image banners show up on admin_rbs_banner_list.php ?

It would be such a huge timesaver, because when you have to go through dozens of banners, having a visual right there would help immensely.

Nevertheless, I appreciate the time you took to build this magnificent plugin. It works flawlessly.


y2ksw 02-15-2012 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by valdet (Post 2299871)
Hi Giovanni,

Is it possible to make a small addon, so little thumbnails of image banners show up on admin_rbs_banner_list.php ?

It would be such a huge timesaver, because when you have to go through dozens of banners, having a visual right there would help immensely.

Nevertheless, I appreciate the time you took to build this magnificent plugin. It works flawlessly.


I have added this request to the wish-list. :)

Rckcrwlr 02-16-2012 11:25 PM

I am embarrassed to post this but I think of myself as a somewhat intelligent person but for some reason, I cannot grasp this.

Please be patient with me and maybe you can find what I am missing....

What are the "Position # Banner Lists" for?
Nth Placeholder...where do I put that?

Maybe it will be easier this way...

I have 4 banners I want to have in the "Below Nav Bar" Location...

What do I do next?

I think if you walk me through it, everything will click.

Let's say that the banners images are on my server at www.myforum.com/banners

The four banners are: abc.gif 123.jpg asdf.gif qwerty.jpg

I hope you can feel my pain and confusion on this.


Disco_Dave 02-17-2012 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 2291182)
Well at least we have an error message! :)

Presumably you uploaded the files to the wrong place. If you're going to run a forum you've got to be a lot more careful about that. Try it again.

Hint: Just rename the "upload" folder to "forum" (or whatever your forum folder is named), then drop it on your public_html folder. Saves you having to try to place each file separately.


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2291496)
Or, you have the files uploaded to the right place, but your web server has no rights to access.

This may happen on Linux, when your FTP account differs from Apache. You may fix this from the shell with root rights and requires a pretty good knowledge how to configure the FTP server.


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2292387)
Enable the flash wrapper, specify in Image/Flash your swf (as above), in URL the landing page and don't forget the sizes and at least one option: embed or object or both :)

I'm also having the same problem, I have renamed the folder like the post above but still no joy. I would really like to get this working, If anyone can help.


y2ksw 02-20-2012 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by tricksodave (Post 2300519)
I'm also having the same problem, I have renamed the folder like the post above but still no joy. I would really like to get this working, If anyone can help.


Let's do the other way round ... where is your forum located?

Move with FTP to the folder where you find the forum.php file which actually launches your forum (no redirects please).

Then, move into the upload folder of the extracted package (you have it unzipped, right?). Select all files and folders there and copy to the FTP destination. With Filezilla you do this pretty neat and no hassle. For upgrading make sure you "overwrite" the files on destination.

Done :)

However: If your FTP account rights differ from the Webserver Account, it may not work and then you'll need to do the beatings of your hosting provider ;)

y2ksw 02-20-2012 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by Rckcrwlr (Post 2300359)
I am embarrassed to post this but I think of myself as a somewhat intelligent person but for some reason, I cannot grasp this.

Please be patient with me and maybe you can find what I am missing....

What are the "Position # Banner Lists" for?
Nth Placeholder...where do I put that?

Maybe it will be easier this way...

I have 4 banners I want to have in the "Below Nav Bar" Location...

What do I do next?

I think if you walk me through it, everything will click.

Let's say that the banners images are on my server at www.myforum.com/banners

The four banners are: abc.gif 123.jpg asdf.gif qwerty.jpg

I hope you can feel my pain and confusion on this.


Please watch the movie in the very first post of this product. It shows you a little around.

Rckcrwlr 02-20-2012 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2301541)
Please watch the movie in the very first post of this product. It shows you a little around.

Thank you...that did help some. I will let you know how it goes.


Rckcrwlr 02-20-2012 03:14 PM

I figured it out... Woo Hoo

Thank you so much


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