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Synth 03-23-2006 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
3) Just wait for the upcoming ibProArcade v2.5.5+

All work and no play makes Synth a dull boy


Ohiosweetheart 03-23-2006 08:56 PM

I, and others, have asked this before and didn't get a reply. How would I go about rearranging the arcade main page?

I would like to be able to move the Arcade Announcements to the top of the page, followed by Game information underneath, then the Newest Games, High scores and Most played games beneath that.

IS there a way to do this, please?? if it's a template, which template would I edit??

MrZeropage 03-23-2006 09:04 PM


There is everything you need :)

Ohiosweetheart 03-23-2006 09:27 PM

HOLY crap... that is so greek it's not even funny. I guess I leave it the way it is :(
thank you anyway

djwins 03-23-2006 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by R1D1
How can I fix a log-out-problem? Means, a user, playing longer than x minutes, is logged out. Means, no highscore saved...


Tyegurl 03-24-2006 02:43 AM

okay i have searched everything i can think of....my scores don't submit...and it doesn't time out. it just goes to a blank page and says done in the lower left. but no scores are ever saved....


MrZeropage 03-24-2006 04:03 AM

Maybe you had v3arcade installed before, so the Template ARCADE has the worng content ?

Check this out and if so manually replace its content ...

@djwins, R1D1:
Wait for v2.5.5+ this will fix it (as told before)

If you want just the Announcement to move on top I could help you... Everything else is just HTML like it is in Templates, so what is the Problem ? ;)

webgeek247 03-24-2006 04:09 AM

I just tried installing it on my board but im getting this error in the admin cp and also on arcade.php


Warning: load_words(./arcade/lang/lang_Arcade_en.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /arcade/functions/functions.php on line 576

Warning: load_words(./arcade/lang/lang_Arcade_en.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /arcade/functions/functions.php on line 576

Warning: load_words(./arcade/lang/lang_Arcade_en.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /arcade/functions/functions.php on line 576

Fatal error: load_words(): Failed opening required './arcade/lang/lang_Arcade_en.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /home/fhlinux190/c/christopher-powell.co.uk/user/htdocs/forum/arcade/functions/functions.php on line 576
Ive read through the install notes 3 times and im certain all files are uploaded to correct directories and ive CHMOD'd the arcade folder?? :confused:

Kacela 03-24-2006 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by djpassion
I just tried installing it on my board but im getting this error in the admin cp and also on arcade.php

Ive read through the install notes 3 times and im certain all files are uploaded to correct directories and ive CHMOD'd the arcade folder?? :confused:

To me, It sounds like your definition of the root of your forum is incorrect. What is specified on about line 57 in your Arcade.php at the root of your forums? It should be something like

define('ROOT_PATH' , "./" );
That's where I'd start looking - as it seems the path definition is incorrect, if nothing can be found in the correct place.

NDRPrelude 03-24-2006 01:38 PM

Does this not work with secondary usergroups?

Great program by the way.

Ohiosweetheart 03-24-2006 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
If you want just the Announcement to move on top I could help you... Everything else is just HTML like it is in Templates, so what is the Problem ? ;)

there's so MUCH of it, LOL. I'm having a hard time distinguishing where one area (say New Games) stops and a new one (Leader board) starts.

I need the Arcade Announcements and the Categories moved to the top.
I have only three categories (they are usergroups)

could you help me? I'd really appreciate it

Tyegurl 03-24-2006 02:51 PM

ty that worked for me....

Harry72 03-26-2006 09:43 AM

Only 3% to lift-off. :banana: :banana:

Heyeyeyey.... horrraaaa. Mr. Zeropage for president ! :banana:

Brandon Sheley 03-26-2006 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
Wait some more days for ibProArcade v2.5.5+ then this thing is fixed :cool:

I just installed and had this issue too..

looking forward to the update :)
[high]* Brandon Sheley clicked install again ..lol[/high]

Danecookie 03-27-2006 05:16 PM

I am having a problem with this, after pressing the confirm button, wether while making a new tournamet or while replacing users, after pression confirm button, i get a databse error..

here is the screenshot of the error : http://i1.tinypic.com/se2837.jpg

please advice fast.

Harry72 03-27-2006 05:30 PM

Oh, this is an old error. Wait for 2.5.5+ !

GoNz00 03-27-2006 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Danecookie
I am having a problem with this, after pressing the confirm button, wether while making a new tournamet or while replacing users, after pression confirm button, i get a databse error..

here is the screenshot of the error : http://i1.tinypic.com/se2837.jpg

please advice fast.

the workaround is to do it from admin cp, not mod cp :)

OllieRocks 03-28-2006 08:28 AM

[high]* OllieRocks installs :)[/high]

dizzy100 03-28-2006 05:31 PM

Wasn't fussed on this compared to v3arcade to start due to all the temples being stored in one file. However after playing around with it today i'm very very pleased with it and i'm a convertee :) Excellent job there MrZeroPage and all the rest.

One thing i was wondering is the ability to allow guests to play but not submit. Does the members variablle get stored as guest or an ID in vbulletin ? Then it would be a simple check before submitting highscores on =guest or =whateverid do not submit hiscores.

MrZeropage 03-28-2006 06:53 PM

Thanks, and welcome to ibProArcade :)

This Guest-Thing is one of the last points on my List for v2.5.5+ so just wait ;)

The Notorious 03-28-2006 07:26 PM

Can't wait for new version!

NDRPrelude 03-28-2006 07:49 PM

Is anybody else having problems with it not reconizing secondary user groups? Is it just me?

MrZeropage 03-28-2006 08:38 PM

the settings included are for primary usergroup.

You can change that whole thing to check only the secondary usergroups, but not both/mixed by now. This is something I will implement in v2.5.6+ ;)

to make it work with secondary usergroup just open /arcade/modules/mod_Arcade.php and look for

        $DB->query("SELECT m.id, m.name, m.posts, m.arcade_ban, m.times_played, m.is_arcade_mod AS is_mod,
                                m.fav_games AS favs, m.user_sort, m.user_order, m.user_g_pp, m.membergroupids,
                    m.user_s_pp, m.def_g_cat, m.game_skin, m.arcade_mod_privs, m.arcade_pmactive, g.g_access_cp AS is_admin,
                    g.arcade_access, g.p_require, g.max_play, g.ppd_require, g.ibpa_cats AS allowed_categories
                    FROM ibf_members AS m
                    LEFT JOIN ibf_groups AS g
                    ON (m.mgroup = g.g_id)
                    WHERE id=".$ibforums->member['id']." LIMIT 0, 1");

and replace it with

        $DB->query("SELECT m.id, m.name, m.posts, m.arcade_ban, m.times_played, m.is_arcade_mod AS is_mod,
                                m.fav_games AS favs, m.user_sort, m.user_order, m.user_g_pp, m.membergroupids,
                    m.user_s_pp, m.def_g_cat, m.game_skin, m.arcade_mod_privs, m.arcade_pmactive, g.g_access_cp AS is_admin,
                    g.arcade_access, g.p_require, g.max_play, g.ppd_require, g.ibpa_cats AS allowed_categories
                    FROM ibf_members AS m
                    LEFT JOIN ibf_groups AS g
                    ON (m.membergroupids = g.g_id)
                    WHERE id=".$ibforums->member['id']." LIMIT 0, 1");

dizzy100 03-29-2006 06:00 AM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
Thanks, and welcome to ibProArcade :)

This Guest-Thing is one of the last points on my List for v2.5.5+ so just wait ;)

Mmmmm any ideas when the release is to be scheduled ? Its just i'm in post production now of an all arcade site (using your hack) and i'm doing quite some template modifications and eager to open the site doors.

Any ETA on the next release ?

MrZeropage 03-29-2006 08:13 AM

If everything works well it could be within the next 48h

But ibProArcade is somehow independent, it uses just one Template :)

dizzy100 03-29-2006 09:49 AM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
If everything works well it could be within the next 48h

But ibProArcade is somehow independent, it uses just one Template :)

48 hours is good :)

I'm having a devil of a time finding things mind you in that template. I was hoping to move the games to the top so browsing is more obvious with a left hand side panel but can i heck as like find the games listing section of the template. I have managed to move the catagories up but thats about at at the moment :)

MrZeropage 03-29-2006 04:09 PM


DementedMindz 03-29-2006 04:18 PM

v2.5.5+ Development completed 99,0%

from what i seen of it i cant wait... :banana:

NDRPrelude 03-30-2006 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
the settings included are for primary usergroup.

You can change that whole thing to check only the secondary usergroups, but not both/mixed by now. This is something I will implement in v2.5.6+ ;)


Thanks man that did the trick! I'll be sure and send you a little bit of cash at the end of the month!

dizzy100 03-30-2006 04:37 AM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage

Yes but where in there ? :)

I use the v3 skin and can i heck as like find the games listing template in there ....

Also is it possible to add the popup window code to the v3arcade template ?

MrZeropage 03-30-2006 11:43 AM

The Gamelisting is done in the Skin-File with function row()

For PopUp-Playing add the following things to the v3-Skin in function row()

<script language="JavaScript">

var newwindow;
function poptastic(url,features)



<!--popup play-->
<a href="javascript:poptastic('arcade.php?$session[sessionurl]do=playfull&amp;gameid={$entry['gid']}', 'height={$entry['gheight']},width={$entry['gwidth']},left=200,top=100,resizable=yes,scrollbars=no,toolbar=no,status=no');">{$ibforums->lang['gamebox_playpopup']}</a><br />

dizzy100 03-30-2006 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by MrZeropage
The Gamelisting is done in the Skin-File with function row()

Mmmm i'm not seeing that at all.

I've tried


in the skins template and even arcade.php in the forum home directory and i don;t see that function ...

Any pointers ?

dizzy100 03-30-2006 01:34 PM

ah got it

function row (whatever is in this function)

but how to move that up ?

I was just copying everything within the EOF but i'm guessing this won't work right ?

dizzy100 03-30-2006 02:06 PM

ok this template thing has me licked ...

Is there a default template that is the master layout ? So i can change things like this around ?

Cos for what i'm currently seing that part is hard coded :( But i'm likely missing something ...

I know theres a temnplate in vbulletin but thats not with individual items in it (i.e games seperate from leaders etc).

DementedMindz 03-30-2006 02:09 PM

personally i would use dreamweaver thats how i edited alot of mine... te way its setup is tricky but in dreamweaver you can se every table :)

dizzy100 03-30-2006 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by DementedMindz
personally i would use dreamweaver thats how i edited alot of mine... te way its setup is tricky but in dreamweaver you can se every table :)

Funny enough thats what i've been doing with great success. However changing layout is one thing, order seems a completely different one.

Like i want the arcade games listing at the top of the page below announcements but i can't seem to work out how to move that using templates as they are seperate calls.

So its hard coded i think in arcade.php when it calls for which template which is a problem. Unless of course i've missed a template ...

MrZeropage 03-30-2006 03:04 PM

Just look the HTML-output of that row()-function ...

That is the content of the Template you are looking for, just the HTML-Code that builds the GameList.

If you want the complete main Layout to be changed look for the function start() within the Style-File.

dizzy100 03-30-2006 04:39 PM

I just dont see referance to the games listing in the start routine to be honest. It seems that it ends with the tournament output and catagory headings :-


This is why i can't seem to move the game listings up.

Granted i could delete all the leaderboard stuff and that would certainly bump it up but i was hoping to incorporate that in a side bar. At the moment, personally, i think having to scroll down to the list of games each time you change a page is somewhat offputting.

The template being all in one file is a hinderance and it would be much better to move these to dedicated vbulletin templates in all honesty. Are there any plans to do this ?

So any help i can get regards moving these games up would really be of help ....

cuphongle 03-30-2006 05:08 PM

anyone got some games?

TTG 03-30-2006 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by cuphongle
anyone got some games?

yes thanks .. 1500+ :banana:

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