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I had no expectation of the author helping. People were posting fixes, so I wanted to make it clear that the previous fixes were not helpful to my particular install, in case other people were having the same problem. And then when I found my own solution, I posted it - so people could benefit. Which is the whole point of having a forum. So whatever.
Oh Pa! Get over yourself.
Obviously you'd expect a modification that is checked as supported to actually be supported - in this case it isn't so - I was simply stating that fact - So take that little attitude and 5 posts of yours and shove off somewhere. Unsubscribed. A total waste of time anyway. Jacquii. |
LOL nice attitude.
Does anyone know of anything similar to this that works? And, would work on 3.7?
Thx ZerHour for the fix. Now inside the VBGooglemap page i get less errors (before i got like 29 errors, now only 2). Unfortunatelly, still no pins on the map (and i made markers.xml from zero).
The errors look like this (as you can notice there is still a "&" character which i suppose it's the culprit): Code:
Line:921 Code:
Line:1209 Quote:
I have vb 3.7.3
After doing what ZeroHour Said I'm still not able to view the pins This is my Error Details: Webpage Script Errors User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.2) Timestamp: Sat, 11 Oct 2008 07:23:19 UTC 0. Message: Invalid argument. Line: 1285 Char: 3 Code: 0 URI: http://www.***********.com/vbgooglemapme.php Would realy appreciate it if some one have an idea to fix this Knowing that some guys with 3.7.3 VB have no problem at all. |
Okay Guys
I think I know a Good solution for times Being After u Do wat ZeroHour said regarding replacing the Code in the php files Disable: Enable or disable the small map control (disable for better performance) And try It If it didnt work Disable: Enable the mouseover support on the markers? For me it worked Fine When I only Disabled: Enable or disable the small map control (disable for better performance) Cheers |
Thx Cobra-J82. That solved my problem too :)
ZeroHour's fix worked for me also. Thanx, ZeroHour, for going through all the trouble to come up with it.
And I've contributed some other fixes and additions in the 3.6 thread: VBGooglemap Member Edition They are: * In edit mode, the marker is always the vbGoogleMap red marker, instead of Google Maps's default marker. * Mousewheel zooming is enabled. * Terrain display is enabled. * When mousing over does not make a vbGoogleMap info balloon, it instead makes a HTML-element title that contains the username. This fix thus produces the best of both worlds: a nondisruptive quick look, and a detailed info balloon with more info. I haven't made terrain display an option for the default display, because I'd have to do a lot of tracking down of where it is set and handled and so forth. I have also explored the feasibility of making markers draggable in edit mode. It is easy to set up a draggable marker; when you create it, include draggable:true in its marker options. But you also have to set up some event listeners for the marker's motions, and that's a bit trickier and more difficult to debug. BTW, the site I'm a sysadmin of is at vBulletin 3.7.0 and I've had no troubles that can reasonably be attributed to vBulletin being at this version. |
Anyone have any problems with this when someone has injected something into the api that causes it to link to a stupid anti virus site when you try to do anything with this hack? Where is the api key located in the database?
Thank you just installed Great pluging cheers.
i have few problems. i feed very had to go each post in this thread and find my question has been answered or not. My qestion is : 1. I want the White Tool Tip like stuff that contain the user location information auto appear insted of on clicd on the marker. coz it confuses. 2. is there a way to limit the size of the picture allowed? Marked as install and nominated :thumb: |
To make the info bubbles only appear when clicking on a marker, go to
Admin CP > Vbgooglemap ME > ME Settings > Enable the mouseover support on the markers? For setting the maximum size of an image, one would have to edit product-vbgooglemapme.xml Line 550: var content2 = "<img width=\"$gmimagemax\" border=\"0\" src=\""+pimage+"\"></a>"; I'm thinking of something like var content2 = "<img style=\"max-width: $gmimagemax; max-height: $gmimagemax\" border=\"0\" src=\""+pimage+"\"></a>"; The picture will get displayed, but would get shrunken in both dimensions to fit a maximum-dimension square. That dimension is set in ME Settings as Default width for the balloon on marker And after editing product-vbgooglemapme.xml be sure to reinstall it. For some additional fixes, do some more editing of product-vbgooglemapme.xml: To make mousing over only show the username, change: Line 550: var marker = new GMarker(point, icon); to var marker = new GMarker(point, {icon:icon, title:username}); BTW, the former syntax for the GMarker constructor is now deprecated. What I substituted for "icon" is a GMarkerOptions object, which is a JavaScript property list. To enable mousewheel zooming and terrain display, add these lines: map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); map.addMapType(G_PHYSICAL_MAP); after the following lines: Line 598: map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("memap"),$map_type); Line 855: map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("mapme"),$map_type); Line 1129: map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("mapme"),$map_type); Fix of marker appearance in edit mode: Line 863: map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point, icon)); to map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point, {icon:icon})); Line 877: map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point)); to map.addOverlay(new GMarker(point, {icon:icon})); Fix of marker position on map: Change all occurrences of icon.iconAnchor = new GLatLng(...); icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GLatLng(...); to icon.iconAnchor = new GPoint(6, 20); icon.infoWindowAnchor = new GPoint(8, 1); Coordinates are left-to-right, top-to-bottom. There are several improvements that I didn't bother to try to make:
To add draggability you set draggable:true in the marker's options, then set up a GEvent listener that gets the "moveend" event and updates the displayed position accordingly. The reason that it was not originally present was because vbGoogleMap had originally been coded for an older version of the Google Map API that had lacked this and several other convenient features. |
I've gone ahead and implemented this fix:
Centers an image in the info balloon's "Image" tab. If the image is larger than the maximum allowed size in either direction, then it will be rescaled to fit. In product-vbgooglemapme.xml Line 550: var content2 = "<img width=\"$gmimagemax\" border=\"0\" src=\""+pimage+"\"></a>"; to var content2 = "<img style=\"max-width: {$gmimagemax}px; max-height: {$gmimagemax}px; display: block; text-align: center; margin: auto; vertical-align:middle\" src=\""+pimage+"\">"; - I've also tracked down the code for selecting the default map type; I will be posting it when I implement it. |
Fix: added the ability to choose "Terrain" as a default map type:
In vbgooglemapme_admin.php After line 39: '3' => 'Satellite', add '4' => 'Terrain', In vbgooglemapme.php After line 73, change if ($maptype == 1) { $map_type = "{mapTypes:[G_NORMAL_MAP,G_SATELLITE_MAP,G_HYBRID_MAP]}"; } ... } to switch ($maptype) { case 1: $map_type = "G_NORMAL_MAP"; break; case 2: $map_type = "G_HYBRID_MAP"; break; case 3: $map_type = "G_SATELLITE_MAP"; break; case 4: $map_type = "G_PHYSICAL_MAP"; break; } In product-vbgooglemapme.xml change map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("mapme"),$map_type); to map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("mapme")); and likewise for "memap" instead of "mapme". After map.addMapType(G_PHYSICAL_MAP); add map.setMapType($map_type); I'd earlier described my terrain fix, which involves adding the line map.addMapType(G_PHYSICAL_MAP); after each instance of map = new GMap2(...); |
i can now see this are in the vbgooglemap.php file Code:
if ($mouseoversupport == 0) |
That is, without needing to mouse over or click on their markers. The AdminCP option I'd referred to earlier was for setting mouseover vs. clicking. As far as can tell from the Google Maps API reference and elsewhere on "info windows", there is only one info-bubble object per map, but one that vbGoogleMap revises each time one mouses over or clicks on a marker. So it does not seem possible to display several info bubbles at once. |
yes yes, always be visible :D
When load, the bubble also should appear. then the viewer can close it if he want. |
when you click show on map, that users bubble should appear on load. but what i see is it shows all the users marks and hard to find the one that relevant to the user in that raw. |
pls help !
http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/8794/pscim6.jpg i want to add in the "Map" word that link to each users map location now we have in table. how can i do that? Edited : I added a link to the Post Bit and try to use the url. but the cordinates are not retrived for earch user. the post is empty :( Code:
<a href="$bburl/vbgooglemapme.php?lat=$getinfo_me_list[lat_map]&lng=$getinfo_me_list[lng_map]&zoom=$linkzoomlevel" target="_self">$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_map_link]</a> |
I would like to use this so that my members can upload photos and chart them on the map - and then other users can see the photos and where they were taken - is it possible with this MOD?
The markers are no longer visable on my forum http://totalopel.com/forum/vbgooglemapme.php
The info is in the database as I can see in from the control panel and it will also zoom in to the users location when you click on My Location. Any idea what has gone wrong? |
I recommend trying ZeroHour's fix in the 3.6 version of this thread. That fixed the disappearing-markers problem for me; it is due to the original version producing malformed XML for <forum-root>/markers.xml
And I invite you people to try out my fixes also. |
Thanks lpetrich - I shall give it a go later!
since a few weeks i have a problem with 3.01 version. When i visit the VBGoogleMap all Browser stop the Script with Error: Warning: Slow script (http://www.cbf-1000.de/VBForum/vbgoo...hp?do=showmain) - Stop or Contiunue It allways stop on the same Number (Loaded) 539 of 546 What can i do? Greets Blaster |
<marker mapid="612" title_map="TGIF" lng="7.9487371444702" lat="48.090750620063" userid="2515" username="TGIF" text_map="Ich glaub\', hier bleib\' ich" type="green" pimage="http://www.cbf-1000.de/VBForum/images/googlemapme/noimage.png" /> Code:
text_map="Ich glaub\', hier bleib\' ich" Code:
<marker mapid="612" title_map="TGIF" lng="7.9487371444702" lat="48.090750620063" userid="2515" username="TGIF" text_map="" type="green" pimage="http://www.cbf-1000.de/VBForum/images/googlemapme/noimage.png" /> |
Is there a way to create site markers for locations without having a member tag it? For example, I would like to hardcode some local attractions.
Can this be done in this version? |
Did you have the Post-Number? I could not find the Post. Thx Blaster |
Yes, about two pages back somone points to a fix from member ZeroHour. You can find ZeroHour's post here.
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...51#post1456251 |
There appear to be errors on the sample page - anyone have this up and working on 3.7 and have a link to your site?
One would have to do some extra coding for such markers. In particular:
I don't have a test forum to work with, so some of you other people will have to code this. But I can help with the Google Maps parts; I can create HTML-page mockups with working code. And while I have some expertise with the Google Maps API, I don't have any with database-interface code. I have an elementary knowledge of SQL, and that's it. Finally, has anyone tried contacting StonyArc? It would be nice to have his permission for using his code and posting updated archives, if he chooses to give it. |
<marker mapid="9999" title_map="Eiffel Tower" lng="-88.246731" lat="42.215226" userid="9999" username="Eiffel Tower" text_map="Eiffel Tower, France" type="blue" pimage="http://mysite.com/forums/images/googlemapme/noimage.png" /> |
The big problem is that markers.xml gets refreshed by a cron job, and by editing marker info. So one has a choice of:
Has the issue been fixed where markers disappear from the map?
I?ve a problem too :-(
Couldn?t find anything about this problem: First time, I click the link to the usermap, it works fine, the second time I click on, Iand most of my users) get this message: Code:
<www.db-forum.de> Has anybody an idea, what the problem is? Thank you very much.. |
Nobody here, who has a similar problem??
Is there anyway to have it autopost from the user location fields? Say if they were all formatted to zip code or what have you? Thanks.
This was working on my vb 3.8.2, but today all the markers are missing, although it says there are 6 of them...
http://flotgaming.net/forums/vbgooglemapme.php |
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