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monstergamer 08-17-2004 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by sitejunkies
So, what do I do to get this running? The file within the zip here and the one on the site are exactly the same, by comparism.. anyway, I have spent more than two hours on this and still.. nowhere..

same here....nothing but errors.
to many just to post them all
some Global and Init.php
i am editing the right ones and i looked ove all the code, to many times

jsnakej13 08-17-2004 12:08 PM

I am experiencing a problem. At the top of my forum is a line of text that says

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home2/wrestlin/public_html/forum/global.php on line 638

MindTrix 08-17-2004 12:09 PM

Check the first post in the thread for the fix.

saint_seiya 08-17-2004 01:25 PM

Wait, does it require VB 3.0.3 to run. If so, is there an older one that can be used?

Blam Forumz 08-17-2004 06:29 PM

For tha tlink that you posted zach, do i need to follow those instructions to re-hack EVERYTHING? or just the navbar??

MiLynne 08-17-2004 07:01 PM

My store link isn't working, either. I made sure everything was correct and it is. What is the exact problem and what needs to be changed??

Blam Forumz 08-17-2004 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by saint_seiya
Is that drop down menu the only thing different in that readme? Cause I still have no idea why it's not working. My site AIM is :vgcityhelp if anyone would find it easier to help me on that.

UPDATE: Drop down menu fixed

can you tell us how you did this? or show us your navbar template?

neo|d3fx 08-17-2004 08:52 PM

There is a confirmed exploit with this hack allowing users to give themselves or someone else points and are able to define how much it would cost them at the same time.

Steps to recreate it;

Click the Donate to User button in the postbit, or from the main Ushop page

Type in your name or anothers username

instead of just a numerical value type in "1, uttpoints=99999"

1 will be the value in which it costs you to donate the points, and the 99999 are how many points you are giving them.

Does anyone know the way to only allow a numerical value in that textbox you type the points in?

Blam Forumz 08-17-2004 09:30 PM

woot i fix0red it :)

MiLynne 08-17-2004 09:55 PM


Originally Posted by Blam Forumz
woot i fix0red it :)

I fixed my link thing..

Now I've got some questions.

I installed it manually and I'm on vb 3.0.3

First, I can't get donate, admindonate to activate

Secondly, when I save I get: Could not find phrase 'uttstore_saved_values_successfully'.

Also, I don't understand how the Secondary Usergroup, Buy forum password/access, etc. works. Are those separate hacks??

MiLynne 08-17-2004 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by MiLynne
I fixed my link thing..

Now I've got some questions.

I installed it manually and I'm on vb 3.0.3

First, I can't get donate, admindonate to activate

Secondly, when I save I get: Could not find phrase 'uttstore_saved_values_successfully'.

Also, I don't understand how the Secondary Usergroup, Buy forum password/access, etc. works. Are those separate hacks??


I see the (donate) link...where will I find the admindonate thing?

Zachery 08-18-2004 02:46 AM

Just tha navbar

Milynne, its in the postbit as well as the store tiself

saint_seiya 08-18-2004 03:10 AM

Does this shop require 3.0.3 and do you have an older version?

Blam Forumz 08-18-2004 02:04 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Im trying to make the points / donate link look like how they do in the attatchments

What should I replace
HTML Code:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == '6'"><a href="ushop.php?do=a&shortname=admindonate&userid=$post[userid]" target="_blank">$vbphrase[ucs_points]</a><else />$vbphrase[ucs_points]</if>: $points <br><a href="ushop.php?do=a&shortname=donate&userid=$post[userid]" target="_blank">Donate</a><br>

I tried using this

HTML Code:

<if condition="$bbuserinfo['usergroupid'] == '6'">
        <fieldset><legend><a href="ushop.php?do=a&shortname=admindonate&userid=$post[userid]" target="_blank">$vbphrase[ucs_points]</a></legend><table><tr><td>
<else />
<br><a href="ushop.php?do=a&shortname=donate&userid=$post[userid]" target="_blank">Donate</a>

But it wont work

Help. :ermm:

MiLynne 08-18-2004 02:47 PM

Thanks! User error..lol..

Now I have a request.

I want to make up a box that will allow users to use points to suggest a game to put in the arcade. Can someone hook me up with the code to do this?

Deimos 08-18-2004 05:36 PM

What is the exact error you recieve? I don't
Where does the supposed error happen? It doesn't error
What vB version are you running? VB 3.0.3

The problem is, i've just installed the hack again on a clean vb 3.0.3 board and the drop down menu doesn't work on the nav bar
I've tried adding it to multiple styles and each time it just doesn't work.
When I hover my mouse pointer over the menu it says..


Is that right?

saint_seiya 08-18-2004 06:07 PM

Ok, I finally got it installed and so far it looks as if its working fine, nice hack. One question, has anyone made any new actions? That can be imported and such?

Also, how do you restrict access to users without an arcade pass? I have the latest arcade.

Zachery 08-18-2004 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by Deimos
What is the exact error you recieve? I don't
Where does the supposed error happen? It doesn't error
What vB version are you running? VB 3.0.3

The problem is, i've just installed the hack again on a clean vb 3.0.3 board and the drop down menu doesn't work on the nav bar
I've tried adding it to multiple styles and each time it just doesn't work.
When I hover my mouse pointer over the menu it says..


Is that right?

Use the one from the website



Zachery 08-18-2004 06:25 PM


Originally Posted by saint_seiya
Ok, I finally got it installed and so far it looks as if its working fine, nice hack. One question, has anyone made any new actions? That can be imported and such?

Also, how do you restrict access to users without an arcade pass? I have the latest arcade.

You really cant, and we have included one of the two addons that were made.

We are still working towards getting users to be more active at GD so we can track bugs and such. its almost impossible to do so here.

saint_seiya 08-18-2004 07:10 PM

Hoes does the pass essentially work?

Deimos 08-18-2004 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Zachery

Do I have to do all the code hacks again? Or just the navbar bit?
I redid the navbar using the new code and it didn't make any difference :(

Zachery 08-18-2004 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by Deimos
Do I have to do all the code hacks again? Or just the navbar bit?
I redid the navbar using the new code and it didn't make any difference :(

Just the navbar bit.

Deimos 08-18-2004 08:51 PM

Aye, I did that and it stayed the same.
Hmm, would any of the other template or file hacks affect it?
I don't understand why it's not working, when I origiinally had ushop installed it worked aok

Link14716 08-18-2004 08:57 PM

Remember to add that BELOW the code for the navbar bit.

I believe the original readme said to add above, which b0rked it.

Deimos 08-18-2004 09:24 PM

That worked, thanks Link

Link14716 08-18-2004 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by neo|d3fx
--details of an exploit--

0.95a has been released to fix this exploit.

Deimos 08-18-2004 09:33 PM

Btw, I had this problem with the prior versions and it still seems to happen with this one,,,,but it might be something i've done wrong
All the file edits and templates are done, but, when a user chooses to make their name a certain color or glow it doesn't show up on the post bit (legacy) area when viewing threads?
For instance, I just bought a purple name with red glow, it doesn't show up
Yet if I open my member profile, the purple name shows up, minus the glow

Link14716 08-18-2004 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by Deimos
Btw, I had this problem with the prior versions and it still seems to happen with this one,,,,but it might be something i've done wrong
All the file edits and templates are done, but, when a user chooses to make their name a certain color or glow it doesn't show up on the post bit (legacy) area when viewing threads?
For instance, I just bought a purple name with red glow, it doesn't show up
Yet if I open my member profile, the purple name shows up, minus the glow

If the color isn't showing up, then you missed an edit.

For the glow, make sure you did all of the postbit edits (to postbit_legacy of course) and it should work. Be aware that glow is an Internet Explorer only feature, however.

Blam Forumz 08-18-2004 09:44 PM

What was the exploit?

Deimos 08-18-2004 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by Link14716
If the color isn't showing up, then you missed an edit.

For the glow, make sure you did all of the postbit edits (to postbit_legacy of course) and it should work. Be aware that glow is an Internet Explorer only feature, however.

Well that's what I thought, but i've been through the postbit legacy and the showthread files and it's all in there
I'm running IE 6

Here's a screeny of my postbit_legacy template


Link14716 08-18-2004 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by Blam Forumz
What was the exploit?

Using donate, someone can give a user a whole lot of points while only being charged something small, like 1.

A pretty bad exploit if you ask me.

Link14716 08-18-2004 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Deimos
Well that's what I thought, but i've been through the postbit legacy and the showthread files and it's all in there
I'm running IE 6

Here's a screeny of my postbit_legacy template



<if condition="$post['uttstore_glow']"><div id="postmenu_$post[postid]" style="width:100%; filter:Glow(color=$post[uttstore_glow], strength=5);"><else /><div id="postmenu_$post[postid]"></if>
to right before the <a> tag.

Deimos 08-18-2004 09:55 PM

wait that worked
Kick ass, thanks link!

Limpkinw 08-18-2004 10:02 PM

I have modified my Uttstore files is there a way u can tell the changed made on the files or is tehre too many to list?


Zelda-King 08-18-2004 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Deimos
Aye, I did that and it stayed the same.
Hmm, would any of the other template or file hacks affect it?
I don't understand why it's not working, when I origiinally had ushop installed it worked aok

After upgrading your forums you need to reinstall the templates via the install script. Assuming you've done that, ensure you've reverted any customised store templates, such as UTTSTORE.

saint_seiya 08-18-2004 11:39 PM

um, glowing username doesn't work, is there any reason why?

Link14716 08-18-2004 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Limpkinw
I have modified my Uttstore files is there a way u can tell the changed made on the files or is tehre too many to list?


I believe these edits are correct.

action.admindonate.php (this one is not important, but I fixed it here as well):

PHP Code:

global $DB_site$bbuserinfo$points$action

Replace with:
PHP Code:

global $DB_site$bbuserinfo$points$action$_FIELDS

PHP Code:

    return $data

Add Above:
PHP Code:

    $nonoarray = array(" ""'""\""",""+""=""a""b""c""d""e""f""g""h""i""j""k""l""m""n""o""p""q""r""s""t""u""v""w""x""y""z");
$_FIELDS['points'] = str_replace($nonoarray""$_FIELDS['points']); 


PHP Code:

function uttstore_deposit_sanity($amount) {

Replace with:
PHP Code:

function uttstore_deposit_sanity($amount) {

PHP Code:

    if ($points $amount) {
$message "You cannot deposit more than you have!";

Replace with:
PHP Code:

    $nonoarray = array(" ""'""\""",""+""-""=""a""b""c""d""e""f""g""h""i""j""k""l""m""n""o""p""q""r""s""t""u""v""w""x""y""z");
$_FIELDS['points'] = str_replace($nonoarray""$_FIELDS['points']);
    if (
$points $_FIELDS['points']) {
$message "You cannot deposit more than you have!";

PHP Code:

function uttstore_withdraw_sanity($bankdata,$mode=2,$amount=0) {

Replace with:
PHP Code:

function uttstore_withdraw_sanity($bankdata,$mode=2,$amount=0) {

PHP Code:

        if ($amount <= "0") {
$message "You may not withdraw a non-positive amount!";
        if (
$bankdata['amount'] < $amount) {
$message "You cannot withdraw more than you have!";

Replace with:
PHP Code:

        $nonoarray = array(" ""'""\""",""+""-""=""a""b""c""d""e""f""g""h""i""j""k""l""m""n""o""p""q""r""s""t""u""v""w""x""y""z");
$_FIELDS['points'] = str_replace($nonoarray""$_FIELDS['points']);
        if (
$_FIELDS['points'] <= "0") {
$message "You may not withdraw a non-positive amount!";
        if (
$bankdata['amount'] < $_FIELDS['points']) {
$message "You cannot withdraw more than you have!";


PHP Code:

    global $DB_site$bbuserinfo$points$action$vbphrase

Replace with:
PHP Code:

    global $DB_site$bbuserinfo$points$action$vbphrase$_FIELDS

PHP Code:

    if ($amount <= "0") {
$message "You may not donate a non-positive amount!";

Replace with:
PHP Code:

    $nonoarray = array(" ""'""\""",""+""-""=""a""b""c""d""e""f""g""h""i""j""k""l""m""n""o""p""q""r""s""t""u""v""w""x""y""z");
$_FIELDS['points'] = str_replace($nonoarray""$_FIELDS['points']);
    if (
$_FIELDS['points'] <= "0") {
$message "You may not donate a non-positive amount!";


PHP Code:

    $totalcost calculate_taxed_price($_FIELDS['points'], $action['tax']);
$totalcost uttpoints_number_format($totalcost); 

Add above:
PHP Code:

    $nonoarray = array(" ""'""\""",""+""-""=""a""b""c""d""e""f""g""h""i""j""k""l""m""n""o""p""q""r""s""t""u""v""w""x""y""z");
$_FIELDS['points'] = str_replace($nonoarray""$_FIELDS['points']); 

Link14716 08-18-2004 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by saint_seiya
um, glowing username doesn't work, is there any reason why?

Yes it does. Follow the directions.

Dorign 08-19-2004 07:35 AM

Whatever the new "update" did, it's stopped me from taking points away from members who are being buttheads. :P I used to donate them a negative amount of points, that doesn't work now. Could an "Admin Remove" function be made, as opposed to "Admin Donate"? Thanks!

Zachery 08-19-2004 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Dorign
Whatever the new "update" did, it's stopped me from taking points away from members who are being buttheads. :P I used to donate them a negative amount of points, that doesn't work now. Could an "Admin Remove" function be made, as opposed to "Admin Donate"? Thanks!

You can edit their points directly from the ACP. Ill poke matt about getting a radio button to select wich type it is (+/-) for admin donate :)

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