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Phalynx 12-23-2010 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by Phototrope (Post 2138091)
Phalynx, your mod is brilliant, but I need to modify it and add a new field: "points earned this month". (Should be simple enough)

Then I can create awards based on this field.

You can use the plugin interface (CDP, Custom Data Provider, ZIP\extras\CDP Custom Data Provider) to create and read such a field.


Originally Posted by Phototrope (Post 2138104)
And another mod: add a field to awards called "Limit the number of users who can have this award".

Set this to 1 for an award called "Member of the month". This award is based on "points earned per month" field (described above).

So, automatically the user with the most points will get the "Member of the month" award, and the previous winner of this award will automatically return it.

What do you think?

I'm not sure about this limit number field. Please describe more.

Phototrope 12-23-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2138196)
You can use the plugin interface (CDP, Custom Data Provider, ZIP\extras\CDP Custom Data Provider) to create and read such a field.

I'm not sure about this limit number field. Please describe more.

Well, basically, I'm trying to get functionality so that one (or maybe two) users get a certain award each month. So this field ('number of users who can have this award') would be set to either 1 or 2.

I'm trying to get something which is like "first place" and "second place" in a competition. Perhaps there's a better way to do this.

GPOClan 12-23-2010 08:18 PM

Thank you very much, Phalynx! It worked!

Best mod ever...

Merry x-mas all!

Phalynx 12-24-2010 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by Phototrope (Post 2138269)
Well, basically, I'm trying to get functionality so that one (or maybe two) users get a certain award each month. So this field ('number of users who can have this award') would be set to either 1 or 2.

I'm trying to get something which is like "first place" and "second place" in a competition. Perhaps there's a better way to do this.

There is already such a field, called position in Query, GOLD/SILVER/BRONZE.


Originally Posted by GPOClan (Post 2138286)
Thank you very much, Phalynx! It worked!

Best mod ever...

Merry x-mas all!

Yes, merry X-Mas for all!

Vick98 12-26-2010 06:40 PM

Installed. Excellent Mod

taylorpiano 12-27-2010 08:48 PM

does this plugin work with user groups?
We currently are using 3.8x
I have a long list of user groups set so that each time a member wins any of the photo contests for the first time, i.e. POTW,POTM,POTQ either 1st place or 2d place, I tag them for being a member of that group so that the winner ribbon appears in their profile.
see example of this user. The ribbon colors match the larger ribbons that go under their winning photos within Photopost.


We are currently in the process of upgrading to vB 4,1 on our test site and I have noticed that the ribbons no longer show up in the user profiles.
I need a way to display all those ribbons in the profiles.
Right now this is the only way for me to keep track of all the past and current winners.
The website has been in existence since 2003, but we purchased it the end of 2009.
Since I created all the new user groups, ribbons myself, I spent months going going through all the winners each week and tagging their profiles.
So this is the reason I need it to work with my already created usergroups linked to the rankings with the ribbons.
Thanks for your help

Phalynx 12-28-2010 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by taylorpiano (Post 2139789)
does this plugin work with user groups?

Please explain more. vBExperience does not touch your usergroups, as long as you are not using promotions based on points. Even then only the primary group is changed.


Originally Posted by taylorpiano (Post 2139789)
see example of this user.

Your site requires an account to view userprofiles.

taylorpiano 12-28-2010 01:26 PM

sorry, I forgot about the profiles not showing to non registered users.

I created the rankings that work along with the user groups.
Here is a screen shot of how it would look under vB 3.8x

I also created a profile field category called Contest Wins with sub cats of POTW, POTM, POTQ & POTY.
Each time a member wins I add one more to the count of the wins they have already won.
I was hoping to eventually use that data to create automated updated reports of a contest leader board so members can view it.

You can see how the profile is setup here.


Phalynx 12-28-2010 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by taylorpiano (Post 2140110)
sorry, I forgot about the profiles not showing to non registered users.

I created the rankings that work along with the user groups.
Here is a screen shot of how it would look under vB 3.8x

I also created a profile field category called Contest Wins with sub cats of POTW, POTM, POTQ & POTY.
Each time a member wins I add one more to the count of the wins they have already won.
I was hoping to eventually use that data to create automated updated reports of a contest leader board so members can view it.

You can see how the profile is setup here.

Thanks for the screenshot. I still see no connection to vBExperience, beside the automatic promotion to another usergroup based on points.

smirkley 12-29-2010 03:55 AM

Question: I have only installed this recently.

How do I disable the display of Downloads award from the public experience awards page?

It displays to visitors, yet I do not have Downloads II installed.

It even has a member awarded this award, even though no downloads have ever occured or existed.


Phalynx 12-29-2010 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by smirkley (Post 2140504)
Question: I have only installed this recently.

How do I disable the display of Downloads award from the public experience awards page?

It displays to visitors, yet I do not have Downloads II installed.

It even has a member awarded this award, even though no downloads have ever occured or existed.


This award counts also for attachment downloads and LDM. You can disable it via AdminCP, Experience, Manage Awards

Phalynx 12-29-2010 01:15 PM

vBExperience 4.0.4 has been updated to RC 2!

- Fixed several smaller issues
- Redesigned Insight to avoid css problems with dark styles
- German translation for 4.0.4 completed
- New plugin for Triple Triad

Barbara1 12-29-2010 01:46 PM

Thank You!!!!!!!!!

sweetpotato 12-29-2010 02:26 PM

Thanks for your great work,

smirkley 12-29-2010 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2140562)
This award counts also for attachment downloads and LDM. You can disable it via AdminCP, Experience, Manage Awards

Thank You !

The awards manager, as the others, is way more powerful than I thought, hence not using it yet.

But that fixed it.

OldSchoolDSL 12-29-2010 10:30 PM

Installed / updated and working

4.1 PL2

NOTE: Found 2 graphical errors

1) Missing /xperience/icons/icon_achievements_default.png

Which is called for on Achievement Tab for New Achievement!

2) Insight Experience page there is a small text over lap over User Avatar & Group Icon

savraot 12-30-2010 03:31 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I Updatet vbex 4.0.4 from rc1 to rc2, now I have a little css Problem in my Template.

See Screenshot, how can I solve this Problem?

Andreas [S] 12-30-2010 06:54 AM

I get this error: Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in xperience.php on line 1195

Phalynx 12-30-2010 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2141017)
Installed / updated and working

4.1 PL2

NOTE: Found 2 graphical errors

1) Missing /xperience/icons/icon_achievements_default.png

Which is called for on Achievement Tab for New Achievement!

2) Insight Experience page there is a small text over lap over User Avatar & Group Icon


Originally Posted by savraot (Post 2141152)
I Updatet vbex 4.0.4 from rc1 to rc2, now I have a little css Problem in my Template.

See Screenshot, how can I solve this Problem?

Both issues fixed in next version, probably released today.

Phalynx 12-30-2010 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Andreas [S] (Post 2141199)
I get this error: Deprecated: Assigning the return value of new by reference is deprecated in xperience.php on line 1195

Which vBulletin and PHP version are you using?

Andreas [S] 12-30-2010 07:36 AM

Vb 4.0.8
Php 5.3.2

Phalynx 12-30-2010 08:13 AM

Fixed in next version.

mcyates 12-30-2010 08:58 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Whats going on with my points, I have 8,454 but vbookie cash is -757,399 when I go on vbookie I have -5855 so can't bet!!

Its all gone a bit funny, also I can't donate my vbookie cash!!! I try to it says its done it but it never leave my account and the person I donate it to never gets anything!!

Phalynx 12-30-2010 09:08 AM

Did you installed the vBookie Plugin directly after you installed vBookie?
Please check also the log if the points you were given away are really not given away to someone other.

mcyates 12-30-2010 09:13 AM

ok thanks for the quick reply, i'll have a look now.

mcyates 12-30-2010 09:19 AM

I did install the vbookie plugin just after I installed vbookie but yesterday I installed the pluging again (overwriting the previous one) but made no difference) I can donate other points, just no the vbookie cash or vbookie bets.

Britmovie 12-30-2010 02:12 PM

1 Attachment(s)
From the atachment you can see some text is hidden by pic. Is the a way to correct this? Otherwise amazing mod

bigbaldben 12-30-2010 02:30 PM

First, awesome mod.

Second, I'm not having success with the "vBookie Cash" field for awards. I've just installed the vbookie plugin and the "vBookie Bets" field works great! But when I test an award using the "vBookie Cash" field, I get zeroes for all users.

Any ideas?

Phalynx 12-30-2010 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by mcyates (Post 2141230)
I did install the vbookie plugin just after I installed vbookie but yesterday I installed the pluging again (overwriting the previous one) but made no difference) I can donate other points, just no the vbookie cash or vbookie bets.

Sorry, I have no clue why this happens. I'm not using vBooking actively so I cannot even reproduce this.


Originally Posted by Britmovie (Post 2141341)
From the atachment you can see some text is hidden by pic. Is the a way to correct this? Otherwise amazing mod

See above, will be fixed in next version.


Originally Posted by bigbaldben (Post 2141353)
First, awesome mod.

Second, I'm not having success with the "vBookie Cash" field for awards. I've just installed the vbookie plugin and the "vBookie Bets" field works great! But when I test an award using the "vBookie Cash" field, I get zeroes for all users.

Any ideas?

Did you already recounted after installing the plugin?

Zweeper 12-30-2010 06:42 PM

how can i change the position in the main navigation bar?

Phalynx 12-30-2010 06:52 PM

Currently not supported. You will have to disable the vBExperience nav bar and add your own where you need it.

Zweeper 12-30-2010 07:03 PM

okay. can you tell me the code i have to add? i find the place on my own i think.


Phalynx 12-30-2010 07:11 PM

Take a look at this template:

Also, please click "Mark as Installed" to get further support.

InTeNsE-HuMoR 12-30-2010 07:25 PM

Is it possible to remove the experience tab from user profiles?

Phalynx 12-30-2010 07:59 PM

Yes. AdminCP, Plugins & Products, Plugin Manager, Search for the plugin called "vBExperience (member block)" and deactivate it.

Phalynx 12-30-2010 08:17 PM

vBExperience 4.0.4 reaches finally the GOLD stage! I suggest all users with vBulletin 4.0.8 and higher to upgrade to the new stable version.

vBExperience 4.0.4 GOLD, 30th December 2010
- Fixed compatibility with PHP 5.3.2
- Fixed CSS Issues with overflowing text on Users Avatar
- Fixed not correctly aligned statistics
- Fixed displayed usergroup in promotions
- Added translation for points_level (f.e. in case you are using vBExperience Level as a field for promotions)

vBExperience 4.0.4 RC 2, 29th December 2010
- Fixed several smaller issues
- Redesigned Insight to avoid css problems with dark styles
- German translation for 4.0.4 completed
- New plugin for Triple Triad

vBExperience 4.0.4 RC, 21th November 2010
- Fixed issues from Beta

vBExperience 4.0.4 BETA, 1st November 2010

This release fixes style issues with vBulletin 4.0.8 (Insight, Profile/Tab)

- Added: Add default/missing achievements. Missing a new achievement and don't want to revert to the default? Do this action via Manage Achievements and you will get newly created achievements without losing your existing one.
- Added: Buyable Achievements. In conjunction with the upcoming Point Market System 3.1 you are able to define achievements that can be purchased via PMS. Automatic assignment of such achievements is disabled.
- Added: Center bars in postbit. If enabled, centeres the bars in the postbit.

- Fixed: Place the bars freely in postbit does not work
- Fixed: Secret Achievements set to "Yes" by default
- Fixed: Clear Awards leads to SQL error in AdminCP
- Fixed: Manually assigned awards are removed/assigned multiple times
- Fixed: Wrong display of "This Achievement can get lost if condition is not met anymore."
- Fixed: Automatic Promotions don't work
- Fixed: "Show level below postcount?" instead of "Show points below postcount?"

- New Language file provided for Persian, thanks to Persian Prince

- New plugin for Project Tools (needs Project Tools 2.x installed). There are also four new achievements that are using this.
- Fixed a bug with the v3 Arcade Submission Plugin

OldSchoolDSL 12-30-2010 08:27 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2141505)
vBExperience 4.0.4 reaches finally the GOLD stage! I suggest all users with vBulletin 4.0.8 and higher to upgrade to the new stable version.

Installed and working

4.1 PL2

NOTE: Small graphical error with text over group icon (though the avatar bug is fixed now)



is still missing

Phalynx 12-30-2010 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2141509)
Installed and working

4.1 PL2

NOTE: Small graphical error with text over group icon (though the avatar bug is fixed now)


Cannot confirm. Please check if you need to revert the template xperience_user_block_sg


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2141509)

is still missing

Cannot confirm. Please check if you have extracted the file from the ZIP.

MrAbc 12-30-2010 08:43 PM

Thank you very much :).

Everything looks great except it is extremely slow when viewing xperience.php (a board of around 20K members)

OldSchoolDSL 12-30-2010 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2141510)
Cannot confirm. Please check if you need to revert the template xperience_user_block_sg

Cannot confirm. Please check if you have extracted the file from the ZIP.

No option to revert that in my template, so I'm assuming its still good.

PHP Code:

<li class="xpicon">
h3 class="blocksubhead">{vb:rawphrase xperience_insight_sg}</h3>
div class="leftcol">
a href="group.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}groupid={vb:raw groupinfo.groupid}">
img class="xpicon" src="{vb:raw groupinfo.groupiconurl}" width="32" height="32" alt="{vb:raw groupinfo.name}" />
div class="maincol">
h3><a href="group.php?{vb:raw session.sessionurl}groupid={vb:raw groupinfo.groupid}" title="{vb:raw groupinfo.name}">{vb:raw groupinfo.name}</a></h3>
class="description">{vb:rawphrase xperience_points}: {vb:raw groupinfo.points}</p>
class="description">{vb:rawphrase members}: {vb:raw groupinfo.members}</p>

As for the missing photo....

Experience > Achievements > New Achievement!

That is where is is looking for icon_achievements_default.png

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