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ZeroHour 03-08-2008 12:25 AM

Np ;)

RedGTiVR6 03-08-2008 01:03 PM

Thanks for the update!

PoetJA-1975 03-08-2008 09:33 PM

Hmmm- thanx for the share ZEROHOUR - I made the edits but I don't have a vBGoogle Member Map cron in scheduled tasks - can you upload that file please?



johon 03-18-2008 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by ZeroHour (Post 1456241)
Right I have my first fix. I will be editing this post with future changes so you can refer back to it and bookmark it by clicking the post number to the right.
Run the scheduled task and your markers should return.
Basically I have modified the code to replace things like "&" with the xml safe "&" so no matter what anyone enters for the fields the xml should still be safe.

More tweaks to come including integration of the display groups being marker colour.

Unfortunately no change on 3.6.8 - markers don't show up :(

ZeroHour 03-19-2008 09:56 AM

PoetJA-1975: If you take a look at the mod install instructions it should tell you what to do.

Johon: whats your map url so I can take a look? you can PM me the details if you want.

johon 03-19-2008 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by ZeroHour (Post 1468575)
Johon: whats your map url so I can take a look? you can PM me the details if you want.

http://www.florida-interaktiver.com/vbgooglemapme.php If you need a test account, fell free to contact me. Thanks for your support!

PoetJA-1975 03-20-2008 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by johon (Post 1468063)
Unfortunately no change on 3.6.8 - markers don't show up :(

Same here...


Originally Posted by ZeroHour (Post 1468575)
PoetJA-1975: If you take a look at the mod install instructions it should tell you what to do.

Thanx ZEROHOUR - but after adding/running the cron - still no changes - markers still aren't showing up... I'm using vB 3.6.8 PL2 and the url is http://jpicforum.info/vbgooglemapme.php

Thanx for any help - will love to have the Member Map working again!


ZeroHour 03-20-2008 08:34 AM

Poet and Johon: It looks like you both have the same problem possibly. The strange thing is I downloaded your markers.xml and uploaded them to my site and the markers loaded implying that it was a valid xml file.
Going to have a think of what could be causing the issue.

PoetJA-1975 03-20-2008 08:49 AM

Hmmmm - I do thank you for taking the time to check!
Really appreciate your help on this = Thanx!


ramires 03-27-2008 11:28 PM


i was succesfull install this mod

but one thing isnt working well - the color markers
how to correctly set the markers to see the colored markers - not the same color?

link is here: http://africatwin.com.pl/vbgooglemapme.php

zerokun 03-28-2008 04:12 AM

Dear Ramires,
Go to Admin CP >> Vbgooglemap ME >> ME Usergroup marker and choose Edit this usergroup for each Group to set their color

ramires 03-28-2008 08:41 AM

i have this defined.
many times i ve changed this and try set other and other, but it seems that the markers are get from the Primary group (registered users) and even when i change my default and displayed group to other still got the same colour of marker

ZeroHour 03-28-2008 08:55 AM

This script only goes by the primary usergroup. My edition goes by display group as I hacked a fix into mine.
When you set the primary group remember you must run the cron job to recreate the markers.xml before the marker will change.

ramires 03-28-2008 09:46 AM

thx for advice, i ll try then will write about results.

i run the cron, change my group, and ... some positive results.
i ll try more later, then tell here about results

ramires 03-28-2008 12:20 PM

i am just wonder why this mod use the text files and dbase
i am thinking now about generating xml on fly by server to have always fresh data. this should be better than file markers.xml


about my problem, i ve hacked this script too :)
thx for all which trying to help me.

thats why i like this forum :)

Rucki 04-01-2008 04:40 PM

here are problems with markers too.

But only in IE7!
On Firefox 2 all is working well.

The exact problem: No markers to see in IE, all markers in FF.

Any ideas?


The errorcode from IE translated from german:

Line: 1044
Error: dokumentElement is Null or no Objekt
Code: 0

ramires 04-02-2008 08:03 AM

FF even is better browser than IE, got better error handling and is less sensitive for errors.

your error can be cause of some mistype in adding the translation or something else.
try check that markers image (in user fields) are really absolute links to images. i was similar error but when i check every entrier made by users i found the "bad link to image" which cause the errors or not showing up the markers on map.

Nubulin 04-06-2008 11:52 PM

Hi! I'm having some trouble. I've followed the directions in the pdf file for a new install and everything seems to have installed fine, however, when you actually go to the map page all I get is a black white square where the map should be. Any help? You can find it here: http://www.adultinsider.com/vbgooglemapme.php I've checked everything, but maybe a file is in a wrong location or something?

Sworm 04-26-2008 03:06 PM

why i can't see my marked location on the main map?

The others marks is showed on main map or i can't see only the mine?


For me no marker in firefox, no marker in IE.

anyBody can upload a fixed marker.xml?

Sworm 04-26-2008 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by logofreax (Post 1455885)
We now took vBulletin-Membermap

It works really fine. Clearer, Faster, better looking an no Problems with Pins ;)



nooo, please
this mod show the marker in the sea, uninstalled too!

Sworm 04-26-2008 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by ZeroHour (Post 1456241)
Right I have my first fix. I will be editing this post with future changes so you can refer back to it and bookmark it by clicking the post number to the right.

Fix for no markers shown:



Goto line 49 which should start:
PHP Code:

$text_file .= "<marker mapid=\" 

Replace that line with:
PHP Code:

$text_file .= "<marker mapid=\""htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["mapid"])."\"  title_map=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["title_map"])."\" lng=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["lng"])."\" lat=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["lat"])."\" userid=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["userid"])."\" username=\"".preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r/""",nl2br(addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($get_xml_marker["username"])))))."\" text_map=\"".preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r/"""nl2br(addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($get_xml_marker["text_map"])))))."\" type=\"".htmlspecialchars($gettype['googlemapmetype'])."\" pimage=\"".htmlspecialchars($pimage)."\" />\n"


Goto line 58 which should start:
PHP Code:

$text_file .= "<marker mapid=\" 

Replace that line with:
PHP Code:

$text_file .= "<marker mapid=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["mapid"])."\"  title_map=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["title_map"])."\" lng=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["lng"])."\" lat=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["lat"])."\" userid=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["userid"])."\" username=\"".preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r/""",nl2br(addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($get_xml_marker["username"])))))."\" text_map=\"".preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r/"""nl2br(addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($get_xml_marker["text_map"])))))."\" type=\"".htmlspecialchars($gettype['googlemapmetype'])."\" pimage=\"".htmlspecialchars($pimage)."\" />\n"

Run the scheduled task and your markers should return.
Basically I have modified the code to replace things like "&" with the xml safe "&amp;" so no matter what anyone enters for the fields the xml should still be safe.

More tweaks to come including integration of the display groups being marker colour.

With this edit,
this map work ok, in IE 7 and in Firefox too with diffetent color marker


Thank you very much Mr ZeroHour :up::up::up::up::up: , i'm creazy before that i look your edit :)

Datenpapst 04-28-2008 02:21 PM

somehow the markers aren't shown in the main map and also if you click on list users, there are no markers shown on the map for the specific user.


Sworm 04-28-2008 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by Datenpapst (Post 1501522)
somehow the markers aren't shown in the main map and also if you click on list users, there are no markers shown on the map for the specific user.


have you add the edit in the previous post?

The Mine work great on vBulletin 3.7 RC4

PoetJA-1975 04-29-2008 12:11 AM

VBGooglemap Member Edition has been broken for quite some time.
And apparently the modification author (stonyarc) has died :(


Datenpapst 05-02-2008 10:58 AM

still using 3.6.6 buying my new licence next week.

the2cv 05-12-2008 11:59 AM

If you look, it say's stoneyarc last logged in on 10 May 2008.

PoetJA-1975 05-12-2008 01:03 PM

Who cares - he's not supporting a mod that he clearly marked as supported - so obviously he must be dead.


TimberFloorAu 05-14-2008 06:40 AM

Shame, it works to a fashion.

Just only 50% !


ZeroHour 05-14-2008 07:07 AM

Cheers for the thanks Swarm :D

Timber can you check to see if you have implemented my fix at:

TimberFloorAu 05-14-2008 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Sworm (Post 1500022)
With this edit,
this map work ok, in IE 7 and in Firefox too with diffetent color marker


Thank you very much Mr ZeroHour :up::up::up::up::up: , i'm creazy before that i look your edit :)

Good Onya mate. Works SWEET !!

Anyone following this upgrade, make sure you replace the ENTIRE line that this poster is referring to, not just the text they have indicated.

Do that and it works a treat !!

Now just need to sort out things like


Darn oblique inbetween '

:) good work dude.

Trana 05-14-2008 07:59 AM

I am using the member version of this mod. Is there any way to put in admin assigned markers for local sights of interest for my community?


TerryMason 06-26-2008 01:58 PM

Thanks again to Stonyarc for this mod, and ZeroHour for the fix that worked perfectly!

rogo1 07-13-2008 09:32 AM


I've tried to buy unbranded version, or have this custom to our needs. No response from StonyArc. We have budget for someone to code and install a nice map in our forum. You can see my mod post here: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=185169

Would like to use this one but need an unbranded version and the menu on the rigth moved below the map. I wish we could get some response. Our Alumni and the University would love this.


delmarva 07-22-2008 06:53 PM

Can someone please take a look and see why my markers aren't showing on the map?


Zimbru 08-06-2008 09:30 PM

flawless on 3.7.2 - step by step from pdf file

@ delmarva : check all again im sure you skiped something.

snipeyhead 08-10-2008 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by delmarva (Post 1581655)
Can someone please take a look and see why my markers aren't showing on the map?


I'm having the same problem. The marker shows up in the Your Entry page, but doesn't show on the main map page. I read and re-read the directions, so I'm not sure what's happening.


snipeyhead 08-11-2008 02:58 AM

FYI - I haven't had time to investigate the cause, but disabling the mouseover support seems to have fixed the no-marker issue. If I have time, I'll try to look into fixing the code so that enabling it doesn't break it, but this may help a few people who ran into the same problem as I did.

PoetJA-1975 08-11-2008 04:19 AM

I YAWL would bother to read the thread - you will see that the markers not showing on 3.6.8 - 3.7.x is a KNOWN ISSUE - unfortunately the mod author is not supporting it.


snipeyhead 08-11-2008 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by PoetJA-1975 (Post 1595968)
I YAWL would bother to read the thread - you will see that the markers not showing on 3.6.8 - 3.7.x is a KNOWN ISSUE - unfortunately the mod author is not supporting it.


I DID read the thread (100+ pages of it, thankyouverymuch), and the fixes that were suggested did not work. Which is why I posted my own. Don't be rude.

PoetJA-1975 08-11-2008 08:57 AM

I'm not being rude - I'm simply telling you that you're wasting your time if you think the author of the modification is gonna come out of his slumber and help you or anyone else resolve THE SAME ISSUE THAT HAS BEEN POSTED AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN regarding the markers not showing correctly. In fact the issue was reported months ago - In this thread and in the 3.6 thread as well. So whatever...

I do think (for your information) that there may be some sort of resolution posted in the 3.6 thread - But if you're running 3.7 good luck...


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