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tmffirework 09-20-2007 02:09 PM

I got a problem. I installed the mod succesfuly, but if I want to change my usergroups to: can post vbookie events and all that, I click on update. I go back and it haven't change, it stays still on 'no'?


bobster65 09-20-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by tmffirework (Post 1343159)
I got a problem. I installed the mod succesfuly, but if I want to change my usergroups to: can post vbookie events and all that, I click on update. I go back and it haven't change, it stays still on 'no'?


you need to rebuild your bit fields.. this is the single most popular asked question in this thread.. its a shame that the author won't take a few minutes to edit the thread and include this.

da prez 09-20-2007 07:38 PM


Originally Posted by tmffirework (Post 1343159)
I got a problem. I installed the mod succesfuly, but if I want to change my usergroups to: can post vbookie events and all that, I click on update. I go back and it haven't change, it stays still on 'no'?


use the following : http://your domain.com/your forum folder/admincp/index.php?do=buildbitfields

da prez 09-20-2007 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by ezurick (Post 1341609)
I am having problems with the "settled". I had a regular member settle a football game last night and selected the wrong team to win.... I see absolutely no way for an admin to correct this (how embarrassing). I checked the usergroup settings and I see no setting about "settle". Where is it? In his usergroup, the only thing this user should be allowed to do is bet. HOW did he settle? I need to stop users from doing the settle... Please help!

in the admincp, edit regular usergroup, and about half way down are the vBookie options,
the one in the middle says "settle bets" set it to "no" and save.

da prez 09-20-2007 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Carlos2 (Post 1338634)
Thanks for your answer.

How can i modify this to make it real like in bet and win?

in real life you get your stake back plus whatever you won.

i.e. if you bet 1000 on a game of hi/lo
you say lo and the card is lo, you get your 1000 + 1000 from the house or other player.

getting your stake back plus winning is real life.

da prez 09-20-2007 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by uni_x (Post 1338997)
any chance of using real money for this?

yup, just drive to users houses and collect :D

pfdc 09-23-2007 08:21 AM

I tried to install this hack, but it didn't work on 3.6.4 so I uninstalled it and reversed the changes. Now I am getting this error when I open a new thread on the top of the page :

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /homepages/13/d150236735/htdocs/forums/newthread.php(457) : eval()'d code on line 87

Any help appreciated!

HaloTages COM 09-23-2007 06:36 PM

How do you use this hack? I installed it but I can't add or do anything with it?

help please

jambo_1969 09-25-2007 07:26 AM

Yep - just noticed, whilst I can that there are Pages 1/2/3/4 etc, I cant see any beyond page 1.

I'm thinking it's a quick fix in the php file - but can someone point me in the right direction ?

FrankieGersnet 09-25-2007 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Littlerocket (Post 1323204)
You got this line in your postbit?

<if condition="$vboptions['vbookiecashon']">
<br />$vbphrase[vbookie_vcash]: $post[vbookie_cash]

That's what I have and it works fine for me Frankie.

Mate, that worked perfectly - thanks very much for that... :)

Sorry for the belated response! :D

Mark K 09-26-2007 11:48 AM

Installed perfectly on 3.6.8, no problems at all, thx!

Note: when you have a winning bet, you should get whatever you staked back plus the odds, atm you only just get the odds :) small bug/error whatever you wanna call it!

jbd 09-27-2007 02:14 PM

Hi all,

We used to have vBookie integrated with vbbux/vbplaza. As that is now defunct we switched to vbCredits but had problems getting vbookie to integrate. As a result I have reinstalled vBookie but now get the following DB error when attempting to add an event..


Database error in vBulletin 3.6.7:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE user SET =25 WHERE < 25;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '=25 WHERE < 25' at line 1
Error Number : 1064
Date : Thursday, September 27th 2007 @ 04:07:43 PM
Script : http://www.mydomain.co.uk/forums/vbookie.php
Referrer : http://www.mydomain.co.uk/forums/vbo...=0&do=newevent
IP Address : xx.189.47.233
Username : thisuser
Classname : vB_Database
I am using the most recent release and have already make the required changes to the
vBookie: Redirect to vbookie.php when posting new Event plugin.

Does anyone have any advice?

jambo_1969 09-28-2007 06:32 AM


Originally Posted by jbd (Post 1348243)
Hi all,

We used to have vBookie integrated with vbbux/vbplaza. As that is now defunct we switched to vbCredits but had problems getting vbookie to integrate. As a result I have reinstalled vBookie but now get the following DB error when attempting to add an event..

I am using the most recent release and have already make the required changes to the
vBookie: Redirect to vbookie.php when posting new Event plugin.

Does anyone have any advice?

In your functions_vbookie.php check you have a function called...


function vbookie_do_charity()
That is the function that gives the amount 25 if a user has less than 25 in the bank.


case 'vcash':
                                $vbulletin->db->query_write("UPDATE " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user SET vbookie_cash=" . $vbulletin->options['vbookiegivetopoor'] . " WHERE vbookie_cash < " . $vbulletin->options['vbookiegivetopoor']);

Maybe try re-uploading the php file, overwriting the existing one ?

jbd 09-28-2007 02:23 PM

Thanks for the reply.

I have since resolved the problem. It was caused by a legacy plugin associated with vbPlaza. The automatic uninstall of vbBux/vbPlaza leaves behind 5 enabled plugins, they are:

vBookie With vbPlaza - Do Charity
vBookie With vbPlaza - Get Richest Users
vBookie With vbPlaza - Get User Cash
vBookie With vbPlaza - Give User Cash
vBookie With vbPlaza - Take User Cash

It was the Do Charity plugin causing the error.

Disabling these plugins resolved the issue.

Those who previously had vbPlaza installed and now wish to use vbCredits (or any other custom points system) will likely need to do the same.

Deadman_014 09-30-2007 04:07 PM

Ok, I'm using vBux and I posted an event but its not letting me bet. The white betting boxes aren't there and it says I can't bet on this event. And yes, all the permissions are right. Any help with this? I'm using 3.6.8 and I believe I've done everything correctly :/.

Geez 10-03-2007 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by BozzaJos (Post 1243071)
Is it possible to remove 1 single match? Upgraded my forum and imported the database but a couple of matches appear @ OPEN and CLOSED but when I click on thread it says invalid page. Is it possible to remove those matches via phpmyadmin? If so, can anyone tell me exactly how? I ain't good with mysql and php.

Much appreciated! Thanks in advance...


Never mind.. already found it! Thanks anyway!

anyone know where this can be found, and possibly how to do it? im brand new to the vb scene :cool:

timnp 10-04-2007 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by pgowder (Post 1340523)
Having a strange problem.


I have enough events for 3 pages, and the script shows that there should be 3 pages.

But when you click on page 2 or 3, the vbookie loads, but doesn't show any events.

Anyone seen this? Is there a fix?

Hi :)

We were having this problem too. Its a little bug in the code. Here is the fix.
In vbookie.php, find the line that says the following, in my copy it was line 361.

Your looking for:

PHP Code:

$pagenav construct_page_nav($pagenumber$perpage$n_page_items'vbookie.php?' $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=main&type=type"); 

and change it to:

PHP Code:

$pagenav construct_page_nav($pagenumber$perpage$n_page_items'vbookie.php?' $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=main&type=" $type); 

A very tiny change. You're changing the end of the line so that it doesn't read

PHP Code:


and so that it does read

PHP Code:

&type=" . $type); 

Hope that helps :)

pgowder 10-04-2007 12:19 PM


Originally Posted by timnp (Post 1352683)
Hi :)

We were having this problem too. Its a little bug in the code. Here is the fix.
In vbookie.php, find the line that says the following, in my copy it was line 361.

Your looking for:

PHP Code:

$pagenav construct_page_nav($pagenumber$perpage$n_page_items'vbookie.php?' $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=main&type=type"); 

and change it to:

PHP Code:

$pagenav construct_page_nav($pagenumber$perpage$n_page_items'vbookie.php?' $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=main&type=" $type); 

A very tiny change. You're changing the end of the line so that it doesn't read

PHP Code:


and so that it does read

PHP Code:

&type=" . $type); 

Hope that helps :)

Thanks, but my page 2 is still blank.


timnp 10-04-2007 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by pgowder (Post 1352762)
Thanks, but my page 2 is still blank.


Hi, I don't think that you can have made the change properly.
Can you check?

The link to your second page should be this: http://www.luckpredictions.com/vbook...pe=OPEN&page=2

Notice how in the one you posted it has &type=type, but the one I just posted has &type=OPEN, (OPEN would normally change depending on what type of bet you are viewing (closed, open, abandoned, etc). I can't see how you would still be having this problem if the patch wasnt applied as &type=type only has one occourence in that file and it should have been removed if you did the fix I suggested.

Also, if you keep using the link that you posted it will always be an empty page. The link its self is broken because it has the type=type problem, go to your page one and click the link to the next page each time, dont bookmark until its fixed

pgowder 10-04-2007 12:42 PM

I have this line now:


$pagenav = construct_page_nav($pagenumber, $perpage, $n_page_items, 'vbookie.php?' . $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "do=main&type=" . $type);

pgowder 10-04-2007 12:52 PM

Got it now!

Thanks for the fix!

timnp 10-04-2007 01:42 PM

No problem, glad it worked for you in the end! :D

kotlt99 10-05-2007 12:57 PM

i installed vbookie but i can't change permisson for any group to post vbookie event.

Help me !!!

Ski-Whiz 10-06-2007 05:53 PM

Does anyone have this installed with the new vbplaza V2??? (yes CMX has released v2; it's a whole rewrite of his mod!)


bobster65 10-06-2007 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by kotlt99 (Post 1353459)
i installed vbookie but i can't change permisson for any group to post vbookie event.

Help me !!!

rebuild your bit fields.

teedizz 10-10-2007 11:41 PM

Quick question, is it possible to add an add-on where members can make wagers between each other instead of using the odds system? Example : One member says " I bet you 50 ebux that the Raiders lose this week " and if the other members accepts then both of thier funds go into the pot and winner takes all.

slickdawg 10-13-2007 09:38 PM

I've installed vbookie, it's on the menubar, but when I go there, I don't have the option to
make a vbookie post.

Does someone happen to have a better set of instructions than what came with it?

You can see it at www.slickdawg.com

Thanks for any help!

SBlueman 10-13-2007 10:04 PM

Here's some good instructions....I found this posted somewhere a while ago and posted it in my site for my bookies:



vBookie is a 'bookmakers' or betting extension to vBulletin. It enables authorised members to post Events and Outcomes that forum members can bet on. Each Outcome has its own set of odds, and odds can be modified through the life of an Event (bets that are placed are stored with the prevailing odds, so even if the odds change, your users are paid at the correct rate).

Adding a new vBookie Event

vBookie Events are tied to threads in your forums. This makes it convenient for members to discuss the Event and their bets, in the same manner as a poll.

To create a new vBookie Event, simply add a new thread as normal, and select the 'Post a vBookie Event' checkbox on the Post New Thread page. You can add some detailed explanations of the event you're offering and the various outcomes in the thread Message, then press Submit New Thread. This will post the thread and then take you to the vBookie New Event page.

Note that you cannot post a vBookie Event and a Poll on the same thread at the time, but you may later add a poll to an existing vBookie Event thread.

The 'Post a vBookie Event' Form

The 'Post a vBookie Event' form has various items that you must complete. These are:

Event Group
Use this field to specify in general terms what area the Event falls in to. You may be as vague about this or as specific as you wish. It's just additional information that can help your forum members understand what they are betting on. For example, if your Event Title is 'World Cup', then the Event Group might be 'Cricket', 'Football', 'Karate' etc. Other examples of more specific groups are 'Football World Cup 2006', '2005 Oscars' etc.

Event Title
This is the actual thing that people will bet on. It might be something that covers a set of other events (e.g. '04/05 English Premiership Winners', 'Most Gold Medals at Athens Olympics') or something very specific (e.g. 'Liverpool vs. Manchester United', 'British Grand Prix').

Number of Outcomes & Event Outcomes
This is the number of potential outcomes that you are going to offer for people to bet on. You must provide at least 2 outcomes (on the logic that a single outcome means a certainty, therefore not something that one can bet on). There is no built in limit to the number of outcomes that may be offered. Bear in mind that more than one outcome is allowed to win. While this may seem odd at first glance, it makes sense because it allows you to specify a set of possible outcomes as follows. Imagine you are setting up a football match.
You might offer the following outcomes:
Manchester United to win
Liverpool to win
Drawn match
Manchester United to win 3-1
Michael Owen to score first

As you can see, there are some general outcomes, and some more specific ones. If the match ends 0-0, then only 'Drawn match' would be a winning bet. However, if the match ends 3-1 to Manchester, with Liverpool taking an early lead due to an Owen goal in the 6th minute, then three outcomes would pay out as winning bets; the general 'Manchester United to win', the more specific 'win 3-1', and also the bet on 'Owen to score first'. Forum members who have bet on any of those three items would collect winnings.

You must also specify the Odds for each outcome. Odds are a measure of how much someone will win if they bet on that outcome. Odds of '10 to 1' mean that there's a one in 10 chance that it will be the winning outcome, and for every 1 that someone bets, they will be given 10 back in winnings. Odds of '2 to 5' mean that for every 5 bet, a person will win 2. So if he bets 100 at odds of 2/5, and wins, he will get 140 back (his 100 stake, plus 40 in winnings). If a bet wins, the stake is also returned. If a bet loses, the stake is lost.

Ideally, you should specify realistic odds. You can get an idea of the odds for various events be checking up with online bookmakers such as Ladbrokes.

Accept Bets Until
This is the date and time up until which bets on this Event will be accepted. You will normally set this to a time before the Event actually starts, but for longer running Events it could be a time part-way through the Event. For example, for a single football match you might accept bets up until its 3pm kick-off, but for the Football World Cup you might accept bets up until the start of the knockout phase.

Bets Paid After
This is the date after which bets should be settled. This will be a time after which the outcome(s) will be known, so the bet administrator can determine which outcomes are winning outcomes. This might be as short as 2 hours after the Accept Bets Until time in the case of a football match, or could be weeks after the Accept Bets Until time in the case of the Football World Cup. This date should be specified so that a bet that hasn't been settled can be flagged up and either settled or abandoned.

Time Zone
Bets are placed into the database in GMT/UTC form. You should make sure that you specify the correct time zone for where you live when you are setting up a new Event. The Time Zone list should default to the timezone you have specified in your forum settings, and it will take into account any daylight savings time that may be in effect.

Allow multiple bets on this Event
By default people can bet on an Event more than once. They could bet on every Outcome if they like. By clearing this box, users can only bet once.

When you have specified all the information above, you can either Submit the event or Preview it. Previewing gives you a chance to doulbe check that everything looks correct before you submit the event. Once you are happy, Submit the event and you will be taken back to the Event's home thread.

Placing a Bet & Controlling an Event

To place a bet on a vBookie Event, you first view the event's thread. You can determine which are betting threads either by the thread icon, or the text 'vBookie:' in front of the thread title in the thread list:

Upon viewing a thread with a vBookie Event attached, you will see the Event panel at the top of the thread. The event panel will look something like this:
The numbers relate to the following items:
1. This tells you the last time that the Event will accept new bets, and the time after which you should expect the Event to pay out.

2. This line tells you some information about the status of the Event, and whether you may bet on it.

3. The Outcomes panel shows all the options you can bet on, and what each of their odds are. It also shows the total number of bets placed so far.

4. If you want to bet on a specific outcome, just type the amount you want to bet into the correct box.

5. If you don't want other people to be able to see what you have bet on, select this checkbox.

6. When you are ready to place a bet, click the Bet Now! button.

When a bet has passed the time that it will accept bets, you will no longer be able to bet, and the display will look more like this:

If the Event's payout time has been reached there will also be a reminder that the bets should be settled, and there will be checkboxes beside each potentially winning Outcome. This is only shown to the Event's owner or members with permission to edit other persons' Events.

To Settle bets, you simply tick one or more winning options, and then click the Settle Bets! button. If there are no winning outcomes, you should still settle the bets, but must also tick the box to say that you really meant to settle the Event with no winners.

Once settled, an Event will display the 'Event Over' panel'

Abandoning a vBookie Event
Sometimes it may be necessary to Abandon an Event. This might be because the Event never took place, or something disrupted it, or because there were errors in the set-up of the bet and people have already bet on it. When an Event is abandoned, all stakes are returned to the people that placed the bets.

To abandon an event, click the Abandon vBookie Event link. You will be asked to confirm that you really want to abandon the Event. Click Yes to abandon it, or the Back button of your browser to return to the Event's thread.

The vBookie Main Page

As well as the thread display, vBookie provides a separate page called 'vbookie.php'. If your forum has installed vBookie with its default settings, you can access this by clicking the vBookie link in the forum navigation bar. This acts as an easy way to see any events that are open and available to be on, and also enables users to check the status of their own bets. There is also a page of statistics information for the whole bookmakers system.

The default page shows all OPEN Events that are accepting bets

The 'Your Bets' page shows status information on your bets

nyqnzguju 10-15-2007 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 1035092)
vBookie & 3.6

The posting of vbookie events in 3.6 is broken because the hook used has moved.

To fix this problem, the following plugin must be edited ;

vBookie: Redirect to vbookie.php when posting new Event

Replace the plugin code with this ;

PHP Code:

if ($newpost['postvbookieevent']) 

$vbulletin->url 'vbookie.php?' $vbulletin->session->vars['sessionurl'] . "t=$newpost[threadid]&vbookieeventoptions=$newpost[vbookieeventoptions]&do=newevent"

Note: I'm not actually using vbookie atm so I can't comment on any other problems.

After When i try 2 import the product in xml its Says

XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at Line 1129

DJ2492 10-17-2007 11:57 PM

I need the following help.................... On my old skin when I went to make new thread it said

Yes, post a vBookie Event with this thread
Now in my new skin it doesnt say that, its just not there..... How can I make it appear?

SA_TGAZ 10-18-2007 03:53 PM

Is there a max amount that can be bet??? or any limitations on the size?

DS MrSinister 10-18-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by SA_TGAZ (Post 1363145)
Is there a max amount that can be bet??? or any limitations on the size?



SA_TGAZ 10-18-2007 07:54 PM


Originally Posted by DS MrSinister (Post 1363279)

Thanks! I had tried to search for it but didn't have much like... I guess my keywords suck! :)

slickdawg 10-20-2007 01:06 PM

First, I want to thank Sblueman and Kylek for their help !!!

I got vbookie running just fine on vb 3.6.7 PL1 - I uninstalled, and reinstalled, and the things that WERE supposed to be there WERE THERE, they were not before.

Now I have two questions:

1) On each user it lists their vcash total twice. How do I get rid of one of them?

2) How can I increase all the users vcash?

Thanks again for your help !

gatorenvy 10-22-2007 12:00 PM

I had a Moderator wrongly settle bets.

I can't find any way to go back and edit the the settled bets? Anything I'm missing, or is it once the bets are settled that's it?

Maxman1544 10-22-2007 12:29 PM

Can anyone tell me the mysql syntax to use if I want to bump everyones vcash by x amount. I see the command to reset everyone to 500. WHat do I need to do if I want to keep everyone at the same level but add 2,500 to it?

Any help would be appreciated.


timnp 10-24-2007 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by bobster65 (Post 1293292)
This is what I came up with. It involves 1 file edit and 2 template edits. The result is vcash showing up in the member list and is sortable...

Step 1: Edit memberlist.php

PHP Code:

File Editmemberlist.php
$sqlsort 'user.posts';
$sqlsort 'user.vbookie_cash';

Step 2: Edit memberlist Template

PHP Code:

Template Editmemberlist
condition="$show['postscol']"><td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="$sorturl&amp;order=DESC&amp;sort=posts&amp;pp=$perpage$usergrouplink">$vbphrase[posts]</a$sortarrow[posts]</td></if>
condition="$vboptions['vbookiecashon']"><td class="thead" nowrap="nowrap"><a href="$sorturl&amp;order=DESC&amp;sort=vbookie_cash&amp;pp=$perpage$usergrouplink">$vbphrase[vbookie_vcash]</a$sortarrow[vbookie_cash]</td></if> 

Step 3: Edit memberlist_resultsbit Template

PHP Code:

Template Editmemberlist_resultsbit
condition="$show['postscol'] AND exec_switch_bg()"><td class="$bgclass">$userinfo[posts]</td></if>
condition="$vboptions['vbookiecashon'] AND exec_switch_bg() "> <td class="$bgclass">$userinfo[vbookie_cash]</td></if> 

Tested on my site and works perfectly...

Hi. Thanks for this info. It was enough for me to write a product that does this task. You still need to make the two template changes that you mentioned but there is no need to edit the hard code. Attached is the product that you need to import.

Don't forget, you still need to edit the templates as you detailed above. This product just replaces having to edit the hard code.



(my first product so please be kind :D )

mathias 10-25-2007 07:27 AM

someone release a 3.6.8 come on...

timnp 10-25-2007 07:53 AM


Originally Posted by Maxman1544 (Post 1365853)
Can anyone tell me the mysql syntax to use if I want to bump everyones vcash by x amount. I see the command to reset everyone to 500. WHat do I need to do if I want to keep everyone at the same level but add 2,500 to it?

Any help would be appreciated.



UPDATE user SET vbookie_cash = vbookie_cash + 2500


TTG 10-25-2007 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by mathias (Post 1368132)
someone release a 3.6.8 come on...

Would be appreciated :up:

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