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dizzine 09-25-2007 06:23 PM

hey sinisterpain...absolutely excellent add-on this..
i am however experiencing a problem..

i use a paypal business account and have already got IPN on for my shop (which uses a different URL to my forum)..
the notification URL for IPN is http://shop.xxxxxx.com/payments/paypal_ipn.php
my forum is on http://forums.xxxxxx.com
and the donations settings are pointing to http://forums.xxxxxx.com/forums/ppverify.php therefore..

when someone donates the transaction goes through succesfully according to paypal but the goal progress is not updated and no valid/invalid/pending transactions appear in the summary page..
guessing i have an issue with a IPN notify URL already pointing to my shop file..

any clues as to how i can get this working properly..?
really want to use this on my forum..

many thanks

sinisterpain 09-25-2007 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by dizzine (Post 1346979)
hey sinisterpain...absolutely excellent add-on this..
i am however experiencing a problem..

i use a paypal business account and have already got IPN on for my shop (which uses a different URL to my forum)..
the notification URL for IPN is http://shop.xxxxxx.com/payments/paypal_ipn.php
my forum is on http://forums.xxxxxx.com
and the donations settings are pointing to http://forums.xxxxxx.com/forums/ppverify.php therefore..

when someone donates the transaction goes through succesfully according to paypal but the goal progress is not updated and no valid/invalid/pending transactions appear in the summary page..
guessing i have an issue with a IPN notify URL already pointing to my shop file..

any clues as to how i can get this working properly..?
really want to use this on my forum..

many thanks

I am a little confused when you mix in the shop information and what you are trying to do with the Donation Mod.
The notify URL should be the link to the ppverify.php file for donations. By what you have posted your notification URL is to your payments/paypal_ipn.php. This must be set in the donation hack but must also be set in your paypal account and you can not have two notification URLs. I appreciate the links but I need more info on what you are trying to accomplish as I can no follow the logic of the shop and the donation Mod.

dizzine 09-26-2007 05:55 AM

apologies..maybe i didnt explain it very well..

okay..currently i have an online shop which uses the paypal IPN already..the url in paypal points to my shop paypal_ipn script..
the donation mod requires the paypal IPN url to be pointing at the mod ppverify script..

therefore (i assume) if i am already using my IPN in paypal i cant use it for this mod as i can only specify one paypal IPN url..

hope that makes more sense..

sinisterpain 09-26-2007 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by dizzine (Post 1347266)
apologies..maybe i didnt explain it very well..

okay..currently i have an online shop which uses the paypal IPN already..the url in paypal points to my shop paypal_ipn script..
the donation mod requires the paypal IPN url to be pointing at the mod ppverify script..

therefore (i assume) if i am already using my IPN in paypal i cant use it for this mod as i can only specify one paypal IPN url..

hope that makes more sense..

As far as I know paypal only allows one url. You would have to either combine the scripts or have another account for donations. It may be best to pose the question at paypal and see what they say.

scan-pa 09-30-2007 07:12 PM

Hi everyone,

I have been running this hack for a long time with no problems, however after upgrading to vB 3.6.8, and not keeping a copy of my old postbit templates, The little donor icon no longer shows up for anyone in there postbit.

also, the user CP no longer has the display donor status show off / on option.

Other then that, the hack still works. I tried to re-install the plugin, however this did not restore those two items.

Does anyone have the code that needs to be re inserted into the postbit / postbit legacy templates?

and does anyone know what I need to do to restore the user CP show donor status?

thanks for the help.

sinisterpain 09-30-2007 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by scan-pa (Post 1350367)
Hi everyone,

I have been running this hack for a long time with no problems, however after upgrading to vB 3.6.8, and not keeping a copy of my old postbit templates, The little donor icon no longer shows up for anyone in there postbit.

also, the user CP no longer has the display donor status show off / on option.

Other then that, the hack still works. I tried to re-install the plugin, however this did not restore those two items.

Does anyone have the code that needs to be re inserted into the postbit / postbit legacy templates?

and does anyone know what I need to do to restore the user CP show donor status?

thanks for the help.

In Template modifyoptions

<if condition="$show['reputationoption']">

<!-- DONATIONS -->
<fieldset class="fieldset">
        <legend><label for="cb_showdonor">My Donor Status</label></legend>
        <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="$stylevar[formspacer]" border="0" width="100%">
                <td>Shall We Show Your Donor Status To The Public?</td>
                <td><label for="cb_showdonor"><input type="checkbox" name="showdonor" value="1" id="cb_showdonor" $checked[showdonor] />Show My Donor Status To The Public</label></td>

In Template postbit and postbit_legacy


<!-- DONATIONS -->
<if condition="$post['donor'] AND $post['showdonor']"><div><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/donate.php"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/donate_donor.gif" border="0" alt="Donor" /></a></div></if>


<td class="smallfont" valign="bottom" align="$stylevar[right]">

<!-- DONATIONS -->
<if condition="$userinfo['donor'] AND $userinfo['showdonor'] == '1'"><a href="$vboptions[bburl]/donate.php"><img src="$stylevar[imgdir_button]/donate_donor.gif" border="0" alt="Donor" /></a></if>

scan-pa 09-30-2007 08:05 PM

Thank You very much. That restored everything. :D

sinisterpain 09-30-2007 08:07 PM

Your welcome, but you should never quote the code as it allows non members to see it.

lazydesis 10-29-2007 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1102150)
Ok guys for those of you that have been having issues with installing this mod on 3.6.2 vba 2.2.1:

I so far have got it working from a clean install, also using the vBA module on my home page. The supplied installer creates a phrasetypeid SQL error when you use the supplied installer. I used a XML file I had downloaded not sure who wrote it, and I take no credit for it. I think it was from the original hack not sure. In the zip file there is no name so I do not know who created it, but it installs perfectly at least for me it did.
Proceedure I followed is as follows:
1. Upload the files to your webserver as described by the orig installation instructions.
2. Go to your Plugin&Products in Admin cp =>Manage products=>Add/Import Product. Install the attached XML file. This will add the phrases,templates ect... "Do not use the supplied installer, donationtions_install.php". The XML file will install everything required.
3. If all went ok you should have the paypal donations added to your Admin cp. Just continue with original instructions

Ok missed the thread above the origination of the file is from Andreas https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...t=91567&page=8
Sorry guys I uploaded my edited XML with phrase changes I made the attached file is now the original sorry for that.

This post must be merged into the first post to help all the users of 3.6 :)

it took me quite some time to find this :(

thanx a lot dude for this excellent hack ..:D if i make a lof of money from donations i will surely send some towards ur way :)

tbrown7552 11-06-2007 06:25 AM

so ppl dont haft to look for it. the Product install is here.

Im having some issues with the images not showing up like the donate button and the verified seal. any ideas?

sinisterpain 11-06-2007 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by tbrown7552 (Post 1376833)
so ppl dont haft to look for it. the Product install is here.

Im having some issues with the images not showing up like the donate button and the verified seal. any ideas?

Make sure you uploaded the images folder, check in the forum root/images/misc and forum/images/buttons also make sure you have the correct style selected.

gdavis480 12-24-2007 11:11 PM

will this mod work on vb 3.6.8 PL2? if not could you tell me a paypal donation mod that will?

Thanks Inadvanced

zendiver 01-01-2008 01:47 PM

It would be nice when you delete your previous goal that is also deletes the donors for that goal. This way when you start a new goal - you start fresh and with a clean slate. As I see it, the only way to do this is delete each individual manually OR delete them from the db.

If I am missing something, please let me know.
Happy New Year everyone.

sinisterpain 01-01-2008 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by zendiver (Post 1413188)
It would be nice when you delete your previous goal that is also deletes the donors for that goal. This way when you start a new goal - you start fresh and with a clean slate. As I see it, the only way to do this is delete each individual manually OR delete them from the db.

If I am missing something, please let me know.
Happy New Year everyone.

No you are not missing anything. Its a problem that needed to be fixed with the mod. Could be added to the admincp file

sinisterpain 01-01-2008 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by gdavis480 (Post 1408663)
will this mod work on vb 3.6.8 PL2? if not could you tell me a paypal donation mod that will?

Thanks Inadvanced

It works for me but everyones configurations are different. Check 3.6 mods there are a few there but none have IPN as of yet.

AWJunkies 01-09-2008 09:58 AM

Mine does :) be released tomorrow.

sinistergaming 01-13-2008 03:18 AM

Got this Installed to vb 3.7.0 beta 3

But there is and issue with the setup
there are 3 db errors in the install
table _ vbphrase had to add field phrasetypeid
table _ vbphrasetype had to add field phrasetypeid
table _ vbcron had to add field title
during the installation process when it removes stray phrases it removes all the phrases
luckily i had backed it up before i began

what i had to do is.
back up the vbphrase table
install the mod
backup the new fields in the vbphrase table
dropped table vbphrase
reinsert vbphrase with orig. backup
add missing fields
then import the new fields from the installation from that backup

then i imported the attached xml to add phrases for this in the admin cp
under paypal donations.

txsbmw 01-26-2008 09:59 PM

Just upgraded to vb 3.7 Beta 4, this hack works fine on it (I already had it installed before upgrading), but here is the problem I am getting. If I go to the main page http://www.usmchangout.com/msg I get this:


Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/usmchan/public_html/msg/modules/donate.php
Line: 47
I have VBAdvanced installed, forums are actually at http://www.usmchangout.com/msg/forums.php

I can click on every other part of my portal and it is fine, it only shows this when you go to the main page (where vbadvaced is). Any idea what happened or how to fix it?

gdavis480 02-01-2008 07:00 PM


Just upgraded to vb 3.7 Beta 4, this hack works fine on it (I already had it installed before upgrading), but here is the problem I am getting. If I go to the main page http://www.usmchangout.com/msg I get this:

Unable to add cookies, header already sent.
File: /home/usmchan/public_html/msg/modules/donate.php
Line: 47
I have VBAdvanced installed, forums are actually at http://www.usmchangout.com/msg/forums.php

I can click on every other part of my portal and it is fine, it only shows this when you go to the main page (where vbadvaced is). Any idea what happened or how to fix it?
I'm having same problem.

EDIT: I fixed the problem on my site and got rid of that error. I editted the donate.php. Donation panel works now without that error. That error was being caused by the new notice system in vb 3.7 Beta 4.

So I attached the working donate.php I editted that goes into the modules folder. below in this post.

darkakira 02-11-2008 06:07 PM

I got an odd issue as of the past few months.

The hack used to work fine in my vB 3.6.8. Not any problems.

All of a sudden, I only have 2 out of 4 top donors showing up on my main page. And when you go to all donors, it only shows 3. And they are not all the top donors. It is a like... 1 top, 1 middle, and the lowest.

Any ideas? I didn't make any changes to anything. It just one day decided to start doing this. All the donors are easily found in the AdminCP, so they are there. THey are just not displaying on the donor pages.

sinisterpain 02-13-2008 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by darkakira (Post 1440935)
I got an odd issue as of the past few months.

The hack used to work fine in my vB 3.6.8. Not any problems.

All of a sudden, I only have 2 out of 4 top donors showing up on my main page. And when you go to all donors, it only shows 3. And they are not all the top donors. It is a like... 1 top, 1 middle, and the lowest.

Any ideas? I didn't make any changes to anything. It just one day decided to start doing this. All the donors are easily found in the AdminCP, so they are there. THey are just not displaying on the donor pages.

If they are new donors and if they do not select in the usercp to be shown as a donor then they will not show up on the alldonors page.

tqj 02-20-2008 10:53 PM

I did the sand box test and it seemed to work fine.
Now How do I point it to the real paypal insted of the sand box?

sinisterpain 02-21-2008 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by tqj (Post 1447745)
I did the sand box test and it seemed to work fine.
Now How do I point it to the real paypal insted of the sand box?

admincp->vboptions->paypal donations->

If set to yes then we will be playing in the PayPal Sandbox for testing purposes, if set to no, we will be live and running on the actual PayPal system.

tqj 02-21-2008 01:38 PM

Thanks! I guess I just over looked it. Too many irons in the fire and blurred vison.:erm:

redtailboa 03-08-2008 01:55 AM

I am having a small issue, the section that shows my last donors is not working. It seems that the table is not updating. I changed it to top donors and it is showing the wrong info as well (the largest donor I had was $86 and the latest of $200 is not there).

I am running 2.02 with vb 3.6

txsbmw 03-16-2008 08:15 PM

That donor may have his/her options set to not list them in the donors area

darkakira 03-24-2008 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by sinisterpain (Post 1442593)
If they are new donors and if they do not select in the usercp to be shown as a donor then they will not show up on the alldonors page.

There is no such option anywhere on the site. I don't know what you are refering to.

sinisterpain 03-24-2008 08:43 PM

I have stopped supporting this mod due too working with AWJunkies on our own donation system which is already released for 3.6 and 3.7 with better functionality and more options.

vsd 03-28-2008 02:24 AM

I'm not sure what to do now, but the uninstaller is missing from my plug ins and the donation system is not working after I upgraded...

I searched this hack and did not find anything about this particular situation...

When I click on donation settings I used to get a page that I could control the hack with, now when I click on it in Admin I get setting group show all settings menu bar...

Then when I visit the actual donation page is is just a white screen...

I would just like to uninstall this and re-install it, but that option is not available in my plug ins....

So do I just overwrite all of the files and re-upload the .xml like a fresh install?

I only have one goal in place, so it is easily replaced..

Thanks in advance, and I'm not a database/programmer/coder, just a cookie maker!

So I really do not want to screw things up on my forum... I did just do a phpmyadmin back up of the database..


sinisterpain 03-30-2008 07:59 PM

The authors files will not work with this mod you need to install this using the donations.zip file which contains all file uploads and xml file. I would re-upload all files and reimport the xml file allow overwrite.

Deep-X 05-02-2008 04:18 PM

OK this hack needs to be removed. I installed this yeasterday after I was looking for a paypal donation plugin which I endedup going with his newer product.

The second page of the install it came to a database error about phrases. As I went to uninstall it now I can now uninstall it as it never installed. But yet it shows up in my AdminCP as "PayPal Donations" I went and removed all of the files from the install but I do not know enough about databases to want to or be brave enough to want to go and remove tables from the database with out somebody informing me of what tables I can or should remove.

I followed Sinsterpain's idea and tried uploading and install it again but same effect. To make things even worse is my backup admin installed vbulletin 3.7.0 last night comming from 3.6.8 so I dont know if those tables were overwritten or what.

I would love to remove it from the AdminCP menu though.

OK scrap this post I guess just wanted to keep it up / I went & over wrote all of the old files so I could find them easyer and removed the entire hack file for file now its no longer showing up in my AdminCP, I looked in the database and because it didnt install there are no tables in the database for it.

I went and set up AWjunkie new paypal donation system and have considered purchasing the pro version.

DieselMinded 05-09-2008 02:26 AM

Seems to be working Great on 3.7.0 Gold

MissKalunji 05-09-2008 02:49 AM

i co-sign. works fine on gold

DieselMinded 05-09-2008 03:09 AM

Tho I suggest not showing the donations link to Guests as once in a great while i get a vb DB Error where a guest has tried to donate ,

Other than that this has brought in alot of funds on my site


Your money will go towards the following goals
We have collected a total of $2671.76 since June 27th 2007

MissKalunji 05-09-2008 12:44 PM

lucky you :)

sinisterpain 05-10-2008 10:21 AM

There are minor bugs still in this mod that need fixing. I would sugest to move over to a newer donation system if you are running VB 3.5, 3.6 or 3.7. AWcoding-Donation System has all the features of this mod and more.

TFEX 07-13-2008 08:26 PM

Very nice mod, can't wait for someone to take this up and update it. Installed :)

Hornstar 11-07-2008 10:03 PM

uninstalled. I went with awcoding it was the perfect solution.

USAMustangs.com 04-21-2009 10:23 AM

I realize this hack is no longer supported, but I figure I'm going to ask a question anyway.

Does anyone know how you can keep the PayPal Donations tab from being viewable or accessible in the AdminCP for members you wish to add to the Administrator user group?

I have Can Administer plug-ins set to no on the Advanced Admin permissions, but it still shows up in their ACP and they can view all the info. The only they they can't do is change the PayPal Donation settings.

Any help will be appreciated.

ivanlariz 07-10-2009 02:22 PM

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.3:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO phrase (`phraseid`, `languageid`, `varname`, `text`, `phrasetypeid`) VALUES ('', '-1', 'settinggroup_donations', 'PayPal Donations', '5000');

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'phrasetypeid' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Friday, July 10th 2009 @ 10:17:28 AM
Error Date : Friday, July 10th 2009 @ 10:17:28 AM


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