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Langly 04-01-2006 12:27 AM

Andrew, how can I have it post in the forums listing the file upload date in the title before the filename? I'm using your thread plugin.

Also, I have the default setting directory to use the permissions from set in LDM but when you go to upload a file, it defaults to the first forum directory and you have to pick that forum for the permissions. Did I miss something?

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-01-2006 10:06 AM

if anyone wants (or Andrew if you want to use it as as default)...
here is the slightly modified text I use for the Auto-create thread plugin.

it makes the thread post a little clear and promotes clicking on the thread a bit more...


A New Link/File has been uploaded in the Links and Download Library!


To check it out, go to:

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-01-2006 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Attached zip should fix the reported bugs with 2.1.6RC2.

featured_linkbit setting added to enable choice of linkbit used in featured sites
Bugs fixed
category selection menu expand/collapse only shown with menu, not checkboxes
htmlspecialchars to protect quotes in links titles
profile hits list parses bbcodes
autocreate plugin creates thread url which still works ok after category move
autocreate plugin tells user that thread has been created
fix to stop Adobe Acrobat breaking with partial content requests

Those testing the autocreate forum plugin - please note that you will need to remove the existing plugin manually and reinstall it.

Grateful for a quick check on these problems.


featured_linkbit setting added to enable choice of linkbit used in featured sites - actually couldn't get it work at all now. The "featured sites" category appears...but nothing in it. :( maybe I didn't uninstal the previous version correctly. is there something more to it then just deleting the old plugin and reuploading the new one?

category selection menu expand/collapse only shown with menu, not checkboxes - :D ok working :)

htmlspecialchars to protect quotes in links titles
profile hits list parses bbcodes - :D ok working :)

autocreate plugin creates thread url which still works ok after category move
autocreate plugin tells user that thread has been created - couldn't get it work at all now. :(

"I've changed it to give a different message, along the lines of 'your entry has been accepted and posted into forum XXX'"
- as above couldn't get it work so never got this message. :( it still just says:
"Parent Forum
Defines viewing permissions "

fix to stop Adobe Acrobat breaking with partial content requests - dunno. NA

AndrewD 04-01-2006 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
featured_linkbit setting added to enable choice of linkbit used in featured sites - actually couldn't get it work at all now. The "featured sites" category appears...but nothing in it. :( maybe I didn't uninstal the previous version correctly. is there something more to it then just deleting the old plugin and reuploading the new one?

Perhaps I didn't explain well enough. When the version number doesn't change (which it didn't from 2.1.6RC2 to RC3), you have to tell VB to uninstall the product then reinstall it. Otherwise it doesn't rerun the installation code, and so doesn't make some of the new features available. Including featured sites linkbit. Sorry.

Don't worry - uninstall doesn't harm your database.


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
autocreate plugin creates thread url which still works ok after category move
autocreate plugin tells user that thread has been created - couldn't get it work at all now. :(

Again, you have to reinstall the extras plugin

Langly 04-01-2006 06:05 PM

How could I get it to make the title of the thread start with the upload date?


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
if anyone wants (or Andrew if you want to use it as as default)...
here is the slightly modified text I use for the Auto-create thread plugin.

it makes the thread post a little clear and promotes clicking on the thread a bit more...

AndrewD 04-02-2006 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by Langly
How could I get it to make the title of the thread start with the upload date?

I will include this in the final release - slight change to the plugin code.

Tyegurl 04-02-2006 05:19 AM

ummm i am having one last problem....i seem to not understand how to get my plugin (and which one) to make my link in the forum...i had it b4 i upgraded...now i don't. i did read but i don't understand at all what i need to do. please?

ooops two....

i can't get one of my image?(i think) paths to work...its the ./image.php when you llok at the file it deals with the time and day i do believe. i thinks its my vbad. can someone shed some light?

AndrewD 04-02-2006 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Tyegurl
ummm i am having one last problem....i seem to not understand how to get my plugin (and which one) to make my link in the forum...i had it b4 i upgraded...now i don't. i did read but i don't understand at all what i need to do. please?

ooops two....

i can't get one of my image?(i think) paths to work...its the ./image.php when you llok at the file it deals with the time and day i do believe. i thinks its my vbad. can someone shed some light?

I'm assuming that you want to use the new plugin which creates a new thread in a forum when a new entry is created in your LDM database?

Unfortunately, the VBulletin upgrade process deletes extra plugins, so you have to re-install the plugin.

Go to VBulletin->AdminCp/Plugins/Download and Upload Plugins
Import autocreate-plugin.xml from extras/autocreate-thread

I'm afraid I don't understand what your second question is asking.

Tyegurl 04-02-2006 02:19 PM

okay ty for that on the threads....

http://www.teamrespawn.com/vBulletin/local_links.php for the other

./image.php?u=4&dateline=1142453581 is my exact problem lol

if you need let me know and i will give you a login to use to check it out.

okay i think i figured out what part of it may be.....i think it is another hack...vbbux/vbplaza....nm lol

Alfa1 04-02-2006 07:34 PM

I recently installed 2.1.6 on the latest version of vbulletin. The search function does not work and takes me to a blank page. Any tips on how to fix that?

Edit: i just see that most of the drop downs take me to a blank page. I'll try to fix it myself first. Never mind.

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-03-2006 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Attached zip should fix the reported bugs with 2.1.6RC2.

featured_linkbit setting added to enable choice of linkbit used in featured sites
Bugs fixed
category selection menu expand/collapse only shown with menu, not checkboxes
htmlspecialchars to protect quotes in links titles
profile hits list parses bbcodes
autocreate plugin creates thread url which still works ok after category move
autocreate plugin tells user that thread has been created
fix to stop Adobe Acrobat breaking with partial content requests

Those testing the autocreate forum plugin - please note that you will need to remove the existing plugin manually and reinstall it.

Grateful for a quick check on these problems.



Originally Posted by AndrewD
Perhaps I didn't explain well enough. When the version number doesn't change (which it didn't from 2.1.6RC2 to RC3), you have to tell VB to uninstall the product then reinstall it. Otherwise it doesn't rerun the installation code, and so doesn't make some of the new features available. Including featured sites linkbit. Sorry.

Don't worry - uninstall doesn't harm your database.

* ah ha! GREAT ok. uninstalled and reinstalled again. :banana:


Originally Posted by AndrewD
=> featured_linkbit setting added to enable choice of linkbit used in featured sites

* cool. working now :)


Originally Posted by AndrewD
autocreate plugin creates thread url which still works ok after category move autocreate plugin tells user that thread has been created

ok. Deleted old autocreat plugin and reinstalled it, but still couldn't get it work at all now. :( I tested by uploading a few files in a few different forums (all with correct permissions--same forums as last version which worked)...but it didn't create a thread. Again, was there something other than just deleting the autocreate plugin and uploading it that I needed to do?



Originally Posted by AndrewD
"I've changed it to give a different message, along the lines of 'your entry has been accepted and posted into forum XXX'"

as above couldn't get plugin to work, so never got this message. :(
btw, exactly when/where should this appear?


fix to stop Adobe Acrobat breaking with partial content requests
dunno. NA


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Again, you have to reinstall the extras plugin

I said, I did that. I thought. :/ unless there is something else I needed to do besides delete the plugin....its just not working for me at all anymore. any thoughts?


Originally Posted by Tyegurl
okay ty for that on the threads....
./image.php?u=4&dateline=1142453581 is my exact problem lol

if you need let me know and i will give you a login to use to check it out.

okay i think i figured out what part of it may be.....i think it is another hack...vbbux/vbplaza....nm lol

I'm having same issue and I don't have ubux/uplaza installed..see below.


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
an image on the links_linkbit is now broken. dunno why and it wasn't broken before 2.1.6rc2. problem is I can't fix it because I dunno what the image is supposed to be cause the path is weird:
:confused: what is that? ugh! to broken images. :( see attached image.

That looks like someone's avatar is broken/wrong

that doesn't seem to be the issue as there is a broken image for ALL uploaded files/links. :/ Just to be sure I logged in as different users and uploaded as different users. All avatar paths are fine. but still get broken image there. It seems to be related to the date somehow...again, here's a same Screenie as before with the PATH highlighted.

that's all I could check for now. hope that helps.

<<< back to the bug hunt. ;)

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-03-2006 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
You can set the featured_all_categories setting off so that featured sites are drawn from the favourites in the current category. This enables you to have featured sites in some categories and not others, provided the entries are members of those catgeories.

* 1. well I changed to draw from current category. :) but I'm still not sure how that allows one ot have featured sites not appear in some categories. do you mean that if there are no entries for that category by the featured site ID there will be no featured sites? what do you do if there are?

sorry I think I need more coffee. :p

* 2. a good example of why need to exclude from some categories/situations....when you are looking at just one link/file.

if you are looking at a single file/link...and have 3 featured sites showing (or ANY actually... its very confusing (more unrelated items than the one you actually want). When viewing one file...you really only want to look at that one.
insert: The only alternative I can think of is if the linkbit for featured sites is visually different (row of equal sized thumbnails with title only? ala filmstrip style) and positioned different (not on top?) then it might make a good "related links/files" type tool. but that's kinda going off in another direction.

Originally Posted by AndrewD
If you want to be able to draw a random collection of featured sites from all categories but only display them in some, then I will have to make a small change (I think it involves literally adding two characters to the code...) to make this possible.

* 3. yah. that'd be great. :) ability to do random is good. its not a big deal by any means so whenever you get a chance to add those two characters would be cool. :)

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-04-2006 07:25 AM

also... in following the autocreate plugin directions... I keep getting stuck on:


list their category ids within the array() statement
lol. nooob I am.. I can't find the category ID numbers. :( is that the same as the display order?

AndrewD 04-04-2006 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
also... in following the autocreate plugin directions... I keep getting stuck on:

lol. nooob I am.. I can't find the category ID numbers. :( is that the same as the display order?

Sorry, could be clearer - hold your mouse over the category name and the link will include a parameter "catid=NN" - it's the NN's you need.

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-04-2006 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Sorry, could be clearer - hold your mouse over the category name and the link will include a parameter "catid=NN" - it's the NN's you need.

ahhh. thanks :) anyway .. I was just gunna add a couple excluded categories just to see if I could the autocreate to work....but nope. :(

autocreate still not working since update at all. (and thus haven't been able to check out fixes to the addon.)

again, how do you uninstall and reinstall the autocreate addon plugin (not the whole product --that's working) properly? I am just deleting it and reuploading it.

see bug report few posts up. ;)

AndrewD 04-04-2006 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
how do you uninstall and reinstall the autocreate addon plugin (not the whole product --that's working) properly? I am just deleting it and reuploading it.

That's correct.

Bear in mind that the autocreate process will only work if you 'associate' a forum with a new link/entry. Otherwise, LDM assumes that you don't want this to happen.

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-04-2006 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
That's correct.

Bear in mind that the autocreate process will only work if you 'associate' a forum with a new link/entry. Otherwise, LDM assumes that you don't want this to happen.

hmm. then its not working for me anymore. :( note: it was working for me before. It just had a few bugs as mentioned...but it was making threads succesfully (and I was associatign it to forums).

but not since rc3 install.

Also, again, there is no intuitive instruction that let's the user know it will create a thread...so there is no way to know how to associate it. You mentioned this message was updated...but I don't see any changes. In any case, this is what I do to "associate" it with a forum:
  1. add link
  2. fill out name, description, file to upload (for example) and other basic info
  3. select a Parent Category
  4. select Parent Forum (again, I thought this message was updated?--write now it still just says "Parent Forum| Defines Viewing Permissions)
  5. make sure user has appropriate permissions for Parent Forum chosen and its an open forum.
  6. submit
Am I missing something? Last version that worked, but this time it does do anything (no new thread is created). any thoughts?

AndrewD 04-04-2006 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
hmm. then its not working for me anymore. :( note: it was working for me before. It just had a few bugs as mentioned...but it was making threads succesfully (and I was associatign it to forums).

but not since rc3 install.

Also, again, there is no intuitive instruction that let's the user know it will create a thread...so there is no way to know how to associate it. You mentioned this message was updated...but I don't see any changes. In any case, this is what I do to "associate" it with a forum:
  1. add link
  2. fill out name, description, file to upload (for example) and other basic info
  3. select a Parent Category
  4. select Parent Forum (again, I thought this message was updated?--write now it still just says "Parent Forum| Defines Viewing Permissions)
  5. make sure user has appropriate permissions for Parent Forum chosen and its an open forum.
  6. submit
Am I missing something? Last version that worked, but this time it does do anything (no new thread is created). any thoughts?

Can you send me a PM with details of your board, ideally an admin account and password. I'm not very good at reading minds - and RC3 works fine for me - I hope it's something trivial that we are overlooking.

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-04-2006 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Can you send me a PM with details of your board, ideally an admin account and password. I'm not very good at reading minds - and RC3 works fine for me - I hope it's something trivial that we are overlooking.

sent :)

AndrewD 04-04-2006 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
sent :)

OK, things are working again.

Problem was that you'd changed the text of the ldm_accepted_and_thread_created phrase. This was killing the 'build new post' routine, but no error was being produced. I've modified the phrase and things are working ok, as you can tell by looking in your multimedia downloads forum.


Your version of the ldm_accepted_and_thread_created phrase killed things without warning because you put everything between QUOTE tags - in other words VBulletin thought that everything was an old message, with nothing new added by you. So it generated a 'message too short' error.

AndrewD 04-04-2006 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
that doesn't seem to be the issue as there is a broken image for ALL uploaded files/links. :/ Just to be sure I logged in as different users and uploaded as different users. All avatar paths are fine. but still get broken image there. It seems to be related to the date somehow...again, here's a same Screenie as before with the PATH highlighted.

Coming back to this problem. Your image shows a url that starts www.mysite.net. Is this really what you are seeing? Or have you edited this?

The rest of the url is indeed the correct link to your avatar - I took a download of the relevant tables from your database, and it's correct.

TheSonic 04-04-2006 04:34 PM

My Users can't add links.

All permissions set fine (i think)... If they add a link, they get the screen adding a page, can add Name and Description, but the fields behind "URL" and "Picture" are not there... There is no inputfiled....

Any ideas ? (if this is a known problem: SORRY, please point my tp the right post. I really searched this thread about this Topic :D )

My Version is 2.1.6

Thanks dudes.

AndrewD 04-04-2006 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by TheSonic
My Users can't add links.

All permissions set fine (i think)... If they add a link, they get the screen adding a page, can add Name and Description, but the fields behind "URL" and "Picture" are not there... There is no inputfiled....

Any ideas ? (if this is a known problem: SORRY, please point my tp the right post. I really searched this thread about this Topic :D )

My Version is 2.1.6

Thanks dudes.

This is not a known problem, and I'm bemused. Can you send me a PM with details of your site?

johnim 04-05-2006 07:40 AM

In usegroups I created new usergroup "users download".

Then I created user "Test" and I set his his primary group "registered users" a secondary group "users download". In LDM settings is for this "users download" group set, they can add and edit links, but it isn't works. When I set group "users download" like his primary group and "registered users" like secondary, feature add & edit links works fine. Where is the problem? Must be a group, which is set in LDM always set like primary in VB settings dor this user "Test"?

My version LDM is 2.1.6


TheSonic 04-05-2006 07:42 AM

Andrew, PM sent.

Thanks :D

GrendelKhan{TSU 04-05-2006 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
Coming back to this problem. Your image shows a url that starts www.mysite.net. Is this really what you are seeing? Or have you edited this?

The rest of the url is indeed the correct link to your avatar - I took a download of the relevant tables from your database, and it's correct.

yup. that's really what I see... I didn't edit it.
here's what I see (right click >> properties):


interesting I don't remember that being an avatar last version.. but eitherway it only started breaking this version (rc3). Other postbit styles don't seem to have any issue either.

dunno. :/

Tyegurl 04-05-2006 02:08 PM

that is what i see too kind of its a red X and when i click properties that is the link i get to the picture....as i posted about this too...

post #1609

http://www.teamrespawn.com/vBulletin/local_links.php if you want to take a look and see...you should be able look without me changing permissions but if you cannot let me know.

AndrewD 04-05-2006 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Tyegurl
that is what i see too kind of its a red X and when i click properties that is the link i get to the picture....as i posted about this too...

post #1609

http://www.teamrespawn.com/vBulletin/local_links.php if you want to take a look and see...you should be able look without me changing permissions but if you cannot let me know.

OK, I think I understand the problem - am too tired to fix tonight (just had a nice dinner)

Tyegurl 04-05-2006 08:16 PM

no problem as long as i know its not just me!

Tyegurl 04-06-2006 03:14 PM

thanks so much andrew!

AndrewD 04-06-2006 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by johnim
In usegroups I created new usergroup "users download".

Then I created user "Test" and I set his his primary group "registered users" a secondary group "users download". In LDM settings is for this "users download" group set, they can add and edit links, but it isn't works. When I set group "users download" like his primary group and "registered users" like secondary, feature add & edit links works fine. Where is the problem? Must be a group, which is set in LDM always set like primary in VB settings dor this user "Test"?

My version LDM is 2.1.6


I've checked - there is a bug in the code - it's not correctly checking the secondary usergroups. Thanks for reporting this - I'll fix it in the next release

Tyegurl 04-06-2006 10:22 PM

okay andrewd i have a problem....just got notified....not sure if it has anything to do with what you fixed earlier but figured i would ask...

mySQL query error: SELECT * FROM games_settings

mySQL error: Table 'Tyegurl2.games_settings' doesn't exist
mySQL error code:
Date: Thursday 06th of April 2006 04:19:53 PM

my games are gone

nm just checked my plugins on a whim and somehow it got deleted....i have it back or should at least...darn yep but all my scores are gone.....oh well nm ty anyways :)

AndrewD 04-07-2006 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by Tyegurl
okay andrewd i have a problem....just got notified....not sure if it has anything to do with what you fixed earlier but figured i would ask...

mySQL query error: SELECT * FROM games_settings

mySQL error: Table 'Tyegurl2.games_settings' doesn't exist
mySQL error code:
Date: Thursday 06th of April 2006 04:19:53 PM

my games are gone

nm just checked my plugins on a whim and somehow it got deleted....i have it back or should at least...darn yep but all my scores are gone.....oh well nm ty anyways :)

I hope that this was nothing to do with me .. what I did was install a new plugin into LDM which is independent of other hacks .. sorry if I have contributed to a new problem

johnim 04-07-2006 05:59 AM

Is possible to make no upload limit in LDM for admin, or some usergroup?
Now is limit defined from VBulletin.

dilbert 04-07-2006 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by AndrewD
For Tyegurl and Grendelkhan - I've patched your boards to fix the problem with broken avatars.

For anyone else who has this problem (broken images in the linkbit when you enable avatars in LDM), please install the attached plugin as a temporary fix.

Hi Andrew,

I applied this patch and I still am missing the custom avatar.
Here is a test post to look at.

Thanks, Cliff

AndrewD 04-07-2006 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by dilbert
Hi Andrew,

I applied this patch and I still am missing the custom avatar.
Here is a test post to look at.

Thanks, Cliff

Thanks, Cliff. I'd overlooked another way of handling avatars. Will be fixed.

Unfortunately, I can't safely solve this with the plugin, so bear with me a while.

Tyegurl 04-07-2006 04:16 PM

change it in your php.ini file i did...

lol forgot to say what i was talking about,...

Upload size!! lol change it in the server root php.ini file..

i had to make my own and put it in the root. but it works.

AndrewD 04-07-2006 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by TheSonic
Andrew, PM sent.

Thanks :D

Take a look at the can_link_files permissions on the LDM admin page - and if these seem ok, take a look at them by doing an 'edit category' and viewing the third tab.

If the code is working properly, the only way you can get the behaviour you are seeing with 'add link' is when this permissions is turned off for the relevant user groups.

|oR|Greg 04-07-2006 05:54 PM

Andrew... my "issue" with file names is back. Even though I'm running 2.1.6 After I upload a file, it works for a while if you right-click save as, but then after a little bit of time passes, you right click save as, and it reverts to the "protected name" with all numbers. What's even more confusing, is that it only happens with some files, not all of them. In order to see it, you'll have to sign up on the site, and I'll give you access to the members downloads, then you'll see some of them save as the wrong names, some don't.


AndrewD 04-07-2006 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by |oR|Greg
Andrew... my "issue" with file names is back. Even though I'm running 2.1.6 After I upload a file, it works for a while if you right-click save as, but then after a little bit of time passes, you right click save as, and it reverts to the "protected name" with all numbers. What's even more confusing, is that it only happens with some files, not all of them. In order to see it, you'll have to sign up on the site, and I'll give you access to the members downloads, then you'll see some of them save as the wrong names, some don't.


OK, will do.

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