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-   -   RPG Integration Hack /w Battle (BETA) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=46417)

Zalastri 05-15-2003 11:13 PM

My forums are www.zalastri.com :)

engquist 05-16-2003 01:50 AM

I am having one issue. My boards run version 2.3.0 and I've tried installing this hack twice just to make sure. both times it installed successfully, but on each occasion, when I go to edit profile in the user CP, all the RPG info appears twice.....once under "required info." and again at the bottom under "additional info."

1) basically I am wondering why?

2) and which category is it supposed to be under?

3) and how can I fix it if it's not supposed to be this way?

CCGENERAL 05-16-2003 01:58 AM

when you add a class it does not show up in the profile but not on the class options in the admin cp

engquist 05-16-2003 03:17 AM

(my last question still is unanswered)

I have one more question:

4) In the postbit template, I have $rpname displaying N/A and $rpcash showing my character name

see it at: http://rom.gloriousff.com/forums2/sh...?s=&threadid=1

I figured out why, it was because I had to go to Battle edit options and change the RPG name field from 6 to 5...

and I had to change the item edit options point field from field5 to field6


after I did this, I kept getting database errors when trying to click my "donate" link in the postbit.

so, I found out why....there is no "field6" that then existed in the userfield table, so I created it and now I get no more errors..

so I guess that when an admin changes those values like I did, they will get similar errors and that's how I fixed it...

the only problem I have for now is duplication of all RPG fields in the user CP profile. One set appears in the "Required" fields, and the other in "optional" info....I am running VBulletin 2.3.0

lioncool1589 05-16-2003 07:35 AM

i cant find bank interest in control panel how do i change percent bank interest 10% too much i want to change to 2%

engquist 05-16-2003 09:27 AM

I first got this error when trying to reply to a thread I created on my test board:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/gloriou/public_html/rom/forums2/newreply.php on line (it was the last line of the code)

but there was no unexpected "$" anywhere near there!

so I cleaned up all the spacing and instead I get this error now:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/gloriou/public_html/rom/forums2/newreply.php on line 198

which is roughly in this small peice of code:

PHP Code:

      if ($userinfo=$DB_site->query_first("
              SELECT user.*,userfield.*
              FROM user,userfield
              WHERE     (username='"
.addslashes(htmlspecialchars($username))."' OR
.addslashes(eregi_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]","",$username))."') AND
)) { 

I notice it is discussing the "userfield" table, maybe it has something to do with my adding the field6 table or something?

I have attached the file...

but for now, it's sleep time! I've been working on this hack for about 14 hours now, I only stopped to see Matrix Reloaded at the movies!

Lord Man 05-16-2003 11:27 AM

Sign Up Points

Can i do that ?, any 1 sign up take 350 points


Bitsys 05-16-2003 02:33 PM


Yesterday at 09:50 PM engquist said this in Post #1608
I am having one issue. My boards run version 2.3.0 and I've tried installing this hack twice just to make sure. both times it installed successfully, but on each occasion, when I go to edit profile in the user CP, all the RPG info appears twice.....once under "required info." and again at the bottom under "additional info."

1) basically I am wondering why?

2) and which category is it supposed to be under?

3) and how can I fix it if it's not supposed to be this way?

See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...143#post390143 about half way down.


Yesterday at 09:58 PM CCGENERAL said this in Post #1609
when you add a class it does not show up in the profile but not on the class options in the admin cp

Could you please clarify or explain the problem in a little more detail?


Today at 03:35 AM lioncool1589 said this in Post #1611
i cant find bank interest in control panel how do i change percent bank interest 10% too much i want to change to 2%


Today at 05:27 AM engquist said this in Post #1612
I first got this error when trying to reply to a thread I created on my test board:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/gloriou/public_html/rom/forums2/newreply.php on line (it was the last line of the code)

but there was no unexpected "$" anywhere near there!

so I cleaned up all the spacing and instead I get this error now:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/gloriou/public_html/rom/forums2/newreply.php on line 198

which is roughly in this small peice of code:

PHP Code:

      if ($userinfo=$DB_site->query_first("
              SELECT user.*,userfield.*
              FROM user,userfield
              WHERE     (username='"
.addslashes(htmlspecialchars($username))."' OR
.addslashes(eregi_replace("[^A-Za-z0-9]","",$username))."') AND
)) { 

I notice it is discussing the "userfield" table, maybe it has something to do with my adding the field6 table or something?

I have attached the file...

but for now, it's sleep time! I've been working on this hack for about 14 hours now, I only stopped to see Matrix Reloaded at the movies!

Try the attached newreply.php. You were missing a semi-colon around line 197.


Today at 07:27 AM Lord Man said this in Post #1613
Sign Up Points

Can i do that ?, any 1 sign up take 350 points


Some people say they have done this, but I have never done it myself. I recall that they later removed it because people were creating new accounts and donating the money to their main one.


Today at 08:01 AM Me! said this in Post #1614
Is there anyway to disable the giving of money when a person runs from battle? It's a bug that can be exploited. If a person runs I'd rather they just lose 2 exp or something.
Could you explain this bug in detail?


Today at 08:18 AM Me! said this in Post #1615
I think I may have a quick solution as far as the retreat bug is concerned. Now I'm a novice in PHP so please use this at your own risk.

In battleupdate.php find the following lines:


$newmoney = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT bankval FROM items_user WHERE userid='$winnerid'");
                $newmoney = $newmoney[bankval] + $battle[wager] * 2;
                $DB_site->query("UPDATE items_user SET bankval='$newmoney' WHERE userid='$winnerid'");
        } else {
                $newmoney = $DB_site->query_first("SELECT storep FROM user WHERE userid='$winnerid'");
                $newmoney = $newmoney[0] + $battle[wager] * 2;

In both instances where it says $battle[wager] * 2 remove the "* 2"

Like I said I'm still learning PHP so PROCEED WITH CAUTION heh

Removing the 2 makes it so that the winner only gets refunded his money, instead of getting refunded his money and his opponenets money.

Unfortunately, the battle script is not smart enough to know hwo the battle was won/lost, therefore it would be rather difficult to change the outcome if someone retreats as opposed to someone dying. This is my fault since I did not plan this part properly.

MindTrix 05-16-2003 05:58 PM

c next post (soz board made double post after i got a error)

MindTrix 05-16-2003 05:59 PM

having trouble :( i chmod my files etc etc but some reason it still didnt edit them so now i gotta do it manually, it says

in showthread.php find ---

FROM post
".iif($forum[allowicons],'LEFT JOIN icon ON icon.iconid=post.iconid','')."
LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid=post.userid
LEFT JOIN userfield ON userfield.userid=user.userid

replace with--

FROM post, battle_options, items_options
".iif($forum[allowicons],'LEFT JOIN icon ON icon.iconid=post.iconid','')."
LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid=post.userid
LEFT JOIN userfield ON userfield.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN items_user ON items_user.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN battle_stats ON battle_stats.userid=user.userid
LEFT JOIN rpg_classf ON rpg_classf.id=user.rpgclass
LEFT JOIN rpg_classm ON rpg_classm.id=user.rpgclass
LEFT JOIN rpg_element ON rpg_element.elementid=user.element
LEFT JOIN rpg_race ON rpg_race.raceid=user.rpgrace AND rpg_race.alignmentid=user.alignment

thennnn it says find---

LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid=post.userid
LEFT JOIN userfield ON userfield.userid=user.userid
".iif ($avatarenabled,"LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid","")."
LEFT JOIN attachment ON attachment.attachmentid=post.attachmentid
WHERE post.postid = '$postid'

and replace it with some other code. Thing is its telling me to find the same bit of code there twice, but its givin meh too different things to replace it with. Now i noticed the code that its sayin to find exists twice in that php file, so do i replace the 1st bit of code i find with the 1st one it says to replace, and 2nd with 2nd bit etc etc :S

Heck should i just try the install again?? but only select template parts?? i dont see why it didnt make the changes even tho i chmod the files to 777

MindTrix 05-16-2003 06:30 PM

Hmmm nm now guys, i ran the install again and it worked this time :)

roninuta 05-16-2003 07:07 PM


The script is itemadmin.php located in the admin folder. Do the items default to Generic even after you set them to another value? Or are NEW items defaulting to Generic after you add them? What is the end result that you want the items to do, be Generic or something else?

If you look through itemadmin.php, you may be able to figure it out for yourself if you want to try that. [/B]
Thanks for the reply Bitsys!

When I setup an item (additem type and add item) I want to change the type defaults. Most items change over just fine to new types. Some of the items would remain generic and some should not be available to generic. When I set them to other types the new values do take and are inserted into the DB just fine - but the generic type stays even when de-selected. I will look through the script and see what I can find

MindTrix 05-16-2003 07:35 PM

These little figures etc, i got ones that are more Rap Suited, but they face forward. If i shrink em to the other ones sizes can i use em in this???

Jagang 05-16-2003 07:58 PM


[i]04-17-03 at 07:01 PM Jagang said this in Post # 1495
In the Battle table, the field battlekey is blank even though I set a password. If it helps I am running MySQL 3.23.41


04-21-03 at 03:07 AM Bitsys said this in Post #1504

in battlefight.php, find:
PHP Code:

If($battleopt[privacy] != && $battle[battlekey] != $battlekey) {


and change it to:
PHP Code:

/*If($battleopt[privacy] != 0 && $battle[battlekey] != $battlekey) {


That will temporarily fix the problem by disabling the password check. This means that battles will be open to everyone.

This did not work and I am still getting the same error. Invalid battle or password It is not populating a password in the database and the PMs send a link to /battlefight.php?action=enterbattle&battlenumber=23 &battlekey=

Public or private battle settings make no difference. I can manually start the battles in the CP by entering a password there or by setting the battle state to 1 and the rest of the battle works fine but without the automation of starting battles the battle system is useless. Any other suggestions?

MindTrix 05-16-2003 09:29 PM

Dont spose people have images they have made for this they feel like sharing? Pleaseee lol

Jagang 05-16-2003 10:13 PM


Yesterday at 11:29 PM MindTrix said this in Post #1623
Dont spose people have images they have made for this they feel like sharing? Pleaseee lol
Try http://www.rpgicons.com/ they have some good images to use for the classes and items.

MindTrix 05-16-2003 10:31 PM

Thanks for the link, mucho appreciatoo or somet :s

Errm that sites cool but its mainly well its all RPG stuff, which i guess makes sense, but i was kinda lookin for mini pics of weapons and otehr stuff. Basically i need to get some mini gun pictures, weed, al that kinda stuff

LangTuDaTinh 05-16-2003 10:53 PM


Today at 01:58 PM Jagang said this in Post #1622
This did not work and I am still getting the same error. Invalid battle or password It is not populating a password in the database and the PMs send a link to /battlefight.php?action=enterbattle&battlenumber=23 &battlekey=

Public or private battle settings make no difference. I can manually start the battles in the CP by entering a password there or by setting the battle state to 1 and the rest of the battle works fine but without the automation of starting battles the battle system is useless. Any other suggestions?

in battle.php, change all $key to $key1

and in battle_newbattle (or something like it)...change key to key1..

this would fix it.

problem: somehow after the file battle.php include global.php, the key is lost. it will set back to blank.

i installed this hack by copy and paste (no vbhacker) and i have no problem...

engquist 05-17-2003 07:11 AM


Yesterday at 09:50 PM engquist said this in Post #1608
I am having one issue. My boards run version 2.3.0 and I've tried installing this hack twice just to make sure. both times it installed successfully, but on each occasion, when I go to edit profile in the user CP, all the RPG info appears twice.....once under "required info." and again at the bottom under "additional info."

1) basically I am wondering why?

2) and which category is it supposed to be under?

3) and how can I fix it if it's not supposed to be this way?

See https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/show...0143#post390143 about half way down.
thanks! This mostly worked except that RPG name is the only field still duplicated...I notice that $customfields must be the variable storing the information for "Biography", "location", "interests", "occupation", and "RPG name"....could you possibly know where the information for this variable is stored so I can edit it to remove the second instance of RPG name which occurs under "Required Information" in the User CP->edit profile? Thank you very much for your time Bitsys!

engquist 05-17-2003 07:41 AM

with regard to the error in newreply.php, I downloaded your file attachment (up a few posts ago) for newreply.php and then uploaded it to my web server and when I try to make a post reply I get:

Parse error: parse error, unexpected $ in /home/gloriou/public_html/rom/forums2/newreply.php on line 656

this only happens with the correctly edited newreply.php file, not the regular one that comes with VB 2.3.0 because I have tried both and I get that error with only the edited one.

maybe if I knew all the changes made to newreply.php that were done by vbhacker, I could isolate the problem?

any ideas on how to fix it?

edit:: ignore all of this post, it was an error with my Lesane Store Hack, I didn't correctly edit newreply.php with that hack!!!

sorry for wasting anyone's time!

Jing 05-17-2003 03:54 PM

some bugs I noticed...

in template modifytemplate:
- 2 $customfields are entered. Simply removing the first one and those related codes below the string will solve double appearance problem when a user modifying profile (which I think is mentioned though I din follow the whole thread)

- instead of $customfields_required, _required is entered in the template. I am not so sure what errors will be generated, but I think it's better to replace it.

Basically the two adjustments fixed the RPG appearing twice problem, as well as a problem where some of the RPG info are shown as "unknown" despite the info are actually configured properly in the admin cp. I am using vb2.3.0 btw.

I hope this helps someone if it hasn't already do so. but if it did, I apologize for not following the thread. :(

engquist 05-17-2003 05:07 PM


some bugs I noticed...

in template modifytemplate:
- 2 $customfields are entered. Simply removing the first one will solve double appearance problem when a user modifying profile (which I think is mentioned though I din follow the whole thread)

- instead of $customfields_required, _required is entered in the template. I am not so sure what errors will be generated, but I think it's better to replace it.

Basically the two adjustments fixed the RPG appearing twice problem, as well as a problem where some of the RPG info are shown as "unknown" despite the info are actually configured properly in the admin cp. I am using vb2.3.0 btw.

I hope this helps someone if it hasn't already do so. but if it did, I apologize for not following the thread.
when I do this, it gets rid of all these fields too though:

A few details about yourself
Where you live
Your hobbies, etc
Your job
RPG Name:

but I only want to get rid of RPG name (since it's a duplicate)

LangTuDaTinh 05-17-2003 05:23 PM

have anyone here create a challenge list yet???

for example...a user want to battle...they will add themselves to the list and include a level that they want to challenge...other users can challenge those who are on that list.......if their level is equal or less than the one on that list..?????

this thread is long....

TheRaven57 05-18-2003 02:37 AM

Is there a way to have money given to the participants in a battle automatically? They would have to complete the battle of course so there would be no cheating, but is there a way to do this?

TheRaven57 05-18-2003 04:13 AM

Nevermind, I'm a moron

Jing 05-18-2003 08:57 AM

engguist: if u r viewing the template in preview, those fields won't show. but if you save it, and go to the actual page, you will see that all of the fields you mentioned are listed. :) jsut follow wat i wrote there and u will be fine. :)

Bitsys 05-18-2003 12:11 PM


05-16-03 at 03:58 PM Jagang said this in Post #1622
This did not work and I am still getting the same error. Invalid battle or password It is not populating a password in the database and the PMs send a link to /battlefight.php?action=enterbattle&battlenumber=23 &battlekey=

Public or private battle settings make no difference. I can manually start the battles in the CP by entering a password there or by setting the battle state to 1 and the rest of the battle works fine but without the automation of starting battles the battle system is useless. Any other suggestions?

Are you sure that the opponent has confirmed the battle before you are trying to join it?


Yesterday at 03:11 AM engquist said this in Post #1628
thanks! This mostly worked except that RPG name is the only field still duplicated...I notice that $customfields must be the variable storing the information for "Biography", "location", "interests", "occupation", and "RPG name"....could you possibly know where the information for this variable is stored so I can edit it to remove the second instance of RPG name which occurs under "Required Information" in the User CP->edit profile? Thank you very much for your time Bitsys!

Try looking going to the Admin CP->User Proflile Fields->Modify and then remove one of the RPG Name fields, if there are two of them. After that, you have to go back to the Battle Options menu and fix the RPG Name field textbox.


Yesterday at 01:23 PM LangTuDaTinh said this in Post #1632
have anyone here create a challenge list yet???

for example...a user want to battle...they will add themselves to the list and include a level that they want to challenge...other users can challenge those who are on that list.......if their level is equal or less than the one on that list..?????

this thread is long....

No one has done that yet, but it is an interesting idea.


Yesterday at 01:51 PM Me! said this in Post #1633
I've read the manual however I couldn't find anything about allowing users to purchase more then one spell.

Is there anyway I can allow my users to purchase multiple spells, instead of only being allowed to have one at a time?

A lot of people simply create an item category for each type of spell, i.e. Fire Spells, Ice Spells, LIghtning Spells. This usually solves the problem.


Yesterday at 01:51 PM Me! said this in Post #1633
EDIT: ALso can I make it so mods can't give out money? (for example they click on bank or money and can give points without it being taken from their own money, meaning they can give infinate points >.>)
In your mod folder, delete or rename points.php and bank.php.

PixelFx 05-18-2003 01:08 PM

any idea on a tenative date for the next beta release of this rpg system? I'm wondering if I should install 66 again or wait, a week for the next week, for the next release for example?

eXentriC_nova 05-18-2003 02:24 PM

I'm having a few truble here.
I cant install the itemshop.
When I tried to install it says database error
Is it really bcoz of database error?
coz the other stuff like battle has no problems.
the same thing happen when I tried to access the healing ground

Bitsys 05-18-2003 02:48 PM


Today at 09:08 AM PixelFx said this in Post #1638
any idea on a tenative date for the next beta release of this rpg system? I'm wondering if I should install 66 again or wait, a week for the next week, for the next release for example?
Not sure right now. I am waiting for something and I don't know when it is coming.

Today at 10:24 AM eXentriC_nova said this in Post #1639
I'm having a few truble here.
I cant install the itemshop.
When I tried to install it says database error
Is it really bcoz of database error?
coz the other stuff like battle has no problems.
the same thing happen when I tried to access the healing ground

What is the error?

eXentriC_nova 05-18-2003 03:03 PM

This is what I get when installing itemshop:
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE items_user
ADD item1 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Item',
ADD points1 int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD description1 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Description Available',
ADD icon1 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
ADD itid1 int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD item2 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Item',
ADD points2 int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD description2 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Description Available',
ADD icon2 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
ADD itid2 int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD item3 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Item',
ADD points3 int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD description3 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Description Available',
ADD icon3 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
ADD itid3 int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'item1'

mysql error number: 1060

Date: Sunday 18th of May 2003 11:56:12 AM
Script: http://www.theanimeworld.com/testvb/...ction=additems
Referer: http://forum.theanimeworld.com/admin...hop_items.php?

and this is when accessing healing ground
Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: SELECT items_user.bankval, userfield.field5 FROM items_user, userfield WHERE items_user.userid='1' AND userfield.userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'userfield.field5' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Sunday 18th of May 2003 11:57:52 AM
Script: http://www.theanimeworld.com/testvb/heal.php
Referer: http://forum.theanimeworld.com/

I also get this error when accessing a battle

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/theanime/public_html/forum/battlefight.php on line 420

any help is greatly apreciated

Bitsys 05-18-2003 03:44 PM


Today at 11:03 AM eXentriC_nova said this in Post #1641
This is what I get when installing itemshop:
Database error in vBulletin Control Panel 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: ALTER TABLE items_user
ADD item1 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Item',
ADD points1 int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD description1 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Description Available',
ADD icon1 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
ADD itid1 int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD item2 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Item',
ADD points2 int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD description2 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Description Available',
ADD icon2 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
ADD itid2 int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD item3 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Item',
ADD points3 int(5) NOT NULL default '0',
ADD description3 char(250) NOT NULL default 'No Description Available',
ADD icon3 char(250) NOT NULL default '',
ADD itid3 int(11) NOT NULL default '0'
mysql error: Duplicate column name 'item1'

mysql error number: 1060

Date: Sunday 18th of May 2003 11:56:12 AM
Script: http://www.theanimeworld.com/testvb/...ction=additems
Referer: http://forum.theanimeworld.com/admin...hop_items.php?

and this is when accessing healing ground
Database error in vBulletin 2.3.0:

Invalid SQL: SELECT items_user.bankval, userfield.field5 FROM items_user, userfield WHERE items_user.userid='1' AND userfield.userid='1'
mysql error: Unknown column 'userfield.field5' in 'field list'

mysql error number: 1054

Date: Sunday 18th of May 2003 11:57:52 AM
Script: http://www.theanimeworld.com/testvb/heal.php
Referer: http://forum.theanimeworld.com/

I also get this error when accessing a battle

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/theanime/public_html/forum/battlefight.php on line 420

any help is greatly apreciated

Could you provide me with a detailed account of what you have done so far to install this hack? Did you run install_itemshop_items.php?

eXentriC_nova 05-19-2003 05:09 AM

a detailed account?
I didnt do much.
I just followed the instruction exactly as it says.
Yes I did run install_itemshop_items.php. The error I said before is found when I try to run that script.

EDIT>never mind this prob. I got too many probs with my forum so I just wanna reinstall it back.

Jagang 05-19-2003 09:26 AM


Yesterday at 02:11 PM Bitsys said this in Post #1637
Are you sure that the opponent has confirmed the battle before you are trying to join it?
I'm playing both sides so yes I'm sure.

Bitsys 05-19-2003 12:32 PM


Today at 05:26 AM Jagang said this in Post #1644
I'm playing both sides so yes I'm sure.
Did you try the suggestion at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...912#post395912 ?

you_ands_i 05-19-2003 12:34 PM

I have a problem when I create new battle and input the password is '123456', it's say "Please enter a valid password", why ? Can't I fix it ? Who can help me ?

Bitsys 05-19-2003 12:41 PM


Today at 08:34 AM you_ands_i said this in Post #1646
I have a problem when I create new battle and input the password is '123456', it's say "Please enter a valid password", why ? Can't I fix it ? Who can help me ?

In battle.php, find:
PHP Code:

If($key == "" || !isset($key)) {
$message "Please enter a valid password.";

and change it to:

PHP Code:

/*If($key == "" || !isset($key)) {
                        $message = "Please enter a valid password.";

Jagang 05-19-2003 07:32 PM


Today at 02:32 PM Bitsys said this in Post #1645
Did you try the suggestion at https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthrea...912#post395912 ?

Yes still having same issue. Really I'd like to strip the whole password system out since i really have no need of it and all it is doing is causing me problems.

Edit Update: To get the Key to Key1 suggestion to work I had to go back and uncomment the lines you previously had me comment out. now it is indeed populating with a password in the database and the urls. However it does insist you enter a password and won't let you leave that field blank and when trying to get to the battle you get an error like: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 60 seconds exceeded in /home/virtual/site2/fst/var/www/html/forums/battlefight.php on line 419
Any suggestions?

BTW: line 419 of battlefight.php is
PHP Code:

                        $xv "itid$nr"

Sun Boy 05-19-2003 07:49 PM


05-16-03 at 04:33 PM Bitsys said this in Post #1616
Some people say they have done this, but I have never done it myself. I recall that they later removed it because people were creating new accounts and donating the money to their main one.

So, Can you make this addon, plase ?

Spark 05-19-2003 08:25 PM

Hi , :)
We have a little problem with this really interessting Hack. When we will select element , race etc. in our profile , it will not saved. We can?t select any Selections , too.
Please help us , we have an demo user for you to look at our problem
Username : test
pass: test

the prob is in the profile and then later in the rpgcp.php
Thx for help

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Phrase Groups Available:
  • global
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Included Files:
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