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Phalynx 12-06-2010 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by MoonDaemon (Post 2128524)
Great mod; just wondering how to maintain the Overdrive achievement since it keeps bouncing between a checkmark and X even though I have set it so that the achievement cannot be taken away if the user no longer fulfills the field; for the record, I've kept the requirement at the default of Activity=100

Cannot confirm that. Using this achievement on many boards without a problem.


Originally Posted by MoonDaemon (Post 2128524)
I've also had members receive negative points for their Miscellaneous category even after doing recounts several times; as far as I know, this does not seem to reflect any points that may be used in the Points Market or 'lost' when losing to a top score in Arcade games (both of which I have installed). Any idea where this is coming from and whether I am able to tweak it so that members do not receive negative points?

Are you using the custom points? If the user got points of it and someone removed them, the misc category could go negative. Also if you assign negative points with custom points.


Originally Posted by RollaJedi (Post 2128949)
ok, i got it to work. i still would like to know what the 'paypal donate' drop down is for though.

"PayPal Donations" is for VSa.

Hang Tuah 12-06-2010 03:03 PM


Database error in vBulletin 4.0.8:

Invalid SQL:
a.achievementid AS id,
a.imagesmall AS small,
a.imagebig AS big
FROM xperience_achievements_issues AS i
INNER JOIN xperience_achievements AS a ON a.achievementid=i.achievementid
WHERE i.visible>0 AND i.userid=388
ORDER BY i.dateline

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 10
Error Number : 1064
Request Date : Tuesday, December 7th 2010 @ 12:04:40 AM
Error Date : Tuesday, December 7th 2010 @ 12:04:40 AM
Script : http://www.cutimalaysia.my/cron.php?rand=1291651472
Referrer : http://www.cutimalaysia.my/bg/pelacu...di2-rakus/t867
IP Address :
Username : Unregistered
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version :

how can fix this error???

oncemore, can i request so that level point can convert to star

for example :

1000 : 1 star
1500 : 1 and half star
2000 : 2 star

something like that, can you update this setting for this useful addon :)

Hang Tuah 12-07-2010 02:12 AM

another error,

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.8:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'Moderators',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = 'Moderator',
`opentag` = '<span style=\"color: #FF6600;font-size:13px; font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none\">',
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`groupiconmaxsize` = '65535',
`microsupport` = '0',
`supportpriority` = '0',
`dbtech_vbshoppermissions` = '0'
WHERE usergroupid=7;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'bumpthreadspermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Tuesday, December 7th 2010 @ 12:10:46 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, December 7th 2010 @ 12:10:46 PM
Script : http://www.cutimalaysia.my/admincp/u....php?do=update
Referrer : http://www.cutimalaysia.my/admincp/u...&usergroupid=7
IP Address :
Username : Mr. Tuah
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community-log

Hang Tuah 12-07-2010 04:12 AM

point for vbexperience can be use in vbshop?

Phalynx 12-07-2010 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Hang Tuah (Post 2130061)
how can fix this error???

First of all, please click "Mark as Installed" to get further support.


Originally Posted by Hang Tuah (Post 2130061)
oncemore, can i request so that level point can convert to star

for example :

1000 : 1 star
1500 : 1 and half star
2000 : 2 star

something like that, can you update this setting for this useful addon :)

You can achieve that by using usergroups that have stars as usertitle and promotions.


Originally Posted by Hang Tuah (Post 2130293)
another error,

Database error in vBulletin 4.0.8:

Invalid SQL:
UPDATE usergroup SET

### UPDATE QUERY GENERATED BY fetch_query_sql() ###
`title` = 'Moderators',
`description` = '',
`usertitle` = 'Moderator',
`opentag` = '<span style=\"color: #FF6600;font-size:13px; font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none\">',
`closetag` = '</span>',
`passwordexpires` = '0',
`passwordhistory` = '0',
`micronewsletter` = '0',
`bumpthreadspermissions` = '0',
`bumpthreadslimit` = '',
`awardpermissions` = '1',
`dbtech_thankspermissions` = '3',
`itraderpermissions` = '0',
`forumpermissions` = '12319999',
`genericpermissions` = '2126782119',
`attachlimit` = '0',
`pmquota` = '250',
`pmpermissions` = '7',
`pmsendmax` = '5',
`pmthrottlequantity` = '0',
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`genericpermissions2` = '1',
`genericoptions` = '63',
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`avatarmaxsize` = '100000',
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`usercsspermissions` = '183',
`visitormessagepermissions` = '63',
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`maximumsocialgroups` = '5',
`groupiconmaxsize` = '65535',
`microsupport` = '0',
`supportpriority` = '0',
`dbtech_vbshoppermissions` = '0'
WHERE usergroupid=7;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'bumpthreadspermissions' in 'field list'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Tuesday, December 7th 2010 @ 12:10:46 PM
Error Date : Tuesday, December 7th 2010 @ 12:10:46 PM
Script : http://www.cutimalaysia.my/admincp/u....php?do=update
Referrer : http://www.cutimalaysia.my/admincp/u...&usergroupid=7
IP Address :
Username : Mr. Tuah
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.0.91-community-log

What does this has to do with vBExperience? I'm not using permissions at all.


Originally Posted by Hang Tuah (Post 2130308)
point for vbexperience can be use in vbshop?

No, you will have to use the Point Market System by TheMayhem.

myco 12-07-2010 02:14 PM

Hope you understand what i mean :D

I wanna have that Members can exchange their Points to a discount in my Shop.

Can i give Points for for an achievement?
It would be for an online exchange service.
In my case for edible mushroom cultures.
if I receive a culture i give Points for a Shop discount.
That would be an incentive to goes through
Is this possible ?
And sorry for my bad english :)

steve1966 12-07-2010 07:11 PM

Thank you I am trying this now

Phalynx 12-07-2010 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by myco (Post 2130446)
Hope you understand what i mean :D

I wanna have that Members can exchange their Points to a discount in my Shop.

Can i give Points for for an achievement?
It would be for an online exchange service.
In my case for edible mushroom cultures.
if I receive a culture i give Points for a Shop discount.
That would be an incentive to goes through
Is this possible ?
And sorry for my bad english :)

I'm not sure if I understood this correctly. Which Shop are you using?
Exchanging points for another shop than Point Market System is not really working and has to be implemented by the author of the shop.

myco 12-07-2010 08:26 PM

No it`s a Magento Shop.
I want to exchange the reached Points to a shopping Coupon manually.

Phalynx 12-07-2010 08:48 PM

Manuelly you can manage points by using the custom points feature. There you can add and subtract points manuelly from user and also add a short description (coupon code?) to it.

myco 12-07-2010 09:11 PM

custom points feature - this it is
Thank you

woffie 12-07-2010 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by john locke (Post 2127822)
does it work with 4.1?

It is working fine on my board, I have not upgraded to the latest version of Experience though.

steve1966 12-08-2010 08:35 AM

Hello when I go to the option and click Assign Achievements I get this showing on the page and the browser does nothing else other than to keep reloading the same information is this correct? the browser title just says it loading

I am ruuning vb 4.08 and installed vbexp 4.03 gold


Assign Achievements
Processing achievement 1
Processing achievement 2
Processing achievement 3
Processing achievement 4
Processing achievement 5
Processing achievement 6
Processing achievement 7
Processing achievement 8

Processing Complete - Proceed
Also please can you tell me what product pugin I need to upload because i am using pirate poker thank you

Phalynx 12-08-2010 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by steve1966 (Post 2130773)
Hello when I go to the option and click Assign Achievements I get this showing on the page and the browser does nothing else other than to keep reloading the same information is this correct? the browser title just says it loading

I am ruuning vb 4.08 and installed vbexp 4.03 gold

Also please can you tell me what product pugin I need to upload because i am using pirate poker thank you

It seems reloading but in fact he is checking every achievement/user combination.

About pirate poker, the plugin should be delivered with the poker system.

steve1966 12-08-2010 07:54 PM

Thank you Phalynx

cungchuctanxuan 12-11-2010 04:25 AM

Hi, How come my points are just 1 even though I have posted lots of threads and I set the point award for posting each thread is 2

onehost 12-14-2010 04:01 AM

For those that run VBExp:

What do you think of this mod?

Is this the best reward mod out?

or is there anything better?

Thanks all

OldSchoolDSL 12-14-2010 04:41 AM

4.0.4 working flawlessly on 4.1.0 Patch Level 2

I decided when updating my community, I may as well update this too.

The vAcrade3 plug-in finally works on this too (didn't for some reason on the last version)

I look forward to see more development on this project as always.

OldSchoolDSL 12-14-2010 04:42 AM


Originally Posted by onehost (Post 2133616)
For those that run VBExp:

What do you think of this mod?

Is this the best reward mod out?

or is there anything better?

Thanks all

If there is anything else out there... It can not compare to the amount of 3rd party support this has and also the level of support the developer places into this.

This is the best it gets in my opinion :up:

onehost 12-14-2010 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2133630)
If there is anything else out there... It can not compare to the amount of 3rd party support this has and also the level of support the developer places into this.

This is the best it gets in my opinion :up:

thats good to hear...I have to find better ways to enchance my forum
in order to get more users posting, maybe it will improve activity....
so far it does not seemlike I can get money to post unless money
is some how involved....Its like a busy airport when they know
you are paying, but when the contest is over, or money is not
flowing their way, they all seem to scatter....no more posts...

OldSchoolDSL 12-14-2010 05:22 AM


Originally Posted by onehost (Post 2133633)
thats good to hear...I have to find better ways to enchance my forum
in order to get more users posting, maybe it will improve activity....
so far it does not seemlike I can get money to post unless money
is some how involved....Its like a busy airport when they know
you are paying, but when the contest is over, or money is not
flowing their way, they all seem to scatter....no more posts...

Can't say its a good idea to be "paying" your community to be a part of it. But that's just my opinion.

What I can say, is this Mod has a lot of 3rd party support... ie... There are other Mods in which develop or include add-ons for this mod, with their word. Also Phalynx who makes this... Puts so much time and effort into this mod & makes a strong point to address many questions and concerns... That I'm often surprised this is free (but very deeply thankful for it).

onehost 12-14-2010 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2133637)
Can't say its a good idea to be "paying" your community to be a part of it. But that's just my opinion.

What I can say, is this Mod has a lot of 3rd party support... ie... There are other Mods in which develop or include add-ons for this mod, with their word. Also Phalynx who makes this... Puts so much time and effort into this mod & makes a strong point to address many questions and concerns... That I'm often surprised this is free (but very deeply thankful for it).

I assure you, starting a new forum, and not offering something in return,
you will clearly have an empty forum, members like to be around
activity, and activity seems to draw them in...no activity, no members,
no members, no member posting, crap runs down hill....a forum will
not grow itself...and people generally do not want to particiate on a new forum.

Phalynx 12-14-2010 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by cungchuctanxuan (Post 2132260)
Hi, How come my points are just 1 even though I have posted lots of threads and I set the point award for posting each thread is 2

Are the points still on 1? It seems the cron is not running to collect points. Please check if the vBExperience Cron has run.


Originally Posted by OldSchoolDSL (Post 2133629)
4.0.4 working flawlessly on 4.1.0 Patch Level 2

I decided when updating my community, I may as well update this too.

The vAcrade3 plug-in finally works on this too (didn't for some reason on the last version)

I look forward to see more development on this project as always.

Thanks for confirmation.


Originally Posted by onehost (Post 2133642)
I assure you, starting a new forum, and not offering something in return,
you will clearly have an empty forum, members like to be around
activity, and activity seems to draw them in...no activity, no members,
no members, no member posting, crap runs down hill....a forum will
not grow itself...and people generally do not want to particiate on a new forum.

vBExperience is awakening the "collect them all" animal in all of us. User can collect points and is getting rewared with Achievements, level ups, promotions. It collects also data for existing forums. For the beginning you will have to make a start by asking all your friends to post something. You need also a topic that is interesting. For example, just another offtopic forum will not grow as there are too many of them. Unique content is the key.

RollaJedi 12-14-2010 12:13 PM

thats the animal i'm wanting to put in my forum, exactly! we are a star wars collecting community and i want a way they can 'collect' something on the site. i love this mod and i truly am appreciative of such a great mod it has in phalynx! :)

onehost 12-14-2010 05:17 PM


Originally Posted by Phalynx (Post 2133658)
Are the points still on 1? It seems the cron is not running to collect points. Please check if the vBExperience Cron has run.

Thanks for confirmation.

vBExperience is awakening the "collect them all" animal in all of us. User can collect points and is getting rewared with Achievements, level ups, promotions. It collects also data for existing forums. For the beginning you will have to make a start by asking all your friends to post something. You need also a topic that is interesting. For example, just another offtopic forum will not grow as there are too many of them. Unique content is the key.

writing unique content is not an issue. But it is rare to find any forum
that is unique that has not already been started, and if that is the case
you are telling people, dont even bother setting up a forum since
there are others already here, and ahead of you....

So your saying:

DP is already here, so why waste time setting up a webmaster forum.
WF is already here, so why waste time setup up a Internet Marketing forum.

Hell, I think I am just going to quit my job, I am never going to
make manager, why should I when that other guy has more expeience and a degree.

I am just going to give up because another forum may have a few years experience over my forum.

why even bother living at this point...

reddyink 12-15-2010 11:41 PM

Hello, I would like to remove the tab which got installed automatically on the navbar from this MOD. Which template I need edit to remove and how.

Many thanks for an excellent MOD.

Bouncer222 12-15-2010 11:42 PM

Hey Phalynx,

I believe I have a pretty nice idea for your mod... as a user of your mod for over a year, I really appreciate it and it helps boost our forum activity BY A LOT!

My suggestion:

Could you make it so that lets say if a user refers someone else they get a point (already done). But if that user refers someone else afterwards, the original referrer gets a point.

Bob refers John, Bob gets a point.
John refers Adam, Bob and John get a point.

Make it so that maybe as the tree gets further generations (if you get my visual concept), the further the user is away, the less points an original user will get. This would be made so that the original user wouldn't accumulate TOO much points.

Another idea using the same concept, is the option to give them points based on their points, actions etc..

We would have the option to check off what actions a "Tree grower" would receive points for and how much.

What you think? This would make members VERY happy on our boards, because now other people are doing the job of earning points for them, and in return, the forums thrive in activity.

GPOClan 12-21-2010 06:52 PM

Great!!! But why I don't get level up? All my members need 0 points...

dannycutts 12-23-2010 10:07 AM

Hi does this work with 4.1.0 patch 2?

I currently have VBexperience 4 installed but I think its version 4.0.4

If there is an update... how do I do the update?

Thanks :-)


Phalynx 12-23-2010 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by reddyink (Post 2134536)
Hello, I would like to remove the tab which got installed automatically on the navbar from this MOD. Which template I need edit to remove and how.

Many thanks for an excellent MOD.

You can remote it via settings.


Originally Posted by Bouncer222 (Post 2134538)
Hey Phalynx,

I believe I have a pretty nice idea for your mod... as a user of your mod for over a year, I really appreciate it and it helps boost our forum activity BY A LOT!

My suggestion:

Could you make it so that lets say if a user refers someone else they get a point (already done). But if that user refers someone else afterwards, the original referrer gets a point.

Bob refers John, Bob gets a point.
John refers Adam, Bob and John get a point.

Make it so that maybe as the tree gets further generations (if you get my visual concept), the further the user is away, the less points an original user will get. This would be made so that the original user wouldn't accumulate TOO much points.

Another idea using the same concept, is the option to give them points based on their points, actions etc..

We would have the option to check off what actions a "Tree grower" would receive points for and how much.

What you think? This would make members VERY happy on our boards, because now other people are doing the job of earning points for them, and in return, the forums thrive in activity.

Such a feature comes with vBExperience 4.1, as there is someone who paid for this. But it's not 100% the same. You get a defined amount, f.e. 5% of the new users points additionally to your own points.


Originally Posted by GPOClan (Post 2137326)
Great!!! But why I don't get level up? All my members need 0 points...

You need to install a level file, see readme for installation.


Originally Posted by dannycutts (Post 2138017)
Hi does this work with 4.1.0 patch 2?

I currently have VBexperience 4 installed but I think its version 4.0.4

If there is an update... how do I do the update?

Thanks :-)


vBExperience 4.0.4 works great with vBulletin 4.1 PL2

dannycutts 12-23-2010 12:24 PM

So do I have teh current version installed? Is 4.0.4 the latest version :-)


Phototrope 12-23-2010 12:28 PM

Great mod. Installed on 4.0.7 and works like a dream. +Nominated.

I have one question: I want to set up an award so that only one person can get that award each month.

What's the best way to do that?

Many thanks.

Phalynx 12-23-2010 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by Phototrope (Post 2138050)
Great mod. Installed on 4.0.7 and works like a dream. +Nominated.

I have one question: I want to set up an award so that only one person can get that award each month.

What's the best way to do that?

Many thanks.

Assign the award manually to that user.

Phototrope 12-23-2010 12:40 PM

Hi Phalynx,

That's one way of doing it, but I want the award to be based on some metric. For example, "the author with the most highly rated posts". (There should only be one of these each month)

Phalynx 12-23-2010 12:46 PM

You can do it just for all time calc, not for one month.

Phototrope 12-23-2010 12:48 PM

Ok, I get it. (Light switches on above head). Thanks for awesome response time.

By the way, how easy is it to integrate this with the "Helpful Answers" mod?


Phalynx 12-23-2010 12:52 PM

Just install the plugin, you can find it in the Plugins folder of vBExperience ZIP.

Phototrope 12-23-2010 12:59 PM

Yes, brilliant. A very well-deserved 3xMOTM.

Phototrope 12-23-2010 01:51 PM

Phalynx, your mod is brilliant, but I need to modify it and add a new field: "points earned this month". (Should be simple enough)

Then I can create awards based on this field.

Phototrope 12-23-2010 02:13 PM

And another mod: add a field to awards called "Limit the number of users who can have this award".

Set this to 1 for an award called "Member of the month". This award is based on "points earned per month" field (described above).

So, automatically the user with the most points will get the "Member of the month" award, and the previous winner of this award will automatically return it.

What do you think?

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