Originally Posted by Martin64
(Post 2557341)
The mod is working fine and the leagues are updated regularly. If you're having issues, read on.
Starting with vBulletin 4.2.3 (I think, I skipped a couple of 4.2.2 PL versions), fsockopen support was dropped by vBulletin. I think it was dropped for security reasons, I haven't looked into it though. What this means is that your forum is unable to connect to the league update database since it's using fsockopen to communicate.
To find out if this is the reason your leagues aren't being updated automatically, go to Admin CP > Football Betting > Diagnostics. The response code of XML-RPC Client-Test ("ping?") should be "pong". If it says "error", do this to re-enable fsockopen support:
Open includes/class_vurl.php
Search for
PHP Code:
var $classnames = array('cURL');
Replace with:
PHP Code:
var $classnames = array('cURL', 'fsockopen');
Right at the bottom of the file, search for:
PHP Code:
return VURL_HANDLED; } return VURL_NEXT; } }
Below it, add:
PHP Code:
class vB_vURL_fsockopen { /** * String that holds the cURL callback data * * @var string */ var $response_text = ''; /** * String that holds the cURL callback data * * @var string */ var $response_header = ''; /** * vB_vURL object * * @var object */ var $vurl = null; /** * Filepointer to the temporary file * * @var resource */ var $fp = null; /** * Length of the current response * * @var integer */ var $response_length = 0; /** * If the current result is when the max limit is reached * * @var integer */ var $max_limit_reached = false; /** * Constructor * * @param object Instance of a vB_vURL Object */ function vB_vURL_fsockopen(&$vurl_registry) { if (!($vurl_registry instanceof vB_vURL)) { trigger_error('Direct Instantiation of ' . __CLASS__ . ' prohibited.', E_USER_ERROR); } $this->vurl =& $vurl_registry; } /** * Tests sockets for ssl support. * * @return bool Success * */ function test_ssl() { return function_exists('openssl_open'); } /** * Clears all previous request info */ function reset() { $this->response_text = ''; $this->response_header = ''; $this->response_length = 0; $this->max_limit_reached = false; } /** * Inflates the response if its gzip or deflate */ function inflate_response($type) { if (!empty($this->response_text)) { switch($type) { case 'gzip': if ($this->response_text[0] == "\x1F" AND $this->response_text[1] == "\x8b") { if ($inflated = @gzinflate(substr($this->response_text, 10))) { $this->response_text = $inflated; } } break; case 'deflate': if ($this->response_text[0] == "\x78" AND $this->response_text[1] == "\x9C" AND $inflated = @gzinflate(substr($this->response_text, 2))) { $this->response_text = $inflated; } else if ($inflated = @gzinflate($this->response_text)) { $this->response_text = $inflated; } break; } } else { $compressed_file = $this->vurl->tmpfile; if ($gzfp = @gzopen($compressed_file, 'r')) { if ($newfp = @fopen($this->vurl->tmpfile . 'u', 'w')) { $this->vurl->tmpfile = $this->vurl->tmpfile . 'u'; if (function_exists('stream_copy_to_stream')) { stream_copy_to_stream($gzfp, $newfp); } else { while(!gzeof($gzfp)) { fwrite($fp, gzread($gzfp, 20480)); } } fclose($newfp); } fclose($gzfp); @unlink($compressed_file); } } } /** * Callback for handling the request body * * @param string Request * * @return integer length of the request */ function callback_response($response) { $chunk_length = strlen($response); // no filepointer and we're using or about to use more than 100k if (!$this->fp AND $this->response_length + $chunk_length >= 1024*100) { if ($this->fp = @fopen($this->vurl->tmpfile, 'wb')) { fwrite($this->fp, $this->response_text); unset($this->response_text); } } if ($response) { if ($this->fp) { fwrite($this->fp, $response); } else { $this->response_text .= $response; } } $this->response_length += $chunk_length; if ($this->vurl->options[VURL_MAXSIZE] AND $this->response_length > $this->vurl->options[VURL_MAXSIZE]) { $this->max_limit_reached = true; $this->vurl->set_error(VURL_ERROR_MAXSIZE); return false; } return $chunk_length; } /** * Performs fetching of the file if possible * * @return integer Returns one of two constants, VURL_NEXT or VURL_HANDLED */ function exec() { static $location_following_count = 0; $urlinfo = $this->vurl->registry->input->parse_url($this->vurl->options[VURL_URL]); if (empty($urlinfo['port'])) { if ($urlinfo['scheme'] == 'https') { $urlinfo['port'] = 443; } else { $urlinfo['port'] = 80; } } if (empty($urlinfo['path'])) { $urlinfo['path'] = '/'; } if ($urlinfo['scheme'] == 'https') { if (!function_exists('openssl_open')) { $this->vurl->set_error(VURL_ERROR_SSL); return VURL_NEXT; } $scheme = 'ssl://'; } if ($request_resource = @fsockopen($scheme . $urlinfo['host'], $urlinfo['port'], $errno, $errstr, $this->vurl->options[VURL_TIMEOUT])) { $headers = array(); if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_NOBODY) { $this->vurl->options[VURL_CUSTOMREQUEST] = 'HEAD'; } if ($this->vurl->options[VURL_CUSTOMREQUEST]) { $headers[] = $this->vurl->options[VURL_CUSTOMREQUEST] . " $urlinfo[path]" . ($urlinfo['query'] ? "?$urlinfo[query]" : '') . " HTTP/1.0"; } else if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_POST) { $headers[] = "POST $urlinfo[path]" . ($urlinfo['query'] ? "?$urlinfo[query]" : '') . " HTTP/1.0"; if (empty($this->vurl->headerkey['content-type'])) { $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; } if (empty($this->vurl->headerkey['content-length'])) { $headers[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($this->vurl->options[VURL_POSTFIELDS]); } } else { $headers[] = "GET $urlinfo[path]" . ($urlinfo['query'] ? "?$urlinfo[query]" : '') . " HTTP/1.0"; } $headers[] = "Host: $urlinfo[host]"; if (!empty($this->vurl->options[VURL_HTTPHEADER])) { $headers = array_merge($headers, $this->vurl->options[VURL_HTTPHEADER]); } if ($this->vurl->options[VURL_ENCODING]) { $encodemethods = explode(',', $this->vurl->options[VURL_ENCODING]); $finalmethods = array(); foreach ($encodemethods AS $type) { $type = strtolower(trim($type)); if ($type == 'gzip' AND function_exists('gzinflate')) { $finalmethods[] = 'gzip'; } else if ($type == 'deflate' AND function_exists('gzinflate')) { $finalmethods[] = 'deflate'; } else { $finalmethods[] = $type; } } if (!empty($finalmethods)) { $headers[] = "Accept-Encoding: " . implode(', ', $finalmethods); } } $output = implode("\r\n", $headers) . "\r\n\r\n"; if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_POST) { $output .= $this->vurl->options[VURL_POSTFIELDS]; } $result = false; if (fputs($request_resource, $output, strlen($output))) { stream_set_timeout($request_resource, $this->vurl->options[VURL_TIMEOUT]); $in_header = true; $result = true; while (!feof($request_resource)) { $response = @fread($request_resource, 2048); if ($in_header) { $header_end_position = strpos($response, "\r\n\r\n"); if ($header_end_position === false) { $this->response_header .= $response; } else { $this->response_header .= substr($response, 0, $header_end_position); $in_header = false; $response = substr($response, $header_end_position + 4); } } if ($this->callback_response($response) != strlen($response)) { $result = false; break; } } fclose($request_resource); } if ($this->fp) { fclose($this->fp); $this->fp = null; } if ($result !== false OR (!$this->vurl->options[VURL_DIEONMAXSIZE] AND $this->max_limit_reached)) { if ($this->vurl->bitoptions & VURL_FOLLOWLOCATION AND preg_match("#\r\nLocation: (.*)(\r\n|$)#siU", $this->response_header, $location) AND $location_following_count < $this->vurl->options[VURL_MAXREDIRS]) { $location_following_count++; $this->vurl->set_option(VURL_URL, trim($location[1])); $this->reset(); return $this->exec(); } // need to handle gzip if it was used if (function_exists('gzinflate')) { if (stristr($this->response_header, "Content-encoding: gzip\r\n") !== false) { $this->inflate_response('gzip'); } else if (stristr($this->response_header, "Content-encoding: deflate\r\n") !== false) { $this->inflate_response('deflate'); } } return VURL_HANDLED; } } return VURL_NEXT; } }
Save the file and upload. Run the diagnostics again to verify that it's working.