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-   -   Integration with vBulletin - Soccer Betting Game ("Fussball-Tippspiele") (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=238043)

tekram 09-19-2015 06:44 PM

Think there is a great Problem. The Server and the Site from AA_ the Coder are offline ...:(

MrD 09-20-2015 10:57 AM

Hi Tekram,
the Site (Board) from AA and the Server are not offline :)


Aktuelle Daten abrufen (Letzte Aktualisierung: Gestern, 19:24)

TiKu 09-20-2015 06:25 PM

Same here, no updates anymore. I hope it is just a temporary problem. Our users love this plugin.

nick-harper 09-20-2015 06:36 PM

Same issue here, won't update the results :(

If anybody needs server space for this then PM me!

nick-harper 09-20-2015 06:52 PM

Can anybody see the address to the server or anything in the source code? i have had a quick look but no joy :(

nick-harper 09-20-2015 07:07 PM

OK so the link is https://xml.vbsoccer.de:8443/

The forum is still up at https://xml.vbsoccer.de/, but it asks for a username and pass for the data. Is this the issue?

If it is a server / bandwidth issue or resources then just let me know and I will see if I can host it for free!

MrD 09-21-2015 04:30 PM

the Server are not Down, and the Updates come from it.

PHP Code:

Aktuelle Daten abrufen (Letzte AktualisierungHeute07:33)

Under Maintance
-Client     XML-RPC
-RPC Client-Test ("ping?")     "pong!"
HTML-Charset     ISO-8859-

5starpool 09-21-2015 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by MrD (Post 2555470)
the Server are not Down, and the Updates come from it.

PHP Code:

Aktuelle Daten abrufen (Letzte AktualisierungHeute07:33)

Under Maintance
-Client     XML-RPC
-RPC Client-Test ("ping?")     "pong!"
HTML-Charset     ISO-8859-

No updates coming through to my install though.

(Last Update: 14-09-15, 21:55)

nick-harper 09-22-2015 07:34 AM

It looks like this is an issue at Xenforo too.

nick-harper 09-22-2015 10:15 AM

I have created a script to allow you to manually do the results:


Just upload it, put your database info in and it should work! (Tested with UK leagues)

Im happy to host the datasource if the old host is having issues though!

5starpool 09-22-2015 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by nick-harper (Post 2555515)
I have created a script to allow you to manually do the results:


Just upload it, put your database info in and it should work! (Tested with UK leagues)

Im happy to host the datasource if the old host is having issues though!

Thanks. Any more detailed instructions for how to make this work for the non expert?

nick-harper 09-22-2015 05:30 PM

You just need to extract it, open it up in a text editor and edit the database details and then upload the file to the root of your site. (this is assuming the db tables have vb_ at the start)

5starpool 09-22-2015 06:44 PM

Ya, I did all that (dbuser, dbpassword, dbname), but nothing has changed for me I'm afraid. I haven't renamed any of the DB tables obviously. Premier League matchday 6 not updated still.

Ah well, thanks anyhow.

5starpool 09-22-2015 06:49 PM

In the diagnostics section of the 'Fussball-Tippspiele' admincp section, I see the following.

/vbsoccer.php File does not contain expected contents
/includes/functions_vbsoccer.php File does not contain expected contents

Is this normal and what others are seeing? Both php files are in place and unedited for ages so I assume not necessarily connected to the problems since I'm not the only one?

nick-harper 09-22-2015 06:58 PM

Did you update the scores using the form?

5starpool 09-22-2015 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by nick-harper (Post 2555562)
Did you update the scores using the form?

I clicked the 'get updated data' link and nothing changed. If there is another link to update via your script I can't see that.

nick-harper 09-22-2015 07:26 PM

No, you need to browse to the php file on your server and then update then manually!

TiKu 09-22-2015 08:59 PM

Do I misunderstand the script or is the automatic update working again? I started to try the script from nick-harper (many thanks btw). But before I clicked "Update", all results have been filled in in the forum?!

blue6995 09-23-2015 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by nick-harper (Post 2555408)
OK so the link is https://xml.vbsoccer.de:8443/

The forum is still up at https://xml.vbsoccer.de/, but it asks for a username and pass for the data. Is this the issue?

If it is a server / bandwidth issue or resources then just let me know and I will see if I can host it for free!

Nick, are you going to host this? I still can't update the results.

TiKu 09-23-2015 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by TiKu (Post 2555574)
Do I misunderstand the script or is the automatic update working again? I started to try the script from nick-harper (many thanks btw). But before I clicked "Update", all results have been filled in in the forum?!

Ok, for my forum it is working again (without Nick's script). I see intermediate results of currently running matches (German DFB cup).
And finally I can add UEFA European League.

nick-harper 09-23-2015 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by blue6995 (Post 2555588)
Nick, are you going to host this? I still can't update the results.

If the person who hosts it at the minute (I am not sure if it is the author) is having issues then I'd be happy to.

I'd need them to get in touch though as it would need things like the data source etc setting on the server as well as the dns so it is not something I could do myself without their input :(

nick-harper 09-23-2015 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by TiKu (Post 2555574)
Do I misunderstand the script or is the automatic update working again? I started to try the script from nick-harper (many thanks btw). But before I clicked "Update", all results have been filled in in the forum?!

I wish it did fix the automatic update, it sounds like it may have started to work again. I haven't got any games until Saturday so will see then if it updates or not.

ArcadeSyndicate 09-23-2015 09:43 PM

<a href="http://www.vbulletin-germany.org/showthread.php?5275-fussball-tippspiele&p=84751#post84751" target="_blank">http://www.vbulletin-germany.org/sho...4751#post84751</a>

it says the bundesliga was updated and the european league added yesterday.

blue6995 09-25-2015 06:09 AM

I have the UK Saturday Games but it appears that the Premiership results were last updated: (Last Update: 21-08-2015, 18:17)

Antonio Pereira 11-29-2015 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Martin64 (Post 2557341)
The mod is working fine and the leagues are updated regularly. If you're having issues, read on.

Starting with vBulletin 4.2.3 (I think, I skipped a couple of 4.2.2 PL versions), fsockopen support was dropped by vBulletin. I think it was dropped for security reasons, I haven't looked into it though. What this means is that your forum is unable to connect to the league update database since it's using fsockopen to communicate.

To find out if this is the reason your leagues aren't being updated automatically, go to Admin CP > Football Betting > Diagnostics. The response code of XML-RPC Client-Test ("ping?") should be "pong". If it says "error", do this to re-enable fsockopen support:

Open includes/class_vurl.php

Search for

PHP Code:

var $classnames = array('cURL'); 

Replace with:

PHP Code:

var $classnames = array('cURL''fsockopen'); 

Right at the bottom of the file, search for:

PHP Code:


Below it, add:

PHP Code:

class vB_vURL_fsockopen        
    * String that holds the cURL callback data        
    * @var    string        
var $response_text '';        
    * String that holds the cURL callback data        
    * @var    string        
var $response_header '';        
    * vB_vURL object        
    * @var    object        
var $vurl null;        
    * Filepointer to the temporary file        
    * @var    resource        
var $fp null;        
    * Length of the current response        
    * @var    integer        
var $response_length 0;        
    * If the current result is when the max limit is reached        
    * @var    integer        
var $max_limit_reached false;        
    * Constructor        
    * @param    object    Instance of a vB_vURL Object        
function vB_vURL_fsockopen(&$vurl_registry)        
        if (!(
$vurl_registry instanceof vB_vURL))        
trigger_error('Direct Instantiation of ' __CLASS__ ' prohibited.'E_USER_ERROR);        
$this->vurl =& $vurl_registry;        
     * Tests sockets for ssl support.        
     * @return    bool    Success        
function test_ssl()        
    * Clears all previous request info        
function reset()        
$this->response_text '';        
$this->response_header '';        
$this->response_length 0;        
$this->max_limit_reached false;        
    * Inflates the response if its gzip or deflate        
function inflate_response($type)        
        if (!empty(
                    if (
$this->response_text[0] == "\x1F" AND $this->response_text[1] == "\x8b")        
                        if (
$inflated = @gzinflate(substr($this->response_text10)))        
$this->response_text $inflated;        
                    if (
$this->response_text[0] == "\x78" AND $this->response_text[1] == "\x9C" AND $inflated = @gzinflate(substr($this->response_text2)))        
$this->response_text $inflated;        
                    else if (
$inflated = @gzinflate($this->response_text))        
$this->response_text $inflated;        
$compressed_file $this->vurl->tmpfile;        
            if (
$gzfp = @gzopen($compressed_file'r'))        
                if (
$newfp = @fopen($this->vurl->tmpfile 'u''w'))        
$this->vurl->tmpfile $this->vurl->tmpfile 'u';        
                    if (
    * Callback for handling the request body        
    * @param    string        Request        
    * @return    integer        length of the request        
function callback_response($response)        
$chunk_length strlen($response);        
// no filepointer and we're using or about to use more than 100k        
if (!$this->fp AND $this->response_length $chunk_length >= 1024*100)        
            if (
$this->fp = @fopen($this->vurl->tmpfile'wb'))        
        if (
            if (
$this->response_text .= $response;        
$this->response_length += $chunk_length;        
        if (
$this->vurl->options[VURL_MAXSIZE] AND $this->response_length $this->vurl->options[VURL_MAXSIZE])        
$this->max_limit_reached true;        
    * Performs fetching of the file if possible        
    * @return    integer        Returns one of two constants, VURL_NEXT or VURL_HANDLED        
function exec()        
$location_following_count 0;        
$urlinfo $this->vurl->registry->input->parse_url($this->vurl->options[VURL_URL]);        
        if (empty(
            if (
$urlinfo['scheme'] == 'https')        
$urlinfo['port'] = 443;        
$urlinfo['port'] = 80;        
        if (empty(
$urlinfo['path'] = '/';        
        if (
$urlinfo['scheme'] == 'https')        
            if (!
$scheme 'ssl://';        
        if (
$request_resource = @fsockopen($scheme $urlinfo['host'], $urlinfo['port'], $errno$errstr$this->vurl->options[VURL_TIMEOUT]))        
$headers = array();        
            if (
$this->vurl->bitoptions VURL_NOBODY)        
$this->vurl->options[VURL_CUSTOMREQUEST] = 'HEAD';        
            if (
$headers[] = $this->vurl->options[VURL_CUSTOMREQUEST] . $urlinfo[path]. ($urlinfo['query'] ? "?$urlinfo[query]'') . " HTTP/1.0";        
            else if (
$this->vurl->bitoptions VURL_POST)        
$headers[] = "POST $urlinfo[path]. ($urlinfo['query'] ? "?$urlinfo[query]'') . " HTTP/1.0";        
                if (empty(
$headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded';        
                if (empty(
$headers[] = 'Content-Length: ' strlen($this->vurl->options[VURL_POSTFIELDS]);        
$headers[] = "GET $urlinfo[path]. ($urlinfo['query'] ? "?$urlinfo[query]'') . " HTTP/1.0";        
$headers[] = "Host: $urlinfo[host]";        
            if (!empty(
$headers array_merge($headers$this->vurl->options[VURL_HTTPHEADER]);        
            if (
$encodemethods explode(','$this->vurl->options[VURL_ENCODING]);        
$finalmethods = array();        
                foreach (
$encodemethods AS $type)        
$type strtolower(trim($type));        
                    if (
$type == 'gzip' AND function_exists('gzinflate'))        
$finalmethods[] = 'gzip';        
                    else if (
$type == 'deflate' AND function_exists('gzinflate'))        
$finalmethods[] = 'deflate';        
$finalmethods[] = $type;        
                if (!empty(
$headers[] = "Accept-Encoding: " implode(', '$finalmethods);        
$output implode("\r\n"$headers) . "\r\n\r\n";        
            if (
$this->vurl->bitoptions VURL_POST)        
$output .= $this->vurl->options[VURL_POSTFIELDS];        
$result false;        
            if (
$in_header true;        
$result true;        
                while (!
$response = @fread($request_resource2048);        
                    if (
$header_end_position strpos($response"\r\n\r\n");        
                        if (
$header_end_position === false)        
$this->response_header .= $response;        
$this->response_header .= substr($response0$header_end_position);        
$in_header false;        
$response substr($response$header_end_position 4);        
                    if (
$this->callback_response($response) != strlen($response))        
$result false;        
            if (
$this->fp null;        
            if (
$result !== false OR (!$this->vurl->options[VURL_DIEONMAXSIZE] AND $this->max_limit_reached))        
                if (
$this->vurl->bitoptions VURL_FOLLOWLOCATION AND preg_match("#\r\nLocation: (.*)(\r\n|$)#siU"$this->response_header$location) AND $location_following_count $this->vurl->options[VURL_MAXREDIRS])        
// need to handle gzip if it was used        
if (function_exists('gzinflate'))        
                    if (
stristr($this->response_header"Content-encoding: gzip\r\n") !== false)        
                    else if (
stristr($this->response_header"Content-encoding: deflate\r\n") !== false)        

Save the file and upload. Run the diagnostics again to verify that it's working.

This dont work for me.
XML-RPC Client-Test ("ping?") "ERROR!"

Anyone have this working?

MrD 11-30-2015 04:30 PM

Take a Look here

Antonio Pereira 12-07-2015 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by MrD (Post 2559516)

Same problem.

What is the correct configuration with a new installation?

Install the vbsoccer_vb4_en_1.4.25RC8.zip and then what?

Best Regards

Antonio Pereira 12-17-2015 06:45 AM

What is the best way to put this working please :(

MrD 12-17-2015 10:22 AM

install the Addon and make the changes.
Or if you don´t like the Changes use an older class_vurl.php from Vb 4.2.1
But then you must ever change the File.

Antonio Pereira 12-19-2015 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by MrD (Post 2560660)
install the Addon and make the changes.
Or if you don?t like the Changes use an older class_vurl.php from Vb 4.2.1
But then you must ever change the File.

OK i install this version vbsoccer_vb4_en_1.4.25RC8.zip and what changes i have to make?

Best Regards

Antonio Pereira 01-01-2016 07:27 AM

Please can anyone tell-me how to resolve this bug with a fresh install?

motd2 01-02-2016 12:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Antonio Pereira (Post 2561588)
Please can anyone tell-me how to resolve this bug with a fresh install?

upload from attach

Wmteknik 01-26-2016 05:41 PM

Thank you.

madkeen 02-13-2016 11:58 PM

Does this support the Australian NRL football competition?

If not, can this be changed so the admin can enter results manually ?

motd2 02-14-2016 06:05 PM

It is too long do manually via database.

rasiel 03-04-2016 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by motd2 (Post 2561673)
upload from attach

Thank you. :) it s work

rob01 03-28-2016 11:56 PM

how i add a new league?

Abominus 04-23-2016 08:32 AM

"Der Datendienst antwortete nicht. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt erneut."

MarkFL 04-23-2016 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Abominus (Post 2569420)
"Der Datendienst antwortete nicht. Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem sp?teren Zeitpunkt erneut."

Please post in English. In order for us to be a community, a common language must be used, and here that language is English. :)

Abominus 04-23-2016 01:58 PM

Sorry, our forum uses the german version:

"The data service did not respond. Please try again later."

All times are GMT. The time now is 09:56 PM.

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