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mitch84 11-25-2009 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Reedly (Post 1920115)
Hello - Loved this add-on, and it worked perfectly, but our board users have decided they didn't use it and/or need it.

That said - I uninstalled it incorrectly. It appears I've gone in the wrong order, and now I'm receiving the same error that many are getting when someone tries to post a thread or post, and I cannot remove the xperience discussion ender product without the error, (the one the instructions say you may get!)

I'm at a loss, as I believe I've deleted every possible file associated with xperience. Is there a list of files to remove? Or does anyone have any advice on how to fix this issue?

Thank you

go to phpmyadmin and add this field in table user xperience_done

WebkinzCoast 11-25-2009 10:33 PM


My site has had problems with activity levels completely just dropping. One day a users at 100%, the next morning their at 5%. Do you have any solution?

shaqoneal 11-26-2009 05:06 AM

Phalynx - my PhotoPost is in a database different from vbulletin so the PhotoPost Pro add-on does not work. Can you please modify the plugin so that it can connect and pull data from the PhotoPost Pro database? It would be much appreciated.

MoRa GFX 11-28-2009 08:07 PM

Is there any way to change the width of the bars in the postbit? They stretch out too much on my postbit so it looks really weird. If anyone could help that would be great.

epp_forum 11-30-2009 01:08 PM


Great mod, I have 3 (simply) questions, I installed the beta3 version and under the group Experience in the Admin Cp I only see options to manage each section of the Mod, is this correct? Also, I want to only allow certain user groups to see the Stats in the forum, is it possible to control this with permissions?

Last one, I cannot get Experience points to show under members avatars, I think that is the postbit? Any ideas?


EWGF 12-01-2009 11:50 PM


Do you have any plans for custom conditions for achievements? Like:


<if condition="$userinfo['field8'] & 128 and $userinfo['field8'] & 256">Achievement X</if>

Edit: Ah, addon is necessary

DariuS7 12-04-2009 12:13 AM

How do you set up the promotions? I don't know where to add them at?

OFFSHORE DAN 12-04-2009 01:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Promotions are not working for me. Everything is set and double checked and triple checked and the promotions still do not work. Any help would be great. I have attached the .xml file of my levels. PLEASE HELP!

chick 12-04-2009 10:34 PM

I need some help locating wording that is on the awards page where it says: Favourite Person.

I need to change this to Favorite, most in the US do not spell it this way and I cannot find it in the phases or templates... can you advise please?

Falkware 12-05-2009 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by chick (Post 1925485)
I need some help locating wording that is on the awards page where it says: Favourite Person.

I need to change this to Favorite, most in the US do not spell it this way and I cannot find it in the phases or templates... can you advise please?

It's the wording within the Award itself. Just go edit that award and change the wording.

chick 12-05-2009 04:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hi falkware no its not there either, I am beginning to wonder if its in the database??? See picture, it uses the reputation field and its not there either.

EDOT.... doh I found it thank you

Vegetrunks 12-06-2009 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by OFFSHORE DAN (Post 1925227)
Promotions are not working for me. Everything is set and double checked and triple checked and the promotions still do not work. Any help would be great. I have attached the .xml file of my levels. PLEASE HELP!

My same problem.

I have installed the last beta. Now the promotion system don't work.

The option "Use the promotion system?" is set to yes, I click on "Import vBExperience Legacy Level Promotions" and "Update Promotions", but nothing...

Can you help us, Phalynx?

OFFSHORE DAN 12-08-2009 02:26 PM

If i run the promotion manually it works so I am wondering if it is just the cron that is supposed to run it daily that is the problem.

AllenMead 12-08-2009 04:16 PM

I'm at a loss getting the shop to work.. I've tried all the settings, but cannot get to see where the link to the shop is. I've installed downloads II.


bada_bing 12-08-2009 07:49 PM

I was thinking of installing this mod but my concerns are performance hits on my server? I have a pretty populated site around 10K members and pretty active anyone notice a performance increase after this mods was installed?

fatal1980 12-09-2009 02:40 PM

In the "Points for Posts" there is an area for Attachments. Does anyone know which counter I need to update to have that value correct?

I have tried updating post counts and updating experience points etc... but I still have the value of the amount of attachments even though attachments have been removed...

samuelflo 12-10-2009 08:02 PM

I've got everything set, works great.

One problem. I don't see where I can install the add on for DownloadsII.

I've tried the plugin and product manager, but no luck. It tells me its a plugin.

Running beta 3.

Thanks for the mod.

PlayersBay 12-12-2009 02:21 AM

Great mod. Installed. Where do I change the values for how much points user earn per action?

yahooooh 12-12-2009 07:58 AM

it works perfect thanks

BullpupRef 12-12-2009 05:52 PM

I was posting in the wrong support thread. Sorry. Here is the issue I'm having. Thank you for any help! Sorry for the cross post. I will search this thread to see if this issue has already been addressed. If it has someone please feel free to link it for me! Thanks a lot.


Thanks for the great Mod. Me and my users are liking it a lot.

My forum is located at www.oneseasonnation.com/forum

the problem is I created a custom award....and entered in the usernames of the people who I wanted the award to go to.

Every 10 minutes....the system says they return the award, then notifies them they have a new award, effectively spamming their PM box, and creating a mess on their activity page.

Is there a fix for this, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for the help!

Here is a screenshot of what is happening to ALL users. Thank you!


helmica 12-12-2009 06:06 PM

how to download vBExperience 4.0? :confused::confused:

thanks in advance for your help



Differentiation 12-13-2009 12:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, I've worked out my previous problem too.
Is there anyway to implement a "currency" which is strictly for buying stuff in the shop instead of using experience points or custom points?

Edit again: What is the template name for the items being shown on postbit? I want to get rid of that ugly box and replace it, haha.

Please refer to attachment.

Edit: I found the templaet name, how can I make it so "items" won't be italicized. and i also want to add a colon too.
Edit3: Also requiring a fix for the fatal error that gets generated when users donate all their experience.

AK47 Nemesis 12-15-2009 09:13 PM

Great addon, everything works fine. Got just 1 error so far. The profile block for achievements doesn't display any achievements for some reason.


As you can see, I have 2 achievements (Activity tab), but they don't appear in the achievement block.

EDIT: They aren't showing up in the postbit aswell (When enabled).

yahooooh 12-21-2009 05:59 AM

any update in this great product to be in gold release because it still in beta

weindians 12-21-2009 12:19 PM

nice one...i will try it..

orange peel 12-22-2009 04:12 PM

Hi I just uploaded VBExp
But the Level bar (the orange one) doesnt seem to be increasing at all

Also, I dont like the how the bars look in the posts and was wondering if I could customize it somehow (I know its possible). And how can I add text above each bar that says like "Level 1" like it does when you click the name.

And how do I get rid of the Shop?

Stryker412 12-22-2009 05:51 PM

I'm having an issue with the donation award. It doesn't seem to be calculating anymore. I use Cyb's Paypal donate system.

qbn720 12-22-2009 06:32 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey Phalynx,

Great work with the additional feature, but I am having some trouble with it. My board has about 500 members and the issue I'm having is that not all the members are being displayed in the statistics. It only displays about 42 members and of the 42 members, part of them have negative points and I'm not really sure where to begin. I have attached a screenshot to this post.

Thank you,

Stryker412 12-23-2009 01:27 PM

Does anyone have more achievements? Or is there a new add-on that adds more?

doubleclick 12-24-2009 09:55 AM

I asked this about a month and a half ago. Sorry for the bump, but it's getting buried and I'm still looking for an answer.


Originally Posted by doubleclick (Post 1913074)
Hello -

I'm trying to simplify things a bit, and would like to accomplish the following:

  1. Have the How to Earn points be all on one page, with category strips to separate the types rather than separate tabs for each. Makes it easier for the users to see it all in a glance without having to poke around so much.
  2. Have no categories for prizes, so when a user click the "Shop" link, they see a catalogue of all prizes, rather than the folders. I don't have that many prizes, and it's more impressive if they all show up at once rather than to be divided. Also, it's one less click for the users to get to the goodies.

How can these be done?


BioFall 12-24-2009 05:17 PM

Sweet Mod, Just one question, how can I easly change the word "Shop" to "Unlockables"? I looked in the xpereince.php file but that's a bit over my head.

AllinJac 12-24-2009 07:03 PM

Just wanted to see if this Forum is still being supported.... I notice that the Programmer has not logged on since November 4th...

Just checking.... Looks awesome just wanted to know if it was still supported....


The Collector

Bouncer222 12-24-2009 08:34 PM

Does this work for VB4 ? If not, will it be upgraded to work for VB4 latest version?

If no for both of those, is there another mod that is like this? With experience for posts , threads, logging in etc..

miket1234 12-24-2009 09:41 PM

when will be the release for vBulletin 4.0.0

conspirator 12-25-2009 12:49 PM

Any update on its availability on vb4? :)

TimesOut 12-25-2009 03:46 PM


After I installed vBExperience I tried to Update Experience points but I get this error

Database error in vBulletin 3.8.4:

Invalid SQL:
                        COUNT(p.postid) as mycount
                        FROM post as p
                        INNER JOIN thread AS t ON (p.threadid = t.threadid)
                        WHERE p.visible=1 AND p.dateline>1259943720 AND t.forumid NOT IN(13،16،20)
                        GROUP BY p.userid
                        ORDER BY mycount DESC
                        LIMIT 0,10;

MySQL Error  : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '،16،20)
                        GROUP BY p.userid
                        ORDER BY mycount DESC
                        LIMIT 0,10' at line 5
Error Number  : 1064
Request Date  : Friday, December 25th 2009 @ 04:22:42 PM
Error Date    : Friday, December 25th 2009 @ 04:22:42 PM
Script        : http://ibrigate.com/vb/admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=xperience_admin_recount_xp
Referrer      : http://ibrigate.com/vb/admincp/xperience_admin.php?do=recount
IP Address    : **********
Username      : ********
Classname    : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 5.1.40-log

Any solution?

mikeinjersey 12-26-2009 07:20 PM


Originally Posted by conspirator (Post 1937954)
Any update on its availability on vb4? :)

Would also like to know the same...can you atleast tell us if its days, weeks, months away ?

Also, have any of you upgraded and just temporarily disabled the plugin till its compatible? Thats what i'm thinking about doing. any errors ?

Hawks282 12-29-2009 05:38 AM

Very nice. If I may off a suggestion though, could you make an "Expiration" field in the shop items? I'll probably be using this for TF2 server 'effects' (Gibb on all weapons, sparkly effects, temp admin, etc) and it'd be nice to make them only last for x days.

Whatah 12-30-2009 02:41 PM

yes is looks like the developer has not logged in for almost 2 months.

currently i am using the beta release and any member who donates all their points loses the ability to open their my profile link. this is a frustrating situation to remain in for over a month.

anyone know what steps i need to take to roll back from the beta release to the last known stable build? it will be sad to lose the achievements feature but I cannot allow for this bug to continue much longer since there is no telling when bug is going to be fixed, if ever.

ha, funny thing is that most of my members who originally donated points to put themselves into the negative have now posted their way out of their hole and are again able to access their profiles. still this is a pretty ugly bug because it breaks some of the functionality of vB.

kmohamed 12-30-2009 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by mikeinjersey (Post 1938857)
Would also like to know the same...can you atleast tell us if its days, weeks, months away ?

Also, have any of you upgraded and just temporarily disabled the plugin till its compatible? Thats what i'm thinking about doing. any errors ?

in term of database error there shouldn't be any .. i've tried it and it work %99.9
i am waiting for the vb4 version

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