Originally Posted by OAndrea
Is there any way to allow my forumers to change my user title, it says they can't and I am not sure how to allow it. Equal access to all user titles and all;)
You can manually hack out the setting for now, I have setup all scripts so they can not change userid = 1, or administrators information due to someone might change the owner's title/avatar to one thats really bad and the website owner would look bad and maybe cause bad business, etc...
I guess in the future, I can check the SUPER ADMINISTRATORS list and only protect those users, and/or add a setting if you are aware that someone could change your ADMIN title to "dumbass" or something as ludacris at that...
Originally Posted by dirtycrow
can some one help me out? i want to set up a daily lottery. what should i enter for "Time Active" & "Ending Time" to make it start and end every day at say 9 pm?
Leave ending time blank and then put in 86400 for Time Active for it to be daily.
Originally Posted by Yukino_AE
this mod rocks! lol is there a way to give specific users points instead of a mass giveaway to ALL users?
Use either Admin Donate, or go into the Admin CP and search for the user in Users and at the bottom left hand of the column, it will have eBS options for that user, you can modify the points,etc there.
Originally Posted by inspiration100
still getting a php error on the bank.
"Fatal error: Call to undefined function: standard_error() in /home/webmast/public_html/estore/action.bank.php on line 20"
and another error - "Fatal error: Call to undefined function: estore_build_proper_usergroups() in /home/webmast/public_html/estore.php on line 944"
Try to reupload all of the files again.
Originally Posted by Yukino_AE
i did this, everything is set. it's really weird that it's telling me the usergroup doesn't have permission. lol i'm the only admin and i know that it's set.
You have to enable the Usergroup Setting in the Admin CP. Goto Usergroups, Manage Usergroups, then the usergroup you want to be able to access the eStore, then at the very bottom there is a setting... "Can use eStore at all?", set that to Yes and it should work.
Originally Posted by lairnoc
Where can you see who won a lottery?
Nowhere just yet, but it will be coming soon. I'm going to make a "previous winners" link built into the lottery page in the near future.
Originally Posted by QueenBee
is there anyway to make it send u a message when someone buys you a gift?
Technically, it does this now, it just adds it onto your eStore History. I'll add some new settings for PM's in the future for Donate, Admin Donate, Gift, Thief, and the other options that change "others" stuff.
Originally Posted by flypaper
I'd like to actually have a post in the thread stating it, but I'm pretty sure I can figure that part out myself. <3
v1.1.5 is released, it logs into the item's history, the thread ID that was purchased, it even provides a link to the thread when you click on the Thread ID. Some other items log information too, like Donate logs who to, etc..
Originally Posted by Ignignokt
Question about the lottery: If I have it set to give 5,000 to the winner, and only 1 person enters by purchasing a 100 point ticket, will they become the winner?
Yes, it randomly chooses a number between 0 and the amount of tickets that are purchased for the winner. So there is always a winner.
Originally Posted by Detomah
Ok 33 pages later, lol... If it is there, I missed it. >.<
How can I turn the "cost per download" thing for attachments off? I can't find it anywhere in any of the settings.
I can't have that bit implemented on my forum as it is a very heavily use attachments forum and I can see people abusing it, so I need to turn it off asap.
It's just been added into v1.1.5, goto eBux Options and there is an on/off for it now.
Originally Posted by QueenBee
can we see what everyone has done? like whos thieving?
v1.1.5 logs in the item history who the theft was attempted from as well as the "purchaser".