Stangsta |
12-26-2004 12:35 AM |
Originally Posted by NYI Fan
PLEASE don't take this the wrong way, but this is really a very very busy time of year for almost everyone - regardless of whether you celebrate any of the holidays this time of year, lots of things come up. Not making excuses for anyone, just offering what I think is a very valid reason support may have been scarse lately...
When you open signature.php, you get a completely blank page? No errors? and when you use it in a sig, nothing at all shows up? I am FAR from a pro, but maybe with the time I spent digging thru this thread and messing with my own, I can help? Sometimes all it takes is a fresh set of eyes...
Thanks for the response. I understand about people having a life outside of VB :) and, ill be patient, not a problem, just hope someday I can get this to work.
I get a completely blank page, it doesn't diaplay any errors on the page. If there is another way to check for errors, i am unfamiliar. I posted some info in a couple of my previous posts in this thread hoping it would shed some light.
I don't know if this helps, but my sig.jpg and signature.jpg files are identical, just 2 different names. Should the sig.jpg be the input image and signature.jpg be an ampty file?
Thanks for any and all assistance, it is greatly appreciated.