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Helmut71 10-26-2007 09:57 AM

@MagiKelly: would you share yor changings???

SVTCobraLTD 10-26-2007 04:14 PM

Can this show just one state as the main image? I would like to just show Pennsylvania in the US.


MagiKelly 10-26-2007 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by Helmut71 (Post 1368991)
@MagiKelly: would you share yor changings???

I read this post on the other thread


The only bit I was interested in was finding this bit


if ($get_xml_marker["pimage"]!='')
$pimage = $get_xml_marker["pimage"];
$pimage = $bburl."/images/googlemapme/noimage.png";
and changing it to this


if ($get_xml_marker["pimage"]!='')
$pimage = $bburl."/images/googlemapme/noimage.png";
$pimage = $bburl."/images/googlemapme/noimage.png";
Which with my simple understanding of code means that whatever the result of the "if" command it will always insert no image. Effectively ignoring whatever the user might put in the image field. Not exactly elegant but it works for me.

You need to make the same change to both files I did not bother with the other bits and then run the cron thing for good measure (told you I was not very technical:rolleyes:)

Hope this helps.

sturdy 10-27-2007 09:29 AM

The Entries of the users will not be shown at my map. Instead of showing I got a script error or something like that.

Please take a look at the screenshot.

edward hamilton 11-03-2007 07:28 PM

I installed and everything seemed to work until I entered (my entry) and clicked "Update the information" and got the following error.

Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:

Invalid SQL:
SET NAMES 'utf8';

MySQL Error : Unknown system variable 'NAMES'
Error Number : 1193

I appreciate your work. If you have a suggestion when you have some time I'd appreciate it.

psychotronic 11-06-2007 04:06 AM

why my map not showing up?
for the first install it's showing up..
and have few entry..
but after installing some product my map is gone..
check this url http://www.honda-tiger.or.id/forum/vbgooglemapme.php

kansei 11-29-2007 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by edward hamilton (Post 1375050)
Invalid SQL:
SET NAMES 'utf8';

MySQL Error : Unknown system variable 'NAMES'
Error Number : 1193

I appreciate your work. If you have a suggestion when you have some time I'd appreciate it.

same issue here but on 3.5.x

lovefiat500 12-03-2007 04:11 PM

same issue here but on 3.6.8

kansei 12-03-2007 07:26 PM

I'm getting that error a LOT, and even with the google maps mod disabled. It seems as though it is related to using an ancient version of mysql.

do a google search on this "SET NAMES 'utf8';" stuff comes up.

cSh 12-08-2007 10:49 PM

first of all good workings to everyone ...I've done everything , but I can saw at this page for visitors and users => http://www.cshtr.com/vbgooglemapme.php?do=showmain ...but I can see for my settings for this link => http://www.cshtr.com/vbgooglemapme.php?do=addelement ... what must I do?...where is the wrong?...Can someone help me? Can someone help me on msn who r Turkish? ...thanx for everything..good workings....

Cyburbia 12-11-2007 06:02 PM

Uninstalled. It was a great mod while I had it, but the markers disappeared, the fixes recommended in previous posts didn't work, and it looks like this plugin is no longer supported.

sturdy 12-14-2007 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by sturdy (Post 1369610)
The Entries of the users will not be shown at my map. Instead of showing I got a script error or something like that.

Please take a look at the screenshot.

How to fix this NOW ??????????????????????????????????????????????

sturdy 12-30-2007 06:45 PM

hello ?

mightyjlr 01-03-2008 05:39 PM

Anyone have any ideas? I installed it but it wont show any members. WTF

phifou 01-05-2008 12:50 PM

utf-8 problems (on old MySQL version)

simply comment //$db->query_first("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
in Php files...

Not viewing markers on main map ?

simply approve markers on AdminCP ;)

Enjoy !

mightyjlr 01-07-2008 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by phifou (Post 1415921)
simply approve markers on AdminCP ;)

Enjoy !

Nope. Markers are automatically approved. They show up in the list but not on the map.

No information even shows up in the dashboard on the main page map.

PoetJA-1975 01-07-2008 02:14 AM

Still says supported!?!?!? Odd - same issue...
Markers not showing up anymore on 3.6.8 PL2
Weird really... http://jpicforum.info/vbgooglemapme.php


RWerksman 01-07-2008 06:13 AM

Mine aren't showing up either. :(

RWerksman 01-10-2008 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by RWerksman (Post 1416977)
Mine aren't showing up either. :(

I actually fixed this. Seems that one of the members put something in the comments field that broke this addon.

I removed it and it's functioning properly again.

PoetJA-1975 01-11-2008 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by RWerksman (Post 1418914)
Seems that one of the members put something in the comments field that broke this addon.

What was input?



Obi Wan 01-25-2008 02:26 PM


ich habe die Version 2.5.1 installiert -> http://www.meisterkuehler.de/forum/vbgooglemapme.php

aber obwohl sich fast 200 Member eingetragen haben, werden seit einiger Zeit keine Sticker mehr angezeigt.

Wer kann mir helfen oder einen Tipp geben ?

k007 01-30-2008 08:01 PM

im currently running 3.6.8 i installed this hack and i followed everything on the pdf..now no users are showing up, i tried running the cron and updating my counters. still no good. and also the legend colors aren't showing up on the footer.

PoetJA-1975 01-30-2008 08:37 PM

it's a known issue and apparently noone is willing to help. :(


k007 01-30-2008 08:47 PM

Aight im droping it thx PoetJa-1975. i dont need it that bad.

hjmaier 02-03-2008 07:14 PM

I am using the newest versiom: 3.0.1

I have the problem, that the zoom level does not work if you using the link in the postbit for example. It always shows me the default zoom level and not the one i had chosed for the detailed view.

Best regards

socalrico 02-04-2008 05:50 AM

UNINSTALLED!!!! Markers did not show up. Followed directions, tried hacks, no luck

logofreax 02-16-2008 06:54 AM

My Pins are also not showed.

How can I fix it?


sinucello 02-23-2008 08:33 AM


I just had the problem that no markers were showing up. I just typed in "javascript:" in the address field of Firefox and noticed that one of the last entries in the markers.xml file was not well formed. Apparently one should not allow users to type in text into the pimage field. I edited the markers.xml file manually and corrected the malformed entry and my makers showed up again.

@Obi Wan: tippe mal im Firefox javascript: in die Adresszeile ein. Gibt es da einen Hinweis auf einen falschen Eintrag in der makers.xml?


logofreax 02-23-2008 11:42 AM

Es kann aber doch nicht Sinn der Sache sein, jeden Tag die markers.xml zu durchforsten.

Ich bin kurz davor das Ding wieder zu deinstallieren.


sinucello 02-23-2008 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by logofreax (Post 1449302)
Es kann aber doch nicht Sinn der Sache sein, jeden Tag die markers.xml zu durchforsten.

Ich bin kurz davor das Ding wieder zu deinstallieren.

well but checking the markers.xml file every day can`t be the solution.

Right, it would get overwritten with the malformed markers anyway after the next cronjob run. So my solution was to remove the pimage input-fields completely and I also removed the image tab from the bubbles in the map.

Here is a diff for the current product xml and my changes:


[ 1 ] \product-vbgooglemapme.xml 02/23/08,21:09:32                                                  ?????????????????????????????
[ 2 ] \product-vbgooglemapme_orig.xml 02/23/08,21:14:27                                            ?????????????????????????????

562        *              new GInfoWindowTab("$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_m_tab1]", content)
          *              new GInfoWindowTab("$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_m_tab1]", content),

          !>              new GInfoWindowTab("$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_m_tab2]", content2)

          !>        <td class="alt2" align="left" valign="top">$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_imgurl]</td>


          !>        <td class="alt1" align="left"><input name="pimage" size="20" value="$pimage" style="padding-left:5px; font-weight:normal; width:200px;"></td>


          !>        </tr>


          !>        <tr>

            !>        <tr>

            !>        <td class="alt2" align="left" valign="top">$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_imgurl]</td>


            !>        <td class="alt1" align="left"><input name="pimage" size="20" value="$pimage" style="padding-left:5px; font-weight:normal; width:200px;"></td>


            !>        </tr>

all the best,

RedGTiVR6 02-27-2008 05:09 PM

any word on if this works with 3.7?

logofreax 03-02-2008 05:15 PM

Klick "Uninstall" cause no Support from Author at the really good known Megabug "Showing no Pins or markers"


RedGTiVR6 03-02-2008 07:19 PM

strange - it works on our forum just fine on 3.6.8 pl 2

RedGTiVR6 03-03-2008 02:44 AM

I take that back!

I went to approve the long list of people (didn't realize I needed to since I wasn't the person that installed this mod originally) and now we have nothing. Of our 225+ users who have put a spot on that map, none of them are showing up now.

I take it the developer of this mod is MIA?

PoetJA-1975 03-03-2008 03:16 AM

Yep - apparently MIA...
It's unfortunate really - cause this WAS one of the better modifications offered on vB.org IMO


logofreax 03-03-2008 12:31 PM

We now took vBulletin-Membermap

It works really fine. Clearer, Faster, better looking an no Problems with Pins ;)



ZeroHour 03-03-2008 12:50 PM

Right I have found several bugs so far.
Check your markers.xml file. It seems to be temperamental at formatting. I know that if the XML has " in the fields or "&" the markers will fail to load. I am working on a fix right now for my site and I will post the changes.

Fixed, see post 1599

PoetJA-1975 03-03-2008 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by logofreax (Post 1455885)
We now took vBulletin-Membermap

It works really fine. Clearer, Faster, better looking an no Problems with Pins ;)



Um... I'm not very partial to this one and for one reason only: When you have a forum with Members from all over the world, you want to present just one map that has the option of zooming...

Very good effort though and thanx for sharing it.


Originally Posted by ZeroHour (Post 1455896)
Right I have found several bugs so far.
Check your markers.xml file. It seems to be temperamental at formatting. I know that if the XML has " in the fields or "&" the markers will fail to load. I am working on a fix right now for my site and I will post the changes.

lazy/busy me hasn't even considered looking at the code.
I'll appreciate you posting a fix for the pins issue though
That would be lovely, especially considering we've got a lot of new Members who don't have the opportunity to place their pin just yet.

So - Thanx for working on it ;)


ZeroHour 03-03-2008 08:51 PM

Right I have my first fix. I will be editing this post with future changes so you can refer back to it and bookmark it by clicking the post number to the right.

Fix for no markers shown:



Goto line 49 which should start:
PHP Code:

$text_file .= "<marker mapid=\" 

Replace that line with:
PHP Code:

$text_file .= "<marker mapid=\""htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["mapid"])."\"  title_map=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["title_map"])."\" lng=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["lng"])."\" lat=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["lat"])."\" userid=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["userid"])."\" username=\"".preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r/""",nl2br(addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($get_xml_marker["username"])))))."\" text_map=\"".preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r/"""nl2br(addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($get_xml_marker["text_map"])))))."\" type=\"".htmlspecialchars($gettype['googlemapmetype'])."\" pimage=\"".htmlspecialchars($pimage)."\" />\n"


Goto line 58 which should start:
PHP Code:

$text_file .= "<marker mapid=\" 

Replace that line with:
PHP Code:

$text_file .= "<marker mapid=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["mapid"])."\"  title_map=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["title_map"])."\" lng=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["lng"])."\" lat=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["lat"])."\" userid=\"".htmlspecialchars($get_xml_marker["userid"])."\" username=\"".preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r/""",nl2br(addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($get_xml_marker["username"])))))."\" text_map=\"".preg_replace("/\n|\r\n|\r/"""nl2br(addslashes(htmlspecialchars(trim($get_xml_marker["text_map"])))))."\" type=\"".htmlspecialchars($gettype['googlemapmetype'])."\" pimage=\"".htmlspecialchars($pimage)."\" />\n"

Run the scheduled task and your markers should return.
Basically I have modified the code to replace things like "&" with the xml safe "&amp;" so no matter what anyone enters for the fields the xml should still be safe.

More tweaks to come including integration of the display groups being marker colour.

WimpBastard 03-07-2008 10:45 PM

Great work ZeroHour! The markers show up now.

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