AndrewD |
03-29-2006 01:22 PM |
Just to show that there's nothing better to do on an airplane than think about coding...
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
If you have a title with "quotes" in it....the title gets chopped off at the quote when you go back and edit the link.
small bug, fixed on my laptop
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
if bbcode in title... profile bit of "recent hits" ...just show the code not the actual bbcode output (ie: [ b ] instead of actually showing bold type. )
small bug, fixed on my laptop
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
Auto thread creation in forums bugs:
I think it related to this bug: The link is wrong. It lists the wrong category! eg: add link from "whatever" category >> changed category when filling out form (parent category) >> result is that it upload to correct category...but link in new thread created shows file in the original whatever category.
Easy fix, with one provisio - if the entry is placed into more than one category, then the link will always take the user to one of these categories, which I don't think is an issue.
Bear in mind that if you subsequently delete the entry, then the thread and url will still be there and will not work. I can't do anything about that.
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
need some kind of explanation for users. Like update explanation text for choosing a "Parent Forum" when this plugin is install.
Since there is no text or explanation of what is happening from a user perspective.... Users will have NO IDEA where or how the thread is being created when adding links. took me a bit to figure it out actually :( (granted...I'm a dope a lot of the times but.... so are most users. :p).
I've changed it to give a different message, along the lines of 'your entry has been accepted and posted into forum XXX'
By the way, I realised that no autopost should be made if moderation is turned on - that situation needs a little more thought - possibly the autocreate should happen when the moderator accepts the post.
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
an image on the links_linkbit is now broken. dunno why and it wasn't broken before 2.1.6rc2. problem is I can't fix it because I dunno what the image is supposed to be cause the path is weird:
:confused: what is that? ugh! to broken images. :( see attached image.
That looks like someone's avatar is broken/wrong
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
[*]Featured sites need to display same as the template_linkbit format chosen. Don't know if this is intentional, but seems like a bug (forgot to add) kinda thing. I was gunna use the table format, but when I do the featured sites still come out as default linkbit, so it looks weird/inconsistent on the page.
Am adding a template choice in the settings for featured sites and well as standard entries. Both should be selectable.
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
edit link >> expand/collapse buttons in Parent Categories are... misplaced? or not working right? eitherway...when you actually click the expand collapse get craziness. see attached pics.
This is only a problem if you use category selection boxes rather than the menu. It's fixed on my laptop.
Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
edit link >> highlight should UNhighlight when choosing new category. it doesn't. makes it seem like both are chosen or the new chosen category "doesn't take". see attached pic
This is built into VBUlletin abd I can't change it without duplicating a chunck of their code. Is it a big issue?