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NTLDR 10-15-2003 09:59 AM

The vB3 templates won't work with vB2, however feel free to look at them and convert them for use on vBindex 2.1.

NTLDR 10-15-2003 10:25 PM

vBindex 3.0.0 Beta 3 Released!


[high]vBindex Beta 3 Release Information[/high]

Winter Systems are happy to announce the third and hopefully final Beta for vBindex 3.0.0. The main reason for this being beta is the new template and phrase installer. It is strongly recommended you backup your database before installing or upgrading.

So whats new with Beta 3?
  • Fully phrased front end;
  • Use date/time option (Today/Yesterday and Detailed) specified in vB Options;
  • Allow users to delete own shouts if option is turned on;
  • Select which usergroups can delete all shouts (ie moderate);
  • Templates/Phrases installed during install/upgrade;
  • Expanded extra page functionality, see following post.
  • Only 6 queries with everything off and 11 with everything on;
  • PM popup on vBindex working with Beta 7 and above;
  • Included a search.php to prevent hacking vbulletin_global.js;
  • All bugs from Beta 2 fixed.

PAINTBALLM 10-20-2003 08:26 PM

question: on my site www.paintballmessage.com, only two news posts show text... how can I fix this (its vbindex 2.1)

NTLDR 10-20-2003 08:40 PM

Please read the thread before asking a question thats been asked countless times before. You need run the Update Counters option for vBindex.

PAINTBALLM 10-20-2003 09:00 PM

and how do I do this? I updated my counters a long time ago, it never helped vbindex at all. NOTE: Its doing this for new posts as well, anything after 2 = no text.

NTLDR 10-20-2003 09:59 PM

Make sure you have followed the instructions, if you haven't edited newthread.php then it won't work for new posts and the postid update counters option will have to be run after every new post.

PAINTBALLM 10-20-2003 10:01 PM

your not understanding me. I did edit newthread.php, and It DOES add new posts, however after 2 new posts it does NOT display the post text for 3 & so on.. I have also updated my post counters after posting, and it does not work.

NTLDR 10-20-2003 10:04 PM

Like I've already said countless times in this thread, using the update counters option that you added (by editing admin/misc.php) for vBindex fixes this.

PAINTBALLM 10-20-2003 10:05 PM

I never had instructions to add that. I will re download and give it a look. Thanks :)

MaxScript 10-25-2003 04:44 AM


Originally Posted by PAINTBALLM
I never had instructions to add that. I will re download and give it a look. Thanks :)

how can i add photopost images to it ?

using beta 3

NTLDR 10-26-2003 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by MaxScript
how can i add photopost images to it ?

using beta 3

Support for vBindex is only at Core Forums as the origional announcement clearly stated.

NTLDR 10-26-2003 12:33 PM

[high]vBindex 3.0.0 RC1 Release Information[/high]

I'm pleased to announce RC1 of vBindex 3.0.0. RC1 brings in a few new features that I've been working on since the start of vBindex 3.0.0 which I'm now pretty confident work as expected. Here are the major changes since Beta 3:
  • Callendar, with links to events;
  • Poll, with the option to select a random poll from a given set of forums;
  • Optimised code;
  • Only 5 queries with everything switched off, and still only 12 with all options turned on, that 6 queries less than our nearest competitor!
    Note, you should apply this fix by Kier to save 2 queries for non Super Moderators.
  • Fully phrased, both the vBindex Options and the front end are 100% phrased;
  • Enhanced news posts and latest threads;
  • Option to show disabled postshout area to unregistred users;
  • Todays birthdays;
  • Custom blocks, add unlimited custom side blocks and control them all from the ACP;
  • View all shouts, a full page shoutbox built it;

Visit Core Forums to obtain your copy of RC1 and see a full working demo :D


To download you will need to enter the following forum password when you follow the download forum link at Core Forums:


Due to the restrictions on discussing vB3 hacks and Addons here at vB.org, vBindex 3.0.0 Support will only be given over at Core Forums when you have PM'ed either myself or hellsatan your Core Forums username to us via the vB.org PM System.

wardsweb 10-29-2003 03:52 PM

Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /home/www/audiokarma/forums/vbindex.php on line 174

This was the response when I tried to run vbindex.php from the forums directory for the first time. Is this a typo I created during editing or possible copied over one to many symbols?

themonarch 10-29-2003 03:55 PM

Parse errors are kinda like the default error of php...I'd recommend checking your paths and then rechecking your installation. Also, re-upload all your related files in manual ASCII mode via FTP instead of Auto. See if those things help.

NTLDR 10-29-2003 05:33 PM

Follow what themonarch said and double check the editing, I expect you copied an extra line or something.

wardsweb 10-29-2003 10:59 PM

Thanks people, I re-edited and re-uploaded the vbindex.php and it now works. I do have another question though. The resulting page uses the default vbulletin header. How do I get the page to use the custom header I use for the forums. This is data saved in the header block of the style section via the admin console for vbulletin.

wardsweb 10-29-2003 11:39 PM

I guess I should look before I leap. I did find the vbindex header template and edited to suit. Thanks for a really great hack. Now if I can just get the shout to work...but that's another thread.

wardsweb 10-30-2003 02:07 PM

Hello again - you guys and gals must hate newbies. LOL! What template specifies the "Guest Please Register" avatar in the welcome panel. I need to edit this with a $bburl so the image shows up with the file now outside the forums directory.

NTLDR 10-30-2003 05:23 PM

The home_login template :)

wardsweb 11-07-2003 11:59 PM

Do I need to edit something in vbindex or shoutbox to get the smilie icons to show up in the shoutbox posts on the vbindex page? They show up fine from the regular forums and shoutbox pages. So, I'm thinking it's because my vbindex runs from outside my forums folder. Just need to edit the path to the icon folder, but don't know which template to edit.

PAINTBALLM 11-08-2003 11:40 PM

2 things.

http://pbmessage.com (now on vbindex 3)

1. error on bottom right, I feel stupid because I cant figure out whats causing it, it would be nice to get it figured out.

2. what template do I edit so it lets people login from the front page, it isnt working because the full path isnt in front of it and I forget which template I edit to have it work properly.


PAINTBALLM 11-08-2003 11:48 PM

I got number 2 figured out, its the navbar, I'd still like to figure out number 1 though :)

NTLDR 11-10-2003 05:56 PM

This thread is for vBindex 2.1 support and not vBindex 3 support.

SilverDawn 12-02-2003 04:44 PM


For quite some time ago we vbindex 2.1 on our site and it has been running flawlessly. Recently, I noticed smilies are no longer showing in the news posts and in the shout box. Do you know of any reason this may happen?

I am running vb v2.3.0
I have been running vbindex for at least 6 months I would imagine.
Our site can be viewed here: http://www.dfrsquad.com

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


NTLDR 12-03-2003 04:10 PM

Unless you have changed the code/upgraded vBulletin, edited the smilies or the forum options for them then there is not real reason for them to studdenly stop working.

SilverDawn 12-04-2003 12:53 AM

ok thanks... I was kind of hoping you could point me to where the code could be flawed though... I did check all of the coding in the pages and they matched the instructions in your hack. I guess I will just fight my way through it.

SilverDawn 12-06-2003 08:57 PM


I updated to 2.3.3 replacing all of the files and starting fresh. I reinstalled vbindex 2.1 and no smilies resulted yet again. Is there anything that you could think of that is causing this error?

Anything would be greatly appreciated at this point. Perhaps I will updrade to the newer versions...

Asso 12-09-2003 11:27 AM

vbindex 3 works with gamma?

MindTrix 12-09-2003 03:54 PM

Nope because vB3 hacks arent allowed here until vB3 RC1

wardsweb 12-10-2003 01:33 PM

I login via the vBindex, get the thank you for loggin in page and then it takes me to the regular forums, where it shows me logged in. Now if I go back to the vBindex page, it shows me as guest . Any clue? some cookie not working? got a bad link somewhere?

NTLDR 12-10-2003 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Asso
vbindex 3 works with gamma?

See Core Forums for details on using vBindex 3 with vB3 Gamma.

NTLDR 12-10-2003 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by wardsweb
I login via the vBindex, get the thank you for loggin in page and then it takes me to the regular forums, where it shows me logged in. Now if I go back to the vBindex page, it shows me as guest . Any clue? some cookie not working? got a bad link somewhere?

Make sure your cookie path and domain are set correctly in the ACP.

kho_vi_yeu 12-22-2003 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by NTLDR
[high]vBindex 3.0.0 RC1 Release Information[/high]

I'm pleased to announce RC1 of vBindex 3.0.0. RC1 brings in a few new features that I've been working on since the start of vBindex 3.0.0 which I'm now pretty confident work as expected. Here are the major changes since Beta 3:
  • Callendar, with links to events;
  • Poll, with the option to select a random poll from a given set of forums;
  • Optimised code;
  • Only 5 queries with everything switched off, and still only 12 with all options turned on, that 6 queries less than our nearest competitor!
    Note, you should apply this fix by Kier to save 2 queries for non Super Moderators.
  • Fully phrased, both the vBindex Options and the front end are 100% phrased;
  • Enhanced news posts and latest threads;
  • Option to show disabled postshout area to unregistred users;
  • Todays birthdays;
  • Custom blocks, add unlimited custom side blocks and control them all from the ACP;
  • View all shouts, a full page shoutbox built it;

Visit Core Forums to obtain your copy of RC1 and see a full working demo :D


To download you will need to enter the following forum password when you follow the download forum link at Core Forums:


Due to the restrictions on discussing vB3 hacks and Addons here at vB.org, vBindex 3.0.0 Support will only be given over at Core Forums when you have PM'ed either myself or hellsatan your Core Forums username to us via the vB.org PM System.

Why i can't download vbindex 3.0.0 RC2 in core forum. please help me so i can dowload RC2 for vbb 3.0.0 Gamma

MindTrix 12-22-2003 04:23 PM

Sorry mate but isnt nothing anyone here can do about it :) As said at the bottom of that part you posted, it says support will only be given over at core forums.

NTLDR 12-22-2003 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by kho_vi_yeu
Why i can't download vbindex 3.0.0 RC2 in core forum. please help me so i can dowload RC2 for vB 3.0.0 Gamma

The above clearly refers to RC1 and not Pre-RC2, details of how to obtain Pre-RC2 (For vB3 Gamma) can be found in the announcement at Core Forums.

Harlequin 12-31-2003 02:38 AM

I've been curious for awhile on how to have a simple column to the left or right on vBindex displaying just the titles from a forum (say, a "Review" forum) and using it on the main page to attract attention to that particular forum. I'm not sure if this has been posted here before, but here's nothing.

It's more or less the news code already embedded in NTLDR's code from Teck, but I'll go ahead and post up how I did it anyway for those of you that were curious: [instead of having to install a large, bulky article archive]

In vbindex.php, find

PHP Code:

// news (based on code by TECK)
// ------------------------- 

Above it, add:

PHP Code:

$articleforum "2";
$articleposts "10";
$maxarticletitlechars "22";
// ARTICLE (based on code by TECK/NEWS/VBINDEX)
// -------------------------

$articlequery=$articlequery=$DB_site->query("SELECT thread.*,threadpost.pagetext AS pagetext FROM thread LEFT JOIN post AS threadpost ON (thread.tpostid = threadpost.postid) WHERE forumid = '$articleforum' ORDER BY thread.dateline DESC LIMIT $articleposts");
while (
$article=$DB_site->fetch_array($articlequery)) {
  if (
$maxarticletitlechars!=0) {
     if (
strlen($article[title]) > $maxarticletitlechars) {
$article[title] = substr($article[title],0,$maxarticletitlechars);
$article[title] .= "..";
$articletitle="<a href=\"$bburl/showthread.php?threadid=$articlethreadid\">$article[title]</a>";
// end avatar
eval("\$articlebits .= \"".gettemplate('home_articlebit')."\";");
"\$article = \"".gettemplate('home_article')."\";");

// -------------------------
// end article 

Set $articleforum as the forumID of the particular forum you're after for topics.
Set $articleposts as how many topics you'd like to display
Set $maxarticletitlechars to how many characters you'd like the subject to display [useful if you're in tight table quarters and want to make your topic look clean].

Add two templates, home_article and home_articlebit:

In home_article:

PHP Code:

<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%" border="0" align="center">
td align="left"><img src="images/left2.gif"></td>
td align="center" width="100%" background="images/catbg2.gif" valign="bottom"><b><smallfont>reviews</smallfont></b></td>
td align="right"><img src="images/right2.gif"></td>
table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" bgcolor="{tablebordercolor}" width="100%">
table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="{firstaltcolor}" align="left">

Just noticed in the template above -- my layout uses the left/right/background table header graphics. You may have to adjust this to match your layout.

And add the second template:

In home_articlebit:

PHP Code:


Modify the template where you'd like this to display on vBIndex [whether it be in the header, footer, home itself] and add..

PHP Code:


.. to the template. Load up your vBIndex and if there were existing posts already in the forum, they should begin displaying. Just thought I'd post this in case anyone was curious.

;) Now it's your job to keep everything on topic. :P

carryapple 01-10-2004 07:53 AM

Hi Guys,

I've just installed vbindex, it's incredible. Exactly what I was looking for.

However, I've got one little problem with it. Whenever I try to login via vbindex, it takes me to the Password recovery form. Weird, huh? Any ideas?

Another thing I just noticed: I can't log out through vbindex either. Whenever I click Logout, it says "All cookies cleared", but they aren't. When I log out through vBulletin, it works just fine.
Cookie Domain and Path is set correctly.

Thanks a lot!

BTW, I'm running vBulletin 2.3.4 with vbindex 2.1

mattster2002 01-20-2004 08:38 AM

bit of a problem:

news doesnt come up! :o thats it. layout stuff will be fixed later but im really concerned about news

NTLDR 01-20-2004 09:59 AM

Read through the thread and find the hundreds of posts about setpostid.php which give you instructions on howto fix this.

Leo Wyatt 01-23-2004 05:08 PM

Hey NTLDR, love vBindex, well done :D Just installed it on my forums, and it works great except for one little problem. Hope you fix it...I've attached an image, basically, the black strips there shouldn't be there, since the cateogry bg isn't that color...(or whatever the strip's set to inherit). Any idea what's wrong?


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