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COL NIL SATIS 10-05-2010 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by basilrath (Post 2106961)
I agree with Robbie on this one - the mod is excellent and certainly worth all the effort to carry on if Jaxel allows this obviously. The thread however should now be kept on track with the IB confrontation and XenForo left to the lawyers for litigational reasons.

The whole issue seems "messy" but i for one certainly thank you for the mod as it stands.

Same here..Jaxel made this for free and i for one want to thank him personally for all the time and effort that was put into this mod...it would be fantastic though if it was allowed to be carried on .. :up:

Xaices 10-06-2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by cherylferraro (Post 2106816)
Well said Paul. I was thinking the same thing.

I sent jaxel $50 a couple of weeks ago and was going to send $100 more for 2 other sites when I stumbled upon his posts saying he was abandoning the mod. He seems to think that screwing over vb users will give him street cred over at xenforo.

If any developers want to reverse engineer jaxel's mod, improve it and keep it up to date with vb4's evolution I'm willing to pay for at least 3 licenses. I'd bet there are other forum owners that would do the same.

I am one of those others that would like to see this mod continue, and will also contribute to whom ever picks it up and runs with it. More so if the increase the functionality and add in the major video game Media sites.

Paul M 10-06-2010 09:37 PM

Files have been removed, so moved to GY.

Paul M 10-07-2010 03:50 PM

Restored from GY as author has requested ability to re-add files.

sticky 10-07-2010 06:31 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 2106116)
I paid $300 to have Internet Brands treat me and the rest of their customers like garbage; and you say I should give them even more chances? How do you know VB4.1 is "supposed to be a good version"? IB doesn't have any communication with their customers; they don't have clear goals or timelines listed out. Whats going to make 4.1 any better than 4.0? Is it a complete rewrite of their horrible engine? Does it undo all the completely illogical design flaws in VB4? I doubt it. Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice...

You know who didn't treat their customers like garbage? Jelsoft.

What exactly happened that they treated you like garbage? I agree there is a disconnect between them and their customers.

Unfortunately, there is no real alternative.

sticky 10-07-2010 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Paul M (Post 2106794)
and how exactly will that have the slightest effect on IB ?

The only people you are hurting is those who use your modification, what have they done wrong ?

It will have an effect if more and more people switch.

The only reason I stick to VB is due to the mods and custom tuning I can get. Mod writers like this gentlemen are what make VB great. They work around your needs and with you.

No offense, but you don't exactly do that. Every time I have asked you for help you tell me it isn't what you intended. When I ask other mod writers, they go out of their way to help me get what works best for me. I would prefer to support that attitude and if he goes others will certainly follow.

sticky 10-07-2010 06:34 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 2106818)
That would be illegal.

This is not about screwing over other admins who use my mods. The power of vBulletin has always been it's community of modification authors. I myself am a former UBBHacker member, and have a college degree focused on PERL programming, but I sitll chose vBulletin over UBB back in the day because of the community. In the long run, if the modification community abandons vBulletin, it will hurt IB's ability to sell product based on that aspect.

Any money you or anyone else has donated for this mod is exactly that: a DONATION. This mod is free, thus you should expect to get the support from this mod as if it were free... this is not a paid modification so you should not expect the level of support you would get from another mod that you may pay hundreds of dollars for. $50 is not a payment to use this mod, its just the ability to legally remove the copyright notice from the footer.

Well said and I agree.

cad2go 10-08-2010 02:10 PM


Ninos 10-08-2010 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by cad2go (Post 2108121)


On a more serious note, I am seriously disappointed that this mod is no longer supported. I use this script for 2 main sections of my site (music videos and documentaries) and without said sections my site will be dealt a big blow.

I too, as many others have stated, will be willing to provide support (in the form of a reasonable donation) to anyone that will continue this mod on.

VBUsers 10-09-2010 02:12 AM

i installed it on my forum but i have a custom skin. The links to manage the mod arent installed. how can i fix that?

Webbstre 10-09-2010 04:22 AM

I don't know if this is appropriate or not, but considering that this mod is apparently no longer supported (unless pulling it out of the graveyard changed that?) I figured I should present an alternative modification. Unfortunately it isn't free, but I'm looking at vbtube as a potential replacement for this. I'm one of those people who needs support because I don't plan on making any major CMS/forum switches (again) in the forseeable future.

No offense is meant to Jaxel, as I have been one of the people who has used this modification since the first version went up, but if this isn't going to be supported I think people need to know what alternatives are out there.

Juggernaut 10-09-2010 04:39 AM

Webbstre, Can all the media from this mod be imported into vbtube?

Webbstre 10-09-2010 04:42 AM

As of August, there wasn't, but I'm not sure if that has changed or not. I'll ask and see if there was any progress on it.

Juggernaut 10-09-2010 04:45 AM

Thank you. :D

Jaxel 10-09-2010 10:38 AM

Just because I am no longer supporting this mod doesnt mean you have to stop using it...

Except for the foreign language characters issue, there are no obvious bugs... I will fix any bugs that do arise...

However, what this means is that there will be no new FEATURES.

Ninos 10-09-2010 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 2108377)
Just because I am no longer supporting this mod doesnt mean you have to stop using it...

Except for the foreign language characters issue, there are no obvious bugs... I will fix any bugs that do arise...

However, what this means is that there will be no new FEATURES.

So this means that you will still update it to work with future vB versions (eg. 4.1)?

RobbieZ 10-09-2010 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by VBUsers (Post 2108301)
i installed it on my forum but i have a custom skin. The links to manage the mod arent installed. how can i fix that?

You need to explain a bit more detail to your 'links to manage mod' as you could mean inline moderate or admincp or what?

Did you read the instructions carefully at the top including the know bug?

Stefanus 10-09-2010 05:33 PM

Last Update: Yesterday ?

Veer 10-09-2010 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Ninos (Post 2108431)
So this means that you will still update it to work with future vB versions (eg. 4.1)?

I hope so, Hopping for the best :)

Jaxel 10-09-2010 11:37 PM

If it stops working in 4.1, I will fix it.

Juggernaut 10-10-2010 01:17 AM

Well then I'll keep using Medialibrary. :D

sticky 10-10-2010 07:05 AM


Originally Posted by Destron (Post 2108317)
Webbstre, Can all the media from this mod be imported into vbtube?

Thank you so much for mentioning this!

The one thing holding me back from using this mod was that videos and threads for comments were not linked. VBtube does that, awesome!

Helmut71 10-10-2010 08:32 AM

good news that this one isn't dieing here ^^

I still believe in the future of vB, perhaps Jaxel will change his mind also - I hope so.

@jaxel: is it possible to integrate videos like this one: http://www.gftube.tv/index.php?s=videos&id=32 ??? or like this one: ???

final kaoss 10-10-2010 02:25 PM

jaxel you need to update the attachment numbers from "1.6" to 4.1.6

COL NIL SATIS 10-10-2010 03:02 PM


Originally Posted by Jaxel (Post 2108553)
If it stops working in 4.1, I will fix it.

thats great news..thanks Jaxel :)

ravehistory 10-10-2010 04:19 PM

Excuse me but I am quite new to vb but I have had this mod installed on my vb but when I click the tab i just get message saying......Not Found

The requested URL /media.php was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an Error Document to handle the request.

What am I doing wrong ?

basilrath 10-10-2010 04:25 PM

firstly have you got the correct path to your media.php?

And also the relevant files into there respective places

danyol1706 10-11-2010 06:21 AM

I love this mod, but I have too many navbar buttons as it is... Exactly what in the template do I edit it in order to remove the main navbar "Media" button, but instead make Media Library a drop-down item on another custom navbar menu button?

ProFifaLeagues 10-11-2010 10:28 AM

Jaxel when deleting media what is the best/proper way to do so?
Do i just delete it from the media section then remove the local files i added for it?

basilrath 10-11-2010 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by danyol1706 (Post 2108968)
I love this mod, but I have too many navbar buttons as it is... Exactly what in the template do I edit it in order to remove the main navbar "Media" button, but instead make Media Library a drop-down item on another custom navbar menu button?

admin cp> plugins &products> plugin manager> 8wr media library - media_NAVTAB

Remove: $template_hook['navtab_middle'] .= $templater->render();

Then add the link wherever you fancy from there with code

kfyonur 10-11-2010 10:23 PM

can you add facebook.xml

danyol1706 10-12-2010 04:19 AM


Originally Posted by basilrath (Post 2109024)
admin cp> plugins &products> plugin manager> 8wr media library - media_NAVTAB

Remove: $template_hook['navtab_middle'] .= $templater->render();

Then add the link wherever you fancy from there with code

When I take that line away, the main navtab button does dissapper, but without it, the sub-menus under it (Categories, Playlists, Favorites, etc.) are no longer visible when accessing "Media" as a drop-down item from another navtab. Am I missing some other link info?

When creating my drop-down item using Jhonnyf's "Tabs Add System" module, I simply pasted the original Media link as the URL: http://www.mysite.com/media.php?

Thank you.

B?rger_von_Rado 10-13-2010 05:27 PM

What a cool and beautiful work! This will push my forum I guess.
Many thanks!
One german word to say everything what I think about it: GEIL!

CharlieDelta 10-14-2010 01:03 AM

Would someone have or be kind enough to provide a gametrailer xml. I tried to use the 'walkthrough' in the zip file but not making any headway.
We use a lot of gametrailer videos on my forum.


SyRiAn BoY 10-14-2010 03:47 PM

are its working with 3.8.x ?


j1mmy 10-14-2010 07:57 PM


Originally Posted by SyRiAn BoY (Post 2110123)
are its working with 3.8.x ?


I'd also like to know this.

Also, can it handle media such as audio files only (no video) or other extensions?

Pashaali 10-15-2010 01:46 AM

can you please tell me how can i add service codes for



shanef 10-15-2010 08:52 AM

when submitting a youtube vid link i keep getting the error :

Could not parse media URL.

help would be much appreciated, thanks in advance

RobbieZ 10-15-2010 03:27 PM

My input for today:


Ive noticed the GameTrailers.xml sits in the xml folder of this product, I have also followed the product walkthrough too.

But when I use the aministrative side > add new service and try and upload the .xml I get this error.


MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'svcType' in 'field list'
and this one also.


Database error in vBulletin 4.0.6:

Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO media_service
    (svcName, svcRegex, svcURL, svcFeed, svcValue2, svcThumb, svcTitle, svcDesc, svcLength, svcTags, svcMovie, svcWidth, svcHeight, svcStream, svcType, svcError)
    ('GameTrailers', 'http:\\/\\/[a-z]*?[\\.]?gametrailers\\.[a-z]*?\\/video\\/[\\w_-]*\\/(\\d+)', 'http://www.gametrailers.com/video/media/{serviceVAL}', 'http://www.gametrailers.com/video/media/{serviceVAL}', 'null', '$meta[\'image_src\']', '$meta[\'title\']', '$meta[\'description\']', 'null', '$meta[\'keywords\']', '', 0, 0, '', '', '');

MySQL Error  : Unknown column 'svcError' in 'field list'
Error Number  : 1054

I have also checked services tab and its not listed in their either.

I noticed over at your site Jaxel that the gametrailers work.


I presume the version 1.6 is for 4.0.7 only as I tried to update it and got errors trying to add youtube media, its not recognizing the custom1 fields, I used 1.5 product and its working fine again as I am still using 4.0.6 board.

But product-changelogs hasnt been updated so I'm none the wiser.

betts02 10-15-2010 07:57 PM

Gametrailers working for me dude



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