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BirdOPrey5 12-05-2010 10:30 PM

From what little I could find in this thread about your Internal Linking codes I gathered you had a set- maybe different one for threads, forums, profiles, etc... I found this a little confusing. I made a custom internal links regex that works on all internal links no matter what type of page is linked and it's worked for me on all the links I've tried- threads, forums, profiles, etc...

The regex I'm using is:

and the replacement is:

<img src="/forums/images/icons/juoticon.GIF" border="0" align="absmiddle" />&nbsp;<a href="/$p1&$p2">$ameinfo[title]</a>
which puts a small icon before the link and the title of the page as the link. It's been working for a few days and I've tried every URL combo I could think of including with styles and search highlights.

Is there any danger in using this if it seems to work?

(note I didn't include "net" in my URL because some people visit me on juot.co instead of juot.net.)

Digital Jedi 12-06-2010 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by BirdOPrey5 (Post 2129806)
From what little I could find in this thread about your Internal Linking codes I gathered you had a set- maybe different one for threads, forums, profiles, etc... I found this a little confusing. I made a custom internal links regex that works on all internal links no matter what type of page is linked and it's worked for me on all the links I've tried- threads, forums, profiles, etc...

The regex I'm using is:

and the replacement is:

<img src="/forums/images/icons/juoticon.GIF" border="0" align="absmiddle" />&nbsp;<a href="/$p1&$p2">$ameinfo[title]</a>
which puts a small icon before the link and the title of the page as the link. It's been working for a few days and I've tried every URL combo I could think of including with styles and search highlights.

Is there any danger in using this if it seems to work?

(note I didn't include "net" in my URL because some people visit me on juot.co instead of juot.net.)

If you had Local Hosted media definitions installed, it would cause a conflict. Then when media was posted, both definitions would try to convert in the post.

The reason you try not to be too broad with definitions your distributing to the public is you never know when you don't want a page converting or you want a particular URL string to do something else. Case in point, I like having user profile links auto convert. I did not like that it put "Username- City of Gamers Online Community". I just wanted the username and I didn't want to change title of my pages just to accommodate that. The same with thread titles. I would get the full name of the thread and the full name of my site, and again, I didn't want to pull my site name out of the pages, and I doubted that users of the def would, too. Also, people might not want every page on their forum to convert, just certain aspects. Granular control seemed to make sense in this case.

BirdOPrey5 12-06-2010 12:53 AM

Thank you, that explains a lot.

Digital Jedi 12-06-2010 04:49 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Sleepy as all heck, but I've got a few defs to release tonight. There here individually, or you can get them from the Master XMlL.

Updated Definitions

Amazon (Thumbnails)
This is a totally new definition, folks. So if you use it, keep in mind some of your older posts might not change over to it. It's cleaner and easier on the eyes than the original. You also need to add the following image to your images/misc folder.


Dailymotion and Dailymotion (Short URL)
Updated Dailymotion, as well as created a def to embed videos based on the Short URL they give you for posting videos to Twitter.

EA Sports
You no longer need the EA Sports (Highlight Reel) definition. This one covers them all.

Flickr (Photostreams) and Flickr (Sets)
Should no longer conflict with video URLs. (Photostreams) embeds the default photostream in a user profile, while (Sets) embeds the photostreams from user Sets.

Updated def seems to work 100% of the time, but occasionally can't pull a video thumbnail. Will ignore a YouTube video and post an auto formated link instead.

Fox News
Your Fox News (Old) definition is useless now, so you can delete it, if you want. I'm actually quite proud of this one, but it's for totally technical, geeky reasons.

JustinTV (Live)
Delete your JustinTV (Live 2) definition, as this one covers it now.

Photobucket (Videos)
Should no longer conflict with image URLs and should keep your old FLV videos embedded if you haven't changed anything since last update.

Digital Jedi 12-06-2010 05:02 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Updated Definitions Continued...

Scribd (Full Screen URL)
Your old Scribd definition will not work anymore. Sad to say, Scribd has multiple parameters that need to be accounted for and doesn't put them anywhere where AME can find them. My compromise was to create this definition which will embed the link Scribd gives you for the Full Screen version of a document.

The Daily Show (Clips) and The Daily Show (Old)
You'll need both of these, one for embedding new clips and the other to make sure your old clips remain embedded.

The Escapist

New Definitions

eBay (Thumbnails)
Three definitions required for this one. I'm still not sure if this is fully International yet. Did quite a bit of testing, but eBay is vast and easy to miss variations in the URL strings. You would also need to do what you need to do to make the Replacement HTML code affiliate-able. (New word.) You also need to add this image to your images/misc directory.


New music player website submitted by Vitaly. Added it to the Master XML

Trailer Addict
What does it sound like?

Digital Jedi 12-06-2010 11:22 AM

<u>Definitions Dropped</u>
Had to drop or combine these definitions into the main ones. If your doing a full wipe of your defs and installing the Master, then you need not worry looking for these. But if your doing individual definition imports, take note that you'll need to get rid of most of these.

Fox News (Old)
EA Sports (Highlight Reels)
JustinTV (Live 2)

carsafety 12-06-2010 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2129796)
I haven't logged into Amazon in a while, since they closed all North Carolina accounts, but I'm wondering if the Link Checker is giving a false positive here. It seems to be looking at everything after the first question mark and checking it against your ID. For thumbnails, I tried a few things, but everything nerfs the ability to pull the correct image. I think I may be able to fix it for basic linking, but there's a possibility that you'll occasionally get the wrong URL.

This works on the basis of adding cookies to the user's computer, right? Is there a way to check for these and rather then validate against the Link Checker, validate against whether the cookie was added to a computer or not? Say, from a computer that hasn't visited an Amazon link with your ID.

I don't really know about cookies, I've been using the checker and confirming with orders when I make one. There are a lot of combinations so I can't test them all, but so far I have since confirmed that my dual tag both validates and gives affiliate order credit to a previously unused tag, this was true from a desktop and via iPhone with a mobile redirect that further alters the URL.

I've also tested by ordering with other tag combinations and so far the only one that does not appear to have worked was the longer URL format that had a ? earlier in the URL and again for the tag. I only tested this via mobile. I will try it on desktop at some point too.

Digital Jedi 12-07-2010 01:17 PM

Whoops! I may have accidentally released my beta definition for IMDB in the Master XML. It is not funtional right now, so if you grabbed it with my last release, please feel free to delete it. That should haven't been in there.

M.C. 12-07-2010 03:43 PM

thanks, Jedi, for your explanation.... also about internal links... I tried .mp3 definition, but it didn't work for me.
My forum is in http://www.site.com/forum but my mp3s are in http://www.site.com/music/mp3s/ and I coudn't get links to work (yes I changed address in definition to my site)... should my mp3s to be in http://www.site.com/forum/mp3s or something like this?

Digital Jedi 12-07-2010 07:00 PM


Originally Posted by M.C. (Post 2130484)
thanks, Jedi, for your explanation.... also about internal links... I tried .mp3 definition, but it didn't work for me.
My forum is in http://www.site.com/forum but my mp3s are in http://www.site.com/music/mp3s/ and I coudn't get links to work (yes I changed address in definition to my site)... should my mp3s to be in http://www.site.com/forum/mp3s or something like this?

It shouldn't matter what folder they're in, as long as you only changed the name, and didn't add the domain extension or anything like that. In other words, all you should have added was "site", not "site.com" or anything else. And, of course, the file URLs should end in .mp3.

M.C. 12-07-2010 07:55 PM

well... i'll try again! thanks for reply!

angeljs 12-08-2010 12:28 PM

I can't get the definitions to install at all. When I try, I get this error message:

Can not save Import because of the following error(s):
  • Some keys are empty
  • Some keys contain invalid characters and must be validated prior to import.
If I try to import just one, I receive this message:

Imported like a charm

But nothing has been imported as it doesn't show up in the media definitions.

Digital Jedi 12-08-2010 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by angeljs (Post 2130835)
I can't get the definitions to install at all. When I try, I get this error message:

Can not save Import because of the following error(s):
  • Some keys are empty
  • Some keys contain invalid characters and must be validated prior to import.
If I try to import just one, I receive this message:

Imported like a charm

But nothing has been imported as it doesn't show up in the media definitions.

Are you sure sure you're importing the definitions from this thread, or one of my old threads? How many definitions do you have checked when you finish the import? What is the one definition that seems to go through, but doesn't show up?

Digital Jedi 12-08-2010 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by carsafety (Post 2130077)
I don't really know about cookies, I've been using the checker and confirming with orders when I make one. There are a lot of combinations so I can't test them all, but so far I have since confirmed that my dual tag both validates and gives affiliate order credit to a previously unused tag, this was true from a desktop and via iPhone with a mobile redirect that further alters the URL.

I've also tested by ordering with other tag combinations and so far the only one that does not appear to have worked was the longer URL format that had a ? earlier in the URL and again for the tag. I only tested this via mobile. I will try it on desktop at some point too.

Let me know what you come up with. I worked on Amazon for a few hours and came up with workable definitions with the right URL, but they kept pulling incorrect images. Often it would pull the first image in the product suggestions.


On a side note, I'm wondering what you guys would like to see in a new version of AME. Try and think small for the time being. There are a few small bugs I'm going to try and fix, like the duplication with the default definitions and maybe add some more comprehensive Admin CP help. Anything small you'd like to see added?

So, when I do my revision of the AME product, I'm trying to come up with an appropriate and non-cofusting title. What do you guys think of AME: Legacy? :up::up: :erm:

angeljs 12-08-2010 05:26 PM

Yes, the definitions are from this thread, I have all the definitions checked except YouTube as that's the one I already have, and none of the single ones will import. :(

Digital Jedi 12-08-2010 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by angeljs (Post 2130938)
Yes, the definitions are from this thread, I have all the definitions checked except YouTube as that's the one I already have, and none of the single ones will import. :(

If you can give me temp Admin CP access, I can take a look at it for you.

Gamelobby 12-08-2010 07:52 PM

Legacy sounds good.! (sounds like a final version for 3.x)

Digital Jedi 12-09-2010 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by angeljs (Post 2130938)
Yes, the definitions are from this thread, I have all the definitions checked except YouTube as that's the one I already have, and none of the single ones will import. :(

I did quite a few test imports into your AME CP and at first, I thought it was a character limit set by your host. But further testing suggests that it might be that and something else. You might need to try reinstalling AME as if your were doing an upgrade. And if that doesn't seem to help, do a full uninstall/reinstall. Yeah, some older videos won't like that, but there's definitely an issue with the installation here. It seems I can finagle everything up to Guitar-Tube to import, and then nothing will import. You should at least be able to import these definitions in groups but something is preventing that.

angeljs 12-09-2010 03:13 PM

Thanks for trying, really appreciate it. I did a re-install, and though the imports seem to work, it just stops as you said. I might have a word with my host to see if it's a server thing.

Gamelobby 12-09-2010 07:35 PM

Are you importing everything in Delta.? (or just the ones you need)

Digital Jedi 12-09-2010 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Gamelobby (Post 2131541)
Are you importing everything in Delta.? (or just the ones you need)

When I tested her forum, it imported up to a certain number of definitions, no matter how many different ways you tried to import it. I did groups of ten, then groups of thirty, then sometimes just one. Each time, it would stop importing once her definitions set got to be around 50 or so.

yotsume 12-10-2010 02:40 PM

Passive Video Lite Problem

So I had passive Video Lite installed. I have some youtube videos that were embed with that mod. When I disable that mod and enablethis mad the passive videos just show as links and not embedded videos. How can I get this mod to re-embed videos from passive video lite?

Digital Jedi 12-10-2010 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by yotsume (Post 2131915)
Passive Video Lite Problem

So I had passive Video Lite installed. I have some youtube videos that were embed with that mod. When I disable that mod and enablethis mad the passive videos just show as links and not embedded videos. How can I get this mod to re-embed videos from passive video lite?

The backwards compatibility of AME works likes this. As I understand Passive Video, it parses links the same way as AME, using a RegEx pattern. With that said, AME includes [AME][/AME] BBCode for people who had been using tags to embed videos. Such as [YOUTUBE], [METACAFE], [VIMEO], etc. So AME has a tool you can run to replace all the old BBCode with it's [AME] tags so you can forget about having to keep the old tags available.

Now I could be wrong about Passive Video, but in order to backwards convert its videos en masse, AME would need to be able to find a tag to replace, and I don't believe PV uses anything like that. The videos can be edited one at a time, but other than those two options, there's no good way to correct that.

Also, we had some folks try installing both of these mods together before and they seemed to have some trouble when trying to fully uninstall Passive Vid. None of them ever got back to me on what exactly happened, but from what little I could glean, Passive Vid still left some info in the the database that caused a bit of conflict. I still don't know if it was Lite or the full version, but thought I should let you know.

Digital Jedi 12-11-2010 08:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
|[ Friday Night Definitions ]|
Yes, I know it's Saturday. But like they say, it's always Friday somewhere in the world....wait...

Catching up on requested definitions over the last...erm, year. It's all packaged into one XML file here, so just import and select what you want. Here's the skinny on this update pack:

DOCS (.PDF, .PPT, .PPS and .TIFF Extensions) - Actually, this is an update of your exiting Local Hosted PDF definition. It will not import if you don't delete the old one. This new one includes support for locally hosted PDFs, Power Point Presentations and Slideshows, as well as support for TIFF files. It does all this via the schmancy Google Docs Viewer as the converter. So enjoy.

You do know what to do with this def, right? Change the name of my website (cogonline) to the name of your site. No .com, .co.uk, .net or anything else. Just the name. Also, to enable document download from your sever, just turn on the container. I have it turned off cause it's oogly.

authorSTREAM - Nifty little site that allows you to publish your magazines online.

FQuick - More motor oriented guy stuff.

NFL - Sweaty guy oriented guy stuff. Uh...

NothingToxic - Er, I tested what I could. Some of that stuff freaked me out. Also couldn't disable the auto play. Sorry. No workaround.

SoundClick - More music for you. Embeds their nice little media player.

SoundClick Playlists - These embed the playlist from the a SoundClick user's home page. There are four definitions for playlists here. You can only use one at a time, so I only have one turned on by default. Toggle the definitions according to which one of SoundClick's playlist players you want to use. They include a Basic, Premium, Store and VIP MP3 Player. Use whichever you like, but pick one and stick with it.

Wall Street Journal - You know, all that news stuff.

Wat.TV - I don't know Wat this is. Get it? Wat...what this is? [sigh] I need to eat...

yotsume 12-12-2010 01:04 AM

Thanks for the update here. I will have to try out the doc stuff.

Digital Jedi 12-12-2010 04:16 AM

Whoops! Sorry guys, slight, almost undetectable bug in the DOCS definition I just uploaded. Please try downloading from the last post again, as I updated it a bit. Caused a small conflict with internal URLs.

yotsume 12-12-2010 04:28 AM

I had noticed that certain PPT urls didn't work... I will have to see if that is fixed now.

vijayninel 12-12-2010 05:27 AM

Thanks for the excellent support DJ ... my community really appreciates your work. :)

Digital Jedi 12-12-2010 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by baher (Post 2132370)
but we have a media icon ,uploaded to the forum/image ??

What videos have you tried posting up to now? Post a couple of links to the videos and maybe show me where they are not converting on your forum. I assume you've checked the FAQ on the first page here and made sure it isn't one of the most common mistakes?

yellowpeter 12-13-2010 07:41 AM

I just want to update everyone that the Tapatalk plugin has been updated to improve compatibility with this popular AME plugin. If you previously has trouble viewing video from the app the update (available at our MOD page or our website) should fix the issue.

Digital Jedi 12-13-2010 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by yellowpeter (Post 2133183)
I just want to update everyone that the Tapatalk plugin has been updated to improve compatibility with this popular AME plugin. If you previously has trouble viewing video from the app the update (available at our MOD page or our website) should fix the issue.

That sounds great. :) Wish I could test run it, but my stupid phone has updated to Froyo yet. :mad:

Sayid 12-15-2010 12:35 PM

Welcome back Jedi and thanks for updating us.

and one small request :D a definition for the following site is much appreciated


thanks again in advance :)

Digital Jedi 12-15-2010 02:30 PM

You're welcome. Don't forget to add it to my list so I don't forget about it.

fkatzenb 12-20-2010 03:37 PM

I am upgrading to vb4, so I have to ditch the AME until the vb4 version comes around.

What is the best course for updating old threads to use the vb4 method?


Digital Jedi 12-22-2010 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by fkatzenb (Post 2136858)
I am upgrading to vb4, so I have to ditch the AME until the vb4 version comes around.

What is the best course for updating old threads to use the vb4 method?


At the moment, AME 3 has a way you can do that in the Read Me file. But right now AME 3 does not appear to be working with anything over vB 4.0.3, so keep that in mind. You can revert old videos to mere titled links in AME 2.5 before you upgrade by using one of the conversion options under Tools.

donnew 12-25-2010 02:31 PM

What MOD works best if one only wants to facilitate the use of YouTube, Facebook and Tweeter? Would BB Codes be a better solution?

Digital Jedi 12-25-2010 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by donnew (Post 2138916)
What MOD works best if one only wants to facilitate the use of YouTube, Facebook and Tweeter? Would BB Codes be a better solution?

I don't know what Tweeter is, but you could just use the YouTube and Facebook definitions if that's all you want.

If BBCodes were a better solution, AME wouldn't have ever been designed. The point of AME is to have a more lightweight conversion of videos, in addition to a "hey user, you need to do this if you want it to work"-free way of making the convert. Since you're only wanting to use two, then it's not as big a deal, depending on how many other custom BBCodes your using. But then, would you rather have to explain to users how to use the [YOUTUBE], [FACEBOOK] and other BBCodes, knowing full well some aren't even going to bother or understand (or even read the explanation) even after the explanation? Or would you prefer the videos convert without the user even having to even needing to know it's going to happen? So really, it's up to you.

angeljs 12-28-2010 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2131565)
When I tested her forum, it imported up to a certain number of definitions, no matter how many different ways you tried to import it. I did groups of ten, then groups of thirty, then sometimes just one. Each time, it would stop importing once her definitions set got to be around 50 or so.

It turns out this was a server issue. Something to do with MySQL restrictions, and when these were temporarily lifted, it 'imported like a charm'! :)

Digital Jedi 12-28-2010 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by angeljs (Post 2140140)
It turns out this was a server issue. Something to do with MySQL restrictions, and when these were temporarily lifted, it 'imported like a charm'! :)

Good to know. What did they say needed to be lifted to allow for the import, just the number of MySQL queries per hour, or something like that?

Sayid 12-30-2010 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by Digital Jedi (Post 2134285)
You're welcome. Don't forget to add it to my list so I don't forget about it.

sorry but I didn't find where your list is exactly to add. Thanks in advance

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