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y2ksw 11-03-2011 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Videx (Post 2263231)
I can't recall now what sort of "banner events" trigger emails. But if one of them is expiration, an option to send a reminder x days before expiration would be nice. I can't think of any other "banner event" anyone would need an email for.

As it is now I have to maintain a separate "Sponsors" calendar and use it to send me a reminder a few days beforehand.


7 days before expiration ... as far as I recall ;)

markopete 11-10-2011 06:24 AM

I cant see any number options to position the banner....there are no numbers in the dropdown box. I wonder if there is a tie-in there as I cannot get any of the banners to display.

I am using the current version of Vbulletin suite.

Any help appreciated

y2ksw 11-10-2011 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by markopete (Post 2266430)
I cant see any number options to position the banner....there are no numbers in the dropdown box. I wonder if there is a tie-in there as I cannot get any of the banners to display.

I am using the current version of Vbulletin suite.

Any help appreciated

Could you please show us what you see? (Snapshot)

markopete 11-10-2011 11:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Screenshot attached

y2ksw 11-10-2011 04:40 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by markopete (Post 2266516)
Screenshot attached

Ok, looks like you have changed the options in order to remove all possible choices :)

Please make sure to have this setting (Rotating Banner System Options):
Attachment 134355

singh9211 11-10-2011 05:53 PM

thanks a lot for sharing a gr8 mod, really in need of this.......

markopete 11-10-2011 08:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Ok, looks like you have changed the options in order to remove all possible choices

Please make sure to have this setting (Rotating Banner System Options):
I dont remeber doing that actually, the problem is I cant see the position choices as per your screenshot anywhere. I have up loaded another image of my options page.

Thanks Pete

y2ksw 11-11-2011 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by markopete (Post 2266682)
I dont remeber doing that actually, the problem is I cant see the position choices as per your screenshot anywhere. I have up loaded another image of my options page.

Thanks Pete

This image shows an old version of the banner system. Could you please take the latest version?

If you already have the latest version, something got mixed up (e.g. old product XML on new files). In this case, please make sure to install or upgrade the product with its proper product-rbs.xml ... maybe reuploading the files and reinstalling the product isn't a bad idea :)

Videx 11-11-2011 12:08 PM

...and don't forget to check "Allow Overwrite" when importing the new xml.

Gripi 11-13-2011 04:36 PM


i already installed RBS and working well..

one question: is it possible to have this mod to run from outsite vbulletin templete file? let say i have one "test.html" file, how to call the "@vbbanners:4@" ? the test.html file is inside the folder with vbulletin core file.

please help..

thanks alot

y2ksw 11-14-2011 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Gripi (Post 2267596)

i already installed RBS and working well..

one question: is it possible to have this mod to run from outsite vbulletin templete file? let say i have one "test.html" file, how to call the "@vbbanners:4@" ? the test.html file is inside the folder with vbulletin core file.

please help..

thanks alot

Please see post 989 of this thread :)

ryansmith 11-16-2011 04:18 AM

How hard would it be to allow the banners to rotate in place? For instance, if I have two banners in position 3, could you have one display for x amount of seconds, then rotate to the second one?

I used to use an old Javascript banner rotater for this but the code is outdated and I've never found another mod that does anything similar. It'd be nice if I could find a mod that would let the banners load based on a time interval, rather than on page load.

y2ksw 11-16-2011 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by ryansmith (Post 2268419)
How hard would it be to allow the banners to rotate in place? For instance, if I have two banners in position 3, could you have one display for x amount of seconds, then rotate to the second one?

I used to use an old Javascript banner rotater for this but the code is outdated and I've never found another mod that does anything similar. It'd be nice if I could find a mod that would let the banners load based on a time interval, rather than on page load.

Please see post 989 of this thread :)

mc0676 11-17-2011 09:49 AM

With 4.18 it stop works !

Some reason ?

chikuru 11-17-2011 10:28 AM

doesnt work well with my 4.1.8..
any idea?

LbR 11-17-2011 02:10 PM

Anything we can do to make it work with 4.1.8?

y2ksw 11-17-2011 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by mc0676 (Post 2268829)
With 4.18 it stop works !

Some reason ?


Originally Posted by chikuru (Post 2268840)
doesnt work well with my 4.1.8..
any idea?

Template changes maybe?

y2ksw 11-17-2011 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by LbR (Post 2268886)
Anything we can do to make it work with 4.1.8?

There is no reason why it should not work with 4.1.8 ... I'll see this tomorrow morning when I upgrade ;)

Videx 11-17-2011 05:45 PM

It looks like they added back a few ad locations in 418.

Here is a list of the most requested fixes based on your votes:
  • "The threads below have not been updated since your last visit" message is not displayed in search results when appropriate"(reported by Andy)
  • "No persistent and elegant way to change editor style" (reported by cellarius)
  • "ad_showthread_firstpost & ad_footer_end ad locations are no longer present"(reported by djbaxter)

mc0676 11-18-2011 06:58 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2268946)
There is no reason why it should not work with 4.1.8 ... I'll see this tomorrow morning when I upgrade ;)

Ciao caro, io ho semplicemente agg.to da 4.1.7 a 4.1.8 e ha smesso di funzionare, non ho toccato altro. Grazie per il tuo impegno, questo prodotto ? veramente eccezionale.


No modification to template, only upgrade from 4.1.7 to 4.1.8

y2ksw 11-18-2011 08:38 AM

The product continues to work with 4.1.8 (please see: http://www.vbulletin.it/).

The only reason why banners disappear may have their reason because:
1. You reverted the templates where you had banner replacements or you have upgraded your styles.
2. Templates or ad locations have disappeared.
3. You have disabled all plugins from config.php (DISABLEHOOK) and/or the options and forgot to reenable them.
4. You have deleted all files before upgrading, instead of overwriting existing files with your FTP client. This practice ensures you have fresh files, but will break all products which have additional files.

In all these cases there is nothing I can do about it :)

Gripi 11-21-2011 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2267778)
Please see post 989 of this thread :)

thank you very2 much :)

Ocean-Wonders 11-25-2011 09:17 AM

Hi can anyone help ?

I'm running 4.1.8 and have the banners displaying no problems, my issues arise when a banner is clicked, instead of taking a user to the page of the add it just reloads the forum page again ?

I've tried everything I can think of with no luck !

Thanks in advance

y2ksw 11-25-2011 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by Ocean-Wonders (Post 2271719)
Hi can anyone help ?

I'm running 4.1.8 and have the banners displaying no problems, my issues arise when a banner is clicked, instead of taking a user to the page of the add it just reloads the forum page again ?

I've tried everything I can think of with no luck !

Thanks in advance

Probably the URL (landing page) points to your forums instead anywhere else.

Ocean-Wonders 11-25-2011 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by y2ksw (Post 2271741)
Probably the URL (landing page) points to your forums instead anywhere else.

No they defiantly point to the correct pages, I have this mod running no problems on my other forum, just cant seem to get it to work on the new one.


Videx 11-25-2011 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Ocean-Wonders (Post 2271743)
No they defiantly point to the correct pages, I have this mod running no problems on my other forum, just cant seem to get it to work on the new one.


I only see one banner there but it's working properly for me in FF.

edit: I too see the sendmessage.php banner. That's probably a Really Bad Idea as it forces a potential client to join the forum before they can email you. I'd just make it link to a "contact us" page.

y2ksw 11-25-2011 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by Ocean-Wonders (Post 2271743)
No they defiantly point to the correct pages, I have this mod running no problems on my other forum, just cant seem to get it to work on the new one.



Originally Posted by Videx (Post 2271744)
I only see one banner there but it's working properly for me in FF.

Same for me, but 2 banners, one pointing to sendmessage.php (Advertise here) and another pointing to Ocean Wonder or somethin alike. Both working perfectly well.

viper357 11-25-2011 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Ocean-Wonders (Post 2271743)
No they defiantly point to the correct pages, I have this mod running no problems on my other forum, just cant seem to get it to work on the new one.


Both banners working fine for me too.

Ocean-Wonders 11-25-2011 01:27 PM

I've changed the banner system for the time being, it wasn't working for some of the other users either so until i can figure it out ive disabled it on that forum.

Still have it working well on the other though :)

Helmut71 11-26-2011 09:57 PM

nice add on - is there a way to add more than 9 positions?

btw: you don't have to edit the ad templates manually.

kfyonur 11-27-2011 07:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
it is closing the upper side on header 1 and header 2..How can i fix this ?

DEGE 11-30-2011 06:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
What does a star mean at the starting of a banner in the Banner list?

Attachment 134785

y2ksw 11-30-2011 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Helmut71 (Post 2272231)
nice add on - is there a way to add more than 9 positions?

btw: you don't have to edit the ad templates manually.

Yes, in the options. However, changing the default 10 positions voids the Quality Seal and you are entirely on your own with the Big Bang Theory. Normally you will be more than best served with just 2 locations, since you may (and should) reuse a single location one or more times in the same page ;)

And btw: you have to edit all templates manually. There is no such banner injection as in other products.

y2ksw 11-30-2011 06:37 PM


Originally Posted by kfyonur (Post 2272320)
it is closing the upper side on header 1 and header 2..How can i fix this ?

Yeah, once again a style question :)

For fixed 998px styles I use for header2, in additional.css:
PHP Code:

.rbs_header_2 {

and in header2:
PHP Code:

<div class="rbs_header_2"><!--@vbbanners:0@--></div

y2ksw 11-30-2011 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by DEGE (Post 2273424)
What does a star mean at the starting of a banner in the Banner list?

Attachment 134785

Honestly? No idea. Probably you have that asterisk in your banner title.

DEGE 11-30-2011 07:21 PM

No. I have not. That was the first thing I've checked. This is one banner that I renewed a few days before expiring... but even it is listed in the active ones, it seems not to be showing (the counter does not rise).

Tante gratzie

viper357 12-01-2011 07:20 AM

y2ksw, is there any possibility of implementing a reminder in this? For example, my banner advertisers pay for 1 year of advertising, it would be really cool if say 1 month before the banner expires it sends out a reminder to an email address informing them that their banner is due to expire in 1 months time. Just like the Expired Banner notiifcation currently works, but 1 month in advance. Thanks. :)

viper357 12-01-2011 07:23 AM


Originally Posted by DEGE (Post 2273424)
What does a star mean at the starting of a banner in the Banner list?

Attachment 134785

I'm not 100% sure but I think that means a banner has expired and has been disabled. You need to go into the banner properties and put a tick in the 'Enabled' box and then a tick in the 'reset notifications' box, also change the dates so that it's not expired, then save the banner and the asterisk will be gone and your banner will display again.

y2ksw 12-01-2011 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by viper357 (Post 2273601)
y2ksw, is there any possibility of implementing a reminder in this? For example, my banner advertisers pay for 1 year of advertising, it would be really cool if say 1 month before the banner expires it sends out a reminder to an email address informing them that their banner is due to expire in 1 months time. Just like the Expired Banner notiifcation currently works, but 1 month in advance. Thanks. :)

The box for the email addresses is the one. One week before the banner expires, a mail is sent to all recipients in that box.

EDIT: You my change the task accordingly. However, double sending is not supported and never will.

y2ksw 12-01-2011 07:59 AM


Originally Posted by viper357 (Post 2273602)
I'm not 100% sure but I think that means a banner has expired and has been disabled. You need to go into the banner properties and put a tick in the 'Enabled' box and then a tick in the 'reset notifications' box, also change the dates so that it's not expired, then save the banner and the asterisk will be gone and your banner will display again.

Well, one day I'll look into that piece of code again. Maybe it has to do with the mailing feature ...

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