Originally Posted by moonclamp
I meant disable it from appearing at all. (I just disabled the plugin for now)
I'll add an option to enable/disable points per attachment in eBux Settings for the next release.
Originally Posted by MorrisMcD
good timing on implementing the history.. That way you can see if anyone used it.. :)
I'm good.. Thanks!!!
Yes, thankfully, lol.
Originally Posted by flypaper
Where do I change the name of the 'Points'? Do I just change the phrase?
Yes, change the phrase.
Originally Posted by Joep11
Really, really great hack!
Got one bug with points per character: users can post a whole lot of text (really much and making no sense) and afterwards edit it to what they really wanted to say. They keep the points for the previous text though.
That's going to be a side effect of all points per character system I think, but I'll see if there's a way to fix it perhaps.
Originally Posted by xss illz
requesting a ban options for my members
lets just say i run a forum with lots of beef and that added would be great
Wouldnt that hurt your forums as they wouldnt be able to do anything?
Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
Couple questions:
I thought I saw somewhere an option to charge for a attachment download? I can't find it, but some guy has it in his sig that says "Click here to get owned badly" and it is an img attachment and takes 10000 points from whoever views it and w/o warning.
I noticed you put a history log, where is that? Or is it just for each user to see their own? If the latter, I would love to be able to have a history to see what everyone did.
There is no way to modify a plugin to get it to pull the data needed to display how much the attachment costs. You can set how much it costs when you upload the attachment via Manage Attachments. There needs to be some more plugins for the attachments to be able to display the imagecost when it displays the image.
The History log is for all items. When you click on a Category, you will see the list of items in that category, on the far right it will say 'View', that will view the item's history since history was added in v1.1.3.
Originally Posted by flypaper
Settings for sticky, bump, debump, etc made in catagories do not filter down to forums.
edit: And a request. Can threads that have been bumped, debumped, stuck, etc have a post made in them stating the action and who did it?
That actually was intentional as I didnt have time to research it further, but I'll see if I can make it filter down as that would be a good idea.
As far as putting a post in them stating who did it, I'll see about adding the information to the Item history, then you can view the history for Sticky Thread and it will say who stickied what thread, etc..
Originally Posted by VMS
I have member which his nick is only numbers like 456852, and another members couldn't send gifts or donate to him and it appeared the message:" The username you have enter was not found in the database". Is there anyway to fix or set up somewhere in the Admin CP ? Thanks in advance for all the answers .
I thought that was fixed, I'll need to create a test account on the test forum with all numbers and see if its fixed. I had it search for the username by username = 'text', and if its not found it searches by userid, but maybe there is one php file that wasnt updated to that method though.
Originally Posted by 7thgenCivic.Com
where is the option to turn that off then?
There will be an option to disable it in the next release, sorry about that :/
Originally Posted by dippin' low
I uploaded the files, installed the product..but the ebux/estore doesn't appear on the sidebar, they're only accessible through Vbulletin Options> vbulletin options.. and then it only has basic settings, there aren't any permission settings in either of them, did I do something wrong?
There is some hack that this conflicts with, but I cant remember what it was, if you have something that changes/updates your Admin CP navigation area on the left, try to disable it and refresh the Admin CP.
Originally Posted by xYarub
Are you able to make a feature that allows users to buy points via PayPal?
I will allow someone else to do that, because I dont want to be involved in the legal aspects of that. I run a public webpage and do not need to be sued for anything, especially a bug in a PHP script.... lol
Originally Posted by lowandloudinc
great hack and is there a way to make it where every attachment cost 1 or 2 points no matter who loads it?
similar to this hack here
also if users can set theyre attachement cost , wont some trouble some members make it a high number and screw other members? is there a way to max it at a certain number like 5 or something?
I could have it set a default cost per attachment, but how many people would be interested in such a feature? Where all attachments cost X points, settable by the eBux Settings, and the points would go to the attachment uploader? or what, give some more ideas on this.
Right now, the user can specify how many points they want for the attachment and when someone views it, they will get the points.
Originally Posted by Ole_Chilli
I am having a problem , small as it is with 1.1.3 every time I click the link to teh store I have to log in and then relogin when I go back to the site
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