NLP-er |
08-26-2009 05:12 PM |
Originally Posted by Joppe111
(Post 1874774)
Hi NLP-er!
We have installed this mod and I am really excited about it as I belive it can increase traffic quit a lot! But - there are some problems....
As far as I can see, the translations are NOT cached - or more possibly - it ignores to fetch the cached translation and always makes a query to Google. It simply isn't any difference in time when opening a page that has been opened previously compared to the first time.
What was your way of mesurment? How are you sure that page wasn't translated before? Dissable cache - make several tests. Enable cache - make several tests. Take average time for booth and let me know about your results :)
Originally Posted by Joppe111
(Post 1874774)
If I enable more than one language the mod causes MySQL to be overloaded. The site has quit a lot of traffic but I suspect that the main problem is when search engine bots are opening many pages to be translated. If all languages are enabled it can take more than a minute to get the page translated and fully rendered. It will also cause tons of MySQL errors and the whole forum becomes unresponsive.
You can choose which languages you want to have cached or dissable cache at all. It is fully configurable.
"can take" - does it means that you checked it or you are worried? If you checked it - configure your cache appropriatelly to your needs. If you are worried - make stress test and check it.
"It will cause" - you expect this or you had this? What errors you are writing about - give me error log. I cannot help with your actual description.
Originally Posted by Joppe111
(Post 1874774)
It is not a problem. Try to find faster translation mod :) Translation takes time. Even from cache. And alvays will take longer that oryginal page, because oryginal page is generated first and then translated. Mod will not translate something which wasn't generated first.
Originally Posted by Joppe111
(Post 1874774)
To open and load the "original page", i.e. the original English page, takes about 4-5 seconds. To open the Swedish translation, when only having one language enabled, will take double the time, 9-10 seconds, regardless if it has been opened before. When having 5-6 languages enabled it will take 20-30 seconds. When having all languages enabled the whole site gets unstable.
There is no any connection between mod speed and number of enabled translations. Mod works same way no mather how many translations you have on. It is your server load. If you cannot stand your traffic I cannot help in that.
I really don't know what are you expecting from me at this point. Please describe me what are your suggestions :)
Originally Posted by Joppe111
(Post 1874774)
From what I can understand the mod is actually writing to MySQL, but, it looks like it fails to see that a page is cached and will always make a query to Google. I guess that the reason for MySQL-errors is that to many requests for writing to MySQL is made when all or several languages are enabled, and I guess that the reason for the long wait for the translated page is because many languages enabled means a lot of queries to Google., ie it becomes a long queue to Google.
Once again - what errors?
About cache - go to file vbenterprisetrnslator_functions.php, find function vbet_getFromCache and change every line in this function with return (but not return null) to return 'FROM CACHE';. Upload and you will see which parts are taken from cache (if any). After that undo changes and upload oryginal file.
Enabled language doesn't mean any query to Google. Translation of page - does.
Originally Posted by Joppe111
(Post 1874774)
From what I can see all settings in AdminCP is as they should:
”Use cache” is set to yes
”Cache Time To Live” is set to 90 days
”Select grouped translations” is now Yes, have tested with No but it doesn’t make any difference
“Cache details” is set to all languages
I have now only Swedish and German enabled but it takes forever to open an already translated page... What is wrong???
Cannot tell without possiblity to check it.