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stonyarc 11-04-2005 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by The Geek
I havent looked at the code - however why not just use htmlspecialchars() or vbs htmlspecialchars_uni() function to write the data to the markers?

I was already testing that. But stil thanks

The htmlspecialchars is not enough. Problem starts with the creation parsing of the markers.xml clientside. There are some characters that make the XML parsing go bananas.

DB insert/update is never the issue.

Version 1.0.2 will be released later tonight. I added more characters to the list to filter out before creating the xml file.

GrendelKhan{TSU 11-04-2005 03:40 PM

wow!! how freakin cool is this??
nice job!! WORKS GREAT on 3.5.0

[high]* GrendelKhan{TSU installs with big grin!! ^_^

one request:


its a world map and I got multi-language site. ;) :)

stonyarc 11-04-2005 03:49 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU
wow!! how freakin cool is this??
nice job!! WORKS GREAT on 3.5.0

[high]* GrendelKhan{TSU installs with big grin!! ^_^

one request:


its a world map and I got multi-language site. ;) :)


Which would you like in phrases?

The full text in the templates too?

addict 11-04-2005 04:07 PM

I found a little bug using Safari, so I'm not sure if it affects other browsers...

How to reproduce:
1. Click on a marker to open the balloon.
2. Without closing the balloon, click anywhere else on the map.

On Safari (not sure with other browsers), the map completely disappears, and the latitude/longitude fields show 'NaN' (I assume for 'not a number').

I wonder if you could add some code to handle this situation... like maybe force the balloon close before updating the latitude/longitude?

Otherwise this is great stuff... my users are loving it so far.

MrNase 11-04-2005 04:31 PM

For a little performance boost, in VBGooglemap.php you should replace all:

PHP Code:



PHP Code:


stonyarc: Please make sure to use query_read and query_write where they are needed :)

addict 11-04-2005 04:32 PM

Well, I found a little different bug using IE 6.0.2800.1106 on Windows 2000.

I attached a screenshot of what the balloon pop-up is doing. However, it doesn't have the same 'NaN' bug I reported with Safari... it 'does' close the bubble and update the map.

Once again, thanks for the great extension. :)

GrendelKhan{TSU 11-04-2005 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc

Which would you like in phrases?

The full text in the templates too?


basically...gulp..... everything (or anything that is possible)!! :p :)
that would be KICK@SS!!!

it soo sucks when there is a great hack but no full phrases. :( many of user get way bummed.

stonyarc 11-04-2005 06:24 PM


I posted a little roadmap in the first reply.

I'll add features as progress is made



Holidazed 11-04-2005 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Ok here it goes

To edit the color of the text displayed in the balloon

Go to the VBGooglemap_display_map template
(It also occurs in the other templates but it's currently not used YET)

Awesome! Perfect fix. This is so cool.

Now, is there a way to color code more groups? Right now you just do moderator (which you include admins in) and member. Can we add something so we can assign images or colors to all our groups?

stonyarc 11-04-2005 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by bitg
Awesome! Perfect fix. This is so cool.

Now, is there a way to color code more groups? Right now you just do moderator (which you include admins in) and member. Can we add something so we can assign images or colors to all our groups?

I added "assign images or colors to all groups in admin CP" to the roadmap for 1.0.3

Holidazed 11-04-2005 07:34 PM

Is that a version we have now? How do I configure that?

stonyarc 11-04-2005 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by bitg
Is that a version we have now? How do I configure that?

I'm now on 1.0.1

1.0.2 is a performance release

1.0.3 is feature release

Just check the first post of this thread (with a lot of green in it)

Holidazed 11-04-2005 07:46 PM

Well, I just downloaded the file again in the first post and re-uploaded it (allowing for overwrite) and it says it is now currently running v1.0.0.

Where do I get v1.0.1? Well, it does not really matter since I am need v1.0.3 to get the color thing. I will wait patiently, thank you.

stonyarc 11-04-2005 08:10 PM


Originally Posted by bitg
Well, I just downloaded the file again in the first post and re-uploaded it (allowing for overwrite) and it says it is now currently running v1.0.0.

Where do I get v1.0.1? Well, it does not really matter since I am need v1.0.3 to get the color thing. I will wait patiently, thank you.

The version now online is 1.0.1 I corrected the version number in the XML.

http://www.xboxusersgroup.com/forums/VBGooglemap.php is always running the development version.

stonyarc 11-04-2005 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU

basically...gulp..... everything (or anything that is possible)!! :p :)
that would be KICK@SS!!!

it soo sucks when there is a great hack but no full phrases. :( many of user get way bummed.

Just to let you know that the version on http://www.xboxusersgroup.com/forums...hp?do=showmain

is running full phrases now.

This will be released in 1.0.2

stonyarc 11-05-2005 01:15 AM

Tested and running on 3.5.1

TheComputerGuy 11-05-2005 08:47 AM

Installed and running great!

stonyarc 11-05-2005 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by dan35
Hack of the Month :)

Don't forget to nominate it :squareeyed:

stonyarc 11-06-2005 10:35 AM

Just to let you know that version 1.0.2 is almost finished.

If you see the first reply you can see the done.

What I changed

- Special character in XML issue is now no longer handled when creating the XML but on initial insert in DB
- Query performance (thanks for the tip)
- You marker once set will also appear on the small map. (I'm looking to add drag functionality but that's not an easy one)

Any other feature requests other than the known ones?


pgowder 11-06-2005 11:40 AM

1. Ability to upload a photo
2. Have the points automactially placed--have the map read from the DB.

stonyarc 11-06-2005 12:55 PM


Originally Posted by pgowder
1. Ability to upload a photo
2. Have the points automactially placed--have the map read from the DB.

The locations ARE stored in the DB

your entry inserts them.

The googlemap requires to read the info out of an xml file. This is how the google API works.

So the scripts creates the XML file which is than read by the javascript parser function.

NuclioN 11-06-2005 02:27 PM

alt caption when hoovering on the marker :)

StarBuG 11-06-2005 06:33 PM


I tried to install this hack but I get "Cannot open XML File"

The markers.xml file is chmod 777 (-rwxrwxrwx)
it is in the forum root like the VBGooglemap.php

I have uploaded the product to the product manager and set the api key in the options for my forum.

Any Idea what is wrong?

EDIT: Got it to work after I set the whole server path to the file into VBGooglemap.php to specify the markers.xml location.

Unfortunatly Google does not have detailed maps about europe.
That is making this hack nearly impossible to use for me because I can?t find my city NOR can I enter long and lat by hand (Suggestion!! *hint* *hint* ;))

ricker 11-06-2005 08:46 PM

Effortless install, very impressive. This rocks!

ricker 11-06-2005 09:21 PM

I have an idea ... we are a Jeep-related forum, and it might be cool if the admin can post areas of interest (off-highway hotspots) on the map, like the Rubicon Trail or Moab, UT, but give them a different way of displaying, so you can tell it's not a user post.

stonyarc 11-06-2005 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by StarBuG
I tried to install this hack but I get "Cannot open XML File"
The markers.xml file is chmod 777 (-rwxrwxrwx)
it is in the forum root like the VBGooglemap.php
I have uploaded the product to the product manager and set the api key in the options for my forum.
Any Idea what is wrong?
EDIT: Got it to work after I set the whole server path to the file into VBGooglemap.php to specify the markers.xml location.
Unfortunatly Google does not have detailed maps about europe.
That is making this hack nearly impossible to use for me because I can?t find my city NOR can I enter long and lat by hand (Suggestion!! *hint* *hint* ;))

http://earth-info.nga.mil/gns/html/cntry_files.html this one has about all zipcodes and locations in the world except US.

Google is working on detailed Europe maps.

You can edit the googlemap templates and change the <input text> for longitude an lattitude. Just remove to readonly's that are in there and your users can put it in themselves.
I think there are 4 occurences in total in VBGooglemap_display_yourlocation VBGooglemap_set_yourlocation.

After that you should be able to enter the data manually and keep the drag function.


stonyarc 11-06-2005 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by ricker
I have an idea ... we are a Jeep-related forum, and it might be cool if the admin can post areas of interest (off-highway hotspots) on the map, like the Rubicon Trail or Moab, UT, but give them a different way of displaying, so you can tell it's not a user post.

Hey, Ricker

Thanks for appreciating this mod.

The next version is a performance/stability release but event handling will be a feature.

I'll add the hotspots as a feature to add. You can follow the planning in the first reply to this thread.

GrendelKhan{TSU 11-07-2005 12:42 AM


the location markers are not appearing. :(

I successfully enter my location (and tested with other ids as well)....but no marker actually appears, which..well...defeats most of the purpose. heh.

everything else seems to be working fine.

Any ideas?
also, any word on a fully phrased version? :)

last, idea for future versoins: (if possible and time willing of course)

--automatically adds marker with new registration (somehow have set of most common of locations/cities).
--have fields for long/lat or choose preset cities for Googlemap FOR forum REGISTRATION PROCESS. Maybe this could be connected with daylight savings menu options.
--add location data (lat, long) via user cp.
--fun: CALCULATE/FIND DISTANCE between users. :) show a dot line and distance between two chosen markers.

(sorry for piling it on...I just think this hack RULES!! and I'm just excited for it to continue :) I think it has awesome potential to be very important part of all boards :D -- not just novety ;))

Andy R 11-07-2005 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by stonyarc
Thanks for appreciating this mod.

Awesome hack!

Think there could be anyway to make a map like this using zip code and/or city/state/country profile fields using an opensource longitude/latitude database? It would just be so awesome to capture this geo location info during registration and automate the process of posting the locations onto the map.

stonyarc 11-07-2005 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Andy R
Awesome hack!

Think there could be anyway to make a map like this using zip code and/or city/state/country profile fields using an opensource longitude/latitude database? It would just be so awesome to capture this geo location info during registration and automate the process of posting the locations onto the map.


This is included in the planning for future releases.

You could host a L&L database but to make it international it would need to be a very big one.

I'm still "inventing" a solution.

stonyarc 11-07-2005 08:41 AM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU

the location markers are not appearing. :(

I successfully enter my location (and tested with other ids as well)....but no marker actually appears, which..well...defeats most of the purpose. heh.

everything else seems to be working fine.

Any ideas?
also, any word on a fully phrased version? :)

The version on http://www.xboxusersgroup.com/forums/VBGooglemap.php IS fully phrased :smoke:

For the markers you probably have a users with some bad characters in his text (you could check the googlemap table for that)

I'll release a version update later on today.

StarBuG 11-07-2005 09:33 AM

Three remaining questions.

The first his how do I change the Text color of the "map | Satelite | Hypbride" Buttons

The second is, I figured out of to set the map to satelite by default but I would like to have hybride by default.

The first two are the most important.

Now the third: Would it be possible to allow longer text for the markers but define a number of chars when there will be a < br /> entered automaticly?

Thank you for this realy great hack

reteep 11-07-2005 10:02 AM

Thanks, the update ran through fine, however, IE is still problematic ( http://www.musiker-board.de/vb/VBGooglemap.php ), runs fine on firefox though.

Special chars are e.g.: ?, ?, ?, ?, `, ?, '

stonyarc 11-07-2005 10:04 AM

Just to let you know that the Googlemap is now on version 1.0.2.

- Performance
- Full phrases support
- The special character list is now bigger to avoid the javascript error
- The special chararcter check is done on first insert and no longer when creating the googlemap xml (boost)

Download the latest version on vbulletin.org

UPGRADE to the Googlemap version 1.0.2:

1. Upload VBGooglemap.php to the forum root (overwrite ok)
2. add product-VBGooglemap.xml(Plugin System / Manage Products / Add Import product) and SET OVERWRITE TO YES 3. Enjoy

Hope you like it.

Development on 1.0.3 has started with event and hotspots support.

To change the text colour in the balloon

if ( (type=="yellow") || (type=="red") ){
title = "<a href='/'>"+ title +"</a>";
var content = "<div align=\"center\"><strong>"+title +"</strong></div>" + "<hr width=\"100\"/><div align=\"left\" style=\"width: 20em\">" + text +"</div>";

and change this to


if ( (type=="yellow") || (type=="red") ){
title = "<a href='/'><font color='#000000'>"+ title +"</font></a>";
var content = "<div align=\"center\"><strong><font color='#000000'>"+title +"</font></strong></div>" + "<hr width=\"100\"/><div align=\"left\" style=\"width: 20em\"><font color='#000000'>" + text +"</font></div>";

You can change the #000000 to anything you like

stonyarc 11-07-2005 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by stormblast
Thanks, the update ran through fine, however, IE is still problematic ( http://www.musiker-board.de/vb/VBGooglemap.php ), runs fine on firefox though.

Special chars are e.g.: ?, ?, ?, ?, `, ?, '

Well you because of the fact that the parsing is now done on insert / update please have your users click "your entry" and update your information and that should be fixed.

StarBuG 11-07-2005 10:46 AM

stonyarc any solution for my questions?

stonyarc 11-07-2005 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by StarBuG
stonyarc any solution for my questions?

Checking now


To change the large map to default on Hybrid

Open the XML file product-VBGooglemap.xml

look for


map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map"));
map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());
map.addControl(new GMapTypeControl());

Add the following line below it


map.setMapType( _HYBRID_TYPE );
Save the XML and reload it
add product-VBGooglemap.xml(Plugin System / Manage Products / Add Import product) and SET OVERWRITE TO YES

The colours of the buttons is set by google I'm checking if I can force this to change.

StarBuG 11-07-2005 11:21 AM

Thank you.

In the original Googlemap API the font of these buttons is black like you can see here: http://local.google.com/

However in my forum map they are white so there is something changing the font.

I realy love this hack!!

stonyarc 11-07-2005 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by StarBuG
Thank you.

In the original Googlemap API the font of these buttons is black like you can see here: http://local.google.com/

However in my forum map they are white so there is something changing the font.

I realy love this hack!!

In fact it's easy to fix

Just add

Open the XML file product-VBGooglemap.xml. It's in there 3 times

<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 480px; padding:-5px;"  class="r_box"></div>
and replace it with


<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 480px; padding:-5px;"  class="r_box" style="color=#ff0000"></div>
Change the colour #ff0000 to what you want. You can also add the class to your css and fix it in there.

Save the XML and reload it
add product-VBGooglemap.xml (Plugin System / Manage Products / Add Import product) and SET OVERWRITE TO YES

StarBuG 11-07-2005 11:55 AM


actualy there is one instance:


<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 480px; padding:-5px;" class="r_box"></div>
which needs to be replaced by:

<div id="map" style="width: 100%; height: 480px; padding:-5px; color:#000000;" class="r_box"></div>
and 2 instances

<div id="map" style="width: 600; height: 300px; padding:-5px;" class="r_box"></div>
which need to be replaced by

<div id="map" style="width: 600; height: 300px; padding:-5px; color:#000000;" class="r_box"></div>
thank you for the help

Your style="color=#ff0000" did not work (at least not for me ;))
see fixed version above

Is it possible to expand the text input to lets say 100 chars and automaticly insert a break after about 50 chars (end of the word) or for long words (eg spam inserts with more then 50 chars) a br inside the long word ??

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