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-   -   Dynamic Announcements: Programmable Forum Home Announcement/Message with conditionals (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=97073)

Logician 10-28-2005 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by TitanJeff
Love this hack but wanted to ask if the color red can be changed on the pop up. Also, I have a spacing issue with it on the front page with more space above it than below. I'd like it to be even if possible. http://www.gotitans.com/goForum/

Thanks for a great addition to my forum!

Edit template "dfh_announcement_popup" and you'll see the part that says "background-color: red;". Your other spacing problem can adjusted by playing the style code in the same line.

ggiersdorf 10-31-2005 02:34 PM

GREAT MOD WOW! thanks but I have one question can I some how change the timing between postings for groups? Like the Guest one I want Every time they visit the home page, but Only want to send a message to Admins every 24 hours say etc, etc

can the interval be added into the condition statements?

Thanks in Advance

secret1980 11-01-2005 04:07 AM

is it possible to bring the pop up in the middle of the page ?? it comes in the middle for opera & firefox but it comes in the left side for IE.

btw great hack :D clicked install :D

phonexpo 11-03-2005 06:09 PM

Installed, thanks ;-)

kushtiUK 11-04-2005 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by breaume
For all you VBA CMPS users I have this working on the CMPS home Page. Here is what I did. I am no coder but it works on my site. I also add step 2 to forum display and showthread.

1. in the Plugin System -> Plugin Manager
move Dynamic Forum Home Announcement Hack by Logician from forumhome_complete to Global_start hook location

2. edit adv_portal template just the same as in the forumhome template.




3. ADmincp -> VBA CMPS -> Default Settings -> Portal Output Global Variables

Add the following

and Save :)

I have tried this by following all your instructions but it does not show on my main page - has anyone else found this problem?

dreck 11-04-2005 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by breaume
For all you VBA CMPS users I have this working on the CMPS home Page. Here is what I did. I am no coder but it works on my site. I also add step 2 to forum display and showthread.

1. in the Plugin System -> Plugin Manager
move Dynamic Forum Home Announcement Hack by Logician from forumhome_complete to Global_start hook location

2. edit adv_portal template just the same as in the forumhome template.




3. ADmincp -> VBA CMPS -> Default Settings -> Portal Output Global Variables

Add the following

and Save :)

Very nice!!
I love having the forum display and showthread.

Thanks, dreck

blue6995 11-04-2005 08:21 PM

I can get the Forum Home Table Announcement to appear but I can't get the pop-up announcement to work!

Living in music 11-05-2005 10:25 AM

Hi! Anyone can help me to do this? When users enter and login to forum homepage,popup will appear but only one time.Users won't see popup again when they're back to forum homepage.This will help to avoid reading popup a lot of time which users usually feel displeased.I think if it's successful,this mod will be perfect.On the other hand,anyone knows how to make popup move along scroll bar?

I love this mod :D thanks.

Logician 11-05-2005 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Living in music
Hi! Anyone can help me to do this? When users enter and login to forum homepage,popup will appear but only one time.Users won't see popup again when they're back to forum homepage.This will help to avoid reading popup a lot of time which users usually feel displeased.I think if it's successful,this mod will be perfect.

There is a hack setting for this so that you can configure it as you like: admin cp/vb options/Dynamic Forum Announcements/ Popup Frequency (In Hour)

folkish 11-06-2005 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by bang
I have the vBShout hack installed, and the accouncement box appears under the shoutbox. is there a way to move it directly under the navbar, above the shoutbox?

I'd like to know the answer to this as well.

Installed, btw. Great hack.

jayhawk785 11-07-2005 07:44 PM

This is a great hack. Quick question, how would you do one for the ucash table?

Dan 11-10-2005 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by jayhawk785
This is a great hack. Quick question, how would you do one for the ucash table?

Just a quick question is there a way to make it show it only shows the announcement so many times to a certain usergroup? Like I want all my registered members to only see the announcement once.


silurius 11-10-2005 09:00 PM

What are the big differences between this and the Welcome headers hack?

tbroush 11-11-2005 12:21 AM


I can get the Forum Home Table Announcement to appear but I can't get the pop-up announcement to work!
I'm having the same issue however only in IE the popup works fine in Firefox, plus I have the time set at 12 hours and if I comeback to the site after couple hours I still see the announcement, this is happening on both browsers.

tbroush 11-11-2005 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by kushtiUK
I have tried this by following all your instructions but it does not show on my main page - has anyone else found this problem?

Make sure that you move the right plugin.

1. in the Plugin System -> Plugin Manager
move Dynamic Forum Home Announcement Hack by Logician from forumhome_complete to Global_start hook location.

There is another one that is attached to the cache_templates if you move this one is not going to work, I already did it by mistake.

Brandon Sheley 11-11-2005 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by folkish
I'd like to know the answer to this as well.

Installed, btw. Great hack.

here is the answer. for those who want to move the popup
on the first page ;)


[high]* Brandon Sheley installs

great hack, thank you

OzgurcaN 11-11-2005 09:15 AM

arkadaşlar bu konuyu türkçe [ TURKİSH ] Anlatabilecek birisi yokmu sevaba girersiniz valla.

slank 11-11-2005 12:35 PM

cheers - installs

tbroush 11-12-2005 11:20 AM

How can we add a time limit for the regular announcement?

Brandon Sheley 11-12-2005 08:41 PM

what is the condition to make it say the users name ..
like here it would be

Hello Loco Macheen pls post more :D

i seen it was set in the default, but i've edited it..ty

Logician 11-13-2005 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by Loco Macheen
what is the condition to make it say the users name ..
like here it would be

Hello Loco Macheen pls post more :D

i seen it was set in the default, but i've edited it..ty

[[($bbuserinfo[userid] AND $bbuserinfo[posts]<5)]]
Hello $bbuserinfo[username] pls post more :D
[[($bbuserinfo[userid] AND $bbuserinfo[posts]<5)]]

Translation :

If visitor is a user but has less than 5 posts, say :

Hello $bbuserinfo[username] pls post more :D

aacircle 11-13-2005 12:59 PM

Anyone know what would be the condition if a user hasn't posted for 30 days? I have been trying the following without luck.

[[($headerstime - 1209600 > $bbuserinfo[lastpost])]]Message Here[[/($headerstime - 1209600 > $bbuserinfo[lastpost])]]

Allan 11-13-2005 06:49 PM

The French Language :)

Logician 11-14-2005 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Allan
The French Language :)

Thanks for sharing. I linked in the hack post.

nexus851 11-14-2005 09:39 AM

Seems like i cannot close announcement POPUP at the FORUM homepage. When it pops up, and i click "close announcement" it doesnt close and stays there.. its annoying for my users.. Only way i can close it is to goto another link. Anyone knows whats wrong or how to fix this???

John P.

Logician 11-14-2005 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by nexus851
Seems like i cannot close announcement POPUP at the FORUM homepage. When it pops up, and i click "close announcement" it doesnt close and stays there.. its annoying for my users.. Only way i can close it is to goto another link. Anyone knows whats wrong or how to fix this???

John P.

If you modified popup template, revert it to the original. If not, give me the URL of your board, put a announcement for guests and let me check it.

davidw 11-14-2005 01:16 PM

<font color="SeaGreen">* chrisitanb clicks install</font>

nexus851 11-14-2005 09:18 PM

i didnt modify the templates at all... couldnt close the announcement at my FORUM HOME only, but for my CMPS home, it closes fine. Check it out at www.pimpwithus.com and click "Forum" link under navigation link on left. It was like this even before i put in the CMPS codes in, i just thought maybe after i install the CMPS add on it'll work fine, but guess not... please advise...

P.S - it has 2 different size popup tables in the FORUM HOME.. maybe that's a clue in why it's duplicating the popup and not closing one.

aacircle 11-15-2005 01:38 AM

Logician... are you able to help with my above post #142. I am using your hack and this replaced the welcome headers hack I was previously using. The welcome headers hack was similar, but places the message on every page, whereas I don't want to be so "in the face" for our users.

Need the message to only display if a user hasn't posted for x amount of days.

Thanks. ;)

Logician 11-15-2005 05:38 AM


Originally Posted by mycolumbus
Anyone know what would be the condition if a user hasn't posted for 30 days? I have been trying the following without luck.

[[($headerstime - 1209600 > $bbuserinfo[lastpost])]]Message Here[[/($headerstime - 1209600 > $bbuserinfo[lastpost])]]

[[($bbuserinfo[lastpost] and $bbuserinfo[lastpost] < strtotime("-30 days"))]]Show this announcement if page visitor has not posted in the last 30 days (although he posted before)[[/($bbuserinfo[lastpost] and $bbuserinfo[lastpost] < strtotime("-30 days"))]]

aacircle 11-15-2005 07:24 AM

Thanks for your expert feedback Logician! I've cut and pasted the above, but it doesn't show your message. All my other messages display except this IF statement... :(

Logician 11-15-2005 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by mycolumbus
Thanks for your expert feedback Logician! I've cut and pasted the above, but it doesn't show your message. All my other messages display except this IF statement... :(

I tested it and it works for me? Are you sure you test with a MEMBER account that didn't post in the last 30 days but still has at least 1 posts?

nexus851 11-16-2005 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by Logician
I tested it and it works for me? Are you sure you test with a MEMBER account that didn't post in the last 30 days but still has at least 1 posts?

Ok, i fixed the problem... FOR ANYONE that uses CMPS, they send the varibles through the default output page and revised the header of the 'adv' template, but what i didnt realize is that it's duplicating the popup announcement twice because of the forumhome pops and the CMPS adv template popups.. so basically, you have to deactivate one of them by:

taking out "$dfh_announcement_popup" from the FORUMHOME template only if you install the CMPS along with it. That fixed the duplicate popup announcement at FORUM HOME. =)

Blackbeard 11-17-2005 04:50 PM

ok i need help, how do i do a header for guests saying this


There are many great features available to you once you register at SWU, including :
Richer content, access to many features that are disabled for guests like commenting on the front page
Access to a great community, with a massive database of experience on hard & software issues, gaming and recreational activities, and more
Access to the SWU online chat - you could make a friend from across the world and talk to them live
Access to SWU contests & subscription offers like exclusive SWU email addresses
It's simple, and FREE!
Then put a link to the registration

Please help

lulala 11-19-2005 01:20 AM

The Traditional Chinese Language UTF-8
enjoy it

lulala 11-19-2005 02:21 AM


Originally Posted by Logician
I tested it and it works for me? Are you sure you test with a MEMBER account that didn't post in the last 30 days but still has at least 1 posts?

me too
I cannot show it!

Logician 11-19-2005 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by lulala
me too
I cannot show it!

Make sure you have space before and after < and also -30 days is between quotation marks. Like that:

PHP Code:

[[($bbuserinfo[lastpost] and $bbuserinfo[lastpost] < strtotime("-30 days"))]]Show this announcement if page visitor has not posted in the last 30 days (although he posted before)[[/($bbuserinfo[lastpost] and $bbuserinfo[lastpost] < strtotime("-30 days"))]] 

lulala 11-19-2005 08:58 AM

How to show an announcement in user's birthday?
What is user's birthday of conditional syntax?
$bbuserinfo[birthday] ?
I want to show "Happy Birthday" to User? :squareeyed:

lulala 11-19-2005 09:44 AM

[[($bbuserinfo[lastvisit] and $bbuserinfo[lastvisit] < strtotime("-7days"))]]
Show this announcement if page visitor has not visited my board for over 7 days
[[/($bbuserinfo[lastvisit] and $bbuserinfo[lastvisit] < strtotime("-7days"))]]

Is It Correct as above?
I cannot show it... :ermm:

lulala 11-19-2005 10:06 AM

Popup Frequency Unit is Hour
Can change to Second or minute??

All times are GMT. The time now is 08:39 PM.

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