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Pete 09-09-2005 11:26 AM

/me clicks install.

Anyone know of a way to schedule the removal of duplicate threads/posts?
(AdminCP->Maintenance->Update Counters)
I'd like to schedule this to run right after the feed update, only in that forum if possible (to keep load minimal). Tried to schedule "./admincp/misc.php?do=removedupe&startat=8000", but it laughed at me. This would probably be a bad idea for high traffic sites, but mine is just a little gathering place for friends.

The "dupe problem" appears to be more a problem with feeds, versus this addon. If an RSS file isn't updated, no new posts are made... But if one new item is added to the RSS file, all other old items will be posted along with the new one.

Dictionary.com's "Word of The Day" is a fun feed to encourage posting, get people to use the word in a sentence & enlarge their brains. I've been creating Word of The Day threads by hand for years, very happy this came along. Thanks a million.

interfx 09-10-2005 04:09 PM

Is the duplicate issue fixed now? Want to make sure before I install this mod...


FASherman 09-10-2005 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by interfx
Is the duplicate issue fixed now? Want to make sure before I install this mod...


No, its not. And the issue of not stripping HTML before posting into non-HTML enabled threads also remains.

RetroDreams 09-11-2005 03:14 PM

Man, I want to install this in the worst way but the dupe thing is keeping me from doing so.

yessir 09-12-2005 02:14 AM


Originally Posted by RetroDreams
Man, I want to install this in the worst way but the dupe thing is keeping me from doing so.

I don't think it is supported at all anymore...

Kirk Y 09-12-2005 08:41 PM

It's never been supported, I don't think Zero supports many of his hacks.

trancetopia 09-13-2005 01:36 PM


Originally Posted by GrendelKhan{TSU

anyone have any clue where to start tracking down this error?

Invalid URL To RSS Feed Given

And I POSITIVE its not the feed. I've tried it many feeds, the one posted here and with the auto detect. :(

I've got this error too and there hasn't been any help for GrendelKhan so maybe there is no fix for this.

I know having access to fopen was needed in some other 3.0.x hacks but fopen is not used in this plugin.

Anyone know a solution for this yet?

Jenta 09-14-2005 06:56 AM


Originally Posted by Dream

PHP Code:

require_once(DIR '/includes/functions_newpost.php'); 


PHP Code:

require_once(DIR '/includes/functions_databuild.php'); 

and now the links inside the news posts are automatically parsed ^_^

tried it and didnt work for me :(

Vizionz 09-14-2005 10:43 AM


Originally Posted by acidburn0520
It's never been supported, I don't think Zero supports many of his hacks.

you got to remember the kid is 17 and runs his own company so being a kid and having to update stuff that he has paying clients is his main priorites. when you isntall hacks here there is no guarentee that anyone will ever return to upgrade or help you with the hack. its on you once you install it

when he has time and goes over this stuff i am sure he will fix the problems that arize. but some of you dont understand that he has alot of hacks here already. he isnt vbulletin staff so he is in no way obligated to sit and constantly watch to see if someone cant use his hack. this is why this is a community your suppose to examine the hacks and learn from them. so you can help the community as well. this isnt the freemarket and everyone is constantly gonna walk you around by your hand on every little install . the hackers do this for fun and offer there hacks. none of them have to or need too offer any of this.

so when you see a problem post it and then wait maybe someone else can help ya or maybe when the creator has time he will help you.

but always keep in mind they have lifes too and other projects to run so when they dont jump to fix your problems dont make it out like they dont care

zt is constantly giving back to this community for nothing and i for one have all his hacks installed and i dont know if i am gifted or lucky but i dont run into any of these problems you people seem to be ?

maybe it could be many isssues when your throwing a whole bucnh of different hacks on one forum. and maybe just maybe this is all test hacks anyway so of course there are gonna be bugs in both the hacks and the actual system. so untill this stuff goes gold your trying these hacks at your own risk...

FASherman 09-14-2005 12:55 PM

I think the real problem is the way VB.Org manages hacks. If I were to take this code, find the problem and re-release it, I'd get jumped all over, asking if I received permission.

What we have is a buggy hack that has been orphaned. The author hasn't been around to fix it and hasn't shown any signs of doing so, age or any other personal issue not withstanding. The hack clearly indicates that it isn't supported, so there is no reasonable expectation that anything ever will get fixed.

There should be a way for someone interested in fixing and supporting a hack to take it over. A released hack filled with bug and logic errors with no support isn't a hack at all.

Dream 09-14-2005 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by Jenta
tried it and didnt work for me :(

you gotta make both changes from both posts I made jenta

Vizionz 09-15-2005 03:01 AM


Originally Posted by FASherman
I think the real problem is the way VB.Org manages hacks. If I were to take this code, find the problem and re-release it, I'd get jumped all over, asking if I received permission.

What we have is a buggy hack that has been orphaned. The author hasn't been around to fix it and hasn't shown any signs of doing so, age or any other personal issue not withstanding. The hack clearly indicates that it isn't supported, so there is no reasonable expectation that anything ever will get fixed.

There should be a way for someone interested in fixing and supporting a hack to take it over. A released hack filled with bug and logic errors with no support isn't a hack at all.

all u have to do is contact a hacker and ask if you can help the real problem with rereleasing hacks is that people tend to take full credit for the hack.

and there is no need to rerelease the code you can attach your fixes already to the post. or add the coding necessary to fix the problem.

then when the hacker notices the additions he will accknowledge your help ya know

SEbasic 09-15-2005 03:00 PM

(I think this is the right place to post this)

Sorry for reviving this old thread...

I've been getting my head around this Mod over the last few hours, and at one point actually had it working well.

The only problem I initially, is that the DB Table wasn't created automatically, so I did it by hand (Not really a big deal, but clearly not how it's supposed to work).

After a few hours of playing around with it, I managed to succesfully syndicate my first 10 posts, and the results were good, but needed tweaking...

So I edited the way the feed was presented and was happy that it would look the way I wanted.

Now, I'm in the situation that the actual RSS settings don't seem to be logged by vB...

I can go into the DB and see the records there, but for whatever reason when I go into the admincp and attempt to manually update the feed or edit the settings, all the work I've done is no longer there.

It's a really weird one, because like I say, I can see the entries in the DB, they just don't seem to be recognised in the vB back end.

Have you got any idea why this might be?

As a side note, many of the titles have got HTML formatting in them, which output, completly unparsed in the post title after the feed is syndicated (I have HTML switched on in these categories).

Again, sorry for dragging up the old(ish) thread, but I would *love* to have this working, as I've been looking for something like this for a while...

Cheers, and I hope someone can point me in the right direction.


Just for the record, this is the error message I recieve when I try to update the feed.

While attempting to parse the document located at "FEED URL HERE" the system encountered the following error:
The system could not find the "parent" tag you specified ()

Please check settings related to this issue.

thetoolman 09-15-2005 08:53 PM


I'm having a problem with the construct box field.. when i enter a link so it links to the whole story page on the original news site, it deletes all the settings after i submit. This is what i'm using:


<b>Date: {XML[pubDate]}</b>

<a href="{XML[link]}">Read Entire Article</a>

How am i supposed to link to the site?
any ideas?

thetoolman 09-21-2005 01:49 PM

anyone? it works by using just {XML[link]} but not in a link tag.

thetoolman 09-22-2005 08:46 PM

not to worry, i've worked it out.

Carl Anderson 09-23-2005 05:37 AM

@Dream Thanks this did get it to parse my urls - worked like a charm.. I put both of your messages together below.. Make it easier to follow ...

Edit: class_ffrss.php

Find and replace

PHP Code:
PHP Code:

$newpost['message'] = $message


PHP Code:
PHP Code:

$newpost['message'] = convert_url_to_bbcode($message); 


PHP Code:

require_once(DIR '/includes/functions_newpost.php'); 


PHP Code:

require_once(DIR '/includes/functions_databuild.php'); 

One other thing someone was asking how not to exclude these posts in new posts or todays posts - do this.. if you have rss feeds in 16 15 and 23

just add &exclude=6,15,23 to the end of the do=getnew url and it'll exlude the forums with the forumids 6, 15 and 23.

Thanks Zero another great hack...

hardgainer 09-23-2005 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by Carl Anderson
One other thing someone was asking how not to exclude these posts in new posts or todays posts - do this.. if you have rss feeds in 16 15 and 23

just add &exclude=6,15,23 to the end of the do=getnew url and it'll exlude the forums with the forumids 6, 15 and 23.

Thanks Zero another great hack...

Can you clarify this just a little more please?

Do you modify the NavBar template for this or an actual file?


trancetopia 09-23-2005 11:54 AM

Has anyone managed to fix the "Invalid URL To RSS Feed Given" issue yet?

The URLs are correct, it's not accepting anything when manually adding feeds or using the autodetect function.

Are there some prequisits that I need to enable on my server before this can work?

yitzklein 09-23-2005 01:32 PM

I need help? I'm getting duplicate threads.

Gizmo5h1t3 09-23-2005 02:00 PM


Originally Posted by yitzklein
I need help? I'm getting duplicate threads.

read back thru this thread mate, everyones gettin em..

its prolly the only down side to this hack....otherwise it works a treat

yitzklein 09-23-2005 02:11 PM


its prolly the only down side to this hack....otherwise it works a treat
Is this problem only with version 3.5, or the same problem was with the earlier version.

trancetopia 09-23-2005 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
read back thru this thread mate, everyones gettin em..

its prolly the only down side to this hack....otherwise it works a treat

I have to dissagree there. It will not accept any url I try. Getting this to work is on the back burner for me now but I would like to find out what is causing the error.

The dupe issue shouldn't be a problem to fix but I can't get to the stage where I can test the import and haven't trawled through the code for being lazy and hoping someone had a quick answer. Maybe not.

I think it's now time for me to write my own rss reader as my first hack for vB. I feel a project coming on :)

thetoolman 09-23-2005 02:18 PM

i am having trouble.. it news articles are not posting themselves. instead i have to click on update feed manually for them to update. is there anyway i can fix this?

MRGTB 09-23-2005 03:25 PM

is there a version of this hack for vB3.0.8 or the 3 series?

Kirk Y 09-23-2005 06:22 PM

Has anyone figured a way to parse all the html into bbcode?

Vierie 09-23-2005 09:22 PM

I don't suppose, there is a way to insert rdf feeds with that?

peterska2 09-23-2005 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Gary Bolton
is there a version of this hack for vB3.0.8 or the 3 series?

The most popular one for the 3.0.x is Cinq's vBArticles

Carl Anderson 09-24-2005 12:29 AM


Originally Posted by hardgainer
Can you clarify this just a little more please?

Do you modify the NavBar template for this or an actual file?


Yes you can modify the navbar template....

I also found a hack that seem to do this for you - I would perfer to change my navbar though... here is the hack


skizzy203 09-25-2005 07:45 AM

fixed... i goofed.


Vierie 09-25-2005 09:10 AM


Originally Posted by thetoolman
i am having trouble.. it news articles are not posting themselves. instead i have to click on update feed manually for them to update. is there anyway i can fix this?

Same problem here.

If somebody had an idea how to resolve the problem with the special characters I would be grateful. Never realized how many of them are in a normale article. :ermm:

jribz 09-25-2005 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by Gizmo5h1t3
read back thru this thread mate, everyones gettin em..

its prolly the only down side to this hack....otherwise it works a treat

I'm not getting any duplicate threads actually.... the one thing I did notice was that if I use a rss feed from say Yahoo, it will dup, but currently I am only using RSS feeds from my sites to headline news posts, seems to work fine on this end.

Not sure why items from some rss feeds duplicate, unless their feed somehow shows an older news item as a different story altogether. I have looked at the feeds that did dup on me, and couldn't figure anything out.

The only time it will dup for the feeds I use, is if we edit the article on the main site, thus updating the feed, so it would make sense that the script thinks it's a new item.

I haven't looked at the code for this, but perhaps adding a check to compare the title against news already posted would resolve the dup issue, if it's not already in there.

trilljester 09-25-2005 04:33 PM

Awesome mod, thanks! I had a similar hack installed on my Invision board, and now I've got it back!

Question: Some feeds include HTML, and by default, I've turned off all HTML on all boards. Is there a way to have my poster account use HTML in posts, but not allow it for anyone else?

ajpritch 09-27-2005 12:28 AM

I am having issues setting up my rss feed. Here is the link to the Rss feed http://www.ohiofirenews.com/rss/ofnrss_incidents.php I am not sure what I need to fill in so it will post right

ajpritch 09-27-2005 12:40 AM

Never mind I see that it is built into the software.

MRGTB 09-27-2005 12:54 AM


Originally Posted by Vierie
Same problem here.

If somebody had an idea how to resolve the problem with the special characters I would be grateful. Never realized how many of them are in a normale article. :ermm:

Just crossed my mind, I think you might have a problem with special charaters because there HTML characters and you don't have HTML enabled on the board your bots are posting into. Not sure, but that could be your problem!

I've noticed the "&b" space command causes problems and thats html

Kirk Y 09-27-2005 01:44 AM

I get the same deal... but when I go to the actual Blog, they're there too... so I figured it's their problem. Oh and someone just released a plug that allows Usergroups the ability to use HTML. I changed it around to allow Usernames, so I just give my bot the ability to post HTML, so now people can reply to the articles without you worrying about them using HTML.

MRGTB 09-27-2005 04:02 AM

I have an older version of this hack installed and don't have HTML enabled, and the posts seem to be displayed fine were I grab RSS XML news from.

c0d3x 09-27-2005 10:32 AM

i have the same problem of some people here... i have the same feeds posted again and again

MRGTB 09-27-2005 11:11 AM

Sounds like it not checking for the feeds already being there, that's bad!

The earlier version I have installed for vbulletin 3.8 works fine and doesn't suffer from that problem. Well not so far!

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