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-   vBulletin 3.5 Add-ons (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=113)
-   -   Add a banner image to each forum (vb3.5) (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=94119)

Zachariah 12-05-2005 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by divided_by_fear
when do you think that will be out? would be nice to put a random banner... or have it set up where you have a banner and it can be added to each forums auto.... instead of manually doing it... ok so if i uninstall this it should be fine?

If you uninstall it well remove all the banners you added.

Remove the template edit from FORUMDISPLAY / SHOWTHREAD for now. I'll make the update to use your old banner data.

divided_by_fear 12-05-2005 12:33 AM

ok sweet lol yeah thats what i did just removed the template edits... thanks

bigmonay2k 12-05-2005 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
Here is a simple JAVA random banner code you can paste in the HTML area of any forum.

This will show @ random.

image1.jpg @ http://www.yoursite1.com
image2.jpg @ http://www.yoursite2.com
image3.jpg @ http://www.yoursite3.com


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function banner() {

banner = new banner();
number = 0;

// bannerArray
banner[number++] = "<a href='http://www.yoursite1.com' target='_blank'><img src='/banners/image1.jpg' alt='' border='0' /></a>"
banner[number++] = "<a href='http://www.yoursite2.com' target='_blank'><img src='/banners/image2.jpg' alt='' border='0' /></a>"
banner[number++] = "<a href='http://www.yoursite3.com' target='_blank'><img src='/banners/image3.jpg' alt='' border='0' /></a>"
// keep adding items above here...

increment = Math.floor(Math.random() * number);


Useage: If you need more banners edit / add another row.

banner[number++] = "<a href='http://www.yoursite1.com' target='_blank'><img src='/banners/image1.jpg' alt='' border='0' /></a>"
Link of Destination
Image location

will this work on forumdisplay.php by just edit the template

Zachariah 12-05-2005 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by bigmonay2k
will this work on forumdisplay.php by just edit the template

But, it will show up on all forums. You will not have a choice of a different set of banners per forum.

You can place that in any Template. $header, $footer, ect ..

Bubble #5 12-05-2005 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by divided_by_fear
would be nice to put a random banner...

There is javascript posted in this thread which does this :)

divided_by_fear 12-05-2005 04:40 AM

yeah but like my post said would be nice to have it included... with a on, off for it...

Zachariah 12-05-2005 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by divided_by_fear
yeah but like my post said would be nice to have it included... with a on, off for it...

you never know :rambo:

craiovaforum 12-06-2005 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
you never know :rambo:

btw (I look but I can't find it :( )
any news about this: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=114

Zachariah 12-06-2005 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by craiovaforum
btw (I look but I can't find it :( )
any news about this: https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost....&postcount=114

What your looking for is not made yet (the random banner idea).
Ill take a look @ bubbles Idea too :D.

@ the moment I am redoing the Gallery Home / CMPS and Shoutcast some more. I'll get to it :D.

craiovaforum 12-06-2005 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
What your looking for is not made yet (the random banner idea).
Ill take a look @ bubbles Idea too :D.

@ the moment I am redoing the Gallery Home / CMPS and Shoutcast some more. I'll get to it :D.

I was only reffering to bubble's idea about the logo and since it's only a little modification of this hack I think that you can do it... Anyway it's up to you :D
But please let us know in this thread too when (and if) it will be released

icemann 12-06-2005 06:05 PM

Thanks for this one Zachariah, a nice feature for myself. :)

*clicks installed*

Rich 12-06-2005 11:24 PM


I am clicking install to see if this does what I need it to do, where I need it to do it. lol If it does, my hat will certainly be off to you as you have saved me some time! lol

Replicators 12-11-2005 05:36 PM

Such a nice hack is not working for me at all! I have 3.5.2!

Edit: Nevermind,i got it to work.

SupermanInNY 12-17-2005 01:18 AM

Could you kindly remind me where or how to remove the Space between the Top forums?
I have a little tick just below the banner on my index page?
I know there is a place (I've done this before, just can't remember where) where I add the number of the First forum in the list and that removes the 'space' tick between the index page banner and the first forum.

Zachariah 12-17-2005 02:13 AM

In your template edit of FORUMDISPLAY, SHOWTHREAD.
- Kill the Red (3) places.


<if condition="$foruminfo['banner'] AND $foruminfo['bannerlink']"><center><a href="$foruminfo[bannerlink]" target="_blank"><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></a></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['banner']"><center><img src="$foruminfo[banner]" alt="$foruminfo[banneralt]" border="0" /></center><br />
<else />
<if condition="$foruminfo['bannercode']"><center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center><br />


Originally Posted by SupermanInNY
Could you kindly remind me where or how to remove the Space between the Top forums?
I have a little tick just below the banner on my index page?
I know there is a place (I've done this before, just can't remember where) where I add the number of the First forum in the list and that removes the 'space' tick between the index page banner and the first forum.

Kuimera 12-20-2005 11:14 AM

Zachariah, I have an issue..
I added Google Adsense code, works great, but when the thread and links menu dropdown, it stays benith the Adsense banner, you know if theres any way of the menu stays on top of the Adsense banner?

Zachariah 12-20-2005 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Kuimera
Zachariah, I have an issue..
I added Google Adsense code, works great, but when the thread and links menu dropdown, it stays benith the Adsense banner, you know if theres any way of the menu stays on top of the Adsense banner?

not sure what your talking about, but the html code are is only surrounded by a <center>$foruminfo[bannercode]</center>.

Inside the paste area you might wrap a <div>google code</div>.

You can even create a <table><tr><td>google paste</td></tr><table>.

Kuimera 12-20-2005 07:08 PM

Ok it?s like this, you know for example the "Quicklinks" drop down menu from the navbar? or the "thread tools" menu ?
Well... if I have a banner in the way of the menu, the banner stays on top of the menu, so I cant realy use it...

Test it here: http://www.kuimera.com/showthread.php?p=824#post824

( Use the login: Test with the pass: test )

Then just click on the "Quicklinks" on the navbar and you will see what i?m talking about.

Stephen3 12-20-2005 08:14 PM

Is it porsible to change it to 8 coloum in 2 row and can put 8 text advertisment ?

Zachariah 12-20-2005 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen3
Is it porsible to change it to 8 coloum in 2 row and can put 8 text advertisment ?

Design the layout in your FAV editor and paste in the HTML area.
- did you need help with that or were you asking if it could be done ?

Stephen3 12-20-2005 08:29 PM

asking it could be done
seem like the current version just can add 1 and must be banner?
hope can make it like http://megacashforum.com/

Ramsesx 12-21-2005 06:58 AM

Is there a way to reduce the space between the navbar and the banner?

Zachariah 12-21-2005 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Ramsesx
Is there a way to reduce the space between the navbar and the banner?

That is controled in the $navbar.
- there is a <br / >
- the only thing the banner hack adds is a <br /> after the banner code.

If you kill the <br /> in the $navbar it will effect the whole site.

I think:

<!-- / nav buttons bar -->

<br />

If this is the correct one your looking for place this insted the <br /> tag.


if (THIS_SCRIPT != 'forumdisplay' OR THIS_SCRIPT != 'showthread')
<br />

This states when on the forumdisplay or showthread do not show the <br />. This will keep the tag there any other time.

Kuimera 12-21-2005 12:03 PM

This is a great plugin, but I will have to uninstall this since I can’t really use the menus probably...
Tks all and good job.

Zachariah 12-21-2005 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Kuimera
This is a great plugin, but I will have to uninstall this since I can?t really use the menus probably...
Tks all and good job.

They work for me. :disappointed:


What are you useing in the HTML area ?

You can even paste:

Lots of HTML in it and watch it work: (view source of dogpile.com)


<div class="idxBkgrnd" align="center">
                <a href="http://www.dogpile.com/">
                <img alt="Dogpile-All the best search engines piled into one. Including Google, Yahoo! Search, MSN Search and Ask Jeeves." class="image" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/idx/logo.gif" border="0" height="119" width="359"></a></div>
                <img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="36" width="1"></div>
<div class="formBkgrnd">
        <div style="padding-left: 75px;" align="center">
                <script language="javascript">
                        var advsrchterms = "&";
                        function urlEncode (str) {
                                var estr = escape( str );
                                estr = estr.replace(/@/g, '%40');
                                estr = estr.replace(/\*/g,'%2A');   
                                estr = estr.replace(/_/g, '%5F');   
                                estr = estr.replace(/\+/g,'%2B');   
                                estr = estr.replace(/\./g,'%2E');   
                                estr = estr.replace(/\//g,'%2F');
                                return estr;   

                        function clearadvanced() {
                                                var exact = '';
                                                advsrchterms = '';
                        function redirSearch ( qcat ) {
                                location.href = 'http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/search/index.htm?qcat=' + qcat;
                        function toggleTab ( searchType, qcat, idName ) {
                                if ( document.idxSearch ) document.idxSearch.qcat.value = qcat;
                                if ( document.idxSearchbot ) document.idxSearchbot.qcat.value = qcat;
                                var tabs = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
                                for( var i=0; i<tabs.length; i++ ) {
                                        var tabi = tabs[i];
                                        if ( tabi.id == idName && tabi.className == "tabInactive" ) {
                                        } else if ( tabi.id == idName && tabi.className=="tabActive" ) {
                                        } else if ( tabi.className=="tabActive" ) {
                                var thehtml = '<a class="Text-On-Tablestyle-BG1" href="http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/search/advanced/' + searchType.toLowerCase() + '.htm?&amp;r_fcid=414&amp;r_fcp=top&amp;dpcollation=1&amp;qk=20&amp;familyfilter=1&amp;sort=0&amp;adultfilter=Moderate">Advanced</a>';
                                if ( document.getElementById("advancedlink") ) document.getElementById("advancedlink").innerHTML = thehtml;
                                if ( document.getElementById("advancedlinkbot") ) document.getElementById("advancedlinkbot").innerHTML = thehtml;

                                var img = new Image();
                                img.src = "http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/search/5_4/logging/category.htm?category=" + searchType + "&ran=" + Math.round(Math.random()*10000);


                        function changeadvanced(formname,searchType,qcat,coid,position) {
                                var exact = '';
                                if ( formname == "idxSearchbot" ) {
                                        if ( document.idxSearch.exact ) {
                                                        exact = '&exact=1';
                                                        exact = '';
                                        else exact = '';
                                } else {
                                                        exact = '&exact=1';
                                                        exact = '';
                                        else exact = '';
                                        location.href = 'http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/search/redir.htm?r_fcid='+coid+'&r_fcp='+position+'&qcat=' + qcat + '&qkw='+ urlEncode(document.idxSearch.qkw.value)+ exact + advsrchterms;
                <form class="msSearchbox" style="margin: 0px;" method="get" name="idxSearch" action="http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/search/redir.htm">
                        <input name="qcat" value="web" type="hidden">
                        <input name="r_aid" value="2B8D94FEDA114C66AD4A063AAF850CC0" type="hidden">
                        <input name="r_fcid" value="417" type="hidden">
                        <input name="r_fcp" value="top" type="hidden">
                        <table class="Tablestyle-BG1" bgcolor="#ebebad" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="table1">
                                        <td class="Text-On-Tablestyle-BG1" colspan="5">
                                        <div id="navTab">
                                                <a id="sbtWeb" class="tabActive" onclick="toggleTab('Web','web','sbtWeb'); return false;" href="http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/?qcat=web">
                                                Web</a><span class="tabDivider"><img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4">|<img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4"></span><a id="sbtImages" class="tabInactive" onclick="toggleTab('Image', 'images','sbtImages'); return false;" href="http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/?qcat=images">Images</a><span class="tabDivider"><img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4">|<img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4"></span><a id="sbtAudio" class="tabInactive" onclick="toggleTab('Audio', 'audio','sbtAudio'); return false;" href="http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/?qcat=audio">Audio</a><span class="tabDivider"><img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4">|<img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4"></span><a id="sbtVideo" class="tabInactive" onclick="toggleTab('Video', 'smd','sbtVideo'); return false;" href="http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/?qcat=smd">Video</a><span class="tabDivider"><img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4">|<img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4"></span><a id="sbtNews" class="tabInactive" onclick="toggleTab('News', 'nws','sbtNews'); return false;" href="http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/?qcat=nws">News</a><span class="tabDivider"><img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4">|<img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4"></span><a id="sbtYellow" class="tabInactive" href="http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/clickit/search?r_aid=2B8D94FEDA114C66AD4A063AAF850CC0&r_coid=412&r_cop=top&r_sacop=0&r_spf=0&r_snpp=0&r_spp=0&qqn=0&rawto=http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/yellow-pages/">Yellow
                                                Pages</a><span class="tabDivider"><img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4">|<img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="4"></span><a id="sbtWhite" class="tabInactive" href="http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/clickit/search?r_aid=2B8D94FEDA114C66AD4A063AAF850CC0&r_coid=413&r_cop=top&r_sacop=0&r_spf=0&r_snpp=0&r_spp=0&qqn=0&rawto=http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/white-pages/">White
                                        <td colspan="5">
                                        <img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="15" width="1"></td>
                                        <td style="padding-bottom: 3px;">
                                        <span class="Text-On-Tablestyle-BG1">
                                        <input onclick="clearadvanced();" name="qkw" size="53" value type="text"></span><script language="javascript"> function changeFocus () { document.forms.idxSearch.qkw.focus(); } if ( window.addEventListener ) { window.addEventListener( "load", changeFocus, false ); } else if ( document.addEventListener ) { document.addEventListener( "load", changeFocus, false ); } else if ( window.attachEvent ) { window.attachEvent( 'onload', changeFocus ); } </script></td>
                                        <td align="right" valign="bottom">
                                        <div id="msSearchSubmit">
                                                <input alt="Go Fetch!" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/submit.gif" type="image" name="I1"></div>
                                        <img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="1" width="24"></td>
                                        <td style="padding-bottom: 4px;" align="right" nowrap="true" valign="bottom">
                                        <nobr><span id="advancedlink">
                                        <a id="advancedweblinktop" class="Text-On-Tablestyle-BG1" href="http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl/search/advanced/web.htm?r_fcid=414&r_fcp=top&dpcollation=1&qk=20&familyfilter=1&sort=0&adultfilter=Moderate">
        <img alt="" src="http://a1040.g.akamai.net/f/1040/759/1h/pic.infospace.com/info.dogpl/pics/1pixel.gif" height="32" width="1"></div>

Kuimera 12-21-2005 12:29 PM

Noticed now.. this seems to be a opera browser problem... I tested with IE and it works great has you said above.

Zachariah 12-21-2005 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by Kuimera
Noticed now.. this seems to be a opera browser problem... I tested with IE and it works great has you said above.

Firefox works ok too ..... never tryed Opera

- Perhaps what you wrap the HTML with ?
- is this a problem w/ images or only the HTML area ?

Kuimera 12-21-2005 12:36 PM

Heres how its looks:
Dam opera... :(

Zachariah 12-21-2005 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Kuimera
Heres how its looks:
Dam opera... :(

place your code in a:



I rem way back then Firefox did that all the time. I can't REM what the fix was or if a new ver of firefox fixed it.

Stephen3 12-21-2005 03:54 PM

can make it can add more then 1 banner ?

Zachariah 12-21-2005 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen3
can make it can add more then 1 banner ?

This is really not that advanced.

I have used this random banner code.

You can use this code per forum and have multi subjects rotate.
I have also pasted the JAVA output of phpAdsNews and made multi campains.

There is a HTML area for java / html / dhtml - no PHP.

Stephen3 12-21-2005 04:31 PM

not rotator... what about show in same time...?

Zachariah 12-21-2005 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Stephen3
not rotator... what about show in same time...?

There is an html area per forum vs. a banner image.
You can show whatever you want.


<a href="http://www.google.com">
<img border="0" src="http://www.google.com/logos/winter_holiday05_1.gif" width="276" height="120"></a>
<a href="http://www.google.com">
<img border="0" src="http://www.google.com/logos/winter_holiday05_1.gif" width="276" height="120"></a>

2 google images w/ links


The Chief 12-22-2005 03:14 AM

installed and works great :)

[high]* The Chief clicks install[/high]

Kuimera 12-22-2005 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Zachariah
place your code in a:



I rem way back then Firefox did that all the time. I can't REM what the fix was or if a new ver of firefox fixed it.

didn’t work either must be a prob with the transparency’s or something...
I will wait till they fix this..

Tks for your time m8!

icare 01-21-2006 09:07 AM

Help please. I am getting this error when i am trying to upload a banner code

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.3:

Invalid SQL:
title_clean = 'HornyBollywood Indian Masala',
title = 'HornyBollywood Indian Masala',
description_clean = '',
description = '',
link = '',
displayorder = 1,
daysprune = -1,
parentid = -1,
newpostemail = '',
newthreademail = '',
### Bitfield: forum.options ###
options = IF(options & 8, options - 8, options),
options = IF(options & 16, options - 16, options),
options = IF(options & 32, options - 32, options),
options = IF(options & 131072, options - 131072, options),
options = IF(options & 32768, options - 32768, options),
options = IF(options & 8192, options - 8192, options),
options = IF(options & 4, options - 4, options),
options = IF(options & 1, options, options + 1),
options = IF(options & 2, options - 2, options),
options = IF(options & 16384, options, options + 16384),
options = IF(options & 256, options - 256, options),
options = IF(options & 64, options - 64, options),
options = IF(options & 128, options - 128, options),
options = IF(options & 512, options - 512, options),
options = IF(options & 1024, options - 1024, options),
options = IF(options & 2048, options - 2048, options),
options = IF(options & 4096, options, options + 4096),
options = IF(options & 65536, options, options + 65536),
styleid = 0,
password = '',
banner = '',
bannerlink = '',
banneralt = '',
bannercode = '<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--\r\ngoogle_ad_client = \"5346134314564";\r\ngoogle_ad_width = 125;\r\ngoogle_ad_height = 125;\r\ngoogle_ad_format = \"125x125_as\";\r\ngoogle_ad_type = \"text\";\r\ngoogle_ad_channel =\"\";\r\n//--></script>\r\n<script type=\"text/javascript\"\r\n src=\"http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js\">\r\n</script>'
WHERE forumid = 1;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'banner' in 'field list'

Zachariah 01-21-2006 11:15 AM

@icare - Unknown column 'banner' in 'field list' - the mysql update looks like it did not work.

Import product: banner_image.xml

glorify 02-08-2006 01:21 PM

Hey Zac,

I am doing this (random banner on each forum) without your plugin but would like to use yours without manually editing my navbar template.

Do you have any plans to add per usergroup?


Can you add an option to add a collapsable box (maybe conditionally by usergroup) around the banner similar to the one I have here that I use?

funinthesun 02-26-2006 03:51 PM

Hi, I've got this installed but since I upgraded to 3.5.3 it's stopped displaying the banners. Any reason why? Thanks.

jamshed 02-27-2006 08:38 AM

i installed this and its giving some problem, i can see banners when surfing through opera browser, but i can see the banners when surfing throguh IE or Firefox??

Help please?

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