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CMX_CMGSCCC 10-06-2005 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by mtha
Wow, too far from the rest :) You should have named it support_postbit or support_postbit_ticket or something like that

add to the list:

- Display CatID before editing category name

        <td>[$category[categoryid]] <input type="hidden" name="category[$category[categoryid]]" value="$category[categoryid]"><input type="text" name="categoryname[$category[categoryid]]" value="$category[categoryname]" size=50></td>

- newticket in predefined category
could be "vBSupport.php?do=newticket&catid=xxx" it will select the catid by default, or only display that specific catid

- Search ticket by ticketid, postuserid, open status (open or closed)

I have added those search options and ID displayed to the category lists.

As far as postbit_ticket, it has to be named that way to be able to use the class_postbit.php I think. I think that was the reason I chose postbit_ticket, because new_postbit(...) or something has to use the word 'ticket' and it puts postbit_ before the ticket word..


Xplorer4x4 10-06-2005 12:42 AM

PHP Code:

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:
Invalid SQL:
INSERT INTO pm (pmidpmtextiduseridfolderidmessagereadVALUES (0575, , 00);
MySQL Error You have an error in your SQL syntaxCheck the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' 0, 0)' at line 1
Error Number 
WednesdayOctober 5th 2005 08:41:22 PM
: /forums/vBSupport.php
: /forums/vBSupport.php?do=newticket
IP Address 

Classname    vb_database 

I can not post a ticket.

EDIT: using 0.9

eMike 10-06-2005 12:58 AM

Could be me that is doing something majorly wrong here, but I still do not see that icon image - same red X as before. (After upgrading to 09a)

Is it me?

Xplorer4x4 10-06-2005 01:01 AM

@eMike I believe this has bee nadressed many times before. Try those methods.

@CMX I upgraded .9A and have no DB problem, but the catgoreys are still showing up as the User Id's assigned to be notified.

mtha 10-06-2005 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by mtha
- newticket in predefined category
could be "vBSupport.php?do=newticket&categoryid=xxx" it will select the catid by default, or only display that specific catid

to do this:

in vBSupport.php

PHP Code:

// start creating a new ticket "
if ($_REQUEST['do'] == 'newticket')


PHP Code:

    $vbulletin->input->clean_array_gpc('r', array(
'categoryid'            => TYPE_UINT,

PHP Code:

                while ($category $db->fetch_array($categories))
$categorybits .= "<option value=$category[categoryid]>$category[categoryname]</option>";

PHP Code:

                while ($category $db->fetch_array($categories))
$categorybits .= "<option value=$category[categoryid] " iif($category[categoryid] == $vbulletin->GPC['categoryid'],'selected') . ">$category[categoryname]</option>";

mtha 10-06-2005 02:01 AM

Display assigned user (if any) in ticket list

In vBSupport.php
search for

PHP Code:

    // start getting the support tickets
$tickets $db->query_read("
        SELECT ticket.*
iif($vbulletin->options['privallowicons'], ",icon.title AS icontitle, icon.iconpath") . "
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "ticket AS ticket
iif($vbulletin->options['privallowicons'], "LEFT JOIN " TABLE_PREFIX "icon AS icon ON(icon.iconid = ticket.iconid)") . "
        ORDER BY replydateline DESC


PHP Code:

    // start getting the support tickets
$tickets $db->query_read("
        SELECT ticket.*, user.username AS assignedtechusername
iif($vbulletin->options['privallowicons'], ",icon.title AS icontitle, icon.iconpath") . "
        FROM " 
TABLE_PREFIX "ticket AS ticket
        LEFT JOIN " 
TABLE_PREFIX "user AS user ON(user.userid = ticket.assignedtechid)
iif($vbulletin->options['privallowicons'], "LEFT JOIN " TABLE_PREFIX "icon AS icon ON(icon.iconid = ticket.iconid)") . "
        ORDER BY replydateline DESC

template edit: support_ticketlistbit

HTML Code:

                        <span class="smallfont" style="float:$stylevar[right]"><strong>$ticket[status]</span>
replate with

HTML Code:

                        <span class="smallfont" style="float:$stylevar[right]">
                            <div align="right"><strong>$ticket[status]</strong>
                            <br><i><a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$ticket[assignedtechid]">$ticket[assignedtechusername]</a></i>

edit template SUPPORTCP
look for
HTML Code:

                <td class="thead" width="100%">
                    $vbphrase[support_ticket_open_status] / $vbphrase[support_ticket_starter]

replace with

HTML Code:

                <td class="thead" width="100%">
                        <span class="smallfont" style="float:$stylevar[right]">
                    $vbphrase[support_ticket_open_status] / $vbphrase[support_ticket_starter]

mtha 10-06-2005 02:12 AM


Originally Posted by WhisperPntr
Hey CMX,

That sounds great and it would be great to work alongside you as well as develop an extra plugin to have this interface with Ron1n's vbpurchase (a hack which I already have his permission to update and use).

Here are some screens of the changes that I've done, as well as a modification of the ticket template.

If you're interested in seeing the code changes, I'll modify the script I have to use your 0.7 version and then send the changes I added to you. They're very rudimentary and are based on the category updates.


CMX, do you have any plan to change your "Open status" to a Full integrated status", which would be something like this


mtha 10-06-2005 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
Allowed Usergroups mean that those usergroups can create a new ticket in that category. (This is so your admins can create tickets in a specified category that normal users cant create. Like how do we handle X user inside a category named 'Problem Users', etc..)

Allowed Technician Usergroup is the usergroups that are allowed to be assigned to the ticket in that category.


How about Support Admin Permissions in usergroup bitfield?

it looks like that I have to checl "This usergroup can Admin Support Tickets" to allow in tech assigned list.

and if I check so, i can assign to anyone in the list? isnt that right or i am missing something?

what is the combination/relationship between them?


and your PM template is hardcoded? :( i think you can use vB's pmdm too

Disi 10-06-2005 01:42 PM

Updated and Translated into german :)



CMX could you manage to put every language specific thinks, like email, pm announcment or the states (open close) into the XML file?

It would be much easier to translate them :) and i wouldn't miss things :bunny: :p

Blackhat 10-06-2005 06:30 PM

There is a bug. When you add persons to manage tickets from the specific section those ID's are also added as name of the section so you have to edit each sections name after you have created it.

kylek 10-06-2005 07:53 PM

Sorry but this really needs to be checked out by the person who made this. There are too many bugs that should not have to be edited in bits and pieces.

1 - Same as Blackhats post above this one - "There is a bug. When you add persons to manage tickets from the specific section those ID's are also added as name of the section so you have to edit each sections name after you have created it."

2 - eMike's post - icon missing

3 - Xplorer4x4 - cannot post a ticket - still getting database error

I am uninstalling the latest version 9.a until hopefully all of these get looked at.

eMike 10-06-2005 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Xplorer4x4
@eMike I believe this has bee nadressed many times before. Try those methods.

Yes iI know it has been adressed, but CMX indicated that he fixed it in the upgrade. Just trying to do my part an inform about bugs.

mtha 10-06-2005 09:29 PM

I dont make this ext, but trying to help out


Originally Posted by kylek
1 - Same as Blackhats post above this one - "There is a bug. When you add persons to manage tickets from the specific section those ID's are also added as name of the section so you have to edit each sections name after you have created it."

somehow I cant see it in my version, :). it'd help if you can give step-by-step on how to generate the bug, and screencapture too?
CMX, do you know this bug?


2 - eMike's post - icon missing
i think it was fixed. if not, you might have customized template? if you want, you can use my fix few post above


3 - Xplorer4x4 - cannot post a ticket - still getting database error
:) I dont :D, or did I fix it? did you upload the new files? what is the db error again?

DGoulden 10-07-2005 01:09 PM

I have vB 3.5.0 (Gold) set to use SMTP but this script dosn't want to use it, it defaults to sendmail, can i change this?

CMX_CMGSCCC 10-09-2005 03:16 AM

I am looking at the bugs here.

1) I am not experiencing this problem, so either the uploaded v0.9a zip is not the same version as I have on my server or somehow the template didnt get overwritten. I goto List Categories, then click on Edit, type in a userid of 1 for my user id, and press Update and then reedit it from List Categories and the category name is fine for me. (I'll add a comple small changes and reupload a v0.9b to make sure the zip has the exact files on my server that I do the testing/debugging on later tonight.)

2) Not 100% sure why this is happening, but I'm going to do something in v0.9b that might fix it. (I think somehow iconpath is not being filled in, so in v0.9b, gonna set $show[messageicon] true or falsed based on if iconpath is filled in or not and redo the template to accomodate this.)

3) Can not post a ticket should have been fixed in v0.9a, it was a small bug of a variable getting declared twice that I removed the second declaration in v0.9a.

Now to address the other comments:

Disi: I have added the phrases for open/close and I will change the "Open" and "Closed" inside the php file for the v0.9b I post later tonight. The emails and pm's could be changed as well, I guess it would use an preg_replace to replace {1} with the site name, and stuff as well. I will have to look into that in a future update as that is a bit more time consuming than the open/closed phrase uses.

DGoulden: It does use the php function mail(...), I'm not familiar with how to use the SMTP server from PHP, but if vBulletin can do it, I could probably research it further when I can find some more time.


clearchannel 10-09-2005 02:40 PM

Is there something missing in the install instructions? I do not see any mention of running quaries or a self install. I uploaded the files according to the install instructions, made the template change in the nav bar and added the slm accoring to instuructions and it is not working.

Thanks in advance.

clearchannel 10-09-2005 02:44 PM

I uninstalled and reinstalled and it appears to be working now.

Nice script thanks

xscape2me 10-09-2005 06:57 PM

Is there a way to have it so that when an admin or something signs on it gives a little box up top, or maybe on the front page of vbadvanced cmps, showing how many trouble tickets are open?

eMike 10-09-2005 09:40 PM

Things appear to work great with the 09b version :)

How can I change the postbit? Cant seem to find any templates that controls that particular feature

CMX_CMGSCCC 10-09-2005 09:47 PM

xscape2me: Probably, I'm not familiar with vbadvanced, but I'm sure it would add a query.

eMike: Great. You can edit the postbit_ticket to change the postbit there. (the class_postbit.php file requires it to be postbit_xxx to open properly, so thats why it's named postbit_ticket)


attroll 10-10-2005 05:06 AM

Is there a way to have non registered members submit trouble tickets?

hydrostatic 10-10-2005 06:16 AM

Good work.

Two bugs I found:
1). On vBSupport.php?do=list, when the user didn't submit any Tickets, the format of "There are currently no tickets to view." is weird.
2). "Quick Reply" button doesn't work in FireFox.

Disi 10-10-2005 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by CMX_CMGSCCC
Disi: I have added the phrases for open/close and I will change the "Open" and "Closed" inside the php file for the v0.9b I post later tonight. The emails and pm's could be changed as well, I guess it would use an preg_replace to replace {1} with the site name, and stuff as well. I will have to look into that in a future update as that is a bit more time consuming than the open/closed phrase uses.

Great but you missed 2 things :)

the listboxes with 'No Category selected' and Assigned 'None'


Translated and can be found under http://www.vbhacks-germany.com/forum...3&page=1&pp=10

jugo 10-10-2005 01:20 PM

It would be really cool if there was an "Add to FAQ' Button, that would automatically add a ticket to the FAQ.

mikexxx 10-10-2005 04:11 PM

The is still no option that a mod get a waring on a new ticket?!

Xplorer4x4 10-11-2005 12:00 PM

@Mike i believe you have to type in there user ids in "Category Admin User ID's".

@CMX I think it would be alot easier to make the "Category Admin User ID's" to work by user groups instead.

Also, would there be anyway to keep the permisions from reseting everytime I have to upgrade? Same question aplies for the catgoreys.

Last suggestions would be a drop down menu to asign priority.

jluerken 10-11-2005 05:09 PM

Ok I installed this hack and started playing with it.
A little documentation would be nice cause I am already lost in the settings.

Here what I tried.

1. I gave the Admingroup all rights
2. I created a category called test
3. Category adminID is the id of the user test.

As far as I know all members listed there will get a message if a user opens a ticket for their group or?

4. I created a usergroup called testgroup and put a user in this group
5. Allowed Usergroups are:
Admins, testgroup

This means to mee that members of this group can SEE calls of the category test or?

6. Allowed technician Usergroups

This means to me that you can only assign calls of the category test to members of the usergroup Admins and testgroup or?

So far I was not able to find out how the rights system is working within this hack.

The only way to assign a call to a user is to give the group where the user is in the right: This usergroup can Admin Support Tickets
But this does mean for me that this group can always see all calls.

Can someone please describe this rights settings a little bit more for me?

Andreas 10-12-2005 07:30 PM

I've noticed that there are hardcoded Texts in the PHP Files.
It would be nice if those could be converted to phrases as well; would make translations easier :)

I also got a feature request:
Add fields for username/password/host details that will be automatically cleared when the Ticket gets closed (eg. like vbadvanced.com ticket system).
That would be great (and save me some time coding it myself) :)

timetunnel 10-12-2005 09:30 PM


Does this Helpdesk software utilize the 'image security' feature like for 'Contact Us' in vB or is it not necessary?

jluerken 10-13-2005 11:25 AM


When I try yo upload an attachment I get the following error message:


Admin, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
The Usergroup has the rights to upload and view attachments so whats wrong?

jluerken 10-20-2005 11:18 AM

Still the attachment option is not working for me. I get the error message posted above

gsnindia 10-21-2005 03:27 PM

getting this erro please help

Database error in vBulletin 3.5.0:

Invalid SQL:

SELECT ticket.*, user.username AS assignedtechusername
,icon.title AS icontitle, icon.iconpath
FROM ticket AS ticket
LEFT JOIN user AS user ON (user.userid = ticket.assignedtechid)
LEFT JOIN icon AS icon ON(icon.iconid = ticket.iconid)
WHERE postuserid = 1 AND open = 1
ORDER BY replydateline DESC
LIMIT 0, 20;

MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ticket.assignedtechid' in 'on clause'
Error Number : 1054

CMX_CMGSCCC 10-22-2005 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by jluerken

When I try yo upload an attachment I get the following error message:

The Usergroup has the rights to upload and view attachments so whats wrong?

This is a vB error message, if you are getting this, there is another vB permission that you have disabled.

v1.0 released soon, hopefully it will fix the bugs found.

v1.0 Updates:

1) Bugfix: No new tickets displayed improperly.
2) Added feature to put a check next to tickets to delete them.
3) Added a couple more ticket search features.
4) Various sql query strings updated.


jluerken 10-22-2005 06:44 AM

Thanks for the update man.

Attachments are still an open point and not working :D

Omranic 10-22-2005 10:26 AM

Now Testing
Hope never found errors or bugs
thanks man

CMX_CMGSCCC 10-22-2005 01:41 PM

jluerken: Attachments are working fine for me, I really dont know what the problem would be. It must be something with your setup, you must have a vB attachment setting shut off somewhere else.


ILTK 10-22-2005 02:11 PM

Is there anyway to allow non-registered users to submit tickets?

The unregistered users with problems are realy the most important ones to support.

gsnindia 10-23-2005 04:01 AM

You are not authorized to create tickets.

getting this error

Please help

klaush 10-23-2005 11:27 AM

as an admin assign or reaasign an open ticket to one of my staff member?

Thanks for your fast answer and

thanks for this great and needed module! :-)

mtha 10-23-2005 10:04 PM


1. users who doesnt have permission to delete should not be able to check delete option (The action column), nor delete button (Delete selected ticket)

2. when click Delete Selected Ticket, there's an error:
Error: vB_Editor[''] has no properties

3. If no ticket selected, it shouldnt say ticket deleted.

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