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-   Modification Graveyard (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=224)
-   -   vBulletin Google Site Map (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=91389)

cynix2 10-17-2005 06:07 AM

I have min in the public_html folder

Citizen 10-17-2005 05:48 PM

Here is my multi.php file. If anyone can help me figure out why it is creating all the links in my sitemap as http://domain.comdomain.com instead of http://domain.com, it would be greatly appreciated.


Google site map for vBulletin
(c) by T2DMan - Michael Brandon

Get updates from http://forum.time2dine.co.nz/showthread.php?t=3976

version 1.22 12 July 2005
- corrected lastmod time-was incorrectly using z being universal time, when needed
 to be local time.
- coded for vBSEO (url rewrite)-thanks Juan Carlos-as at 11/july/05 not yet promoted
- and amendment to allow for reg globals off - thanks Sarah King
- and not showing last post/mod for forum when no posts in the forum
- I had not used the prefix for the setting database query - thanks again Sarah

-access to this file is password protected
 the same password as the database via the vb includes/config.php file

-creates an index file and multiple site maps to less than the max
 permitted by Google

-the site map files are created in the root directory
-for the program to create the files, the root directory must be minimum chmod 750
-or note the names of the files and precreate them yourself
-the program will create the $file if it does not already exist

-rewritten url's if the vBSEO url rewrite has been added (and original urls if needed)
-forums - with paginations of forums (excluding redirects and password protected)
-threads - with pagination of threads (excluding invisible threads=soft deleted, and threads inside password protected forums)
-archive forum pages with paginations
-archive versions of threads with paginations

-not programmed regarding forum permissions - but although Google may try to get the pages, it will get a permission denied message, so we can live with that.

-extra urls from other program types
-configure vbsitemap-xtrafile.php (add in name of following file - file.txt)
-add a new url per line onto file.txt, and a gzipped file will be created for it, and added to the site index file.

inspired by


$v='3.5';//vBulletin version 3.5 (or leave as zero for v3.3-3.7)

//directory that the vBulletin forum is in.
//comment out the one not applicable to your forum
//$base=""; // "" if in root
$base="forums/"; //if in the subdirectory forum

$vbseo_installed = false; //url rewrite hack - not yet released
$vbseo_oldurls = false; //show the old pre url rewrite urls - so Google can see that they have changed


require $base.'includes/config.php';
if ($v==3.5){


if (empty($username) && empty($password)) entry(true);
elseif($dbusername<>$username AND $dbpassword<>$password) entry(false);


//add members userid pages to the sitemap

// root - home page

//add lastmod flag for threads & forums-based on the date/time of lastpost
$lastmod=true;//true;//false; - if false, it will use the current time

// add thread archive urls to site map
// will add them if firstly the archives are enabled,
// and then checks that you want to add them
$addthreadarchive=false;//false; #- personally I go straight to the actual threads


//add pagination of forums and threads

// the var string for forum display
// if your url is forumdisplay.php?f=73  then this would be f=
$forumq = '?f=';
$pageq = '&amp;page='; #pagination of forum & thread pages

// the var string for your thread display
// if your url is  showthread.php?t=872 then is t=
$threadq = '?t=';

// the var string for your member display
// if your url is  member.php?u=872 then is t=
$memberq = '?u=';

// url text file names - make them writable - or make your root directory chmod 777 and it will create itself.!!!
//starts from scratch - add the resulting file to your own master site map index

$numoffiles=1; //running total of the number of file we are up to

$file1 = 'sitemap'; //additional files are created with sitemap2.xml.gz etc
$file2 = '.xml.gz';

$file = $file1.$numoffiles.$file2;

// forum priority , thread priority, member priority, change frequency thread and forum see the sitemaps documentation
$fpriority = "0.8";
$tpriority = '1.0';   
$mpriority = '0.1';   

$fchange ='daily' ;
$tchange ='weekly';   
$mchange ='monthly';   

// base and forum base change and priority
$bchange ='hourly';
$bpriority = '1.0';

//counting number of url's processed
//rounded down from max 50k url's allowed-kept to 20k so the file is not too large to check manually - the program goes several over the number specified
$maxsize=10000000; //10meg - rounded down

//end of configuration

$txt=""; //contains the xml string that gets written to $file
$size=0; //counts the characters in the file up to max size then new file
$countertotal=0;//total url's in all the files
$counter=0; //running total of number of url's in a file

        include 'vbsitemap-vbseo.php';


// base url of the forum with trailing slash
$base = $home.$base;

//open multi page file

if(!file_exists($home.$multifile)) $notopen=1;

$multihandle = fopen($multifile, "w");
if($notopen) chmod($multifile, 0777);

//control file       
fwrite( $multihandle, '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.84"

//setting variables from database

$basestr = " $bchange $bpriority";
$fstr = " $fchange $fpriority";
$tstr = " $tchange $tpriority";
$setting = $tableprefix."setting";

$connection = mysql_connect($servername, $dbusername, $dbpassword ) or die("Database is down please try again");
$db = mysql_select_db($dbname, $connection) or die ("NO DATABASE" );

$fquery="SELECT varname,value from $setting where varname = 'archiveenabled' or varname='archive_threadsperpage' or varname = 'archive_postsperpage' or varname = 'maxthreads' or varname = 'maxposts' or varname = 'timeoffset'";
$results = mysql_query($fquery) or DIE("$fquery" );

while ($result=mysql_fetch_array($results)){
//stop div by zero errors
if($archive_threadsperpage==0) $archive_threadsperpage=1;
if($archive_postsperpage==0) $archive_postsperpage=1;


//write new file to sitemap index
$a = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s$timeoffset1");

//xtrafile - configure vbsitemap-xtrafile.php to include a list of url's
//the url's will be added to their own file and added to the sitemap index


fwrite( $multihandle, "<sitemap>

//end xtra file

fwrite( $multihandle, "<sitemap>

//open first site map file

$handle = gzopen($file, 'w9');

        chmod($file, 0777);

$txt='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.84"


gzwrite($handle, $txt);

//home pages - including archive home page





if($archiveenabled and $addarchive){


$forums = $tableprefix."forum";
$threads = $tableprefix."thread";
$members = $tableprefix."user";                           

//add forums - both actual (and pagination) and archive (and pagination)

$fquery = "SELECT forumid, lastpost, threadcount FROM $forums where link='' and  password='' order by forumid";

$results = mysql_query($fquery) or DIE("$fquery" );
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($results);

while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($results))
if(!$lastmod or $row['lastpost']*1==0) $row['lastpost']=time();

    $urlx = $base."forumdisplay.php".$forumq.$row['forumid'];   
          $txt.= "<url>

        $txt.="<lastmod>".date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s$timeoffset",$row['lastpost']). "</lastmod>


// =================== vBSEO ========================
$url = $base.vbseo_url_forum($row['forumid']);
$url = $base."forumdisplay.php".$forumq.$row['forumid'];   

$txt.= "<url>



//add pagination of forum
if($addforumpagination and ceil($row['threadcount']/$maxthreads)>1){
for ($ai = 2; $ai <= ceil($row['threadcount']/$maxthreads); $ai++){

$url5 = $base."forumdisplay.php{$forumq}{$row['forumid']}$pageq{$ai}";


 // =================== vBSEO ========================
$url4 = $base.vbseo_url_forum($row['forumid'], $ai);
$url4 = $base."forumdisplay.php{$forumq}{$row['forumid']}$pageq{$ai}";



} //end when only one page for forum

if($archiveenabled and $addarchive){

$url2 = $base."archive/index.php/f-".$row['forumid'].".html";



//add pagination for archive - based on threads per forum

for ($ai = 2; $ai <= ceil($row['threadcount']/$archive_threadsperpage); $ai++){
        $url3 = $base."archive/index.php/f-{$row['forumid']}-p-{$ai}.html";

} //end when only one page for forum archive
}//end of archive

}//end of forum loop

gzwrite($handle, $txt);

//add threads - both actual and archive versions

$tquery = "SELECT ".($vbseo_installed?"$threads.title, $threads.forumid, ":"")."threadid, $threads.lastpost,$threads.replycount FROM $threads,$forums where visible=1 and $threads.forumid=$forums.forumid and password='' order by threadid desc";

$results = mysql_query($tquery) or DIE("$tquery" );
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($results);

while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($results)){

if(!$lastmod or $row['lastpost']*1==0) $row['lastpost']=time();

  $url2 = $base."showthread.php".$threadq.$row['threadid'];   
  $txt .= "<url>


  // =================== vBSEO ========================
  $url = $base.vbseo_url_thread($row);
  $url = $base."showthread.php".$threadq.$row['threadid'];   

  $txt .= "<url>


//add pagination for threads - based on posts per threads
for ($ai = 2; $ai <= ceil($row['replycount']/$maxposts); $ai++){

  $url6 = "{$base}showthread.php{$threadq}{$row['threadid']}{$pageq}{$ai}";   


// =================== vBSEO ========================
 $url5 = $base.vbseo_url_thread($row,$ai);
 $url5 = "{$base}showthread.php{$threadq}{$row['threadid']}{$pageq}{$ai}";   


} //end when only one page for threads

//achive site map
$url2 = $base."archive/index.php/t-".$row['threadid'].".html";
if($archiveenabled and $addthreadarchive){


//add pagination for archive - based on threads per forum

for ($ai = 2; $ai <= ceil($row['replycount']/$archive_postsperpage); $ai++){
        $url3 = $base."archive/index.php/t-{$row['threadid']}-p-{$ai}.html";
} //end when only one page for forum archive

}//end of archive
gzwrite($handle, $txt);

}//end of look for threads

//add members profile pages

if($adduserid) {
$tquery = "SELECT userid".($vbseo_installed?",username":"")." FROM $members";

$results = mysql_query($tquery) or DIE("$tquery" );
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($results);

for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_rows; $i++)
  $row = mysql_fetch_row($results);

  $url2 = $base."member.php".$memberq.$row[0];   
  $txt .= "<url>



// =================== vBSEO ========================
 $url = $base.vbseo_url_member($row[0],$row[1]);
 $url = $base."member.php".$memberq.$row[0];   

  $txt .= "<url>


gzwrite($handle, $txt);

}//end of member loop

//close site map file
gzwrite($handle, "</urlset>");

//close index file
fwrite( $multihandle, "</sitemapindex>");

//ping Google
$google_url = 'http://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=';
$ping_url = rawurlencode( $home . $multifile);

$churl = @fopen($google_url.$ping_url,'r');
($churl) ? $message='<b>Google ping - success</b>. This ping acts as an automated resubmit.': $message='<b>Google ping - failure</b>. Please check configurations. Google may be down - try logging in to <a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/login">Google Site Maps</a> and resubmitting';


//report on files written

echo "<font color=red>";
echo"Google has been pinged with the index file location. $message<br /><br />You do not need to have the site index file listed on your account, but if you do, you are able to see the last time that Google uploaded the file via the Google account.";
} else{
echo "Please manually add the site map index file to your Google account.<br /><br />It the file has been changed since last time, Google will revisit the files, but better to manually click on the Google account resubmit link";

echo "</font><br /><br />";

<hr /><br />
<a target="_blank" href="<?=$home.$sitemapindex?>">Google site map index file</a> <font color=red><?=$home.$sitemapindex?></font><br /><br />
<a target="_blank" href="<?=$home.$file?>">Site map file <?=$numoffiles?></a> <font color=red><?=$home.$file?></font> <br />


size <?=$size?>,
number of url's <?=$counter?><br /><br />
finished - <?=$countertotal?> url's<br /><br />
<a href="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>">Recreate files</a>

function counter(){
global $countertotal,$counter,$size,$handle,$max,$maxsize,$txt,$file1,$file2,$numoffiles,$home,$multihandle,$base;

if($size>=$maxsize or $counter>=$max){

        $a = date("Y-m-d\TH:i:s$timeoffset");

        gzwrite($handle, $txt);

        echo "size $size, ";
        echo "number of url's $counter<br />";

        $size=0;//cumulative text length of file

        gzwrite($handle, '</urlset>');

        $counter=0;//number of url's
        //new data file
        $handle = gzopen($file, 'w9');
                chmod($file, 0750);
<br /><a target="_blank" href="<?=$home.$file?>">Site map file <?=$numoffiles?></a>  <font color=red><?=$home.$file?></font> <br />

        //write file header to new file
        $txt='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
<urlset xmlns="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap/0.84"

        gzwrite($handle, $txt);

        //write new file to sitemap index
        fwrite( $multihandle, "<sitemap>


function head(){

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
<style TYPE="text/css">
        font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif,Tahoma,Geneva;


<title>vBulletin Google Sitemap Creator-Time2Dine MarketItOnline</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<form ACTION="<?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']?>" METHOD="post">
<h1>vBulletin Google Site Map Creator v1.22 12 July 2005</h1>
by T2DMan - Michael Brandon,<br /><br />
<b>A Google site map is one step:</b>
<ul style="margin:0;">
<li>Make sure you also have your onpage optimization correct,
<li>and plenty of links - see the <a onmouseover="window.status='http://www.link-vault.com';return true;" onmouseout="window.status=' ';return true;" href="http://www.link-vault.com/?ss=820">Link Vault</a>
<li>see the experts at <a href="http://www.marketitonline.co.nz">MarketItOnline</a>
<li>see <a href="http://forum.time2dine.co.nz/showthread.php?t=3976">vBulletin Google Site Map</a> for script updates</li>
<br />
<b>Google Site Maps</b><br />
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/login">Login</a><br />
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/about.html">What is Google Site Maps</a><br />
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/docs/en/protocol.html">Google Site Maps Protocol</a><br />
<a target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/stats">Google Site Map Stats</a><br /><br />


function entry($correct){

Please make sure that you have personalized the configuration of this file (directly on the file)<br />
- You can either ping the Google servers with the option below, or manually submit the one site index file after logging in to Google
<br /><br />

<?if(!$correct){?><font color=red><b>Incorrect username/password</b></font><br /><br /><?}?>
Username <input name=username><br /><br />
Password <input name=password type=password><br /><br />
(same as database details)<br /><br />
Ping <input name=ping type=checkbox><br /><br />
<input type=submit value="Create vBulletin Google Site Map">

function footer(){



cynix2 10-17-2005 06:18 PM

try this:


// root - home page


// root - home page

Hope that helps.

Citizen 10-17-2005 06:50 PM

It works now. Thanks for all the help!

Mr Chad 10-18-2005 09:16 PM

the spiders are seeing this:


When it should be this:


what do i need to edit?

T2DMan 10-19-2005 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by chatbum
the spiders are seeing this:


When it should be this:


what do i need to edit?

In the config options, you will see:

change it to:

Unexplained.tv 10-19-2005 06:04 AM

Ok, I don't see this working... I have enterd my username and password from both my Vbulletin admin account and my Database account- nothing works.

What's up with that?

cynix2 10-19-2005 06:27 AM

Make sure your version setting is correct.

MissKalunji 10-19-2005 09:10 PM

i need help with this

i try to log in it keeps telling me wrong username/password

am inot suppoe to use the username and password from the database? anyone whilling to help me understand and make this work?


Mr Chad 10-19-2005 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by T2DMan
In the config options, you will see:

change it to:

what config options?

cynix2 10-20-2005 06:36 AM


make sure you have your version right, You set the version in the vbsitemap_multi.php file and it should look like " $v='3.5;' " for the 3.5 version of your forums and " $v='0'; " for the 2.8.7 -3.0.9 versions of vbulletin. If that does not clear up your proublem then let me know and well try to figure out whats up.


That config option is about 50 lines below the version option in multi.php.

Xeonext 10-20-2005 08:33 AM

The vbseo file is missing in it... any possibility of its release in near future?

MissKalunji 10-20-2005 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by cynix2

make sure you have your version right, You set the version in the vbsitemap_multi.php file and it should look like " $v='3.5;' " for the 3.5 version of your forums and " $v='0'; " for the 2.8.7 -3.0.9 versions of vbulletin. If that does not clear up your proublem then let me know and well try to figure out whats up.


That config option is about 50 lines below the version option in multi.php.

okay i worked out the login problems now i have this one


Warning: fopen(sitemap_vb_index.xml): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 177

Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 178

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 186

Warning: gzopen(sitemap0.xml.gz): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-xtrafile.php on line 64

Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-xtrafile.php on line 67

Warning: gzwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-xtrafile.php on line 71

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 232

Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 241

Warning: gzopen(sitemap1.xml.gz): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 249

cynix2 10-20-2005 03:03 PM


ftp to your server, Right click on the public_html directory and then chmod the dir to 777, Run the script and then chmod it back to what it is now.

MissKalunji 10-20-2005 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by cynix2

ftp to your server, Right click on the public_html directory and then chmod the dir to 777, Run the script and then chmod it back to what it is now.

i done it and im still getting errors

Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 178

Warning: gzopen(sitemap0.xml.gz): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-xtrafile.php on line 64

Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-xtrafile.php on line 67

Warning: gzwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-xtrafile.php on line 71

Warning: gzopen(sitemap1.xml.gz): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 249

Warning: chmod(): No such file or directory in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 252

Warning: gzwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 263

Warning: gzwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 437

Warning: gzwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 562

Warning: gzwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 562

Warning: gzwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/danceha/public_html/forum/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 562

MissKalunji 10-20-2005 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by cynix2

ftp to your server, Right click on the public_html directory and then chmod the dir to 777, Run the script and then chmod it back to what it is now.

tell me whats the normal chmod of public_html?

cynix2 10-20-2005 04:54 PM


Normal chmod is 750

Heh sorry about the previous deal, Your site scripts are in public_html/forum/ so chmod 777 the /forum dir and see what happens then.

jwocky 10-21-2005 09:18 PM

Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /home/admin/domains/xxxxx.com/public_html/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 178

Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /home/admin/domains/xxxxx.com/public_html/vbsitemap-multi.php on line 252

Can someone tell me why I'm getting these error msgs? Thanks very much.

cynix2 10-21-2005 10:17 PM


You can try chmoding the public_html directory to 777 but I dont think thats your proublem. It looks like you have a very wierd path to the file. You might want to double check the path to vbsitemap and then post if its correct and the 777 deal didnt work, well go from there.

Neutral Singh 10-23-2005 05:30 AM

What could implications of setting the root directory as 0777? Will doing this raise any security issues? Thanks

cynix2 10-23-2005 05:45 AM

You only want to raise the chmod untill the sitemap files have been created. then return the setting to 650.

MissKalunji 10-23-2005 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by cynix2

Normal chmod is 750

Heh sorry about the previous deal, Your site scripts are in public_html/forum/ so chmod 777 the /forum dir and see what happens then.

uhm is it 650 or 750?

xjuliox 10-25-2005 10:30 PM

I installed it but I get a NO DATABASE what is that? that's from going to .net/vbsitemap-multi.php

What do I do now?

lazytown 10-26-2005 05:24 AM

Does this support VBSEO links?


banshee 10-27-2005 09:14 AM

I have to say I just checked google and I went from only 650 links to 11,300 in a matter of days.

I submitted around 19,000 links to google but I'm happy with the results so far. I just installed vbSEO and the file creation works. However to get the full benifit I think everyone is still waiting on the vbsitemap_vbseo.php file that will make this work along with vbSEO.

I think that is going to be huge because then you are submitting links with good keywords which I would hope would help your postition in the searches.

mfizzel 10-29-2005 08:40 PM

Does this work with DC's vb seo?

StarBuG 10-29-2005 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by michaelbenson
Anyone mind helping me out?

For all of you who have problems with the login:

1) It is the username and password of your mysql db for the forum (see config.php)

2) the version line needs to look like this:
PHP Code:

$v=';3.5;//3.5;//vBulletin version 3.5 (or leave as zero for v3.3-3.7) 

not like this
PHP Code:

$v='';3.5;//3.5;//vBulletin version 3.5 (or leave as zero for v3.3-3.7) 

thx for the hack

Juniors 11-01-2005 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by StarBuG
For all of you who have problems with the login:

1) It is the username and password of your mysql db for the forum (see config.php)

2) the version line needs to look like this:
PHP Code:

$v=';3.5;//3.5;//vBulletin version 3.5 (or leave as zero for v3.3-3.7) 

not like this
PHP Code:

$v='';3.5;//3.5;//vBulletin version 3.5 (or leave as zero for v3.3-3.7) 

thx for the hack

Thank you. But i cant login. I recieve "Incorrect username/password"

Pls help!

T2DMan 11-03-2005 07:05 AM

I have now released a totally revised version that has been successfully installed on forums with tens of thousands of threads.

The new version is now only available for purchase via -Link removed -.

Its surprising how complicated it can get to do it all well.

The sitemap works well with the vbseo url rewrites, and is able to be modded for other rewrite hacks. I have got it setup for the vbulletin scheduled task system as well.

There are screen dumps via the above link. Have a look.

Cedric_FP 11-03-2005 09:46 AM

So what does the paid version contain that this version doesn't?

mfizzel 11-03-2005 01:53 PM

does the paid version work with DC's url rewrite? If not I won't consider purchasing.

Otikeu 11-04-2005 05:11 AM


Originally Posted by T2DMan
Per the check boxes this is not a plugin. It is an external program that you define parameters on the files then run via your browser.

Then why did you put this in the vB3.5 Plugins forum? Also, if this is still in beta, it should be in the 3.5 beta forum.

eXtremeTim 11-04-2005 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by Otikeu
Then why did you put this in the vB3.5 Plugins forum? Also, if this is still in beta, it should be in the 3.5 beta forum.

The beta thing helps when we have a beta forum lol

T2DMan 11-04-2005 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by Cedric_FP
So what does the paid version contain that this version doesn't?

If the free version works fine for you, fab. However, there is a natural progression with software, bug fixes, enhancements. For instance, the above version will probably stop due to running out of memory with forums over a certain size.

The pagination was almost right, but if there were to many deleted posts in a forum the forum/archive pagination would be a little different.

The new version also creates the files in a subdirectory rather than the root, a little safer to make a directory chmod 777 than the root.

It is also better setup for running of the scheduled task.

I have also personally added it to a number of clients sites, and so adapted it for more permentations of servers/software versions.

T2DMan 11-04-2005 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Otikeu
Then why did you put this in the vB3.5 Plugins forum?

Probably fit better within the extensions forum, but that had only just been started when I submitted this.

Unexplained.tv 11-04-2005 10:47 PM

With all due Respect- there is no way in a Blue Hell that I would even consider purchasing this. vbSEO was worth it- your addon isn't, I feel that if you release a Mod/addon here then you should release a final on here (unless it is a dead project) for the members and not leave it in beta, while you have a paid final version on your site.
This should be rule of the community.

lazytown 11-05-2005 02:53 AM

With all due respect to T2DMan (whom I think highly of), I have to agree to some extent with the post above. Not so much about never purchasing, but about the way a lot of developers seem to be using vbulletin.org. I see a nasty trend of using it to develop/test something, then charging people who have been helping development once it is finished (or usable). If a post is created regarding a mod/hack at vbulletin.org by the author, it should be released free as the initial post states once it is finished. Otherwise I think it only fair that the post is removed entirely because then it just becomes a big advertisement posing as a free mod. If they then later want to do a major upgrade it (not just fix it), then I see no problem for them charging for new versions with new features. I don't like the way vbulletin.org is basically being used to advertise and lure users without offering them anything substantial (sort of like bait and switch). I just think things need to be more upfront.


Guest190829 11-05-2005 04:05 AM

Please be patient as the staff discusses the current situation. For the time being I've removed the link to the paid modification it is site/hack promotion.

Boofo 11-05-2005 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by T2DMan
Its surprising how complicated it can get to do it all well.

So the one that is done well, is a paid hack and the one that isn't is free, right? Sounds to me like you used vb.org to work the bugs out so you could charge for the completed product. Not good.

Cedric_FP 11-05-2005 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by Boofo
So the one that is done well, is a paid hack and the one that isn't is free, right? Sounds to me like you used vb.org to work the bugs out so you could charge for the completed product. Not good.

Agreed. Essentially, we were used. Taken advantage of.

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