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TheEnd 09-12-2004 06:25 PM

Theres no newthread.gif button anywhere, I am logged in too.
Someone please help me. :-/

the wiz 09-12-2004 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by theend
Theres no newthread.gif button anywhere, I am logged in too.
Someone please help me. :-/

Is this for ALL usergroups?

TheEnd 09-12-2004 10:21 PM


the wiz 09-12-2004 11:01 PM

It doesn't do this on other styles?

the wiz 09-12-2004 11:02 PM

I don't have time to read the entire thread, but I am having 2 problems. I get the log-out problem that was talked about on the first page and vBadvanced and the trader ratings hacks do not show the side images. Why is it doing this and how can I fix this? I want to use this as the default style for my forum but not if it doesn't display right.



Trader Ratings:

By the way, these problems ONLY happens with this style.

patnyc 09-13-2004 12:53 PM

does this work with the new versin of vb?

mholtum 09-13-2004 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by patnyc
does this work with the new versin of vb?

You should have clicked the link posted above yours.
http://www.dsites.net/vb/portal.php?styleid=5 he is using VB 3.0.3, so I would venture to guess it does. ;)

TheEnd 09-14-2004 02:01 AM

Well wheres my New Thread button :-/ It does this with all new themes. I don't know how to add a button for all styles. The default one is ok though...

the wiz 09-14-2004 03:21 AM

Check your forum permissions.

Ber|Art 09-14-2004 08:16 AM

Looks very nice I am gooing to try it! Thx! :)

the wiz 09-14-2004 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by Ber|Art
Looks very nice I am gooing to try it! Thx! :)

Can you check and see if you are having the same problems I am?

I can't revert the navbar because I edited it with some of my own links, and all the revert will do is erase what I edited. :(

b6gm6n 09-14-2004 03:35 PM

Just like to give a big shout of thanx to all those who appreciate my skin, hope your enjoying it.

I haven't read through the pages but HW seems popular, so i wanna make it better for you, firstly, are there any bugs or templates i've missed? any other colours you'd like me to make HW in (a bit lighter maybe) lemme know, i'll be back in a week and collect all the info.

thanx again guys

the wiz 09-14-2004 03:52 PM

Problems I'd like fixed:

The log-out problem that was talked about on the first page and vBadvanced and the trader ratings hacks do not show the side images.



Trader Ratings:

Not required (but would be kinda cool), make the style in a dark red color.

TheEnd 09-15-2004 02:57 PM

Ok, I installed another style and it is missing the new thread button too. I messed with a template somewhere a LONG time ago, maybe in an old file or something that I imported to the new forums. How can I install a new template that is like the original without messing stuff op or doing a lot of work. I don't think I need what I modified because it was for an old style when I tried making one, I guess I messed with the templates too.

the wiz 09-15-2004 03:33 PM

Maybe these styles don't support your version of vBulletin correctly. Can you update it to 3.0.3?

KW802 09-15-2004 06:28 PM


Would you mind if a posted a modified version of the XML file that would take care of some problems for some people? In particular it should work fine with no modifications for the vBadvanced CMPS crowd (which included me which led me to doing the modifications) and will also eliminate the logout problem.

Edit: It now also includes the WYSIWYG smilie fix by IanR.

the wiz 09-15-2004 06:53 PM

Couldn't we just get a list of what to edit to fix the problems if we already have it installed? I don't want to have to re-install the style and the re-install all my hacks.

KW802 09-15-2004 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by the wiz
Couldn't we just get a list of what to edit to fix the problems if we already have it installed? I don't want to have to re-install the style and the re-install all my hacks.

It's a little more complicated than that because of the way that b6gm6n did the side graphics on the left & the right. Essentially he modified every template that is normally displayed the full width of the page and added in the side graphics. Even though there were no color or image changes to the template it was still touched to add in the side bars.

What I did was start with a clean slate. I imported the style and then reverted all of the templates back to their defaults. I then modified the header & footer to wrap the contents of the page display inside of another table with the three columns needed. Think of a table with three columns & one row across; the left graphic border goes in the first column, the page content goes in the middle column, and then the right graphic goes in the third column.

The end result is the same as before (as far as I can see at least) but with only two template modifications instead of the dozen or so in the original XML file. That then allows anything that is using the standard header & footer template to then be wrapped inside of the border graphics so by default add-ins such vBadvanced CMPS will automatically use the side graphics. A much cleaner & easier approach.

In regards your specific problems, I know that the guys over at http://www.lssix.com got their site working with vBa so you might be able to find out from them what modifications they made to shoe-horn in the style into vBa. For your logout problem it can be eliminated by making sure that all of your logout links in your header & footer look like http://yoursite.com/forum/login.php?do=logout&u=$bbuserinfo[userid] -- The "&u=$bbuserinfo[userid]" was added in after the initial vB3 release so when the Hardwired skin was originally created it wasn't there at the time.


patnyc 09-16-2004 08:15 PM


This file was created using a different version of vBulletin from the one you are running.

Your version: 3.0.3
File version: 3.0.0
Has this been corrected yet?

patnyc 09-16-2004 08:21 PM

Nevermind I got it to work.

But my question is.. the Demo site he shows us shows the Posters name is on the LEFT COLUMN instead of being directly above the post. How would I Go about changing that. I am fairly new with this type of forum setup. I am very used to the older vbulletins. (2.0)

KW802 09-16-2004 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by patnyc
Nevermind I got it to work.

But my question is.. the Demo site he shows us shows the Posters name is on the LEFT COLUMN instead of being directly above the post. How would I Go about changing that. I am fairly new with this type of forum setup. I am very used to the older vbulletins. (2.0)

I think what you're describing is the legacy postbit option.

Try this....

ACP --> vBulletin Options --> Style & Language Setttings --> Use Legacy (Vertical) Postbit Template

indie 09-18-2004 08:38 PM

see below.

indie 09-18-2004 09:41 PM

in 1024x768 , Explorer is fine, but in Netscape, My nav bar is casing you to scroll horizontally to see all on viewthread.php. Not logged in all is fine, because the nav bar is smaller.
It is fine in IE. It is not a cellpadding settting i tried that. The page is going exactly to the edge, what is being pushed is the template side graphic, and you have to scroll right. Header is fine, no scrolling. What do i change in the template .. thanks!!!

Edit: sometines it happens, sometimes it doesn't ,,,, netscape, yuck

Mattius 09-20-2004 10:14 PM

I get this error


Line: 334
Char: 4
Error: Object expected
Code: 0
URL: http://localhost/newthread.php?do=newthread&f=2
and it cant seem to enter any text into the text editor, only the title

Thats using IE6, the latest one with WinXP SP2

LOL Update

*slaps self with trout*

Somehow i deleted the vbulletin_editor.js file..dunno how, but now that ive installed the basic one that comes with 3.0.3 all is well

dtdesign 10-19-2004 09:22 AM


I've just been messin with this style on a new test forum that I'm using instead of my own live forum. The questions I have are

1] I want to make the forum only 800 wide not the full screen - I've looked thru the templates and I couldn't figure out which tables to edit.

2] The VBulletin.org header could we get that as a PSD to put our own site name or something in there

Other than that Top Style !

b6gm6n 10-19-2004 01:01 PM

I have made another 'easy-install' hardwired, absolutly no templete edits what so ever, this means it should go well with anything else and all hacks will stay intact.

Also made a few cosmetic changes. Seems alot of 'log-out' problms have gone :) yippee

if you want i'll release this here
demo : http://www.hardwired.myftp.org/kk/index.php

let me know, as a guest you can post on this forum, no need to register.


the wiz 10-19-2004 01:05 PM

Definatly release it here, I really like this style. I also really like the updated look.

KW802 10-19-2004 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by dtdesign

I've just been messin with this style on a new test forum that I'm using instead of my own live forum. The questions I have are

1] I want to make the forum only 800 wide not the full screen - I've looked thru the templates and I couldn't figure out which tables to edit.

2] The VBulletin.org header could we get that as a PSD to put our own site name or something in there

Other than that Top Style !

For item #1, use the attached XML instead of the one that comes in the zip file. I redid it so that the only two templates modified are the header & footer and I also fixed some HTML problems to make it more WC3 compliant. :)

To change it from a liquid to a fixed width style just go into the header and change the very first line from 'table width="100%"' to whatever width you want instead.

It'll work fine with any hacks, portals, etc. that you have installed with no problems since there are really no template changes other than the header and the only reason the footer is modified is to close the table opened in the header.

Edit: Yes, it also includes the logout fix and also the editor fix.

dtdesign 10-19-2004 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by KW802
For item #1, use the attached XML instead of the one that comes in the zip file. I redid it so that the only two templates modified are the header & footer and I also fixed some HTML problems to make it more WC3 compliant. :)

To change it from a liquid to a fixed width style just go into the header and change the very first line from 'table width="100%"' to whatever width you want instead.

Hmmmm - http://www.d1driftseries.com/forum/

KW802 10-19-2004 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by dtdesign

Whoops! In your header there are actually two table width's you need to modify.

Go to the bottom of the header template and go upward; at the 2nd from the bottom 'table width="100%"' entry change the value to match the value in your first line.

For example, changing mine to 800 results in.... http://www.coolscifi.com/forums/index.php?styleid=16

dtdesign 10-19-2004 08:17 PM

Woohooo ! Got it together finally.

I thought I had the images in the wrong folder - when I checked the url of the broken images - it's telling me that the images should be in forums/images/etc/etc/imagename - I can't figure out why it's suddenly change to forums from forum.

Is this something wrote into the code ?

b6gm6n 10-19-2004 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by KW802
For item #1, use the attached XML instead of the one that comes in the zip file. I redid it so that the only two templates modified are the header & footer and I also fixed some HTML problems to make it more WC3 compliant. :)

thats my alternate hardwired to a tee, no template changes, just header & footer!



KW802 10-19-2004 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by dtdesign
Woohooo ! Got it together finally.

I thought I had the images in the wrong folder - when I checked the url of the broken images - it's telling me that the images should be in forums/images/etc/etc/imagename - I can't figure out why it's suddenly change to forums from forum.

Is this something wrote into the code ?

Go ACP --> Styles & Templates --> Style Manager --> Hardwired --> All Style Options and then look for a section named "Image Paths", that's where you need to change it from "/forums..." to "/forum...".

KW802 10-19-2004 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by b6gm6n
thats my alternate hardwired to a tee, no template changes, just header & footer!



Yeah, once I realized what the original author did I was a bit taken back. To his credit it's a really nice looking style and his first VB3 style but he should've looked at some other styles first to see how they did certain things.

b6gm6n 10-19-2004 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by KW802
Yeah, once I realized what the original author did I was a bit taken back. To his credit it's a really nice looking style and his first VB3 style but he should've looked at some other styles first to see how they did certain things.

I am the original author, and looking at other peoples to see how they did things? i mean did they to? - it's a style, and thats exactly what it was meant to be.

I'd like to know what exactly phased you? - all i did was make a style, i did'nt place any fancy code in there...just did exactly what other people do...hopefully my 'credit' is still intact wrtting this


KW802 10-19-2004 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by b6gm6n
I am the original author, and looking at other peoples to see how they did things? i mean did they to? - it's a style, and thats exactly what it was meant to be.

I'd like to know what exactly phased you? - all i did was make a style, i did'nt place any fancy code in there...just did exactly what other people do...hopefully my 'credit' is still intact wrtting this


Hey, you're still with us! :cool:

As I mentioned above it's a really nice looking style but people had problem with it because of the way it was implemented. To clarify that, in the original version the header was seperate from the body which was seperate from the footer so there were three unique areas. That meant that nearly every template that would be displayed between the header and the footer had to be modified to have the outside graphic borders and to set the width. For people using various portals that also caused problems for them because then they'd have to modify the portal template to do the same thing.

If you take a look at the modified version that I posted the same effect was achieved by wrapping everything inside of an outer table so that the side graphics are specified in just one spot, the header. By doing that none of the other templates, except for the footer, had to be touched so they were all reverted back to the defaults. The footer was then touched to close the table that was opened in the header. The end result was the exact same look & feel of the original but with only two templates modified.

The other problem that came up was that stuff in the original version's 'header' area was causing the page to fail validation. To clarify that, the body & head tags should not have been in there and the CSS style could've been placed in the "Additional CSS Definitions" section.

Please, do not take my comments earlier as an insult as it was not meant to be. My earlier comment was more of a 'heads-up' that when working on styles sometimes it's good to look at other styles to see how certain things were implemented rather than starting from scratch.

Sirius Black 10-20-2004 10:24 PM

I love this style - I used the PSD's and created a red and black version of it for on my site. Mad props to you man for the great style - Hope to see future ones just as good !!

dtdesign 10-21-2004 10:19 AM

Is there any chance of getting vborgtop_01 as a psd ?

Sirius Black 10-22-2004 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by dtdesign
Is there any chance of getting vborgtop_01 as a psd ?

In the archive I downloaded there was one - The filename was vbulletinorg3.psd

the wiz 10-22-2004 12:49 AM

So when are you going to release the new hardwired skin?

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